TopoDroid 4.1

TopoDroid versions 4.1.0-8.apk and 4.1.0B-8 are compilled for Android-2.2 (api-8) and above.

You have to grant permissions for the app to run these on Android 6.0 and above.

Send email if you experience color/layout problems.

4.1.0B is a pre-release of the production version 4.1.1.

ble-disto is an emulator of a BLE device that transmits simulated data using the DistoX protocol.

It can be used to test the BLE comm/protocol.

TopoDroid Changes

4.2.6* Beta next

Min Android version 4.3 (api-18).

Moving shots between surveys.

Polished drawing tools bottom-bar.

Removed setting "number of recent tools".

User manual update - Updated PDF version.

4.2.5c-g - Beta 2010-01-17

TdManager setting (to use Cave3D v. 3.2.6 or later)

New "drawing tools" bottom-bar

4.2.5b - Beta 2010-01-15

Double DistoX mode.

Sketch window quick-help splitted according to the window mode.

Null ptr checks: therion import, scrap drawing.

Included firmwares 2.4c 2.5c 2.5t

Translations and user manual updates.

4.2.5a - Beta 2020-01-09

minor fix

4.2.4f-g - 2020-01-03/07

Drawing tools update (by. R. Severo)

Minor fixes

4.2.4a - 2019-12-23


Revised DistoX backsight data.

Multi-scrap sketches.

New sketch cSurvey export.

New sketch export format: Tunnel XML.

Shp sketch export: georeferencing sketch-plan.

SVG sketch export: optional roundtrip format

Compass and VisualTopo import options dialogs.

Fixes: Sketch reload window, th2 xtherion-area, Search "no-extend" and longtap, Splay classes, Shot edit dialogs,

Calib group policies, Sketch select filter, Firmware check, X-section outline, LRUD al shot point,

Sketch DXF export, Dialogs man page, VisualTopo import, Sketch split, and others

Translations and User Manual updates.

4.2.3b-c - beta 2019-12-17

Fixes: plot reload window, th2 xtherion-area, search longtap.

Revised: splay classes assignment.

New cSurvey export - setting for cSurvey transfer format. (cSurvey v. 1.20 or later)

Updated user manual and translations

4.2.3a - Beta 2019-12-11

Updated WMM coefficients

4.2.2d-e - Beta 2019-12-09

Fix shot edit dialog(s).

Group policy can be set in dialogs (tester level) - The setting is the default.

Passed expected data-type to distox communication layer - used only in log for now.

4.2.2c - Beta 2019-12-03

Fixes: select filter, firmware check, x-section outline, LRUD al shot point.

Splay classes: revised user interaction.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.2.2a - Beta 2019-11-25

Revised audio and photo classes

New sketch export format: Tunnel XML

4.2.1e - Beta 2019-11-18

More multi-scrap export fixes

Dxf export closed spline fix.

4.2.1d - Beta 2019-11-15

DistoX A3 memory clear

Translations and user manual updates

Try-fix multiscrap therion export

4.2.1b - Beta 2019-11-11

Multi-scrap sketches

Long-tap on dialogs button row opens man page.

Dialogs man page opened by volume-up key.

Saved DistoX backsight flag in the shot records in the database.

Highlighted with yellow flag DistoX backsight shots

Revised semantics of "DistoX backshot" setting: if enabled DistoX backsight shots are reversed.

Limited no-extend search only to legs.

Compass and VisualTopo import options dialogs.

Shp sketch export: georeferencing sketch-plan [untested]

SVG sketch export: optional roundtrip format

Therion sketch exports automatically exports x-sections.

"Geek settings" renamed "custom settings".


- VisualTopo import

- version parsing in manifest in zips

- checks on null sumbol libs

- dxf export

- moving shot to following leg

- sketch split

User manual and translations update

4.1.4D-G 2019-10-22

Fixed declination in Survex export.

Fixed dxf sketch export.

Optional zipped symbols in zip archive.

Revised drawing tools:

new "speleo" UIS symbols "plus", "minus" and "plus-minus".

new symbol set "anthro" and other symbols additions (by R. Severo).

App shortcuts.

Bug fixes: current station, export point items in SVG export for Inkscape, zip-archive feedback message, other minor bugs.

Translations and user-manual updates.

4.1.4B Beta 2019-10-16

New symbol set "anthro" and other symbols additions (by R. Severo).

New "speleo" UIS symbols "plus", "minus" and "plus-minus".

Symbols groups for graceful degradation.

App shortcuts.

Bug fixes: current station, other minor bugs

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.4.wa 2019-10-16

Minor fixes

4.1.4z Beta 2019-10-10

Revised sketch backup logic.

Sketch reload from backup revised with preview display.

Bug fix: compass import, other bugs.

Translation and user manual updates

4.1.4y Beta 2019-10-08

Line/area point composite edit actions.

Line/area range insert points.

Area bitmap background alpha.

Translations and user manual update.

4.1.4x Beta 2019-10-07

User-man button in about dialog.

Pop-down textboxes width.

4.1.4w - 2019-10-04

Fixes: setup dialogs, screen orientation, calib. validation legend and evaluation, symbols filenames, VisualTopo import, area snap, shapefile export.

Station naming issue: added logging (disabled by default).

New settings: VisualTopo exports, screen orienatation.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.4u-v - Beta 2019-10-02

Screen orientation setting.

Revised station naming.

4.1.4t - Beta 2019-10-01

Minor fixed.

Code revision to reduce studio warnings.

Screen orientation fix (almost), and new setting.

Station naming issue: added logging (disabled by default).

Translations and user manual updates.

Current version number in the auto-created PDF manual.

4.1.4r - Beta 2019-09-24

Error fix: calib. validation legend and evaluation.

Translations updates.

Code revision for minor studio warnings.

Revised symbols filenames for complementary palettes.

Re-introduced local palette to enable missing symbols when a sketch is opened.

4.1.4p - Beta 2019-09-20

VisualTopo export settings.

Some code cleanup.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.4n -Beta 2019-09-15

Try fix : station name increment.

4.1.4g-k - Beta 2019-09-09

VisualTopo import fix.

Active station highlighted green also in the sketch.

Bug fixes: area snap to line; shapefile export.

Revision of the user manual.

Translations update

4.1.4f - 2019-08-21

Revised splay-dashing.

Calibration: reporting also original "delta".

Export of current settings to file.

Minor fixes.

Translations and user manual update. Dropped ukrainian translation.

4.1.4d Beta 2019-08-19

Started revising splay-dashing.

Translations and user manual update

4.1.4c Beta 2019-08-01

Calibration: reporting also original "delta".

Export of current settings to file.

Dropped ukrainian translation.

Translations and user manual update

4.1.4a Beta 2019-07-12

Minor fixes.

Translations updates

4.1.3w Beta 2019-07-05

Minor fixes.

Translations updates

4.1.3x Beta 2019-06-26

BLE device framework - Comm/Protocol revision.

Event feedbacks: leg-identification, connection-request. Configurable as none, sound, vibration.

Refcatored station naming code.

Bug fixes: DAT export (splay station names), XVI export (grid always included).

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.3w Beta 2019-06-06

Extracted code to compute calib data coverage.

Device communication and protocol code is under revision.

Extend reference azimuth graphically settable from the plan view.

Added warning before uploading coeffs with coverage below 95% or average error above 0.5 degrees.

Included firmware versions 2.4c, 2.5c (PMLS), and 2.51 (double beep every four calib data).

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.3u 2019-05-24

Revised station/leg search code:

added search for legs with unset extend.

highlighting search results (yellow).

User manual update.

4.1.3t 2019-05-19

Fixes: 3d DXF export and other minor problems.

Fixed portrait orientation for the settings window.

Canvas views.

4.1.3p/q Beta 2019-05-16

Fixes: permissions checks; photo viewer.

Translations and user manual updates

4.1.3n/o Beta 2019-05-13

Canvas views

Messages text foreground: blue=info, yellow=notice, orange=warning

Minor fixes

User manual and translations update

4.1.3j/l 2019-04-30

Minor fixes.

Violet background for error messages.

User manual and translations update

4.1.3e/f/h Beta 2019-04-09

Search dialog: duplicate and surface shots.

Fix sketch stats - list of unattached shots

Fix class-text settings

Sketch edit station dialog with a field for station-comment and button to go to saved-stations dialog.

Re-introduced chinese translation, thanks to H.J. Luo

User manual updates

4.1.3b/c 2019-04-01/02

Canvas views.

Fix SVG and Therion export.

Other minor fixes

Translations updates

4.1.3 2019-03-26

Initial rollout

4.1.2s-w Beta 2019-03-24

DistoX packets logger (geek).

Bug fix: survey stat crash

4.1.2r Beta 2019-03-11

CSV raw data export, and export settings

Translations and user manual updates

4.1.2q 2019-03-05

Dark-green background for calib data failing group-check.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.2p Beta 2019-03-02

Fix svg/dxf/xvi export with "special" point.

Fix splay letter naming in export.

New settings: line units, saved station coloring.

Point orientation can be set while the point is added.

Translation updates.

4.1.2n/o Beta 2019-02-22/26

Further interface simplification.

New line style "simplified".

4.1.2m 2019-02-15

Completely removed support for sketch files in therion format.

Bug fixes and translations+user_manual updates

4.1.2k Beta 2019-02-11

New setting xvi_image in th2.

Overview xvi (and th2) export.

User manual amd translations updates.

4.1.2h Beta 2019-02-07

Drawing tools: special handling for point "section"

PocketTopo import: sketch import under test

4.1.2f/g 2019-02-05

WMM coefficients update

Dropped chinese translation

Translations and user manual update.

4.1.2e Beta 2019-02-04

Shapefile exports zipped in a single file (shz).

Removed 3D modeling from distribution (was already inhibited): reduce size by almost 1MB

Database: record distox mac for each shot (not used internally).

Fix zip export to include xvi and shz

Other bug fixes.

4.1.2c Beta 2019-01-28

Dropped chinese translation.

Overview export: th2, svg, dxf, shp

Segment link between section point and section line or station.

Translations and user manual update.

4.1.2b 2019-01-23

Merging lines of same type.

Magn. declination can be "not specified".

Triple-shot beep.

New exports. Data: shp. Sketch: shp, xvi

New import: survex.

New settings: th2/xvi export scale, splay alpha.

Path multiselection (actions: delete, decimate, join)

Calibration data with error over 1 degree highlighted

Bug fixes.

Translation and user manual updates.

4.1.1D Beta 2019-01-22

xtherion xvi sketch export

Triple-shot beep

More drawing tool symbols

Uaser manual update

4.1.1A-B Beta 2019-01-15

Dxf sketch export v-12 bug fix.

Survex import [to debug]

Translations updates

4.1.1z Next Beta

Bug fix: Therion parser "calibrate"

4.1.1y Beta 2018-12-21

More settings in the "geek" section

Added firmware 2.4c signature for identification.

Firmware checksum test.

4.1.1x Beta 2018-12-20

New flag setting: line/area-snap, smooth/straight segment, path multiselection.

Revised setting framework: moved esoteric feattures in a "geek" section.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.1w Beta 2018-12-14

Sketch shapefile export

New setting: fixed sketch origin

4.1.1v Beta 2018-12-11

Code revision.

Path multiselection with actions: delete, decimate, join.

Two-level line/area point decimation.

Calibration data with error over 1 degree highlighted with red background.

Fix: calibration data menu strings; svg/dxf projected profile export.

Translation and user manual updates.

4.1.1u Beta 2018-11-28

Survey data shapefile export.

Fix: PocketTopo color map dialog.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.1s Beta 2018-11-21

Fixed point coordinates from clipboard (eg, GPS-Impetus)

New button "refresh display (shot list window).

New translation: polish (Krzysztof Borgiel).

Fix: recent-shots highlight.

Fix: fractional extend. New setting for fractional extend.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.1p Beta 2018-11-14

Merging lines of same type.

Magn. declination can be "not specified".

Fix: survex export magnetic declination (thx ojwb) [therion, visualtopo, survex]., compass

4.1.1i-k 2018-11-06

Commented out co-surveying

4.1.1h -2018-10-30

Multishot splay renaming

Fix: dxf export (v.6 only)

4.1.1a - 2018-10-10

New user-interface for app settings.

Diving datamode (experimental).

Revised database helper class.

Hiding off-plane section splays

Fixes: loop-closure errors,

shot stations renaming,

custon keyboard right-edge,

survey rename name check.

Translations and user-manual updates

4.1.0C - Beta 2018-10-04

More splay categories: H/V for enhancing/suppressing splays in plan/profile views.

Splay categories are set with multiselection.

Other fixes to the settings framework.

4.1.0q/... - Beta 2018-09-13

New settings user-interface.

Diving datamode.

Revised database helper class.

Other minor code revisions.

Log file: option to append logs.

Translations and user manual updates.

4.1.0n - Beta 2018-08-21

Hiding off-plane section splays

Fixes: loop-closure errors, shot stations renaming.

User manual updates.

4.1.0k - Beta 2018-08-11

Apk built with target Android API-26

Bug fix: shot "stretch" value in zip export/import

4.1.0e/h - Beta 2018-08-03

Async data and sketch exports.

Code review.

Bug fix: csurvey sketch export.

Translatoins and user manual fixes.

4.1.0/a-c - 2018-07-24 (full rollout 2018-07-31)

Important fix for multisketch.

In-dialog photo display.

GeoJSON export (experimental).

Fractional "extend".