
The apk's on this website are compiled in debug mode.

Please, if you do not intend to provide debug feedbacks get the app from Google Play.

You can still file crash reports through Google Play. Most of the times these are enough to spot bugs and fix them.

2.3.1f - 2014.11.04

Bug fix: Magnetic declination input type (signed number),

PocketTopo station-to-string.

2.3.1e - 2014.10.28

User manual: html and updated.

Disabled buttons hidden (sketch activity).

Splay shots station renaming by splay group.

Bug fixes: sketch activity point-editing disabled,

station name auto-increment skip existing stations

2.3.1c - 2014.10.20

Bug fixes: section lines and drawing edit buttons

2.3.1b - 2014.10.16

Different usage-levels for the interface.

IMPORTANT. You will not find all the buttons/menus you are used to:

at the default usage-level ("normal") some actions are hidden.

Move to a higher usage-level to enable them.

Slight rearrangment of the buttons to fit the interface usage levels.

Configurable buttons size.

Default in-app user manual (english only); link to docs on the web (this site).

Bug fixes:

area counter not incremented (affects Therion export),

user manual not found on internet.

2.3.1a - 2014-.10.08

Bug fix: user manual

2.3.0i - 2014.10.07

User manual updated to v. 2.3.0 (english only).

LRUD station choice for manually added shots.

Secondary button of main window optional [default hide: suppose nobody ever used them]

Bug fixes:

ANR for DistoX command actions (read/write calib coeffs, etc.),

Device window crash when no DistoX is selected,

Item picker crash rotating points.

App could not start due to missing config key.

2.3.0f - 201.09.27

DistoX2 hw/fw compatibility check.

Revised splay show/hide mechanism (reinstated global show/hide; local choice applies only when globally hidden).

2.3.0e - 2014.09.20

Current station concept (experimental)

Revised symbols palette implementation (bug fixed).

Bug fixes: auto-enable missing drawing symbols, calibration failure with disabled data.

2.3.0b - 2014.09.16

Included DistoX2 Firmwares.

Custom log file (for debug feedback).

Button bar background.

Bug fixes: database create, station and legs selection.

2.3.0 - 2014.09.11

WARNING: this version has a severe bug in the database create statements.

New Beat Heeb non-linear calibration algorithm (firmware 2.3 - experimental).

DistoX device info dialog.

DistoX2 firmware updater.

DistoX2 remote control (firmware 2.3).

DistoX connection-mode option: on-demand (the current mode), continuous (was in v. 0.7).

New fine-grain show/hide mechanism for splay shots.

UI icons: replaced "details" with "info" for sketch and survey; two-state "download" icon.

Bug fixes: X310 calibration mode toggling.