TopoDroid 3.3
3.3.2x - Beta 2017-06-14
New sketch point items "photo" and "audio"
Bug.fix: PocketTopo import
3.3.2v-w - Pre-release 2017-06-08
Bug fix: overview window help
New sketch reference: another sketch outline
3.3.2u - Beta 2017-06-06
Bug fixes:
line snap to splays
data multiselect button-bar refresh
closed line improperly loaded from file
Line-join/continue popup menu (removed setting "continue using endpoint")
3.3.2r-t - Beta 2017-06-01
Shot data multiselect
Point items can have text: currently point "continuation" has text.
Line can be closed: line "rock-border" is now closed ( IMPORTANT )
Crash fix: zip archive with audio files
New setting: line coninue/join using endpoint (default off)
Translations and user manual update
3.3.2n - Beta 2017-05-27 Pre-release 3.4.0
Calibration-check shots included in cSurvey and Therion exports
DixtoX2 laser remote control from Calib. Data Window
3.3.2m - Beta 2015-05-24
Plan-length statistics (Stat Dialog).
Updated french as well as others translations.
Revised 3d modeling: very experimental, only armeabi and armeabi-v7a
Updated user man pages.
3.3.2l - Beta 2917-05-17
Calibration-check shots
3.3.2k - Beta 2017-05-04
TopoRobot export (untested)
PocketTopo export, station namings with TopoRobot policy
3.3.2h - Beta 2017-05-02
New symbols: speleo addon (J. Handfield-Jones)
3.3.2g - 2017-04-13
Line snap to splays
Scalebar in drawing canvas (A. Russino)
Translation and user manual updates
Bug fix: keypad missing deg/min, svg export
3.3.2d - Beta 2017-04-06
Updated hungarian and other translations
Updated user manual
3.3.2 - 2017-03-29
Revised buttons
Sizes and filters for eraser and selection tool
Revised splay "extend" mechanism
audio comment
x-sections in dxf and svg exports [optional]
lrud in therion export [optional]
Polyline measure in overview
Translations update
3.3.1n-p - Beta 2017-03-22
Revised a few button icons
Started splay "extend" management revision
Translations update
3.3.1k - Beta 2017-03-20
Bug fixes
Translations updates
3.3.1j - Beta 2017-03-17
Eraser and selection tool size.
Selection mode (filter: all, points, line, area, shots, stations)
Revised geo area tools.
Hungarian and ukrainian translations update
Other lang minor fixes.
3.3.1e - Beta 2017-03-08
X-sections in svg and dxf
shot accuracy data in csurvey
Erase mode (filter)
splay delete from drawing window
polyline measure in overview window
Audio shot comment (new RECORD-AUDIO permission)
Revised cSurvey export
Translations updates
Minor fixes
3.3.1d - 2017-03-03
Revised backsight naming policy implementation.
Revised colors
Reinstalled list cursor
At-station x-section direction with android sensors
Fix config reset on resume
Translations updates
3.3.1 - 2017-02-16
Calibration coeff saturation fix and warning.
3.3.0t - Beta 2017-02-15
Active station shown on splays too
Bugfix: cSurvey export layer
3.3.0n - Beta 2017-02-07 / 3.3.0q - Beta 2017-02-08
Calibration iterations overflow warning.
Revised shot data list scrolling and show edit dialogs.
Translation and manual updates.
3.3.0k - Beta 2017-02-01
Histograms of G,M,Dip on the data of a survey
Manual data: camera for the Android direction
GHTopo export, TopoRobot station naming policy
Translation updates
Fixes: survey import: case insensitive file extension check, leg shot delete
3.3.0i - 2017-01-19
Station geolocation: manually entered coords in arbitrary CRS (viw Proj4).
Secondary shot data edit dialog: optional at-station LRUD
3.3.0h - 2017-01-??
Specialized symbols (geo, bio, archeo, paleo, mining) very experimental
Grottolf export (untested).
Marker for the geo-point on maps
3.3.0f - Beta 2016-12-21
Multi-Distox support (new option for setting "data mode")
Anomalous shots colored red in sketches
New setting: Compass export L/R swap
Disk-full check for database updates.
Outline only overview display mode.
Translations updates. Removed persian.
3.3.0 - 2016-11-29
Sketch edit mode: point icon orientation by side-drag.
Linepoint move with neighoring points (preliminary).
Item picker: +/- button cycling thru XS-S-M-L-XL
Revised cross-section user interaction.
Revised sketch dxf export
Svg-export: overall translation, and line class.
Autosetting "insecure socket" for Samsung devices.
DistoX2 firmware 2.5
Updated translations and man pages
Bug fix: symbol wall:ice, svg-export label points, calib zero-data