Rob Eavis

May 29, 2017

The Mulu team is back from our adventures and slowly getting back to “real life”. If you are interested, a summary of our expedition can be found here:

I was part of the Hidden Valley team exploring Wonder Cave, the remotest cave in Mulu. Our group of 8 people typically operated with three surveying teams (all TopoDroid). Each night back at underground cave we’d backup all data onto each other’s devices, and also added the .th files to a “Master” thconfig file using ThManager. By the end of the three underground camps this master had 39 files all equated together with nearly 20km of cave! We used no laptop for the whole trip, just phones. It was fantastically useful to see our cave develop in 3D each evening, using the Cave3D app. Many thanks for developing these tools, and especially for assisting just before we left to enable us to operate so successfully.

As before, at the end of the expedition we compiled a list of improvements. Many are just nice-to-have opinions, others were more serious. Apologies if some have been fixed since the versions we used in April. To help structure the feedback, I’ve split them into the various apps. I hope these are useful for you.