TopoDroid 2.5

2.5.6 - beta release

2.5.5g - 2015.07.14

Bug fixes: repeated-lines, cwd.

User manual update: minor changes.


Bug fix

2.5.5f - beta 2015.06.15, published 2015.06.18

Bug fixes: sketch point editing returning to profile view,

Zoom controls setting,

Sketch profile flip.

2.5.5d - beta 2015.06.05

Instruments "calibration" for manually input data.

Optional zoom-controls for multitouch devices (new setting).

Station names option: alphanumeric or numeric (new setting).

Long-tap on sketch-button opens the most recent sketch (shot list window).

"Zero" station in sketch stats dialog.

"Renumber" function (checkbox in the shot dialog).

2.5.5a/b - 2015.05.21

New button "Extend" (Shots and Sketch interfaces).

Extend assignment revision.

Location dialog error messages revision.

Backlog of multiple backup copies for sketches, with recovery dialog allowing to choose among them.

Two sketch styles for splays (dashed if vertical): new setting "dashed splay clino threshold".

New settings: cSurvey export station-prefix.

Replaced exit-confirm dialog with double-tap on back button.

Bug fixes: cSurvey export, KML-trackfile export with english locale.

2.5.4b - beta 2015.05.10

Bug fix: cross-sections, vtopo export.

Fixed Z6-workaround for continuous-connection download mode.

DixtoX devices nicknames.

2.5.4 - 2015.05.06

Local magnetic anomaly compensation [experimental].

Revised DistoX protocol (extended Z6 workaround to A3)

Bug fixes: LRUD bug in VTopo/Compass export, palette first loadup.

2.5.2.i - beta 2015.04.30

Revised Survex export.

Revised DistoX protocol (new setting: Z6 workaround)

Included DistoX firmware 2.4 (thanks to B. Heeb).

Revised translations: bg ru it.

Bug fixes: translations (units values), SVG export (unnecessary translation).

2.5.2.g - beta 2015.04.20

Backsight implemented.

Translations update.

Bug fixes: cwd, point item scale.

2.5.2e - 2015.04.18

Multi-shot leg highlighted in the sketches.

Backsight option.

2.5.2b /2.5.2c - 2015.04.15/16

Bug fixes

User manual update

Russian translation update

2.5.2a - 2015.04.10

Map overview, with measuring tool.

Bug fixes: zip-import failure report, loop closure ANR, synchronized th2 i/o.

2.5.1d - beta 2015.04.01

Bulgarian translation (by V. Georgiev).

New settings: survey initial station, vert. threshold for splays in the plan sketches.

Added stations placemarks to KML export.

BT connection revision: tests and feedback appreciated.

3-state download icon: off (blue), on (red), on-hold (orange).

Bug fixes.

2.5.1a - 2015.03.25

Kml and OziExplorer plt exports (draft).

Changed default calibration grouping policy.

Dropped wgs84 to orthometric altitude lookup: using only wgs84 altitudes. Conversion on demand.

Bug fix: shot window menu headings

2.5.0 - 2015.03.13

Revised interplay activities life-cycle and data downloading.

New setting: language.

VisualTopo import (experimental).

Data (length, azimuth, clino) of manually entered shots, are editable.

Icons revision (15% size save on apk)

Bug fix: device window button crashing

Line-continuation button (Sketch window).

Settings (re)-organization

Sketch window: moved Info button under menu, added Bluetooth button

Shots and Sketch windows: bluetooth button associated to remote control.

Device window: removed Remote-Control button.

New settings: sketch line width; section-line tick size, green-dots size,

default data-export format, default sketch-export format.

Revised user manual (by Vladimir Georgiev)