Vitor Moura

Vitor is a caver in Brazil. Here are two exceprts from his mails.

I cannot include the beautiful map drafted by Vitor, because it is still not approved.

I'm using Topodroid paired with a Disto X2 in a Shield tablet. I sent attached a map done without ANY major modification of the lines drafted in the field. Is a cave inside a Brazilian National Park and we're using this map in the Cave Management Plan. ... Is just a example of how your app is going well!!! I only did minor adjustments using .dxf files exported from Topodroid to Adobe Illustrator CS5.

The Lapão map was drafted using Illustrator CS5. Was very easy to manage the layers and adjust line weights and line styles because Topodroid exported .DXF with proper layers. Possibly is easier to me... I'm architect and worked a lot with different graphic softwares. Actually I did not redraft almost nothing on this map and almost all the lines came directly from Topodroid! For me, caver since 1991, this was a old dream: survey and draw sketches with high accuracy and velocity in the cave and go out with a map almost done!!! This map was made in 7 days, just me and my wife (a better caver than me!).