TopoDroid docs

TopoDroid has an in-app user manual in English.

These docs are rather old and describe old version of the app.

User manuals

The latest TopoDroid user manual:

Older TopoDroid versions user manuals:

V. 4.1 (Aug. 2018) TopoDroid user manual

V. 2.2.4 User Manual French - G.  Chardin

V. 2.7 User Manual Spanish - M. Guerrero

V. 3.? Guia Rapido Portuguese - R. Severo

V. 4.1.1 (Oct. 2018) Introduction to TopoDroid

V. 4.1.1 (Jan. 2019) Manuel Utilisateur French - D. Ros

V. 4.1.4 German User Manual - M. Miehle


Web page about TopoDroid in french:

DistoX2 calibration with TopoDroid:  

Survey accuracy and the DistoX

TopoDroid activity levels - v 3.4.0f

TopoDroid folders and files

TopoDroid shapefile export and QGIS - v. 4.1.2

Working in TopoDroid for Therion - dec. 2018 -

Sketch extended profile - june 2019 - v. 4.1.3z

DistoX and TopoDroid - Calibration, precision, accuracy (March 2020)


101-Introduction to TopoDroid (2016-09-02)

TopoDroidAndCSurvey (draft) - M. Mosca

Effective DistoX (Finale Ligure, 2017)

TopoDroid and cave surveying (Malaga, 2017)

Video Tutorials

TopoDroid Video Course mostly in Italian, some in English

Russian - A. Kozhenkov

English - D. Bristol

    Calibration data:

    DistoX functions:

    Survey data functions:

    Sketching: htts://

Presentations and Courses

2015-03-13 Bilbao - J. Guijarro Gonzales.

2016-02-24 CursoTopo - J. Pardo and M. Guerrero

2015-01-24 Levigliani: v. 2.4.1

2015-05-14 Corso DistoX2-TopoDroid - A. Righetto

2015-05-16 Rome: v. 2.5.4

2015-12-05 Martina Franca: v. 2.6

2016-05-28 Cueva del Puerto de Calasparra - J. G. Gonzalez

2016-06-16 Putignano: v. 3.1.1

2017-03-04 Casola Valsenio: v. 3.3.0

2017-03-18 Vicenza: v. 3.3.1

2017-03-05 Curso DistoX, TopoDroid, Therion - R. Severo

2017-11-02 Finale Ligure - EffectiveDistoX

2017-12-07 Malaga: EffectiveDistoX EffectiveSurveying, EffectiveSketching

2017-12-07 Malaga (Toposur): v. 3.4.3

2018-03-24 Trieste: version 4.0.0

2018-07-13 DistoX e TopoDroid - R. Zerbetto

2018-11-02 TopoDroid - Casola Valsenio v. 4.1.1

2024-05-30 TopoDroid - Balkan Cavers Camp


TopoLinux wiki  has several pages on TopoDroid.

They are a bit old, but many things are still valid.

N.B. TopoLinux site has been archived Jan. 2016.

Any help producing documentation is appreciated.