
In order to be an effective biologist (or any scientist), you must be literate--not just reading articles, but summarizing, reflecting, discussing and writing.  To this end, students in college biology will be expected to complete abstracts.  Each abstract is worth 5 points.

Abstract 1:  Biological Breakthroughs

After viewing and discussing the "15 Great Biological Breakthroughs" video, please compose a paragraph (200-210 words) response.  Please address this fundamental question: What, in your opinion, was the greatest biological breakthrough?  Please follow these criteria:

    - Clearly state the greatest biological discovery and why you think it was the most impactful.  Focus on the impact the discovery had on society as well (not just biology).  What if this discovery never occurred?

    - Provide two clear, explicit reasons to support your thesis with supporting information.  You will need to provide at least TWO other, reputable sources with links.  

    - Conclusion...summarize your position succinctly, but don't repeat yourself.

Other Criteria:

    - This is a formal, college-level response.  Thus, do not write informally i.e. avoid "well," "like," "you know."

    - vague words are not only lame and annoying, they are beneath your level.  Avoid words such as: things, stuff, good, bad, great.  Use the thesaurus and use strong, descriptive words.

    - Obviously, grammar/spelling must be properly checked!

    - Anticipate counter arguments to yours...use those to make your position stronger!

    - Provide at least three transitions (in addition, furthermore, moreover, first, next, etc.) as guide posts in your writing.

A rule of thumb for a "strong" abstract: does your post provoke thinking and conversation and does it contribute in a meaningful way to the discussion by using logical arguments?  

 Abstract 2:  The Vaccine War

After viewing "The Vaccine War" (PBS Frontline), compose a 200-210 word abstract of the video.  An abstract is a concise, yet detailed summary of an article, report or video.  This abstract needs to provide the necessary information of the video so that someone would not have to watch the video, yet by reading your abstract, would understand the important points. An abstract is not just a list of facts or "bullet points", but connects the main, important points into a general idea.   For this particular abstract, be sure you:

    * Explain what the "vaccine war" is.

    * What are the opposing viewpoints in the "vaccine war"?

    * What "side" are you on regarding the "vaccine war?"  Please state your reasons clearly.

Other Criteria:

    - This is a formal, college-level response.  Thus, do not write informally i.e. avoid "well," "like," "you know."

    - vague words are not only lame and annoying, they are beneath your level.  Avoid words such as: things, stuff, good, bad, great.  Use the thesaurus and use strong, descriptive words.

    - Obviously, grammar/spelling must be properly checked!

    - Provide at least three transitions (in addition, furthermore, moreover, first, next, etc.) as guide posts in your writing. 

Abstract 3:  The De-Evolution of Earth's Oceans

Read the article, "The De-Evolution of the Earth's Oceans" at least twice (there is a lot of information and a thorough reading is a must.  The author claims that Earth's oceans are de-evolving.  What does this mean?  What evidence is presented to you?  Are there worrisome cause-effect relationships?  Justify your position (agree or disagree) with information from the article.  Please compose a 200-210 word posting.

 Abstract 4The Truth about Fat

Please watch the PBS video, "The Truth about Fat."  In 200-210 words summarize (citing specific evidence from the video) what is "the truth" about fat?  What new evidence has emerged regarding the "love/hate" we have with fat? 

 Abstract 5:  Photosynthesis on Other Worlds

Please read the article, "The Color of Plants on Other Planets."  Summarize the article in a 200-210 word posting that serves to answer this question: "Why are plants on Earth mostly green, but on other planets, they might be different colors?"

 Abstract 6:  CRISPR Video

Please provide a 200-210 word posting that answers this question: "What is CRISPR and under what circumstances (or limitations) should it be used and why?"

Abstract 7:  GATTACA Reflection

The film GATTACA was released in 1997 and is considered one of the most thought-provoking science fiction films ever released.  Although set in "the distant future," much of what is portrayed in the film has significant relevance to our society today, obviously in the field of genetic research, technology and ethics.  Consider the following questions.  Please choose ONE to respond in a 200-210 word post.  

1.  In the world of GATACA, parents are able to 'manufacture' their children.  What is your reaction to this?  Address at least two pros and two cons.  

2. Would you want to live in the GATTACA society?  Why or why not?  Please provide two specific reasons.

3.  Describe the society in which Vincent, Irene and Jerome live.  Please do not simply address the obvious technological/biological advances, but discuss the "humanness" of people (are genetically engineered humans still human?).  During the detective's investigations, people (on the street and working at GATTACA were randomly sampled several times), is this right?  Why?  

4.  Are the genetically engineered/modified people (Jerome and Irene) less "human" than Vincent; which brings up the question: what does it mean to be human?  Provide at least two reasons for your answer.

5.  Did you enjoy the movie (keep in mind you won't hurt my feelings if you do not)?  What two specific ideas, aspects or scenes stand out in your mind that made the movie enjoyable or not?  

6.  Do you think the future presented in GATTACA is possible?  Explain.  Provide at least two reasons for your answer.  

7. From birth, Vincent's fate was pre-determined.  Do you think your fate is determined purley from genes?  From your environment?  Both? Neither?  

Abstract 8:  GATTACA Quotes

Several quotes in the movie stuck out as worthy of discussion.  Choose ONE quote to write a 200-210 word reflection/discussion.  What did the quote mean in the context of the film?  What did the quote mean to you?  Can you apply it to your life (or others or to society)?

Quote (a.) Antonio: “We were just wondering if, if it is good to just leave a few things to, to chance?”

Geneticist: We want to give your child the best possible start. Believe me, we have enough imperfection built in already. Your child doesn't need any more additional burdens. Keep in mind, this child is still you. Simply, the best, of you. You could conceive naturally a thousand times and never get such a result. “

Quote (b.)  “my real resume is in my cells,” said Vincent

Quote (c.)  “only the right kind of people…” said GATACA director.

Quote (d.)  “We now have discrimination down to a science,” said Vincent.

Quote (e.)  “You want to know how I did it? This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back,” said Vincent.

Quote (f.)  “For someone who was never meant for this world, I must confess I'm suddenly having a hard time leaving it. Of course, they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home,” said Vincent

Quote (g.)  “I'll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God's hands, rather than her local geneticist,” said Vincent.

Quote (h.) “there is no gene for the human spirit.” 

Abstract 9:  The Trouble with Antibiotics

After viewing (up to 37:00) "The Trouble with Antibiotics" (PBS Frontline), compose a 200-210 word abstract of the video.  An abstract is a concise, yet detailed summary of an article, report or video.  This abstract needs to provide the necessary information of the video so that someone would not have to watch the video, yet by reading your abstract, would understand the important points. An abstract is not just a list of facts or "bullet points", but connects the main, important points into a general idea.   For this particular abstract, be sure you:

    * Explain what the "trouble with antibiotics" is.

    * Provide summaries of the opposing viewpoints within the scientific and industrial-agricultural communities as to what to do (or not do) about antibiotic resistance.

 Abstract 10:  The Vanishing Wild

Watch the video, "The Vanishing Wild."  Please compose a 200-210 word abstract of the video.  An abstract is a concise, yet detailed summary of an article, report or video.  This abstract needs to provide the necessary information of the video so that someone would not have to watch the video, yet by reading your abstract, would understand the important points. An abstract is not just a list of facts or "bullet points", but connects the main, important points into a general idea.   For this particular abstract, be sure you:

    * Explain why the wild is vanishing.

    * Why should non-biologists care about the vanishing wild?  What specific impacts does this have for "ordinary" people?

 Abstract 10:  Brain Hacking

Watch the video, "Brain Hacking."  Please compose a 200-210 word abstract of the video.  An abstract is a concise, yet detailed summary of an article, report or video.  This abstract needs to provide the necessary information of the video so that someone would not have to watch the video, yet by reading your abstract, would understand the important points. An abstract is not just a list of facts or "bullet points", but connects the main, important points into a general idea.   For this particular abstract, be sure you:

    * Explain what brain hacking is and it's impact on you and others.

    * What should specifically be done, if anything, about brain hacking?  Justify your answers.

 Abstract 10:  De-Extinction

Watch the video, "De-Extinction."  Please compose a 200-210 word abstract of the video.  An abstract is a concise, yet detailed summary of an article, report or video.  This abstract needs to provide the necessary information of the video so that someone would not have to watch the video, yet by reading your abstract, would understand the important points. An abstract is not just a list of facts or "bullet points", but connects the main, important points into a general idea.   For this particular abstract, be sure you:

    * What is "de-extinction"?

    * What are the pros and cons of the scientific methods presented in this clip?  Should this be encouraged?  Discouraged?  Why or why not?