有關活化DNA(DNA activation)的技術

有關活化DNA(DNA activation)的技術


在google裡,若打入[DNA activation]兩個關鍵字,會跳出約一千萬筆結果;意思是,無論科學怎麼說,至少有一千萬人已有這個觀念了.如果這個結果沒有帶給妳你任何注意,那麼希望這篇文字,能夠令妳你儕身新觀念名詞.^^

先來說說什麼是DNA activation?

物質界的肉體有DNA結構,靈界的靈體也有DNA結構,稱為spirit DNA.

Spirit DNA已經在靈學/靈療界被濫用了一段時間,很多healer幫人做DNA activation,但一點學理都沒有,引起正統靈學人士極大的反彈.Spirit DNA有24股,幾乎呈不活化狀態,所以人們的靈性很鈍,六官知感與智慧的潛能必需用開發的方式,很費力的才能犁出一點點成果來.打著潛能開發的廣告的人絕不敢說明開發的成果是什麼,幫忙開發但無法保證結果.潛能不是人類能夠控制的原因就在於spirit DNA並非現實界的東西.然而spirit DNA雖是靈界物,但和靈魂(soul,spirit)一樣,與肉體息息相關.它的結構非常複雜,並且解讀困難.然而它的神秘面紗卻已被揭開了.


諾貝爾獎的提名[Dr.Stephen Hawking]就是提出spirit DNA理論的一位科學家.


他提出藍色的spirit DNA的說法,以下是有關此事的片斷介紹:

"Professor Steven Hawkins at Cambridge University had received a Nobel Prize nomination for discovering a third (blue) strand of DNA that he described in his voice box-way as our connection to God.He went on to say that he has found five strands and is limited by our “proof” formed society and it will take him an additional 3-5 years to prove the additional strands. He claims that we are SO limited in the way we view things (using only 3-10% of our brain capacity, sight included) that we see DNA (for example) as 2 strands, when if we looked at it with a more educated mind, we would see it as four strands swirling around a fifth, or the blue strand. The fifth, which SCIENCE has proven and called our connection to God exists.Professor Hawkins deliver to President Clinton a few years ago described a blue light of DNA described to be a third strand of DNA. He said that (after giving the scientif facts and everyone ooowed and awwwed) that this strand was actually a blue and somewhat transparent, or a blue light."

Spirit DNA的確是藍色的,而且是漂亮的藍光能體.

讀取spirit DNA時,是從腦後脊部份讀取,或進行spirit DNA活化的手術.




Increased energy and clarity

A stronger immune system

Use of more of your brain's potential

Greater efficiency of your nerves, skin, blood, respiratory system and muscles

Discovery of new talents and abilities

Releases unconscious patterns

Facilitates clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns

Receive and hold more light in your physical body

Aligns you to accomplish your purpose for this lifetime

24-strand-DNA,為何只有22-strand DNA的活化?

先說,22-strand DNA的活化技術在猶太人的祖先-所羅門王時代就擁有了.只是那時候此技術是保留給貴族與祭司的特權.



最後24-strand-DNA(Adam Kadmon,AK)的技術原本在地球並未存在,因為這是保留給人神化的.一般只活化22-strand DNA就非常夠用了(當年所羅門王也只活化了22-strand DNA).Light worker若因light service的需要,可以做Adam Kadmon(AK)的手術,以徹底改變體質,能夠承載更多光能,方便light service的工作.AK的體質轉換約需三年的時間(因人而異,有人已經七年了還在轉)才能轉化完成.聽說已有醫學證明AK人的細胞結構與一般人類不同,但我還沒有拿到該項證明報告.若找到會補進此文,也歡迎用我同行的醫學科學做實驗,AK人們完全開放給科學做研究.但要確定妳你的程度至少和Dr.Stephen Hawking相當,ok?

如同物質界強調有健康的身體才有人生與希望一樣,一般靈療/學者最在乎的就是自己的hold光能能力,從飲食生活作息或各種進修冥想淨化....的努力,無非都希望提昇自己的光能體質.22-strand DNA的活化只是一條捷徑,並非唯一的路.雖是捷徑,也非直達終點,只是在努力的路上,在腳上加裝一對小小翅膀罷了.

Adam Kadmon的技術,是在1999年由ET-Nathor帶到地球上來.(妳你現在可以不要相信有ET,等我寫篇證明再說.)

這技術完全是為了應付2012年地球經過光子帶(photon band)的這段過程而用來幫助人類的.

我個人當然早已等不及而活化22-strand DNA與AK,不想在此作代言,這是個人的事,只是分享一個資訊.

除了親身經歷外,我也學會了活化22-strand DNA的技術,非常願意把這個福利和老中分享.

如果有人願意接受這靈學手術,歡迎到教學網發言.若有足夠人數,我可返臺為大家提供這light service(兩年飛一趟就很不得了,不然你妳們一起坐飛機來也可以.^^).

這裡是有關Adam Kadmon的資料:


這是Dr.Stephen Hawking的官方網頁.他就是時間的黑洞作者.

