Happiness Article for Therapist Magazine

Happiness Article for Therapist Magazine


作者:Lady Eleanor (Laurie Gudnason)

譯者:Sophie Huang

Question #1:  "What is Happiness (your IDEA about Happiness)"

問題 #1: 快樂是什麼 (你對快樂的看法)

I believe Happiness is something that all people seek throughout life.  In my opinion,  happiness is the only emotion humans desire for its own sake. We seek riches, honor, success, relationships, or health not for their own sake, but because we believe these things will make us happy.  I am a dedicated seeker of happiness, and here are a few things I have learned about it through the experiences of my life.


In everyday thought we describe happiness as an emotional state. If we look deeper, it is hard to define happiness because it is most often described as a range of emotions  ranging from contentment and satisfaction to bliss and intense joy.  Often, happiness is the term used to describe the experiences that we should call pleasure. I think happiness goes far beyond pleasure.


I can easily describe happiness as a state of positive emotions and positive activities.  I think what many call happiness is actually a precursors to happiness.  These precursors include positive self esteem, a sense of purpose in life, good health,  kindness and a sense of humor, social and religious involvement, a good marriage or intimate relationship, parenthood and family life, job satisfaction and income, as well as finding and creating beauty in one’s life. 


I consider happiness to be a path of action, a way of life.  Happiness is the result of living a good life.  The good life is a lifestyle in congruence with one’s values and beliefs, and where the majority of  one’s physical, mental, and emotional  needs are being met.  To live this way, I teach the philosophy of “Know Thyself,” which is the motto of mystery schools through the ages.   Joy results from living the “higher path” with self knowledge and spiritual awareness.  Knowing yourself as a divine being or as an extension of God’s essence is the key to true happiness! 


Self knowledge is the foundation each of us must have to make the choices that result in happiness.  We can validate our choices in life through the  Happiness we experience.


Unfortunately there is not a key to happiness or a recipe for joy, but there is plenty of documentation that there are two CHOICES we can make which support our happiness. 


The first Choice we can make is exercise regularly to support the biological side of happiness!  Exercise  redirects stress hormones that are triggered in daily life, and releases endorphins the “feel good” hormones behind biochemical happiness.  It does not matter what kind of exercise, as long as we MOVE!


The second Choice that produces happiness is Spiritual or Religious Involvement.  Spirituality results in better psychological adjustment,  more life satisfaction, and better self-actualization.


The Mystery traditions teach that the most profound sense of happiness is experienced through living a meaningful life, achieved as we exercise our unique strengths and virtues in a purpose greater than our own immediate goals.   Generally this is defined by the term self actualization.


Explanations of happiness in mystical traditions, especially in advanced spiritual techniques, are related to achieving full balance (conjunction, union, alchemy or the "secret marriage") of the inner energy and outer energy systems that support vital life force.     When these energies are balanced, happiness, peace, and potential to achieve self actualization are present.   Metaphyiscal and Mystery Traditions offer many “healing modalities” developed to assist us in achieving this balanced state which is said to create oneness with Divinity (our Spirit).  I call this state “at-one–ment” (Atunement or Initiation) and consider it is the foundation for all Spiritual Evolution as well as happiness.  I believe true happiness can only come from a relationship with whatever we define as divinity.


Question #2:  "What is YOUR happiness"

問題 #2: 你的快樂是什麼


The mystery traditions teach  “You are who you were in the beginning.. In the beginning you were Spirit, existing in a state of JOY”..  A soul, when liberated from its karma experiences infinite bliss and knowledge, and returns to the natural state of Spirit which is Joy!  I describe the journey through life as the path of return to my original state of being.  My Guide Archangel Metatron calls this return to Spirit “The Great Work”, and describes the Path “Home” as the Path of Joy.  My happiness is the choice to live my life from joy no matter what! 


I have found that my happiness results from living according to these physical and spiritual teachings, with the result being a state of joy that is deeper with each meditation and every walk on the beach.   My happiness comes from balance between my relationships, the everyday world, and Spirituality.


I experience  happiness in teaching metaphysical truths.  This is meaningful work and allows me to use my gift to teach in a way that supports the evolution of my students and all the people they know benefit.  My other great happiness comes from my loved ones and family and the simple pleasures of keeping a home.  Physical activities that qualify as exercise bring me joy!  These are swimming, scuba diving, skiing, and gardening.


Question #3:  "The time or the moment that you feel happiness"

問題 #3: 你感到快樂的時候或時刻

There are so many happy and joyful moments in my daily life that I cannot define just one.  I view life as a happiness journey.


Happiness Exercise:  One of my favorite happiness exercises is to take a brisk walk and appreciate the beauty of God’s creation around me.Whatever we call God, this Divine Being creates Beauty!  If you look for the beauty and divinity in everything around you you will find it!  When you can perceive the presence of God within every living thing, you will also find yourself to be permanently happy!  If we don’t look for Beauty and  Divinity, we miss the opportunity to witness it.   We become so used to not really “SEEING” that we simply don’t notice beauty and divinity, and miss opportunities for happiness.


 My most effective happiness technique is to breathe slowly and deeply as I count my breaths.  Breathe in to a count of 8, hold the breath to a count of 8, and breathe out to a count of 8.  This is considered to be one breath cycle.   Count four breath cycles, then start over so you don’t compete with yourself to count higher.   If you loose your focus on the breath,  bring your attention to the breath and begin counting again.  This exercise should be performed for about 11 minutes.  I set an alarm.  Sooner or later this exercise will create a higher vibration within your energy systems and body.  When this happens, you will find that your senses are sharper, and everything changes! 


This breath exercise is very simple, but highly effective in balancing the inner and outer energy!   It will allow you to release stress which is the one thing that makes most of us miss our opportunities for happiness!


Another Powerful Happiness Exercise is getting to know yourself.  Many of us lose ourselves in the demands of our daily lives.   Get to know what values and beliefs you hold.  You must live according to your values and beliefs or the incongruency will cause stress!  Next evaluate the qualities of life that you must have. Your happiness is intimately connected to these inner qualities.  For example, if you require Freedom as one of the qualities you must have in your life,  you might find you must also have the qualities of flexibility and opportunities for choice in your life.   These qualities will allow you “freedom”  in your life and relationships.  It will be hard for you to experience happiness if you lack the quality of Freedom! 


Get to know yourself!  Make a list of the values you must have, then relate them to the qualities that will allow you to feel you have this value in your life. 


The next step is to use an exercise is called the “Twin Mirrors of the Self” which is a very powerful metaphysical tool to get to know yourself

下一步是利用一個叫做“Twin Mirrors of the Self”的練習,這是個非常有力的形而上學工具用來瞭解你自己。

Begin by making a list of your good personality traits.   Work on linking these good traits to the qualities you must have in your life.  Next, make a list of your bad points, and also link these traits to your list of qualities.  The point to this is NOT to be hard on yourself or get rid of your negative traits, but to create balance between your positive personality attributes and your negative personality attributes.   This will allow you to find out what you must have to create Happiness, to know yourself well enough to know what personality traits you have to work with, and to know what personality traits may cause you stress or difficulty in manifesting happines.



In the end, happiness is a habit we create!  Get into the habit by using these simple exercises and all the happiness you dream of will be yours whether you live in “happy circumstances” or not!


Question #4:  "Your lucky SPOT"

問題 #4: 你的幸運點


My lucky spot that tells me when I am happy is my heart charka.  It turns warm and seems to pulse and glow when I am in a state of joy.



Question #5:  "Your lucky ITEM"

問題 #5: 你的幸運物


I have a pendant called the Pentacle of Venus that is a lucky item.  It helps me to stay in joy and to make choices that are full of joy!   The pentacle of Venus brings beauty into my perceptions of the world and other people.  It reminds me of my Spiritual path and the beliefs about happiness that form my lifestyle.



I have a beautiful ring that reminds me of my family and those I love.  It is a symbol of commitment and the joy that love brings into our lives.  Every time I notice it on my finger I have a warm glow in my lucky spot and I feel happy.  Simple things can create such joy!



Lady Eleanor (Laurie Gudnason)


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