1. Somalia


21 September 2021  1443 AH.

The meaning of verses in the Quran and Tanakh and Gospel are on these websites.

The meaning of verses in the Koran and Torah and Injil are on these websites. 

Koran online.

Quran online.

Tanakh online.

Torah online.

Gospel online.

Injil online.

Free Quran with explanations online.

Free Koran with explanations online.

God https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran

God index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthekoran/index 

Allah https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran

Allah index https://sites.google.com/view/islamandthequran/index  

Allaah https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

Allaah index https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran/index  

Q&A https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel

Q&A index https://sites.google.com/view/quran-tanakh-gospel/index

Israel Palestine Peace https://sites.google.com/view/israel-palestine-peace

ישראל פלסטין שלום https://sites.google.com/view/israel-palestine-peace/ישראל-פלסטין-שלום

إسرائيل فلسطين السلام https://sites.google.com/view/israel-palestine-peace/إسرائيل-فلسطين-السلام

اسرائیل فلسطین صلح https://sites.google.com/view/israel-palestine-peace/اسرائیل-فلسطین-صلح 


21 July 2011 CE (1432 AH).

Somalia HAM Radio.

Helping All Mankind and WoMankind. 

Nabdaadi Raadiyo HAM Soomaaliya.

Raadiyoo Caawinta Aadanahoo Dhan.

Somalia Ham Radio is joining people together to build the best country in Africa that will contain the happiest people in the world.

The following projects and resources are ready to join with others to make Somalia the best country in the world.


1. Somalia Amateur Radio Friendship and Emergency Network (SARFEN).

Jimciyada Raadiyaha Amitarka ee Soomaaliya.  


2. Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim Somalia (RBRR). 

Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim ee Soomaaliya.


3. Radio Galkayo Somalia (RG). 

Raadiyo Gaalkacyo.


4. Islam Tourism Somalia (ITS). 

Islam iyo Socoto ajnebita ee Soomaaliya.  


5. Amateur Radio Tourism Somalia (ARTS).

Amitar raadiyo iyo Socoto ajnebita ee Soomaaliya.  


6. Friends for the proposed Somalia Space Agency (SSA).

Xiddigiis Soomaaliya. 


7. Somalia Scientific research (SSR).

Saynis Soomaaliya. 


8. Somalia Radio School (SRS).

Iskuul Radiyo Soomaaliya. 


9. Amateur Radio in Arabic.

Raadiyaha Amitarka ee Arabia.   

 10. Amateur Radio in Ethiopia.

 Amitar raadiyo ee Xabashi. 


1. Somalia Amateur Radio Friendship and Emergency Network 

Jimciyada Raadiyaha Amitarka ee Soomaaliya (SARFEN). 

SARFEN is the national organisation of Amateur Radio operators in Somalia. 

All information on this old website is valid (as at January 2010 and after January 2010) unless it has been updated or corrected on the new SARFEN website.

Please read this website, it contains the majority of information. 

When finished here please check the new websites for updates on 






Mohamed Yasin Isak 6O0MY 

 President of the Somalia Amateur Radio Friendship and Emergency Network (SARFEN).

Helping All Mankind and woMankind Somalia HAM radio callsign 6O0MY.

At Radio Galkayo, Somalia in September 2007

2. Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim Somalia (RBRR). 

Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim ee Soomaaliya.

In Somalia Muslims are killing Muslims.

99% of people in Somalia are Muslim.

Lawless behaviour overshadows the high moral code of Islam to do the good not the bad.

Most radios teach Islam in the Arabic language but many Somalis have a limited Arabic language understanding.

This project seeks support to establish a 24 hour short wave broadcast station “Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim” (Radio for the sake of God, Peace through Radio) to teach the high moral code of Islam in the Somali language.

Sam Voron

Australian ham radio callsign VK2BVS, Somalia ham radio callsigns 6OØA and 6O1A.

At Radio Galkayo, Somalia in August 2003

Proposed Peace Project. 

Radio Bismillahi Rahmani Rahim Somalia.

Broadcasting of human hatred is not permitted.

The radio would be open to all schools of thought to come together in friendship and learn together as brothers and sisters.


How visitors to Somalia learn about Islam. 

In 1993 when I arrived in Somalia for the first time an 11 year old Somali boy said in the English language “I want to tell you about Islam.” 

I asked questions and if he did not know the answer he would ask his Somali speaking teacher. 

I had the best education in Australia to University level however in 1993 before I came to Somalia the only thing I knew about this religion was the word Islam and the name Mohamed. 

I thought that other foreigners in Somalia might also know little about Islam so in 1993 I included programs about Islam on the English short wave broadcasts of Radio Free Somalia (free for all to use) known today as Radio Galkayo. 


Sam Voron in Somalia. 

1993 Abdikarim Nur Mohamud invites Sam Voron to help Somalia.

1993 Sam arrives in Somalia with donated radio equipment and with Abdi.

1993 Sam from Sydney, Australia with the help of volunteers in Galkayo & Abdi and his Somali friends in Melbourne, Australia all helped to make the first radio station in North East Somalia (Radio Free Somalia “Free for everyone to use”- now known as Radio Galkayo).

1993 All Radio Galkayo volunteers in the training school successfully qualify for the Somalia amateur radio license.

1994 Sam & Abdi return with new equipment donated by the Rotary Club of Boulder (Western Australia).

1995 & 1997 Sam visits Somaliland and North East Somalia.

2000 Sam moves Radio Galkayo from the Galkayo Police station to its new home in central Galkayo.

2003 “Oxfam” and a Somali in Canada ask Sam to train students at Radio Jubba FM in Kismayo, Southern Somalia.

2004 USA Somali’s ask Sam & Adan 6O0N to start Galkayo’s third radio station Radio Daljir.

2004 The Voice of Peace and Radio Galkayo both ask Sam for technical help.

2004 Sam helps establish the Somalia Amateur Radio Friendship and Emergency Network SARFEN.

2005 Sam established a SARFEN Internet website to encourage people worldwide to visit and help Somalia.

2006 Sam advises, installs equipment and trains staff at the fourth radio station in Galkayo called Radio Hage (Radio leader) in education.

2007 Train, repair or advise Radio Galkayo, Radio Mudug, Radio Xegma, Radio Baidoa and Radio Mogadishu.

2008 Establish the Peace in Somalia website http://somaliaradio.blogspot.com

2009 Establish 2 new SARFEN websites 

(this website Somalia HAM radio) https://sites.google.com/site/somaliahamradio 

and (a second new website Somalia AMATEUR radio) http://sites.google.com/site/somaliaamateurradio   

2011 Rado Somalia (third website) http://sites.google.com/site/radiosomalia

2011 Islam and the Quran website. https://sites.google.com/site/islamandthequran

3. Radio Galkayo Somalia (RG). 

Raadiyo Gaalkacyo. 

RG has been operating in Somalia as a community radio station since 1993 and is able to provide training and broadcast services.  

Hassan Mohamed Jamma 6O0XJ

Director of Radio Galkayo,

Community Radio in Somalia. 

Helping All Mankind and woMankind Somalia HAM radio callsign 6O0XJ.

 September 2007.

4. Islam Tourism Somalia (ITS).

Islam iyo Socoto ajnebita ee Soomaaliya. 

Tourism is an employment opportunity for the people of Somalia.

99 per cent of Somalis are Muslim and many would enjoy working in Islamic Tourism. 

When fighting stops in Somalia there will be a great opportunity for the people of the book (Christian and Jewish) and the non believers to visit Mosques that can specially welcome visitors to Somalia were they can ask questions and learn something about Islam. Combined with sight seeing this will make for a unique holiday experience.

The training of tourist staff to interact with foreigners will be in a way so that every visitor who returns home will say to their friends "for the best holiday GO TO SOMALIA." 


Abdi Razak Mohamed.

Teacher of Islam at the Galkayo Mosque


English language teacher at the Al-imra International institute of Languages.

This is a message to all the peoples of the world:

To the peoples of the Holy books (Jewish, Christians and Muslims) and to the people that do not know Allah (God) welcome to Somalia. Let you and me talk about Islam.

At Radio Galkayo, Somalia in October 2007.

5. Amateur Radio Tourism Somalia (ARTS).

Amitar raadiyo iyo Socoto ajnebita ee Soomaaliya.

ARTS is an important employment opportunity for the people of Somalia.

There are 3 million Amateur Radio Operators who love to holiday by taking their radio transceivers and antennas with them. 

Licensed hobby radio operators enjoy making radio conversations with other radio hams that are on holidays in interesting countries around the world. 

Somalia is the most interesting country in the world.

Somalia has the best amateur radio regulations for visitors who hold any level of Amateur Radio License from any country in the world.

Somalia has attracted Amateur Radio operators to visit throughout the civil war and this has created many new friendships with follow-on assistance for the people of Somalia. 

Amateur Radio is a worldwide short wave communications system operated by licensed individuals and is not connected to money making organisations.

Amateur Radio provides a way for 3 million radio operators outside Somalia and their friends around the world who know nothing about Somalia with the opportunity to listen and talk about Somalia whenever a licensed Amateur Radio Operator takes a two way radio station on a Somalia radio holiday.

Amateur Radio operators who have visited Somalia between 1993 and 2009 include an Australian husband and wife ham radio team, a team of five Italian ham radio operators, a second team of seven Italian radio ham operators, one radio ham from Canada and one radio amateur from Belgium who visited Somalia twice!

Amateur Radio holidays have been an effective way of promoting Somalia. 

Asad Abdul Kadir 6O0AA

Helping All Mankind and woMankind Somalia HAM radio callsign 6O0AA.

1993 Completed the Somalia Amateur Radio License course.

1993 Requested and received the ham radio callsign 6O0AA.

1993 Foundation member of Radio Free Somalia (Free for all to use) today known as Radio Galkayo.

1997 Radio Galkayo program producer and presenter.

Somalia radio hams are ready to help Amateur Radio holiday visitors to Somalia.

          Radio Galkayo in October 2007.

6. Friends for the proposed Somalia Space Agency (SSA).

Xiddigiis Soomaaliya. 

A director of the friends for the proposed SSA is in Somalia. 

He welcomes support to help him connect with other overseas Space Agencies with the hope of establishing such an Agency within a future Somalia Government. 

In Somalia most people have never seen a telescope. 

SSA would welcome people who would like to help create interest in this field. 

One way is to bring a small telescope to Somalia and let people see the Moon. 

Another is to promote the idea of the first Somalia astronaut taking the Quran and placing it on the Moon.

SSA would like to work with overseas Space Agencies with the aim of landing a Somali astronaut on the Moon.

Ahmed Abdi Shirwa.

Director for the friends of the proposed Somalia Space Agency (SSA).

At Radio Galkayo, Somalia in September 2007.

Proposed Peace Project. 

Friends of the proposed Somalia Space Agency (SSA). 

When people struggle for survival after years of civil conflict their vision of their future can become extremely limited. 

The friends of the proposed Somalia Space Agency aim to give the Somali people a vision so inspiring that it will lift the vision of every Somali. 

SSA will promote the peaceful promotion of Islam with the idea of a Somali astronaut placing the Quran first on the International Space Station, then the Moon and then on Mars. 

The people of the world will ask “what is this book called the Quran that people have placed in Space, the Moon and on another planet?” 

Somalia will be among the best holiday countries in the world to visit for people who have the question “what is Islam?”


7. Somalia Scientific research (SSR).

Saynis Soomaaliya.

The friends of SSA would like to work with SSR people in a wide area of knowledge seeking so as to promote interest and training in Palaeontology (Paleontology), Fossils, Archeology, Meteorites, Geology, early microscopic life, early plant life, early insect life, early water life, early animal life and the early human occupation of Somalia. 

Most Somalis have never seen the world through a microscope. 

SSA would welcome people who would like to help create interest in this and other fields.

One way is to bring a small microscope to Somalia to let people see the life that lives in a single drop of water. 


 8. Somalia Radio School (SRS).

Iskuul Radiyo Soomaaliya.

SRS has been training Somali people in Somalia to qualify for the Somalia Amateur Radio License between 1993 to 2007. 

This qualification has opened employment for the unemployed in the area of broadcasting, telecommunications and international tourism. 


9. Amateur Radio in Arabic. 

Raadiyaha Amitarka ee Arabia.

Arab Amateur Radio (Arabic Ham Radio website): 


Sudan Amateur Radio Sudanese Amateur Radio Association SARA: https://www.qsl.net/st2nh/index.htm


Learn English by studying for your Amateur Radio License in English. The Amateur Radio license will help you to improve your English conversations when you talk to people on the radio.

Learn Somali by studying for your Amateur Radio License in Somali. The Amateur Radio license can help you to improve your Somali conversations when you talk to people on the radio.

Learn Arabic by studying for your Amateur Radio License in Arabic. The Amateur Radio license can help you to improve your Arabic conversations when you talk to people on the radio. 

Free Arabic Amateur Radio books 1, 2 and 3.

Written by Dr. Nader Abd Elhamed Ali Omer (ham radio call signs ST2NH Sudan and HZ1NH Saudi Arabia).

1st book

الكتاب الاول


Amateur Radio in Arabic (Book 1).

Written by Nader Abd Elhamed Ali Omer (ham radio call signs ST2NH Khartoum Sudan, HZ1NH Riyadh Saudi Arabia).

Amateur Radio is the knowledge to make international friendships and communications using radio.

Amateur Radio is the book that explains the knowledge to obtain the amateur radio operators license and amateur radio station call sign.

Amateur Radio is a free to download book containing 104 pages with many photos and diagrams showing how to establish and operate a world wide amateur radio communications station.

Amateur Radio can be used by the individual (girl or boy) who wants to become a Ham (Helping All mankind and woMankind) Radio experimenter and communicator or as part of a technical scientific training course in educational institutions including primary and secondary schools through to technical collages and Universities.

The above PDF file size is 1.28 MB.


2nd book

الكتاب الثاني


Amateur Radio Antennas in Arabic (Book 2).

Written by Nader Abd Elhamed Ali Omer (amateur radio call signs ST2NH Khartoum Sudan, HZ1NH Riyadh Saudi Arabia).

Amateur Radio Antennas is the knowledge to use or build antennas for home, mobile and satellite communications.

Amateur Radio Antennas is the book that explains how antennas work, how to test antennas and how to install antennas.

This free to download Antenna book contains 155 pages with many photos and diagrams showing how to build your own antennas.

Amateur Radio Antennas can be used by the individual (girl or boy) who wants to become a Ham (Helping All mankind and woMankind) Radio experimenter and communicator or as part of a technical scientific training course in educational institutions including primary and secondary schools through to technical collages and Universities.

The above PDF file size is 9.26 MB.


3rd book

الكتاب الثالث


Amateur Radio Satellite communications in Arabic (Book 3).

Written by Nader Abd Elhamed Ali Omer (ham radio call signs ST2NH Khartoum Sudan, HZ1NH Riyadh Saudi Arabia).

Amateur Radio Satellite communications is the knowledge to make friends with people around the world by using radio to talk through Earth orbiting amateur radio communications satellites.

Amateur Radio Satellite communications is the book that explains the knowledge to install and operate your own Amateur Radio Satellite communications station from your home or by using a walkie talkie (handheld transceiver the size of a mobile phone) at the beach, park or other portable location.

This free to download satellite communications book contains 107 pages with many photos and diagrams showing how to build your own satellite communications station that will also allow you to talk with the astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS).

Amateur Radio Satellite communications can be used by the individual (girl or boy) who wants to become a Ham (Helping All mankind and woMankind) Radio experimenter and communicator or as part of a technical scientific training course in educational institutions including primary and secondary schools through to technical collages and Universities.

The above PDF file size is 6.53 MB.

10. Amateur Radio in Ethiopia.

      Amitar raadiyo ee Xabashi.  

Thanks to Bob ZL1RS for showing Ethiopia ham radio fans with their Ethiopia Amateur Radio Society shirts. 

 Ham Radio Operators and Short Wave Listeners around the world joined Ham Radio operators in the USA in the big "on the air" Short Wave Radio party held each year.


The Ham Radio Party on the Air

Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 June 2009


1. Amateur Radio Operators' Appreciation Day in Ohio. 

The USA thanks the 28,000 ham radio operators who live in the US state of Ohio by declaring June to be Amateur Radio Operators' Appreciation Day in Ohio.

The Governor of the USA State of Ohio declaring 27 June 2009 Amateur Radio Operators' Appreciation Day in the state of Ohio.

The USA State of Ohio, Governor Ted Strickland signed a proclamation declaring Saturday, 27 June 2009 as "Amateur Radio Operators' Appreciation day in Ohio” in recognition of the skills and efforts ham radio operators provide in public service emergency communications."

Ohio Radio Hams (Helping All Mankind and woMankind) operated amateur radio transceivers outside their homes, shops, parks and mountains so that the people of Ohio can see them and celebrate together this special Amateur Radio Operators' Appreciation day in the State of Ohio, USA.

Ham radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and talk to the 28,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the State of Ohio, USA.



2. Amateur Radio Week in Texas.

The USA thanks the 41,000 Amateur Radio operators who live in the US state of Texas by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Week in Texas.

The Governor of the USA State of Texas proclaimed 27 and 28 June 2009 to be part of Amateur Radio Week in the state of Texas.

He said “in times of crisis when other forms of communication are unavailable it is the amateur radio operators that have relayed critical emergency information.”

He said “At this time, I encourage all Texans to learn more about amateur radio and to recognise the contributions amateur radio operators make to our great state, both in times of crisis and in times of peace.”

Ham radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 41,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Texas.

Thanks to the County Amateur Radio Enthusiasts (CARE) and the Montgomery County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES).


3. Amateur Radio Month in Pennsylvania. 

The USA thanks the 23,000 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Pennsylvania by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Month in Pennsylvania.

The Governor of the USA State of Pennsylvania proclaimed all of June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Month in the state of Pennsylvania.

The Governor of the State of Pennsylvania Edward G. Rendell said “Thousands of our citizens have been licensed as Amateur Radio Operators. Known as Hams they provide supplemental communications to their communities during times of natural disasters, local emergencies….. and are on the alert for any local or global emergencies…. Amateur Radio encourages young people in science, engineering, arts and electronics through experimentation.”

The Pennsylvania state Governor said “I encourage all citizens (of the state of Pennsylvania, USA) to support local Amateur Radio operators’ efforts and recognize their vital importance in a comprehensive communications system.”

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 23,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Pennsylvania. 


4. Amateur Radio Week in Washington State. 

The USA thanks the 25,000 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Washington by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Week in Washington State.

The Governor of the USA State of Washington proclaimed 22 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week in the state of Washington.

The Governor of the State of Washington Christine Gregoire said over 25,000 amateur operators in Washington state purse their interest in Amateur Radio communications….. they give their time, skills, equipment and energy to help those in need… they provide emergency communications to public safety organizations, hospitals and the public in the state of Washington…. Government and business support state and local efforts to carry out the Amateur Radio mission…”

The Washington state Governor said “I urge all citizens to join me in thanking the thousands of amateur radio operators who come to our aid during emergencies or disasters.

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 25,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Washington.   


5. Amateur Radio Week in the city of Chicago. 

The USA thanks the 500 amateur radio operators who live in city of Chicago (state of Illonois, USA) by proclaiming 22 to 28 June to be Amateur Radio Week in the city of Chicago.

The Mayor of the city of Chicago proclaimed 22 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week in the city of Chicago.

The Mayor of the city of Chicago Richard M. Daley said “Chicago has more than 500 licensed Amateur Radio Operators who have demonstrated their value in public assistance by providing emergency radio communications.

Amateur Radio Operators donate their services free of charge to the city, in the interests of the citizens of the city as well as the world.

Amateur Radio Operators are on the alert for any emergency local and worldwide and practice their communications skills during the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day exercise.

I hereby declare the week of 22 to 28 as Amateur Radio Week in recognition of this important emergency preparedness exercise and call upon all citizens to pay tribute (thanks) to the American (Amateur) Radio operators of our city.”

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 500 Amateur radio operators who live in the city of Chicago.


6. Amateur Radio Awareness Week in Michigan State, USA.

The USA thanks the 20,000 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Michigan by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Awareness Week in Michigan State, USA.

The Governor of the USA State of Michigan proclaimed June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Awareness Week in the state of Michigan.

The Governor of the State of Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm said “20,000 amateur operators in Michigan State and 85 amateur radio clubs have demonstrated their value in public assistance by providing, at their own expense, free emergency radio communications.

Amateur radio provides a bridge between people, societies and countries through the sharing of ideas…. throughout its history, amateur radio operators have provided countless hours of community service without compensation….. Amateur radio operators provide services to many of the state's emergency response organizations, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Michigan Department of Human Services, and the Office of Emergency Management, and also serve as weather spotters for the Skywarn program, which is a part of the National Weather Service.

This year's Amateur Radio Field Day will be a 24-hour emergency encampment exercise and demonstration of the skills of amateur radio and readiness to provide communications.

Therefore, be it resolved, that I, Jennifer M. Granholm, governor of the state of Michigan, do hereby proclaim the week of 22 June 2009, amateur Radio Awareness Week in Michigan. I encourage the resident of this site to listen up and to turn on their radios in observance of this week and its activities.

In 2003 the Governor of the State of Michigan Governor Jennifer Granholm said “in cooperation with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and its astronauts, Michigan amateur radio operators and the ARRL provide additional public service by setting up portable amateur radio communication links between astronauts in space and Michigan students in their classrooms, opening the eyes of young people to the realities of space, science and engineering.

The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the National Association for Amateur Radio in the USA, headquartered in Newington, Connecticut.

ARRL provides internationally broadcast bulletins, training programs and a staff of professional engineers, technicians and legal counsel for its members in Michigan and throughout our Nation.

The ARRL broadcasts via amateur radio reach over two million licensed radio amateurs plus uncounted numbers of electronic engineers, technicians and experimenters…… This years Amateur Radio Field Day…… will be a 24-hour, round-the-clock operation under emergency power where radio amateurs will test their own skills and the readiness of their equipment from the Michigan fields, hillsides and woodland clearings…. now therefore be it resolved, that I, Jennifer M. Granholm, Governor of the State of Michigan, do hereby proclaim the week of 23 June 2003 as Amateur Radio Awareness Week in Michigan.

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 20,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Michigan. 


7. Amateur Radio Week in the State of South Carolina, USA.

The USA thanks the 7,000 ham radio operators who live in the US state of South Carolina by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Week in South Carolina State, USA.

The Governor of the USA State of South Carolina Mark Sanford proclaimed the week of 22 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week and 27 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Field Day in the state of South Carolina, USA. 

The Governor of the state of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford proclaimed that “Amateur Radio operators throughout South Carolina and the nation constantly demonstrate their value in public assistance by providing emergency radio communications during natural disasters…… while establishing bridges between individuals and countries through the creation of friendships and the sharing of ideas.”

“South Carolina licensed radio amateurs generously donate their time and equipment, operating privately owned communications resources for the welfare and common good of our residents.”

“This years annual Amateur Radio Field Day exercises 27 to 28 June 2009 provide an opportunity for amateur radio clubs throughout the United States to practice setting up and operating field radio stations in preparation for handling actual emergencies.”

“During the 2009 observance of Amateur Radio Week, enthusiasts will take part in activities to raise awareness of the importance of amateur radio operators in public assistance during critical times.”

I,  Mark Sanford, Governor of the great State of South Carolina do hereby proclaim 22 to 28 June 2009 as Amateur Radio Week and 27 to 28 June 2009 as Amateur Radio Field Day throughout the state and encourage all South Carolinians to recognise amateur radio operators for their many contributions, including emergency communications and other public service work, to the continued safety of the residents of the Palmetto State. 

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 7,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of South Carolina. 

8. Amateur Radio Week in the State of Nebraska, USA.

The USA thanks the 3,500 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Nebraska by proclaiming June to be Amateur Radio Week in Nebraska State.

The Governor of the USA State of Nebraska proclaimed 22 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week in the state of Nebraska.

At the proclamation signing ceremony at the State Capitol Building on 10 June 2009 the Governor of the State of Nebraska Dave Heineman declared June "amateur radio week" to thank all of the 3,500 amateur radio operators in Nebraska. He said “these radio operations can be very helpful in our state, particularly in disaster preparation.”

CQ Field Day is a 24-hour emergency communication exercise by amateur radio operators across the USA.

Ham radio operators from amateur radio clubs as well as individual hams deploy their radio stations into temporary locations to test their emergency portable equipment and radio operating skills.

CQ Field Day is a day of fellowship and fun with an underlying current of preparing for emergency communications.

People think that the Internet and the cell phone are always available but they are the first thing that fail in a disaster. 

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 3,500 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Nebraska. Thanks to the ARRL Nebraska division and the QRZ.com team. 

9. ARRL Field Day Weekend in the State of Missouri, USA.

The USA thanks the 12,000 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Missouri by proclaiming 27 and 28 June 2009 to be American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day Weekend.

The Governor of the USA State of Missouri proclaimed 27 and 28 June 2009 to be American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day Weekend in the state of Missouri.

On 16 June 2009 in the city of Jefferson the Governor of the State of Missouri Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon proclaimed that “Amateur Radio Operators are celebrating more than a century of voice broadcasts over the airwaves……. They provide countless hours of uncompensated community service for local parades, bike-a-thons, walk-a-thons, fairs and other charitable public events.” 

“The state recognises the service amateur radio provides to emergency organizations such as county emergency operations centres, the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the National Weather Service.” 

“The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) will conduct its Field Day exercise in June to publically display their ability to communicate with others via the “ham radio.”  

“I Jeremiah W. (Jay) Nixon, Governor of the State of Missouri do hereby proclaim 27 and 28 June 2009 to be American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Field Day Weekend in Missouri.”  

Ham radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 12,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Missouri. 


10. Amateur Radio Week in the State of Indiana, USA.

The USA thanks the 21,500 ham radio operators who live in the US state of Indiana by proclaiming 27 and 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week.

The Governor of the USA State of Indiana proclaimed 21 to 28 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week in the state of Indiana.

The Governor of the State of Indiana Mitchell E. Daniels Jr. proclaimed that “The state of Indiana has more than 21,500 amateur radio operators who have demonstrated their value in public assistance by providing free emergency communications to the state and the nation.”

“Indiana amateur radio operators also provide emergency services to the Indiana Red Cross, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Operations Centres (EOC).”

“These Amateur Radio operators are on the alert for any emergency local or world-wide and practice their communication skills during the American Radio Relay League’s Field Day exercise.”

“I Mitchell E. Daniels Jr., Governor of the State of Missouri do hereby proclaim 27 and 28 June 2009 as Amateur Radio Week in the State of Indiana, and invite all citizens to duly note this occasion.”

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 21,500 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Indiana. 

Thanks to W9WXN and the qrz.com team. 

11. Amateur Radio Week in the State of Iowa, USA. 

The USA thanks the 6,000 amateur radio operators who live in the US state of Iowa by proclaiming 21 and 27 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week.

The Governor of the USA State of Iowa proclaimed 21 to 27 June 2009 to be Amateur Radio Week in the state of Iowa.

The Governor of the State of Iowa Chester J. Culver proclaimed that State of Iowa recognizes and appreciates the diligence of these “hams” who also serve as weather spotters in the SKYWARN program of the National Weather Service”

“Amateur Radio once again proved its undisputed relevance in the modern world in 2005 by providing emergency communications when other systems failed in the devastation of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the USA and in the tsunami catastrophe overseas…….these Amateur Radio services are provided wholly uncompensated.”

“the ARRL is the leading organization for Amateur Radio in the USA…… the ARRL Field Day exercise will take place on June 27-28, 2009 and is a 24-hour emergency encampment exercise and demonstration of the Radio Amateurs’ skills and readiness to provide self-supporting communications even in fields without further infrastructure.”

Amateur radio operators around the world and Short Wave Listeners were invited to join the big radio party on the air and enjoy listening or talking to the 6,000 Amateur radio operators who live in the American state of Iowa. 

Thanks to KJ0L and the qrz.com team. 

Adan Nur Mohamud,

Somalia HAM radio call sign 6O0N,

Founder member of Radio Galkayo SW and Radio Daljir FM. 

At the Radio Galkayo Amateur Radio Club, Galkayo, Somalia in 2004.

1993 Radio student Adan Nur Mohamud, 6O0N.

1993 Completed the Somalia Amateur Radio license course.

1993 Requested and received the ham radio call sign 6O0N.

1993 Foundation member of Radio Galkayo.

2004 Director and founder member Radio Daljir 103MHz FM.

2004 Foundation member of SARFEN.

2005 Silent key. Died in a road car accident.

Contact: Sam Voron VK2BVS, 6O0A. 

Email somaliahamradio@yahoo.com