
當前的數位教學模式,慣用教學平台來進行,將教學所需的教材以各種檔案形式以教學順序上傳,形成與傳統教學類似的系統式數位學習模式。然而,在倡導多元化教學與以學生為中心的學習理論時,突破數位教學的定式來取代教師主導的空間,是本研究的初始概念。 部落格的興起,在型態上改進了以往自製網頁的繁複程序。書寫者得以擁有自己的發表、出版、習作與展示的空間。在技術上具有零技術、零成本、零時差的特性;就型態而言,則有簡單性、開放性與互動性的特性。這樣的特色足以支持像質化研究課程,綜合個體與群體之間互助互融關係的歷程。 因此,本研究提出「個群互體建構法」 ,除了兼顧個體的「問思」與「發現」 ,以及群體的「討論」與「探究」 ,更著重雙方互為主體的「理解」與「建構」 。 此研究之主要研究目標有三:

  1. 探討部落格的系統機制與社群互動特性,探討足以適切運用的教學方法,歸納出部落格的教學互動觀;

  2. 使用既有的科技工具「部落格」來進行課程教學,提供學生進行質化研究的田野日誌記錄,以作為研究過程與成果的分享機制;

  3. 藉由部落格的等權與開放的社群互動,讓學生能夠建立屬於個人的思考脈絡,並與同儕分享,以心得與日誌的交換觀摩來促進學習與研究的成效。

The current digital instructions are done on the courseware with lists of studying materials in various formats in the systematic order with little variations. However, in the era of promoting multiple pedagogies and student-centered learning theories, it is vital to test alternative ways to replace the teacher-guided traditions.

The rising of blog has presented an interesting alternative. It is different from the complex process of self-made websites, providing an individualized space for personal presentations and publications of writings. Technically, it has the characteristics of zero-technical requirement, zero-cost, and zero-time lag. In terms of forms, it is simple, open and interactive. Such attributions are rightful to sustain courses such as Qualitative Research which requires an integral process between individuals and groups. Therefore, this research proposed an “intersubjectivity constructive pedagogy” to place both the individuals and groups in the center. Individually, the course supports the students to “query” and “discover”, and collectively, afford the groups to “discuss” and “investigate”; and finally, to reach the state of “understanding” and “knowledge construction” with the intersubjectivity of the two entities. With this initiative, this research aims to,

  1. Investigate the dynamic and social interactions of blog, and find the appropriate strategies for teaching and learning, thus to generate the educational interaction theory.

  2. Mobilizing feasible and easy access technology tools, blog, to conduct qualitative research course for the students to write and maintain their fieldnotes and to document their research process.

  3. Utilizing blog’s equal and open social interaction dynamic to assist the students in sharing their personal research reflections so that to advance the teaching and researching effectiveness.