

本研究計畫之主題為「台灣鄉土史地之數位遊戲與行動學習整合系統開發與成效研究」 ,其主要目的在於開發一個整合「數位遊戲」以及「行動學習」的系統,來提供台灣鄉土史地的認識與學習。計畫將以新出版之台客武俠小說《小貓》為故事主軸,創造3D情境式角色扮演遊戲,讓學習者能在多媒體遊戲中享受悅讀小說的樂趣,並深入認識南台灣的鄉土史地。除了虛擬情境的故事遊戲外,同時搭配行動學習系統的整合,帶領學習者走入實境,親自踏訪小貓的足跡。透過數位的史地步道,可以使用具有GPS導航系統的 PDA,隨時隨地的讀取跟小貓故事相關的數位內容。 本計畫之目的在於透過「虛擬」與「實境」相輔相成的學習方式,提升學習者對於台灣鄉土史地的學習成效,並提昇學習動機。計畫特色在於融入九年一貫之社會科學習領域的內容於數位遊戲與行動學習系統的開發中,導出數位學習之教學與學習理論的創新與發展,並提出整合系統的設計模式與方法。數位學習系統的成果評鑑部份以探測指標評鑑為主,邀請專家進行形成性評量,提供改進建議。學習成就評量方面則以社會科教材單元及能力指標為基礎,進行學習前後測。學習任務分析則以數位遊戲為主,從系統記錄、歷程觀察、事後訪談,分析學習者於遊戲中的學習歷程,獲取質量並重的資料。最後藉由學習感受問卷深入得知學習者對於數位學習整合系統的觀感與建議。

An Integrated Game-and-Mobile Digital Learning System for Learning Taiwan Local History and Geography

The theme of this research is to design and implement an integrated game-and-mobile digital learning system for learning Taiwan local history and geography. The main goal is to develop a system that combines digital game and mobile learning system that can allow students to learn local cultures. The storyline of digital learning system will base on a Taiwanese martial arts (Wuxia) novel “Cat”. By creating a 3D simulation role-play game to let students enjoy the multimedia presentation and fun of reading novel, at the same to understand the local history and geography of southern part of Taiwan. Besides the virtual story of game, the mobile learning system can guide students to walk into the real world, and physically experience the locations described in the book. With the use of GPS system on the PDA, students can retrieve the digital materials related to the story. The goal of this research is to establish a learning model that combine “virtual” and “real” learning environment and increase students’ learning motivation and effectiveness of Taiwan history and geography. The feature of the system is that it integrates the social science learning content and competence indicators. By investigating the teaching strategies and learning theories used in the system, we will generate an innovative design methods and model to digital game and mobile learning. For game evaluation, experts are invited to conduct heuristic evaluation for formative evaluation, and provide suggestions for further adjustments. For students’ learning effective evaluation, task analysis is the main method. System logs, gaming process recording, and subsequent interviews are used to understand users’ learning process. Both qualitative and quantitative data will be collected for in-depth investigation. Last, reactions and feeling about the learning system will be probed using questionnaires.


延續於計畫: 跨平台3D「臺灣史詩遊戲」之開發與學習歷程分析