
本計畫之「問題導向學習遊戲」(Problem-Based Learning Game) 以問題索解為主軸,透過趣味性的遊戲方式,培養學習者的批判思考能力,並提昇學習動機。遊戲設計以教學理論為基礎,自行開發< William Adventure威廉歷險記>遊戲。目的在於避免使用既有的遊戲進行評量,因無法得知設計的初衷,而未能評量到確實的成效。在遊戲中,學習者從錯誤中找出正確解答的邏輯推判,在完成遊戲的所有關卡後,初步表示其行為已經透過不斷的嘗試錯誤而改變,並達成預定目標。 本計畫之特色在於針對數位遊戲的領域,導出數位學習教學與學習理論的創新與發展,並探討教學策略的設計與實施。另外,從遊戲歷程中分析學習者的高層次思考能力,提出數位學習遊戲的成效評估方法。 遊戲成果評鑑的部份以探測指標評鑑(Heuristic Evaluation)為主,邀請專家進行使用度評鑑(Usability Evaluation)評鑑,提供改進建議。學習成效評量方面則以學習任務分析(Task Analysis)為主,從系統記錄、歷程觀察、事後訪談,分析遊戲各關卡間之相互關係以及學習者的歷程分析,又分為操作路徑比對與個群實驗比較兩部份。最後,使用前後測的方式進行學習者的分析能力測驗。期望在質量並重的方法中,可以更深入得知數位學習對於學習者學習歷程與成果的影響。

This research aims to develop a Problem-Based Learning Game, hoping to use interesting learning process to increase students’ learning motivation as well as to enhance their critical thinking ability. The game developed in this research is called William Adventure, which is designed based on instructional theories. The researcher choose not to use existing games to conduct learning evaluation is trying to avoid making judgments without knowing the designers’ original concept. In William Adventure, users learn from the trial-and-error process. As they finish the game, it preliminarily shows that they can reach the predefined goals. The characteristics of this research include generating innovative instructional and learning theories as well as the use of instructional strategies in digital games. Moreover, from the process of game playing, researchers can analyze users’ higher level cognitive ability, and find ways to new evaluation methods for games. For game evaluation, experts are invited to conduct heuristic evaluation for usability test, and provide suggestions for further adjustments. For students’ learning effective evaluation, task analysis is the main method. System logs, gaming process recording, and subsequent interviews are used to understand users’ learning process. There are two studies including process route comparisons, and individual vs. group gaming process comparison. Last, pre- and post- analytical testing are done to investigate users’ critical thinking ability change. It is hoped that the qualitative and quantitative research methods can allow researchers to understand the influence of digital games in more depth.