Omics Journal Club

SFUOmics is hosting a new journal club series that aims to encourage the discussion of Omics-related peer-reviewed publications among graduate students across different departments at SFU.

    • Papers selected need to be interpretable by a general Omics audience
    • Papers need to be sent out at least 1 week prior to the meeting
    • The host needs to have prepared an oral synopsis of their chosen paper, including major findings, techniques used, and why they picked it
    • The host needs to have prepared discussion prompts, and will be responsible for facilitating general discussion

Our next journal club will be ...

Thursday, March 3rd, 2020 at 4:00 pm.

Led by TBA

Location: SSB 8114

And we will be reading:


Light snacks will be provided by SFUOmics.

Schedule for future journal clubs : here

If interested in leading a journal club, please email us at with Omics Journal Club in the subject line.