Course Activity 4.4C Modeling with Semilog and Loglog Analysis

Objectives: To complete the entire process of modeling using semilog and loglog analysis independently.


Suggested Procedures: I will let them work on this very independently pointing out to them that this is what they will need to do in their next project stage and we will also expect them to be able to do this on the exam. The first question is an exponential function which has a couple of questions to assess where this model is appropriate. The second question is a very open question where we expect them to go through all of the steps of the analysis without all of the prompting. I really want to see all of their work here. This is an activity where we are trying to move them away from the level of guidance that we were giving them at the beginning of the course.


Possible Homework: Finish the activity and hand it in.

Teaching Reflections

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