Course Activity 1.1C: Functions - Input/Output and Domain/Range

Objectives: To understand the meaning of input and output; to define and identify domain and range.

Preliminaries/Lead-In: I will collect CA1.1B

Suggested Procedures: I think I will let the students just get started on 1 and 2 and then I will have students present their answers after everyone has had a chance to think through these questions. I will go around the classroom and try to help groups individually on these first two questions. Then I will define domain and range together as a class (or I might send them to the book to find the definition and then talk about it as a class? - P.S.: Well, remember that domain/range are not defined in the text until Chapter Two!). Then I will let them work on the rest of the worksheet - telling them that they need to complete it by the beginning of the next class.


Possible Homework: (Paula) My plan is to have them work on Part I together in small groups in class today (Wed.) after completing and handing in CA 1.1-B. If they don't finish Part I, I'll send them home with that to finish. But I think with my kids I better have them tackle Part II together in class on Friday - not on their own our of class.

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