Course Activity 1.5 Reading Quiz

Objectives: To assess the students ability to read independently.

Preliminaries/Lead-In: Do not discuss this material in class before the quiz. Make sure that you have completed CA 1.4, 1.5 the day before you give this reading quiz.

Suggested Procedures: Do not allow the students to use calculators on this quiz. Allow 20 minutes of class time for them to work on it. I will probably do this at the end of class so that once students get done they can go.


Possible Homework:

Teaching Reflections

Follow this link to share with us how this activity (the original or your adapted version) worked in your classroom! Thank you for all of your feedback.

Alternative Versions:

If you make any adjustments to this activity we would appreciate you sharing your new version! Please save it as "YOURNAME Course Activity ....." and attach it below. Thank you!

Paula: I made a Version A and Version B for this quiz. We need to get in the habit of making two versions of all quizzes and exams - our rooms are too crowded! Sorry didn't think of this earlier!! Idea is to hand out alternate versions of quiz so nobody is sitting next to someone working on the same version.