Course Activity 3.4 Reading Quiz

Objectives: To assess the student's ability to read independently.

Preliminaries/Lead-In: Assign 3.4 as reading a class or two before you give the reading quiz - I think you would want to have at least worked a little on 3.3 before doing this.

Suggested Procedures: Give them 20 minutes for the quiz, there are no calculators allowed. Give every second student a Version A or Version B quiz. Collect and grade each question according to the rubric that I will send out (score each question individually). Copy your reading quizzes before handing them back and leave them with Nichole to record the scores.


Possible Homework:

Teaching Reflections

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Alternative Versions:

If you make any adjustments to this activity we would appreciate you sharing your new version! Please save it as "YOURNAME Course Activity ....." and attach it below. Thank you!