BPDA meeting on Feb. 23 will address the future of 104 Walter Street

Neighbors are invited and encouraged to join a meeting of the Boston Planning and Development Agency (BPDA) on Tuesday, February 23 at 6:00 p.m. The topic will be the agency's development of a request for proposals for the disposition of 104 Walter Street (the lot with the blue house).

Register for the meeting at bit.ly/104walter

104 Walter Street is part of the neighborhood discussion and planning initiative undertaken by the Roslindale Wetlands Task Force and the Longfellow Area Neighborhood Association (LANA) last fall. Through a grassroots process, neighbors developed a preferred site plan, shown below, that creates four units of affordable ownership housing while also protecting the Roslindale Wetlands. During two participatory community workshops last fall, neighbors developed a balanced approach to advancing equity and promoting climate resiliency. Read about the consensus plan in detail.

BPDA acquired both 104 and 108 Walter Street in late December 2020, as a result of LANA’s and RWTF’s advocacy efforts. 108 Walter Street will become part of the permanently protected Roslindale Wetlands Urban Wild. It will be transferred by BPDA to the Boston Conservation Commission in the near future.