Braishfield Village Hall

This 5 mile walk starts and finishes at Braishfield Village Hall, where there is a café and community shop.


Go out of the car park and turn right up the road. Continue on the pavement past the war memorial. Just after the pavement ends, on the left hand side of the road is a footpath.


Follow the footpath up a driveway and to the side of the house, through a garden and over the stile into the field. Continue until you reach a road.

In winter this can be very muddy.


Turn right onto the road and walk about 300m until you reach a Public Footpath on the left. Take this path up through three fields. Just before you reach the next road, the path turns right into the next door field. The path runs parallel with road for about 100m. Half way along this field boundary, take the stile onto the road.


Cross the road and take the Public Footpath to the right of the red brick house. At the next stile, the path turns sharp left, along the field boundary and into some woods. Go through these and out of other side into a large field.

Walk straight across the field until you meet a track. Turn right there and follow the track. After about a 100m it turns sharp right and continues back up to the road.


Turn right onto the road and walk down the lane, round the corner and on until you find a public footpath to the left.

Take the footpath until it meets a gravel track. Continue on the track bridle path until it it finally meets a metalled road junction.


Turn right onto the road and follow it back towards Braishfield.


Just round the corner is a narrow footpath on the left hand side of the road. Take this and follow it to the end. It opens out onto a gravel track with houses along it. Turn right onto this and follow it until it becomes a metalled road and keep going until you reach a village pond on the left.


Take the right hand fork after the pond and follow the road back to the main Briashfield road. There, turn left and walk along the pavement back to the Village Hall.