ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus

Copied from: (March 29, 2020)

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ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus


The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), also known as the Wuhan coronavirus,is a contagious virus that causes respiratory infection first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019 as the cause of the ongoing 2019–2020 Wuhan coronavirus outbreak. The outbreak of 2019-nCov, which started in Wuhan, subsequently spread to other provinces of Mainland China and to other countries outside China, Philippines included. The World Health Organization in January 30, 2020 has declared the Wuhan coronavirus outbreak as a global public health emergency. Thus, there is now (January to February 2020 up to when nobody knows - still going on up to March 11, 2020) worldwide concern on the infection with novel coronavirus, including the Philippines.


All Filipinos should be armed with adequate knowledge and skills and proper attitude on how to avoid the infection and how to manage themselves when suspected to be unavoidably infected.

ROJoson has created this ROJoson's Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning and Online Learning cum Evaluation Test Exercise (ROJ-OCIL-OLETE) to help people in the Philippines to be armed with adequate knowledge and skills and proper attitude on how to avoid the infection and how to manage themselves when suspected to be unavoidably infected.

[Basically, OLETE is an online test and/or exercise that has for its objectives the simultaneous promotion of learning and evaluation of the learners or students. Between the two objectives, promotion of learning is intended to be more important in my design for the OLETE. The evaluation is intended to be more of a self-evaluation of the student to reinforce his learning. Although the teacher-facilitator can use the OLETE to evaluate the pretest competency status (as will be reflected in the first attempt) and achievement in the subsequent attempts of the students, it is not the intention in the design of the OLETE to identify which students to flank or which to recognize. The goal is that all the students get the perfect score at the end of the OLETE which in turn assumes that they all have achieved the learning objectives using the test and/or exercise as the evaluation tool.]

Learning objectives and contents of ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus: (minimum essential enough not to panic; enough to prevent it; enough to know how to manage oneself when suspected to be infected)

1. What is the fuss about Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 at present (January - February 2020 - March 2020)?

2. What is Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection?

3. How is Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection acquired?

4. How can Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection be prevented?

5. How to manage oneself when suspected to be infected with Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19?

Target Learners: All people particularly Filipinos in the Philippines

Target outputs of ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus:

Mentees have acquired the minimum essential knowledge, attitude and skills - enough not to panic; enough to prevent it; enough to know how to manage oneself when suspected to be infected

Mentees are empowered to prevent being infected with Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 and if infection is not avoided, to know how to manage oneself (what to do).

Mentees are empowered to teach my other significant others on how to prevent being infected with Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 and on what to do when suspected to be infected with Novel Coronavirus or or COVID-19.

Learning Methods:

· Reading manuscripts and references / links on the topic prepared by ROJoson and asking clarificatory questions and discussion strongly encouraged to bring out the OCIL

Manuscripts and references / links prepared by ROJoson:

See ROJoson's Manuscripts below.

See WHO COVID-19 Situational Reports

· Taking the Online Learning cum Evaluation Test Exercise (OLETE) on the topic

Evaluation Methods:

Passing the Online Learning cum Evaluation Test Exercise (OLETE) on the topic

Certification and Requirements:

Certificate of Commitment and Accomplishment – 1) Reading of manuscripts and references / links prepared by ROJoson and 2) Passing of OLETE (100 score).

Template of Certificate

What is the fuss about Novel Coronavirus at present (January - February 2020)?

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared infection with Novel Coronavirus as an International or global public health emergency on January 30, 2020 when the Novel Coronavirus outbreak has spread beyond China.

The World Health Organization (WHO) made the declaration of international public health emergency because of fears that the Novel Coronavirus though occurring mainly in China may reach countries with weak health care systems where it could run amok, potentially infecting millions of people and killing thousands.

There is now (January to February 2020 up to when nobody knows) worldwide concern on the infection with Novel Coronavirus, including the Philippines.


As of February 20, 2020, there are more than 74,675 confirmed cases and more than 2121 deaths in China.

As of February 27, 2020, there are more than 78,630 confirmed cases and more than 2147 deaths in China.

As of February 20, 2020, there are 26 countries outside China with confirmed cases, with more than 1,000 confirmed cases and 5 deaths.

As of February 27. 2020. there are 46 countries outside China with confirmed cases, with more than 3,664 confirmed cases and 46 deaths.

See the differences in statistics between February 20, 2020 and February 27. 2020.

WHO RISK ASSESSMENT: China - Very High; Regional Level - High; Global Level - High

Sources of data:

See WHO COVID-19 Situational Reports -

Updates on WHO Stats as of March 10, 2020



Outside China

113,702 confirmed (4,125 new)

80,924 confirmed

(20 new)

32,778 confirmed

(4,105 new)


China - Very High

Regional Level - Very High

Global Level - Very High

With many tourists coming from China, some from Wuhan before the imposition of travel bans by the Philippines on February 2, 2020, the Filipinos are concerned with being infected with the Novel Coronavirus.

As of February 20, 2020 and up to February 27, 2020, there are 3 confirmed cases (all Chinese tourists) and one death (Chinese tourist) secondary the Novel Coronavirus infection in the Philippines.

Updates in the Philippines as of March 11, 2020



The Philippines was the first country in the entire world that recorded the first Novel-Coronavirus-death outside China.

The reactions of Filipinos have been mainly of fear and panic-buying of masks and alcohol.

There are a lot of fake news and unscientific information circulating in the social media that have caused many Filipinos to panic over the Novel Coronarvirus infection.

There are a lot of things the scientists and physicians still don't know about the Novel Coronavirus as it is new and still evolving.

The best sources of information to guide Filipinos on what to do with the Novel Coronavirus are those from the World Health Organization and Department of Health of the Philippines.

The best strategy against Novel Coronavirus is for all Filipinos to be armed with adequate knowledge and skills and proper attitude on how to avoid the infection and how to manage themselves when suspected to be unavoidably infected.

What is Novel Coronavirus infection?

The current and official name as of February 14, 2020 of the infection caused the Novel Coronavirus is COVID-19. CO - corona; VI - virus; D - Disease; 19 - 2019 (discovered in 2019).

The previous names consist of the following: Wuhan virus; coronavirus disease 2019; 2019-nCOV; and 2019 novel coronavirus.

COVID-19 is a viral illness affecting human beings that started in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.

COVID-19 is a virus infection in which antibiotics are of no use against it.

COVID-19 is theorized to have originated in a food market in Wuhan, China, where exotic animals are being sold and eaten.

COVID-19 is theorized to have originated from bats causing animal to human transmission.

COVID-19 is called novel coronavirus because it is infection caused by a new coronavirus never encountered before.

Other coronaviruses that have caused infection outbreaks in human beings before are the Systemic Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) in 2003 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) in 2012.

Three of these new coronaviruses have been discovered in recent years:

    • SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), a serious and sometimes fatal respiratory illness. It was first discovered in China in 2002 and spread around the world. There have been no new cases reported anywhere in world since 2004.

    • MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome), a severe respiratory illness discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012. The illness has spread to 27 countries. All cases have been linked to travel or residence in or around the Arabian Peninsula.

    • COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019). It was discovered in late 2019 in Wuhan City, in the Hubei Province of China. Most infections have occurred in China or are related to travel from Hubei Province.

Coronaviruses are zoonotic, meaning they are transmitted between animals and people.

SARS-CoV was transmitted from civet cats to humans and MERS-CoV from dromedary camels to humans.

Persons infected with COVID-19 usually manifest illness that ranges from mild symptoms to severe illness and death. Earlier symptoms usually include fever, cough, and other symptoms similar to those of flu like sneezing and running nose and body fatigue. Later symptoms that may indicate more serious illness setting in include shortness of breath or difficulty of breathing for which pneumonia should be considered. Other complications may occur such as kidney dysfunction and death.

The symptoms of COVID-19 are very similar to those of influenza or flu. One strongly suspects COVID-19 only when there is a history of recent travel to country or community with COVID-19 outbreak like Wuhan, China, or when there is a history of contact with a patient with COVID-19.

Patients under investigation (PUI) for COVID-19 are those persons with at least the following criteria: 1) history of exposure - travel to China, particularly Wuhan or any community with COVID-19 outbreak or history of contact with a confirmed patient with COVID-19; 2) presence of fever and respiratory symptoms; and 3) onset of the symptoms within 14 days from exposure in No. 1.

All patients under investigation will undergo laboratory testing for COVID-19.

Patients under monitoring (PUM) for COVID-19 are those persons with history of exposure (travel to China, particularly Wuhan or any community with COVID-19 outbreak or history of contact with a confirmed patient with COVID-19 but without symptoms.

Confirmed cases are those tested positive for COVID-19.

A definite diagnosis of COVID-19 is gotten only when blood, saliva, or respiratory secretions from the nose or back of throat samples are submitted to a testing facility and confirms the presence of the viral material or antibodies that respond to the virus.

There’s currently no treatment specifically approved for the 2019 coronavirus although treatments and vaccines are currently under study. Instead, treatment focuses on managing symptoms as the viral infection runs its course.

The death rate or fatality rate for COVID-19 at present (February 2020) is reported to be 2% in China (this figure may change in the future). It should be lower for those outside China. The death rate for SARS in 2003 was about 10%.

The death rate or fatality rate for COVID-19 is higher for the elderly patients and those with prior medical conditions.

How is Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection acquired?

Coronaviruses are zoonotic. This means they first develop in animals before developing in humans.

For the virus to pass from animal to humans, a person has to come into close contact with an animal that carries the infection.

Once the virus develops in people, coronaviruses can be spread from person to person through respiratory droplets (saliva or mucus carried in the air for up to 6 feet). Respiratory droplets is a technical name for the wet stuff that moves through the air when you cough or sneeze.

The viral material hangs out in these droplets and can be breathed into the respiratory tract (windpipe and lungs) of another person leading to spread of the viral infection.

The viral infection can also occur if the contaminated droplets land directly in the eyes, nose or mouth of a person. Droplets generally travel between 3 to 6 feet and land on surfaces or objects including tables, doorknobs and telephones. The virus infection can occur if persons touch the contaminated objects with their hands and then touch their eyes, nose and mouth.

Older adults and those with chronic medical conditions seem to be especially susceptible to the COVID-19. Thus, host immunity or resistance is an important contributory factor to virus infection.

How can Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) infection be prevented?

Foremost, avoid exposure - exposure to people with confirmed COVID-19; exposure to plenty of people with confirmed COVID-19; exposure in a community with COVID outbreak. Do not go near. Stay away.

SOCIAL DISTANCING - avoid congregating and interacting in large groups. Ideal distance is to keep 6 feet apart between two persons.

If one cannot avoid being exposed to people with confirmed COVID-19, such as health personnel and relatives taking care of COVID-19 patients, one should wear personal protective equipment (PPE) - protective clothing, goggles, gloves or other garments or equipment designed to protect the wearer's body from infection.

DOH advisories on the use of mask (February 2020):

People in good health do not need to use face mask.

Use of surgical face mask is only recommended for:

- Persons caring for the sick

- Persons with respiratory infection / symptoms: coughing, sneezing and/or have fever

- Healthcare and other frontline workers

N95 masks must be reserved for healthcare and other frontline workers who are:

- Attending to patients with respiratory infection / symptoms (cough, cold) or patients under investigation

- Entering rooms of persons under investigation or confirmed nCoV patients to provide care or clean / disinfect the environment, or obtain clinical specimens (note: with complete personal protective equipment)

- Handling clinical specimens, soiled medical supplies or equipment or come in contact with potentially contaminated environmental surfaces.

A personal recommendation for all people is to always have at least a surgical face mask on hand ready to wear when needed even when there is no outbreak of COVID-19 in the community. There are still a lot of people with cough or colds who don't wear face masks as part of a social etiquette. Once these people are encountered, one may bring out and put on the surgical face mask to protect oneself from inhaling possible infected respiratory droplets. This practice is applicable not only for COVID-19 but also to other types of respiratory infections such as influenza and common colds.

To avoid being infected from contaminated objects and people, practice personal sanitary hygiene by avoiding touching potentially contaminated objects and people; regularly disinfecting surfaces or objects that may be contaminated; regular hand washing even just with soap and water; and avoiding touching one's eyes, nose and mouth with contaminated hands.

Another strategy to avoid succumbing to COVID-19 infection is to keep one's host immunity or resistance as optimal as possible. This can be promoted by healthy lifestyle - healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, etc.

DOH Advices on Prevention of COVID-19

DOH advises the public to:

a. Practice frequent and proper handwashing - wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available.

b. Practice proper cough etiquette.

i. Cover mouth and nose using handkerchief/tissue (sleeves or crook of the elbow may also be used to cover the mouth when coughing or sneezing).

ii. Move away from people when coughing.)

iii. Do not spit.

iv. Throw away used tissues properly.

v. Always wash your hands after sneezing or coughing.

vi. Use alcohol/sanitizer.

c. Maintain distance at least one meter away from individual/s manifesting with flu-like symptoms.

d. Avoid unprotected contact with farm or wild animals (alive or dead), animal markets, and products that come from animals (such as uncooked meat).

e. Ensure that food is well-cooked.

f. Maintain a healthy lifestyle.

How to manage oneself when suspected to be infected with Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)?

First of all, when is it said that one is suspected to be infected with COVID-19.

High probability of being infected with COVID-19

When the following parameters are present:

- Presence of least fever and respiratory symptoms (such as cough and/or breathing difficulty)

- Exposure to a community with COVID-19 outbreak, to plenty of people with confirmed COVID-19 infection, and /or to a person with a confirmed COVID-19 infection.

- Presence of a COVID-19 outbreak in certain communities that may cause a spread to one's community

Low probability of being infected with COVID-19

When the following parameters are present:

- Presence of least fever and respiratory symptoms (such as cough and/or breathing difficulty)

- NO exposure to a community with COVID-19 outbreak, to plenty of people with confirmed COVID-19 infection, and /or to a person with a confirmed COVID-19 infection.

- Presence of a COVID-19 outbreak in certain but distant communities that may cause a spread to one's community

Very low probability of being infected with COVID-19

When the following parameters are present:

- Presence of least fever and respiratory symptoms (such as cough and/or breathing difficulty)

- NO COVID-19 outbreak in certain communities that may cause a spread to one's community

- NO exposure to a person with a confirmed COVID-19 infection.

What to do with one is suspected to be infected with COVID-19 based on probability of infection?


√* - may be quarantined at home as long as there is a capability to do this and there is acceptance of possibility that relatives may be infected in the care of the person with high probability of being infected and government will allow this practice.

√** - may be isolated at home as long as there is a capability to do this and there is acceptance of possibility that relatives may be infected in the care of the person with confirmed infection and government will allow this practice.


If one is suspecting to be infected with COVID-19, stay home right away and do a self-quarantine for at least two weeks. Have utmost physical and mental rest at home. Eat healthy diet. Drink enough water to have adequate hydration. Do a little exercise like walking and stretching-flexing exercise in one's room as able. Do light and non-strenuous activities at home like reading, writing, and computering to ward off boredom. Practice sanitary hygiene. When need to cough or sneeze or to clean runny nose, use clean tissue papers and discard soiled tissues appropriately and safely. Distance oneself from other members of the household. Wear mask when need to interact with members of the household. Ask members of the household to wear mask also during interaction.


If there is progression of symptoms or breathing difficulty, call a doctor (should have a family doctor or know a doctor or at best, know an infection disease specialist) and arrange for a hospitalization (where and how to facilitate admission without unduly putting other people at risk).

What to do to confirm if one is infected with COVID-19?

Laboratory tests are used to confirm if one is really infected with COVID-19 using special test kits. Samples of testing can include a swab from the nose or throat; nasal aspirate; tracheal aspirate; sputum; and blood.

What to do if one is confirmed to be infected with COVID-19?

If one is confirmed to be positive for COVID-19, one is usually treated accordingly in a hospital by staff with personal protective equipment (PPE).

There’s currently no specific antiviral treatment specifically approved for the COVID-19 although treatments and vaccines are currently under study. Instead, treatment focuses on managing symptoms (supportive treatment) as the COVID-19 infection runs its course.

Treatment is therefore supportive, which means giving fluids, medicine to reduce fever, and, in severe cases, supplemental oxygen. People who become critically ill from COVID-19 may need a respirator to help them breathe. Bacterial infection can complicate this viral infection. Patients may require antibiotics in cases of bacterial pneumonia with COVID-19.

There’s no evidence that supplements, such as vitamin C or probiotics, will help speed recovery.

If one is confirmed to be positive for COVID-19, aside from the medical treatment that may be needed, one should continue or reinforce one's strategies in keeping the host immunity or resistance as optimal as possible. This can be promoted by continuing and/or strengthening healthy lifestyle - healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, etc.

Although majority will recover from COVID-19 and few will die from it (will not cite statistics as these keep on changing everyday), one cannot absolutely predict what will be the final outcome. One has just to keep the hope high (and pray) that one will soon recover.


I started to develop this ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus in January 29, 2020 to jump start my formal Patient Empowerment Program (starting 2020) or ROJ-OCIL-COI-Public. I started with this topic because of the current and increasing alarm and fear among the Filipinos on what to do in the face of COVID outbreak. I was initially hesitant to complete and launch this ROJ-OCIL-OLETE as there are so many controversies and uncertainties going on in COVID-19.

Today, February 28, I finally decided to complete and launch it to catch its timeliness (fear of COVID-19 outbreak may be waning) and not to say usefulness (if useful to the public - only those who take this ROJ-OCIL-OLETE will be the judge on this).

This ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus is my personal TPORs (Thoughts, Perceptions, Opinions and Recommendations) which I will use to advise and teach my patients and friends when they ask me about COVID-19. I will use this to EMPOWER them. My TPORs may change overtime. They may be disputed (I welcome comments and criticisms though). However, for the moment, I will ensure that my ROJ-OCIL-OLETE will be useful to my patients and friends even just for a few days or weeks or months. My target is at least 30 patients and friends will take this ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus and be EMPOWERED by it.

Dr. Reynaldo O. Joson


Recommended Links:

FIGHT THE VIRUS SONG - Alvin Oon - educational and inspirational and giving hope

FIGHT THE VIRUS – Alvin Oon: Hello virus from Wuhan Another problem’s here again Because you see the contagion creeping And the virus is indeed spreading And the memory of SARS planted in my brain Still remains We stand and fight the virus We hear of theories how it grew From snakes and bats became a flu Passing the sickness from man to man Now it’s growing, getting out of hand It’s a virus that has travelled near and far Corona We have to fight the virus And in the latest news I saw Ten thousand people maybe more People falling sick with much coughing People falling ill with much sneezing People worried for their health and their ones so dear Pneumonia We keep the fight the virus Keep your hand clean always know Hygiene will stop that virus grow When you sneeze cover with a tissue Even coughing just let me teach you Wear a mask if you’re sick so that others won’t get it too We count on you To help to fight the virus Together we must overcome To beat this virus fight as one For a life of health and harmony It’s in our hands it’s up to you and me For the health of our land of our friends and family Humanity We will win this fight the virus

Those who completed the course requirements as of March 1, 2020:

March 2, 2020


March 2, 2020

March 10, 2020

March 11

March 13, 2020

March 15, 2020 - 10th

March 19, 2020






DOH raises code red due to coronavirus threat - March 7, 2020

Read more:

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The health chief added that raising code red is “a preemptive call to ensure that national and local governments and public and private health care providers can prepare for a possible increase in suspected and confirmed cases.”

“At this stage of localized transmission, intensified contact tracing and home quarantine of close contacts of confirmed cases, improved hospital preparedness, enhanced Severe Acute Respiratory Illness surveillance, and activation of other laboratories outside of RITM to increase capacity to diagnose are now being implemented,” Duque said.

“This declaration is a signal to all concerned agencies, local government units and health care providers to be ready to implement planned response measures.

We are continuously reminding everyone to practice personal protective measures such as hand hygiene, social distancing, and proper cough etiquette,” he reminded.

“Avoid unnecessary travel and postpone mass gatherings, as well. It is our individual responsibility to protect ourselves and the people around us. Only through collective action in our communities will we be able to limit the spread of the virus.”

Read more:

Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook

March 8, 2020

Declaration of State of Public Health Emergency throughout the Philippines by the Philippine President.

ROJoson -20mar11

APOLOGY to those mentees enrolled or registered in ROJ-OCIL-Intentional Living. I have not been active in facilitating this OCIL for about a month now. I was kept busy in my other ROJ-OCILs (Online Collaborative and Interactive Learnings) particularly on Novel Coronavirus. Will get back to ROJ-OCIL-Intentional Living soon (not later than March 15, 2020). Promise!

Come to think of it:

ROJ-OCIL on Novel Coronavirus is aligned and part of my Intentional Living Plan and yours too (those enrolled).

To stay alive and not crippled up to a certain target age is the primary goal of an Intentional Living Plan. With the COVID-19 challenge globally and particularly in the Philippines, a person with an Intentional Living Plan must have a strategy to avoid being infected with COVID-19 and must know what to do when suspected to be infected with COVID-19 in order to stay alive and not crippled by COVID-19.

The learning objectives and contents of ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus: (minimum essential enough not to panic; enough to prevent it; enough to know how to manage oneself when suspected to be infected)

1. What is the fuss about Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 at present (January - February 2020)?

2. What is Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection?

3. How is Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection acquired?

4. How can Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 infection be prevented?

5. How to manage oneself when suspected to be infected with Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19?

Target outputs of ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus:

Mentees have acquired the minimum essential knowledge, attitude and skills - enough not to panic; enough to prevent it; enough to know how to manage oneself when suspected to be infected

Mentees are empowered to prevent being infected with Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 and if infection is not avoided, to know how to manage oneself (what to do).

The other reason why I consider ROJ-OCIL on Novel Coronavirus to be aligned and part of my Intentional Living Plan is that I made a resolution in 2020 in my Intentional Living Plan to focus on Online Collaborative and Interactive Learning for professionals and for the public from 2020 to 2032.

I have already launched eight (8) OCILS starting February 1, 2020 up to March 10, 2020 (in just 6 weeks):

Some of these are seen below (click links):…/roj-ocil-olete-on-novel-coronavi……/roj-ocil-coi-on-chief-complaint-……/olete-on-department-design-and-d……/olete-on-physical-examination-of……/roj-ocil-coi-on-management-algor…

INFECTIOUS DISEASES such as COVID-19 is not my medical specialty as I am a surgeon. However, with the current COVID-19 challenging my patients and my friends in Facebook, I took it upon myself to help under the umbrella of my EDUCATION FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES PROGRAM by creating the ROJ-OCIL on Novel Coronavirus (giving the mentees minimum essential learning enough not to panic; enough to prevent it; enough to know how to manage oneself when suspected to be infected) - the least that I can do, best effort with best intention, etc.

ROJ-OCIL on Novel Coronavirus is not only part of my ROJ-OCIL on Intentional Living and Education for Health Development in the Philippines program. It is also aligned to my advocacy on SAFETY PROMOTION AND DISASTER PREPAREDNESS FOR ALL PROGRAM (for the family, for patients, for the hospitals, etc.)

March 29, 2020

I am officially closing the ROJ-OCIL-OLETE on Novel Coronavirus with 43 Filipinos who took the OLETE and with 15 who got a Certificate of Commitment and Accomplishment.

I am now going into another stage or form of public health education on COVID-19 in the setting of a community quarantine which I shall design in due time.


More updates, very informative,

Very helpful and knowledgeable

Thank you so much, Doctor R. O. Joson for inspiring so many people like me. I also personally thanks for handling my wife Surgery Abigail Hernandez last Feb. 14, 2020. Thank you again

Long test, but thank you for preparing this to inform the public.

It helps us to understand what COVID-19 is, and how will be able to prevent this communicable disease.

I learned a lot

Thank you for this test Dr Joson. Very helpful.

Excellent information, need proper hygiene and proper gear to prevent deseases.always allert.

This really help us

Thank you for making people aware of this disease


It’s helps us to understand the disease and how to manage it.

Thank you, Doc for coming up with such material. I've learned a lot from this.

No comments No comments

Highly recommend

Keep us updated thru ROJ- OCIL- OLETE

Thank you for coming up with rhese online learning and feedack tool about COVID-19 thus enhancing awareress of its nature, prevention, coping treatment mechanisms including its management once infected with it. More power and God bless.

It helps us to understand what is COVID-19 is, and how will going to manage the disease if there’s an outbreak nearby our places.

Thank u doc

We support you doc. God bless us.

Very informative, more updates

Thank you for this survey. It is very helpful.

Thank you

Thank you for making time to educate people you don't even know.

Very informative

thank you for coming up with these online learning and feedback tool re COVID-19 thus enhancing our awareness of its nature, prevention and coping treatment mechanisms. more powerecently and God bless.

I find this course really helpful. Thank you for sharing the knowledge. It really helps a lot to learn & understand more this contagious & deadly disease. I really appreciate the love & concern. Thank you.

I learned a lot on this

Thank u for the learning doc

This is a good test to know if we really understand what is novel.coronavirus is all about

I find this program really helpful. Thank you for sharing the knowledge. I learned a lot and understand more about this deadly disease.

Thank you for this survey. All the information given was very helpful for the safety of everyone.

Very imformative,more updates

Thank you, Dr. Joson for coming up with an informative material like this. I learned a lot from it.

Thank you for this

I have knowledge on how to deal with corona virus

Thank doc for this opportunity to be informed and assess our readiness

To have extra knowlege on what to do with COVID 19

Its very comprehensive and helpful. Knowing these could help people understand that there is no need to panic but there is a great need of vigilance and awareness.

Thanks for this po.

To have extra knowledge about COVID 19

Thanks for sharing.

i learned a lot

The OLETE and summary of responses:
