Cause Mapping on COVID19 Infection by ROJoson

I have been trying to do a cause mapping of health care workers dying from COVID19 since April 26, 2020.

I started with this framework:

In the midst of COVID19 crisis, I still think the best strategies are constant mindfulness, vigilance against errors and learning from mistakes, either own or others. It is the motherhood strategy. The administrative, engineering and individual actionable control measures that are commonly spelled out are no doubt important strategies but they should be superseded by a mental attitudinal stance of constant mindfulness, vigilance against errors and learning from mistakes, either own or others. The imperfections of the spelled-out actionable control measures can be patched up to perfection by the mental attitudinal stance.

Thus, when I tried making a cause mapping on COVID19 on April 26, 2020, I included the lack of mindfulness and vigilance and not learning from mistakes as the main underlying causes.

An attitude of being mindful and vigilant against errors and learning from the mistakes of others can be developed by the person himself or herself without coercion from a third party (the best – see my ELE-NYKE Program); with coercion from a third party (illustrated by the chairman of a department of surgery above); or both (personally developed attitude complimented with coercion).
