Cause Mapping on COVID19 Infection by Think Reliability

Cause Mapping of COVID19

3 Ways COVID-19 Transmits and Spreads (by Think Reliability)

Using the Cause Map™ diagram, we are able to highlight the three potential transmission paths of a viral infection. Each path has different control opportunities (potential solutions) that can reduce the risk of transmission.

The three paths include:

Droplet Transmission

An infected person is talking, coughing or sneezing within close contact of others. Large respiratory droplets (greater than 5μm to 10μm) makes direct contact to infect.

Surface Transmission

A person touches a contaminated surface and then inadvertently touches their face, introducing the virus.

Airborne (Aerosol) Transmission

An infected person is talking, coughing or sneezing. The small respiratory droplets (less than 5μm to 10μm) remain suspended in air for a period of time and over greater distance.
