
I have been trying to do a cause mapping of health care workers dying from COVID19 since April 26, 2020. I am not yet completely done as of May 17, 2020.

I drafted this framework but I am a little bit uneasy because I have not seen people pointing to NOT BEING CONSTANTLY MINDFUL AND VIGILANT in their cause mappings. They usually focus on the lack of personal protective equipment, administrative and engineering controls, etc.

20may16 - I saw this post from a Chairman of a Department of Surgery in the Philippines. I was glad to see it and will use it as an example to illustrate my point ---- that one of the most important underlying causes is MDs (or any health care workers for that matter) are not being constantly mindful and vigilant against COVID19 infection and they did not learn from the mistakes (or just call them experience) of health care workers who got infected and died of COVID19.

With this, I can now go on to complete my cause mapping of health care workers dying from COVID19.
