Make your own movie, visual novel or video overlay with these "Robin" and "Simon" Animated Characters 600 Royalty Free Alpha animated movie characters with transparent background that you can use without restriction for anything you want.

Use the "SubscribeStar" link below or the Zip File download links at the bottom of this page.

It is easier to download these zip files from my SubscribeStar site here or you can download them from my google drive in the links below.

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I frequently post excellent free stuff for my $0 Tier SubscribeStar followers. I know it's a hassle signing up on Subscribestar just to follow me but it doesn't cost anything to follow for free and I need followers to make my page more visible so people can find my stuff and there's a lot of free animations and dozens of scene sets that are available only to subscribestar followers.

You can do anything you want with these scene sets without worrying about copyrights, royalties, or accreditation. 

Now that I have learned how to make the characters walk, talk, and jump around with high quality transparent background animations I'm making a bunch of them free too.

because there are now good text to speech tools like Microsoft "ClipChamp" available for free to make character voices anyone can make a movie if they have a few animated transparent background characters like these.

My characters Robin and Simon match and look good together.

If you like all my free stuff and want to support me you can follow me on Subscribestar ~ 

Or make a PayPal donation... 

Finding good background images that all match is hard to do so here are two big sets of matching background images in these free links.