Condo Fees

Each owner pays a monthly condominium fee.

Condominium fees are payable to Marston Beacon Hill for receipt on the first of every month. Condominium fees may be paid in advance (for example every quarter), but may not be in arrears.

There is a late payment penalty of $25 for payments received after the 5th of any month. An additional $25 penalty is assessed each month for the same late payment.

The fee covers the common expenses shared by all the owners of the association, including but not limited to; master insurance, heating, water & sewer, management company fees, garbage removal, snow shoveling, common area cleaning, landscaping, general common area maintenance and repair.

The Primus Condo Trust has a separate reserve account for long-term maintenance projects such as roof replacement, building masonry, boilers, etc. A portion of the monthly fee is set aside into this account.

The fee is determined by the annual budget, and reviewed by the owners at the annual meeting. In addition, the Trustees can impose a request for an additional contribution, called a Special Assessment, if there are additional, unexpected expenses which are above the original budget for the year.