Owner Specific Information

This section contains information relevant to Primus unit owners. For complete details, please refer to the Master Condo Document or speak to a trustee.

Key Points

- An owner's meeting is held once a year, usually in June. All owner's are encouraged to show up in person or fill out a proxy card for any pertinent voting.

- Please pay condo fees to Marston Beacon Hill by the first of the month. Payments received after the 5th of the month are subject to a $25 late fee.

- Owners are allowed to have dogs with trustee approval. Tenants are not allowed to have dogs.

- No gas or charcoal grills are allowed on the roof. Please ensure tenants comply. This is required by Boston fire department and our master insurance policy. Electric grills are allowed. Full regulations are here: http://www.cityofboston.gov/fire/safety/bbq_safety.asp

- A 6-D form is required to be signed by two trustees prior to the sale of your unit. It verifies that all condo fees have been paid to date. Please allow 1 week for this form to be signed to ensure you close on time.

New Owner Checklist

1. See New Resident Checklist

2. Please read this website thoroughly.

3. Send your preferred mailing address, email and telephone numbers to primus.ave@gmail.com. You will receive financial statements and other communications via mail, or email.

4. We recommend giving a key to Marston Beacon Hill. On occasion for emergencies, repairs or other building inspection purposes, the management company may require access to your unit. The management company will always provide advanced notification and reason to the resident prior to entry. Any forced entry for emergency purposes on behalf of the management company will be the responsibility of the unit owner.

No Smoking

The Primus Condo Association has established a no smoking policy for all buildings and common spaces, inside and outside. Anyone found smoking in violation of this policy will be warned the first time and fined $100 the second time. Each violation beyond the second will be dealt with by the Trustees to the fullest extent allowed by the condo docs and local law including, but not limited to increased fines and legal action against the smoker and unit owner, (if different).

Please be sure to read other important sections of this site to become familiar with policies on trash & recycling, utilities, use of common spaces, etc.


Owner Communication

Condo Fees

