
Peter Ballantine & Sons

Peter Ballantine (1791-1883)

Founder of the Ballantine breweries

Peter Hood Ballantine

(1831 - 1882)

--- Not pictured ----

John H. Ballantine


Robert F. Ballantine

(1836 - 1905)

Vice President



1895- 1905

"Deceased was closely identified with the practical operations of the breweries and the malt houses, giving this branch of the business his close personal supervision, and he was recognized as an expert judge of grain, and especially of hops."

-from RFB's Obituary,

The Brewers Journal,

London, Jan. 1906

President of

P. Ballantine & Sons


(above) 1850 Census listing of Ballantine family, with all 3 teen-aged sons listed as already working in the brewery. (Also includes two unrelated females [probably servants] as well as Julia Ballantine's parents).

(below) Grandson and great-grandsons of Peter Ballantine, as officers of Neptune Meter Co. in 1922.

J. H. (John Herbert) Ballantine was the son of John H (Holmes) Ballantine.

J. H. joined the brewery after college in 1889, and left to join Neptune (as VP) in 1902, the same year his financial troubles made the front page of the New York Times (August 10)-


His Liabilities, Over $1,900,000, May Be Covered by Assets."

Third and Fourth generation of Ballantine family management of the brewery


George Griswold Frelinghuysen (1851-1936)

(son-in-law of Peter Hood Ballantine)Vice President ___ - 1905

President 1905 - c. 1922

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Charles Bradley (1857-1938)

Secretary 1883 - 1905

Vice President 1905 - c. 1922

President c. 1922 - 1929 (resigned)

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John O. H. Pitney (1860-1928)

(son-in-law of Robert H. Ballantine)

(son-in-law of Robert H. Ballantine)

Treasurer 1904

Vice President 1906

Director 1918

Lawyer who represented Ballantine.

"In October, 1908, I started to work with P. Ballantine and Sons, brewers and maltsters,

and am still with them. I am the fourth gen-

eration in direct line to be associated with

this business. My position at present is man-

ager of the malt houses and grain elevators.

I have, however, during the past six years,

worked through the whole plants."

--- HARVARD Class of 1908 - SEXENNIAL (1914) REPORT

"My money all goes for whiskey and my ingenuity is exhausted trying to hide it."

--- HARVARD Class of 1908 - DECENNIAL (1920) REPORT

See also -Non-Family Executives & Badenhausen Brothers

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Great Grandson

Robert Ballantine Bradley (1886-1953)

Various positions (inc. Manager of Malt Houses & Grain Elevators, Cashier [US census] and Director 1908 - c. 1920