1900s Ale Menu

Pre-Prohibition beers included:

Peter Ballantine & Sons

"Ale & Porter Brewery - Front St., Foot of Fulton"


Newark Ale

Amber Ale

Pale Ale

Cream Ale

Creamy Ale

XX Ale

XXX Canada Malt Ale

XXX Newark Ale

Sparkling Ale

Old Burton Ale

India Pale Ale


Brown Stout

Half and Half

Descriptions from 1903-4 ads from Ballantine's Buffalo, N.Y. agency

Ballantine’s India Pale Ale is celebrated for its characteristic hop flavor and has long been a stable beverage among those of exacting tastes. It is light, clear, exhilarating and refreshing. As a beverage it is not to be surpassed, and, indeed, many prefer it to wine with dinner.

Every drop of this choice Ale has been stored in the brewery cellars for a long time to mature thoroughly; this ripening process gives it many of the properties of good, old wine. Bottled at the brewery, Newark, N.J.

Old Burton Ale. If one enjoys a rich Port Wine, Ballantine’s Old Burton Ale does not require the formality of an introduction. The substantial body and wine-like flavor at once establish it in flavor, and the agreeable relation is certain to grow where one appreciates a heavy-bodied Ale. If tired or retiring, a small glass of this Old Malt wine will come to the rescue and prove the best night-cap.

Brown Stout could very properly be called Bottle Strength. Its great value lies in its extraordinary strengthening qualities. It enriches the blood and tones up the system in a most satisfactory manner.

Ballantine’s Brown Stout adds to the health and strength of the body, as a hickory log to the cheer of the fire-place.

Many a man who requires and uses the strongest nourishment will heartily indorse this sterling brew.

Bottled at Brewery.

A bottle of Ballatine’s Extra Porter is a companion to dine with who puts you at your best. Good health, good spirits, and good cheer abound in this choice beverage. It is exceedingly nourishing and mildly stimulating; a tonic that not only does good but tastes good.

When Ballantine’ Extra Porter is prescribed, the physician’s order “Take your Porter regularly” is never disobeyed.

Bottled at Brewery.

The Cream Ale brewed today by the Ballantine Brewery is beyond criticism or censure of the most exacting connoisseur. It gives strength and health. It is valuable food.

There are many people who do not like a heavy old stock hard ale, and for this class of people our Cream Ale is giving excellent satisfaction.

Bottled at the brewery.

Canada Malt Ale. A most popular brand of Ballantine’s, brewed from carefully selected malt and hops. It possesses a flavor distinctly its own; is brilliant and pale in color with cream full and rich. This brand is in great demand in the high class hotels, cafes and restaurants, its appearance and flavor making it as attractive for the table as for the trade. Bottled at the brewery.

When the patient is weak the doctor says: “Drink Ale.” When the nerves food Ale is the usual prescription. So in insomnia, so in nervousness. The doctor knows that Malt and Hops are nerve foods and tonic. And he know that most people drink too little fluid to rid the system of waste. He know that pure Ballantine XXX Canada Malt Ale is brewed in absolute cleanliness. It is even cooled in filtered air. And every bottle is sterilised. Half the cost of their brewing and bottling is spend to insure absolute purity. Ask for the brewery bottling.