This alphabetically-organized website is devoted to exposing and  opposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian people and against Humanity as a whole.

[NB. for an alphabetically  organized compendium of anti-racist Jewish opinion critical of racist Zionism, Apartheid Israel and the ongoing Palestinian Genocide see 

“Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/  .

Humanity demands that we speak out, bear witness, and  tell the truth for a better world (see “Gideon Polya Writing”: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/  and  “Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home   ].

Dr Gideon Polya has recently published a 400-page book entitled Gideon Maxwell Polya, "US-imposed Post-9/11-Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide", Korsgaard Publishing, Germany, 2020 (for details see: https://korsgaardpublishing.com/portfolio/23945/  and https://www.amazon.com/US-Imposed-Post-9-Muslim-Holocaust-Genocide/dp/8793987056 ).

Publisher’s comments: "US-Imposed Post-9/11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide" is a monument to free speech in a time of cowardice and widespread censorship. The book delivers a profound message from a top scholar to humanitarians across the globe: "Silence kills and silence is complicity". With silence from government, academia, and mainstream media, your only choice is to read this book if you want to understand the disastrous consequences of the "War on Terror" and "climate denial".

When words fail one can say it in pictures - for images of Gideon Polya's huge paintings for the Planet, Peace, Mother and Child see: http://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ and http://www.flickr.com/photos/gideonpolya/ .

“US-imposed Post-9-11 Muslim Holocaust & Muslim Genocide” by Gideon Polya (Korsgaard Publishing, 2020) quantitatively exposes atrocities from colonial crimes (e.g. the ongoing Palestinian Genocide is compared to the ongoing Australian Aboriginal Genocide in Chapter 16)  to  the 21st century  Muslim Holocaust and  the worsening Climate Genocide. For a list of man-made famines, genocide and holocausts  also see  “Report Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/reportgenocide/ .

Apartheid Israeli state terrorism was most recently manifest in the Gaza Concentration Camp in which the latest Gaza Massacre in 2014  resulted in  2,200 Palestinians killed, 10,000 wounded, 450,000 rendered homeless and 1.8 million people traumatized in response to zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the previous year.

The racist Zionists have killed 2 million Palestinians through violence (0.1 million) or violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) since 1936 and 90% of the  the former Mandated Palestine has been ethnically cleansed by the genocidally neo-Nazi Apartheid Israelis (see “Palestinian  Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/  and “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”, edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html  ).

Apartheid Israel passively murders  4,200 Occupied Palestinian each year through imposed egregious deprivation, noting that the annual per capita income is a First World $31,537 for Apartheid Israel and a Third World $2,431 for the Occupied Palestinian Territories under the heel of genocidally racist Apartheid Israel (see Gideon Polya, “WW1 Start Centenary, Ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Latest Israeli Gaza Massacre & Western Lying”, Countercurrents, 5 August, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya050814.htm  ).

However Apartheid Israeli state terrorism is also involved in perversion and subversion around the world, aided by its traitorous racist Zionist supporters around the world and by traitorous pro-Zionist  political  Establishments.

All those who   are party to non-state terrorism, state terrorism (e.g. US state terrorism, UK state terrorism, French state terrorism, Apartheid Israeli state terrorism and Australian state terrorism), war crimes, crimes against humanity  and genocide should be exposed, prosecuted and punished, whether by the International Criminal Court, by national legal systems or by non-government  tribunals of eminent scholars and jurists (any punishment in the latter case merely being the ignominy of public exposure).

This alphabetically-organized website records (A) leaders, scholars and informed activists exposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, and (B) countries subject to Apartheid Israeli state terrorism.


ASHRAWI. Dr. Hanan Ashrawi ( member of the PLO’s executive committee, the body that represents Palestine internationally, a prominent spokeswoman for the Palestinian cause and a Sydney Peace Prize winner) commenting on the latest Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre (2,200 killed) in the Gaza Concentration Camp (2014): “When you target civilians, this is terrorism, but it is state terrorism, because it is taken as a result of political decisions giving orders to the army and the army executing these orders by killing civilians. Otherwise, how do you explain that the vast majority of victims are women and children?” (see Alex Kane, “PLO official Hanan Ashrawi: Israel’s assault on Gaza is “state terrorism” and should be referred to the International Criminal Court”, Mondoweiss, 26 July 2014: http://mondoweiss.net/2014/07/terrorism-referred-international ).

BARAKA. Ajamu Baraka ( human rights activist, organizer,  geo-political analyst with  contributions to “Imagine: Living in a Socialist USA” and “Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral.”)  re 2014 Gaza Massacre (2014): “Israeli state terrorism in Gaza … As the Israelis continue to steal Palestinian land, murder, degrade and humiliate Palestinian people, and create “facts on the ground” that make it impossible to establish a viable, independent Palestinian state, it is becoming clear that the only solution to the original sin of the Zionist project is authentic decolonization where the presence, humanity and sovereignty of the colonized is restored. Authentic decolonization is the only solution because the inner logic of the colonial/capitalist process suggests that Fanon’s assertion is correct – that there can be no reconciliation of Palestinian self-determination and independent development with the continuation of the Israeli state as a settler state. Because even within the framework of the so-called two state solution, the material basis of the Israeli colonial project is dependent on the continued expansion and expropriation of Palestinian land and the subordination of Palestinian people. So while some Palestinians and their supporters still hope for a two-state solution, Israeli rulers also understand Fanon’s position that “only one mode of living will survive” and are moving to destroy Palestinian resistance. This is the real story of Gaza and all of the occupied territories an ongoing crime that degrades all of us who are forced to witness it” (see Ajamu Baraka, “Israeli state terrorism in Gaza”, Counterpunch, 16 July 2014: http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/07/16/israeli-state-terrorism-in-gaza/ ).


ERDOGAN. Tayyip Erdogan (Turkish Prime Minister) addressing a conference of the Eurasian Islamic Council in Istanbul and describing Apartheid Israel as a "terrorist state" in carrying out a 2012  Gaza Massacre in the Gaza Concentration Camp (2012): “Those who associate Islam with terrorism close their eyes in the face of mass killing of Muslims, turn their heads from the massacre of children in Gaza. For this reason, I say that Israel is a terrorist state, and its acts are terrorist acts” (see “Turkey’s Erdogan calls  Israel a “terrorist state””, Reuters, 19 November  2012: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/11/19/us-palestinians-israel-turkey-idUSBRE8AI0FH20121119 ).

Tayyip Erdogan commenting on the latest Apartheid Israeli Gaza Massacre (2,200 killed) in the Gaza Concentration Camp (2014): "Israel is a terror state; they are creating a wave of terror with what they’re doing now" (“Turkey’s Erdogan describes Israel as  “terror state””, Haaretz, 23 July 2014: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.606889 ). 

HERMAN. Edward S. Herman (Professor of Finance, University of Pennsylvania and co-author with David Peterson of “The Politics of Genocide”; for review see Gideon Polya, “Book Review: “The Politics Of Genocide” by Edward Herman And David Peterson”, Countercurrents,  5 December, 2011: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya051211.htm ) on Israeli state terrorism: “Among the recipients of U.S. military and economic aid and diplomatic support, Israel occupies a unique place. Israel is generally portrayed by the U.S. mass media as the victim of terrorism, a characterization that is in part correct. Its own role as a major perpetrator of state terrorism is consistently downplayed or ignored, in accordance with the general principle, discussed earlier, that violence employed by ourselves or by our friends is excluded from the category of terrorism, by definition. The record of Israeli terrorism, however, is substantial, far too extensive even to attempt to sample here. A small glimpse into the reality was given by Prime Minister Menahem Begin in a letter published in the Israeli press in August 1981, written in response to what he regarded as hypocritical criticism of the Israeli bombing of Beirut, which killed hundreds of civilians Begin offered a "partial list" of military attacks on Arab civilians under the Labor governments, which included over 30 separate episodes that left many civilians dead. He concluded that "under the Alignment government, there were regular retaliatory actions against civilian Arab populations; the air force operated against them; the damage was directed against such structures as the canal, bridges and transport." "The picture that emerges," former UN Ambassador and Foreign Minister Abba Eban wrote in response, "is of an Israel wantonly inflicting every possible measure of death and anguish on civilian populations in a mood reminiscent of regimes which neither Mr. Begin nor I would dare to mention by name." Eban is harshly critical of Begin's letter because of the support it gives to Arab propaganda; he does not contest the facts. He even defends the earlier Israeli attacks on civilians with the exact logic which orthodox analysts of terrorism attribute to-and use to condemn-retail terrorists namely, that deliberate attacks may properly be made on innocent parties in order to achieve higher ends. Eban writes that "there was a rational prospect, ultimately fulfilled, that afflicted populations [i.e., innocent civilians deliberately bombed] would exert pressure for the cessation of hostilities." (see Edward S. Herman, “Israel’s sacred terrorism”, excerpted from the book “The Real Terror Network”, Third World Traveller: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Herman%20/IsraelSacredTerror_Herman.html ).

 LENDMAN. Stephen Lendman (an outstanding  anti-racist Jewish American writer and humanitarian) (2014)” Israeli state terrorism. On Sunday, Israeli security forces stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound. It’s Islam’s third holiest site. Worshipers were attacked with stun grenades, rubber-coated steel bullet and pepper spray. Al-Aqsa Mosque director Sheikh Omar al-Kiswani said over 50 Israeli special forces stormed through the Moroccan and Chain Gates. They attacked worshipers. They “besieged” them. Half a dozen or more injuries were reported” (see Stephen Lendman, “Israeli state terrorism”, Global Research, 14 April 2014: http://www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-state-terrorism/5377791  ).


POLYA. Dr Gideon Polya (Australian scientist and humanitarian advocate) (2014): “The West has gone so far as to criminalize Holocaust Denial in relation to the Jewish Holocaust in many Western European countries (arguably a good thing) – but it exhibits entrenched Holocaust Denial in relation to Indian and Asian Holocausts. Thus racist, lying Western Mainstream media ignore the 1.5 billion excess deaths during the brutal British occupation of India, and 18 million excess deaths due to US Asian Wars – and they continue to ignore and deny horrendous Asian excess deaths due to British State Terrorism, US State Terrorism and UK-US-backed Israeli State Terrorism (for a recent analysis entitled “Bush & Blair Holocaust Commission and Denial” see: http://mwcnews.net/content/view/11293/42/ ) (Gideon Polya, “UK, US And Israeli State Terrorism And Western Holocaust Denial”, Countercurrents, 21 December, 2006: http://www.countercurrents.org/us-polya211206.htm ).

SPINOZA. Spinoza (evidently necessary pseudonym for an otherwise censored anti-racist Jewish Australian humanitarian) commenting on the Palestinian Genocide (2018): The leading supporters of Apartheid Israel are, in descending order, the US, Australia, Canada, the UK, France and Germany, with all the major parties of these pro-Apartheid Israel and hence pro-Apartheid countries opposing Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), supporting Apartheid Israel and ignoring the dire plight of the Palestinians (thus , according to the World Bank (2017), the per capita GDP is a deadly $3,000 for the Occupied Palestinians as compared to $40,000 for the Apartheid Israeli Occupiers). Anti-racist Jewish Australians such as myself are utterly appalled that a nuclear terrorist, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel has seized all of Palestine, has engaged in repeated mass expulsion of Indigenous Palestinians (800,000 in 1948 and 400,000 in 1967), has ethnically cleaned 90% of Palestine, determines that 74% of its now 50% Indigenous Palestinian subjects cannot vote for the government ruling them (i.e. Apartheid), has deprived 5 million Occupied Palestinians of all human rights under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, highly abusively confines 5 million Occupied Palestinians (50% children, 75% women and children) to the Gaza Concentration Camp (2 million) or to West Bank ghettoes (3 million), horribly and offensively discriminates against nearly 2 million Israeli Palestinians, excludes 7 million Exiled Palestinians from even stepping foot in their own country, and has engaged in an ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2.3 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or deprivation, 2.2 million, since the British invasion of Palestine in WW1) that in death toll is of a similar order of magnitude to the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million Jews killed by the Nazis through violence or deprivation )” (Spinoza commenting on “`The political war against Palestinians”, ABC Radio National, Late Night Live, 25 September October 2018: https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/latenightlive/the-uss-new-political-war-on-palestinians/10297892 ).

WASPE. Margaret Waspe (Australian humanitarian) (2017): “An adequate historical knowledge is important for our leaders. When history is distorted or re-invented, how can appropriate foreign policy be formed? When the Israeli Prime Minister and our Prime Minister met, it was publicly said that we had a 100 year old history of friendship, since the Battle of Beersheba. Was this corrected at all? Who advises our leaders? Israel became a state in 1948. What are the facts? From the nineteenth century the European Zionists (in Europe) planned to acquire and expand territorial control in the Middle East and intended to use diverse methods to separate the inhabitants from their land. That was an age when European imperialism was still the norm. Palestine then was a thriving agricultural society with approx. 500,000 inhabitants. In the 1920s the British and the Zionists assured the Palestinian leaders, that by allowing in persecuted European Jews, Palestinian rights would be strictly preserved. On that basis, Palestinian leaders agreed to limited immigration of persecuted European Jews – as long as their land, Palestine was able to retain its Arab identity. There is evidence that Muslims were encouraged by a leader to welcome the Jews as brethren according to the hospitable traditions of their religion.8 As the true Zionist intentions became evident, resistance then grew. The British authorities struggled with what they regarded as Zionist terrorist gangs who acted violently to destabilise the social context. The problem was handed to the United Nations, who with difficulty and intense pressure and lobbying, voted in favour of partition in 1947. Was that biased or not? In 1948, in the Naqba (catastrophe) the Palestinians experienced massacre, were forced to flee from their villages and lands, many still now living in permanent refugee camps elsewhere. Evidence from the writing of Zionist government leaders, shows that a deliberate policy was followed, of – covertly provoking an incident over the border in order to incite a retaliatory response, which would instill fear of danger in their people, and could be used as means of further Israeli powerful military attack and extended territorial control. Peace was never intended… In 1974, I worked as a volunteer on Kibbutz Reshafim in Israel, for about 4 months, followed by a similar time living and working with Palestinians in Eastern Jerusalem. I grew to love the land and its people, but I realised I was in a type of apartheid state. As a concerned person I had been working to bring justice and positive change in the Police State of apartheid-era South Africa, with Jewish friends amongst my working associates” (Margaret Waspe, “Open letter to the Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Defence, Senators and Members of the Australian Parliament. In search of truth. The Middle east and Australia’s future foreign policy”, 25 March 2017: https://www.fpwhitepaper.gov.au/sites/g/files/net3551/f/submission/170331-715-margaret-waspe.pdf ).

ZAYID. Dr Ismail Zayid (a Palestinian MD born in a village demolished by Apartheid Israel after 1967) in a letter to the Halifax Globe & Mail in response to a Zionist propaganda op-ed about Palestinian terrorism (2006): “This is the height of audacity. Israel has been, since its inception, a giant laboratory for terrorism in the Middle East.

The late professor Israel Shahak, a Holocaust survivor, and then chairman of the Israeli League for Human and Civil Rights, wrote: "There is nothing new in the fact that Israel is a terrorist state, which, almost from its inception, has used its intelligence service (the Mossad) to assassinate people on foreign soil with any violence or terror it considers necessary for its ends."

Terrorism has been the hallmark of Israeli leaders, including Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Ehud Barak, Benjamin Netanyahu and Ariel Sharon, amongst others. The massacres, including Deir Yassin, Doueima, Safsaf, Tantura, amongst scores of others, and war crimes that they have orchestrated would take volumes to relate.

Assassination of Palestinian leaders and intellectuals, in Europe and the Middle East has gone on for years. Fathi Shikaki was assassinated in Malta in 1995 on the orders of Yitzhak Rabin. The role of Ehud Barak, dressed as an Arab woman, in the assassination of three Palestinian leaders, including the poet Kemal Nasser, in 1973 in Beirut, must not be forgotten.

Israeli assassination is not limited to Palestinians but includes the 1944 assassination of the British minister Lord Moyne in Cairo as planned by Yitzhak Shamir.

A horrible crime was committed in the assassination of the Swedish nobleman, Count Folke Bernadotte, a UN mediator, on Sept. 17, 1948, in Jerusalem, on the orders of Yitzhak Shamir, who later became prime minister of Israel. Count Bernadotte's sin was his recommendation, as the UN mediator, that Palestinian refugees who were driven out from their homes by Israel should be allowed to return to their homes. This recommendation was the substance of the UN resolution 194, on Dec. 11, 1948, stipulating the right of return for the Palestinian refugees as soon as possible.

Israeli use of chemical weapons is also on record in the botched attempt to assassinate Khalid Meshal, a Hamas leader, in Amman in 1997, on the orders of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The first act of air piracy in the history of civil aviation was carried out by Israel in 1954, when a civilian Syrian airliner was forced down in Tel Aviv and its passengers and crew held hostage, despite international condemnation.

The first act of shooting down a civilian airliner was deliberately carried out by Israel when a Libyan airliner was shot down by Israeli jet fighters over Sinai in February 1973, on the orders of Israeli prime minister Golda Meir, killing 107 of its passengers and its entire French crew.

Israeli terror was not restricted to Palestinians, Arabs and Europeans but included its own closest supporter and ally, the United States. In 1954, Israeli secret agents bombed the U.S. diplomatic centres in Cairo and Alexandria (known as the Lavon Affair), in an attempt to put the blame on the Egyptians. Israel later honoured the perpetrator, Marcello Ninio.

In June 1967, Israeli forces attacked the U.S. spy ship USS Liberty, and strafed rescue boats, killing 35 and injuring 170 U.S. servicemen, in an attempt to conceal its own secret communications, and again tried to blame it on the Egyptians. To this day, incredible as it may seem, the U.S. Congress refuses to hold an inquiry into this crime, as requested by the surviving crew. Needless to say, no sanctions were imposed or calls to extradite the perpetrators were made.

Zionist terror did not spare Jews. In 1940, Menachem Begin's Irgun Zwei Leumi terrorist gang bombed the ship Patria in Haifa harbor, killing 240 Jewish refugees, so as to put the blame on the British for political gain.

In 1950-1951, Israeli agents were dispatched to Iraq where they tossed hand grenades into the crowded Massauda Shem-Tov synagogue, causing numerous deaths, in order to blame it on the Iraqis and encourage reluctant Iraqi Jews to emigrate to Israel.

The late Canadian historian Frank Epp, then president of Grebel college of the University of Waterloo, wrote: "It is true that terrorist acts have been perpetrated by people identified as Palestinians. But there is another terrorism which is more vicious and brutal, that of dispossession and displacement forced upon the Palestinians. However, terrorism meted out by the Palestinians, regrettable as it is, is minute by comparison with that which has been inflicted on them. The mass media have failed to make this point adequately."

The tragedy for the Jewish people of Israel, in the crimes that are committed in their name, is highlighted in the statement made by the noted British historian Arnold Toynbee, who stated in a 1961 lecture at McGill University to a largely Jewish audience: "The Jewish treatment of the Arabs in 1948 was as morally indefensible as the slaughter by the Nazis of six million Jews . . . The most tragic thing in human life is when people who have suffered impose suffering in their turn."

The Palestinian people today are calling for a modicum of justice. For without this, there will be no peace for Arab or Jew in the Middle East.

Yours sincerely,

Ismail Zayid, MD.

President, Canada Palestine Association”

Dr Ismail Zayid, “Letter, 25 February 2006 to to the editor of the Halifax Globe and Mail”,  Wikispooks: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Document:A_Short_History_of_Israeli_State_Terrorism .



Serial war criminal Apartheid Israel has invaded and variously partly to totally occupied Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria.

Serial war criminal Apartheid Israel has attacked Australia (seizing the Gaza Flotilla, kidnapping Australians), Iran (assassinations), Iraq (bombed),  Libya (airliner shot down), Sudan (bombed), Tunisia (bombed),  Turkey (Gaza Flotilla sized, Turkish citizens killed), Uganda (invaded),  USA (Gaza Flotilla seized and a US citizen killed; USS Liberty attacked. many Americans killed; very likely involved in US Government's  9-11  false flag atrocity).


The invasion and occupation of any country is typically associated with (1) prior coveting, threat and interference by the prospective Occupier, who is accordingly complicit in bad mortality outcomes in the pre-invasion period; (2) violent occupation involving explicit responsibility by the Occupier for any associated avoidable mortality (excess mortality, avoidable death, excess death, deaths from imposed deprivation that should not have happened) as clearly set out in the Geneva Conventions; and (3) a post-occupation period typically involving recovery of a shattered country with continuing malignant interference from the former Occupier. Massive evidence for the continuing post-occupation impact of occupation is provided by appalling avoidable mortality outcomes in a swathe of victim countries in the non-European world. Accordingly in assessing complicity in and responsibility for avoidable mortality associated with violent occupation of countries we need to consider all three phases.

As detailed in Chapters 2-7 of Gideon Polya’s “Body Count. Global Avoidable Mortality  Since 1950” , the post-1950 avoidable mortality has totalled 1.3 billion for the world, 1.2 billion for the non-European World and 0.6 billion for the Muslim world – and there has been major First World complicity in this catastrophe. Using our guide of considering all three phases of occupation, we can obtain quantitative, upper limit estimates of the post-1950 occupation-related avoidable mortality associated with specific, substantial, non-transient, violent occupations in which particular countries were the major occupiers in the post-WW2 era.

The summary data provided below is of post-1950 excess mortality/ 2005 population (both in millions, m) and expressed as a percentage (%) for each country occupied and as a total for all the countries subject to Occupation by Apartheid Israel. The asterisk (*) below indicates a major occupation by more than one country in the post-WW2 era: Apartheid Israel [0.095m/6.685m =1.4%] - Egypt* [19.818m/74.878m = 26.5%], Jordan* [0.630m/5.750m = 11.0%], Lebanon [0.535m/3.761m = 14.2%], Occupied Palestinian Territories* [0.677m/3.815m = 17.7%], Syria* [2.198m/18.650m = 11.8%], total = 23.858m/106.854 = 22.3% (see Gideon Polya’s “Body Count. Global Avoidable Mortality  Since 1950” that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country since  Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/2012/01/chapter-3-correlates-and-causes-of-post.html ).


1. Australia shares its intelligence with the “5 eyes” (the US , UK , Australia , Canada and New Zealand ) but no mention is made of the 6th eye, the Israelis. According to the Sydney Morning Herald's Phillip Dorling: “The United States National Security Agency routinely shares intelligence data with Israel without first sifting through it to remove information about US citizens or the citizens of close allies including Australia, according to a top-secret agreement disclosed by US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden” (see Phillip Dorling, “US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel”, Sydney Morning Herald, : http://www.smh.com.au/national/us-shares-raw-intelligence-on-australians-with-israel-20130912-2tllm.html ). Thus Australians are spying on all Australians for nuclear terrorist, democracy-by-genocide, genocidally racist, neo-Nazi Apartheid Israel.

2. Australian Intelligence is set to receive hundreds of millions of dollars more and more draconian laws violating our human rights from the Coalition – it is on the crest of a foreign-manufactured wave of Islamophobia, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and “terror hysteria” and all on account of the Sunni rebels in Iraq and Syria who are evidently prepared to try to match US Alliance barbarity with barbarity of their own. It is likely that hundreds of ISIS rebels have been blown to bits in disproportionate US “turkey shoot” responses to the awful beheading and there is a clear prospect of tens of thousands more rebels to be thus killed due to an “endless” and disproportionate US Alliance involvement in this civil war that threatens a lucrative non-Russian gas supply for Europe. However Israeli and Israeli-Australian “foreign fighters: involved in illegal an war criminal Apartheid Israeli military actions against Syrians and Iraqis are free to come and go between Apartheid Israel and Australia

3. There is no mention by Australian Intelligence, politicians and Yellow Press  of White Australian concerning psychopathic, militant, extremist, Zionist Australian  “foreign fighters” involved in the horrendous war crimes of Israeli state terrorism in Gaza, the Occupied Territories and the wider Middle East, not least in the latest Gaza Massacre involving 2,200 killed, 10,000 wounded, 450,000 rendered homeless and 1.8 million people traumatized in response to zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the previous year. The racist Zionists have killed 2 million Palestinians through violence (0.1 milion) or violently-imposed deprivation (1,9 milion) sicne 1936 and 90% of the  the former Mandated Palestine has been ethnically cleansed by the genocidally neo-Nazi Apartheid Israelis (see “Palestinian  Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/  and “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”, edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html  ). Apartheid Israel passively murders  4,200 Occupied Palestinian each year through imposed egregious deprivation, noting that the annual per capita income is a First World $31,537 for Apartheid Israel and a Third World $2,431 for the Occupied Palestinian Territories under the heel of genocidally racist Apartheid Israel (see Gideon Polya, “WW1 Start Centenary, Ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Latest Israeli Gaza Massacre & Western Lying”, Countercurrents, 5 August, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya050814.htm  ).

4. In the last 50 years only 6 Australians have been killed by “terrorists” in Australia, 3 of them in the Hilton Bombing (that many believe was actually due to an operation-gone-wrong of Australian Intelligence) , 2 in shootings at the Sydney Turkish Consulate, and   a medical clinic security guard killed by a Right to Life fanatic (none of the “terrorists” were Muslims). In contrast about 80,000 Australians  die preventably each year under the mendacious, war mongering, war criminal Coalition. The Australian “terror hysteria” response to Neocon American and Zionist  Imperialist  (NAZI) propaganda has been utterly disproportionate because the “annual empirical  probability of an Australian dying from a preventable cause” (1 in 294) is about 370,000  times greater than the “annual empirical  probability of an Australian dying in Australia from a terrorist attack (1 in 109 million) (Gideon Polya, “ Terror Hysteria -  Draconian new Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws target journalists,  Muslims and Human Rights”,  Countercurrents, 8 October, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya0810114.htm .  

5. In contrast, Australian Intelligence does not deserve more money and powers when it demonstrably fails to protect Australian citizens and their relatives from the ACTUALITY of Israeli and dual citizen Australian-Israeli tasering, shooting, bombing, killing, mangling, torturing, kidnapping, robbing, and imprisoning AUSTRALIANS and their relatives, in addition to large-scale Israeli violation of Australian sovereignty through huge passport fraud, spying and subversion of MPs, media and institutions (for a detailed and documented dossier sent to Australian MPs, media and the AFP Google “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/racist-zionism-and-israeli ). Instead a pro-Zionist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic  and indeed anti-Jewish anti-Semitic Lib-Lab Australia looks the other way and has set up the  legislative framework for a  secret police state under extraordinary anti-terrorism laws (see Gideon Polya, “50 Ways Australian Intelligence spies on Australia and the World for UK , Israeli and US State Terrorism”,  Countercurrents, 11 December, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya111213.htm ;  Gideon Polya, “ Terror Hysteria -  Draconian new Australian Anti-Terrorism Laws target journalists,  Muslims and Human Rights”,  Countercurrents, 8 October, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya0810114.htm  ; Gideon Polya, “Australian State Terrorism -  Zero Australian Terrorism Deaths, 1 Million Preventable Australian Deaths & 10 Million Muslims Killed By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 23 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya230914.htm  ; and Gideon Polya, “Anti-terrorism laws and police state of Australia”, MWC News, 1 November 2014: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/47535-police-state-of-australia.html ).

6. A carefully researched analysis concerned  with 50 areas of racist Zionist (RZ), Israeli Organized Crime (IOC) and Israeli State Terrorism (IST) threats to Australians has been disseminated to Australian law officers, MPs, journalists, academics and other citizens in the public and national interest - however the silence has been deafening in Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted and subverted, look-the-other-way  Australia (see “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/racist-zionism-and-israeli ).

Israeli crimes, whether of Israeli State Terrorism (IST) or Israeli Organized Crime (IOC), have been a no-go area in the Western democracies for decades due to the power of the Israel Lobby as exemplified by the routine defamation of “anti-Semite” applied to anyone (whether Jewish or non-Jewish) objecting to gross Israeli violations of International Law, UN General Assembly and Security Council Resolutions, International Court of Justice decisions, and International Humanitarian Conventions.

Decent, patriotic  Australians who utterly reject Lib-Lab state terrorism, Lib-Lab anti-Arab anti-Semitism  against Muslims (12 million killed through violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990 in the US War on Muslims) and Lib-Lab anti-Jewish anti-Semitism (directed against  anti-racist Jews who object to  the ongoing Muslim Holocaust  and Palestinian  Genocide), will vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.


Dr Gopal Nair (Fiji Indian scholar) on foreign involvement in the initial 1987 Fiji Coup (2010): [Victorian State Labor MP] Joan Coxsedge’s speculation on a number of coincidences adds to the allure of circumstantial evidence, especially the cancellation at ‘short notice’ of planned joint military exercises in Fiji scheduled for the week before the coup, in which five members of SAS from Australia and one from New Zealand were expected to participate. The SAS is based in Perth and Coxsedge queried the convenient timing of a visit to Perth by the Commander of the RFMF, Brigadier Ratu Epeli Nailatikau, (Mara’s son-in-law and nephew of Ratu George Cakobau, the former Governor-General) to ‘take delivery of two patrol boats’. In her assessment the ‘coup was “clearly planned” by CIA and pro-US groups in the South Pacific,’ and she boldly asserted that Australian authorities must have had prior knowledge of it.129. The history of CIA activities in the South Pacific and its linkages with the ‘dirty tricks’ campaign during 1982 election campaign were pieced together in a Sydney Morning Herald report the following day.130 Adding to the intrigue, it suggested the physical presence of a CIA operative in the Fijian Parliament at the time the coup was carried out. It highlighted an increasing United States presence in the Pacific region, and pointed to a defining moment in US-Fiji relations when Mara was welcomed and congratulated by President Reagan in 1984 for his decision to reverse Fiji’s ban on visits by US nuclear ships. As a quid pro quo Mara was rewarded with military and economic assistance. The CIA involvement theory gained momentum as a result of a number of other American activities in the region…


His [Michael Parenti’s]  central argument is that countries that do not subscribe to the US agenda and follow its prescribed course, or that ‘put the global capitalist system at risk,’ become targets and, more often than not, incur the wrath of US global power. In a press report, three days after the first coup, an unnamed Pentagon source was quoted as saying that the US government was ‘profoundly disturbed’ by the events in Fiji but unofficially ‘we’re kinda delighted.’108 The source also stated: ‘All of a sudden our ships couldn’t go to Fiji and now all of a sudden they can. We got a little chuckle about the news.’109 In a surprising development on the same day the Australian Opposition spokesman for foreign affairs, Neil Brown, who was attending the Mara-chaired Pacific Democrat Union Conference at the Fijian Hotel, attacked Bob Hawke for his ‘extravagant criticisms’ of Rabuka’s coup. The PDU conference for the benefit of a coalition of conservative politicians was funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). If American reactions were insensitive, then comments from an Australian Liberal Party spokesperson were interpreted as suggesting they were trying to shield the coup-plotters. His stance raises the obvious question: exactly what was the Australian Liberal Party trying to protect?


Time magazine also asserted that a ship formerly owned by Baron Offshore Ltd., a company linked to the parent company of EGM, was covertly transporting Israeli Uzi machine guns to Fiji.141 It is curious that prior to the coup and up to 25 September 1987 Israel maintained a low-level trade mission in Fiji but boosted its presence after the coup to full embassy status. Fiji hardly conducted any trade with Israel, and its Israeli Foreign Affairs magazine noted that ‘Israeli army officers are helping Fiji military coup leader (then) Col. Sitiveni Rabuka with surveillance and intelligence work.’142  It is reasonable to question if they were returning some favour to the Fijian peacekeeping force in the Middle East, or the supporters of Israel lobby in some other part of the world. Moreover, between 1985 and 1987, US aid to Fiji was substantially increased to around US$10 million, which represented military aid of US$1,203,000 and non-military aid of US$8,796,000.143In recognising that not all evidence is in or that no ‘smoking gun’ has been found, other commentators do not discount the overall possibility of US involvement, and accept it would have been easy for US embassy officials to distribute money or resources to the [extreme Fiji nationalist] Taukei Movement.144 Brij Lal has argued it was not ‘whether the US was involved, but how deeply was it involved” (Gopal Nair, “Rethinking Fiji Coups: Corporate Domination and an Unseen Order”, PhD thesis, Department of Humanities and Languages University of Western Sydney, May 2010: http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= .)


Dr Gideon Polya (Australian scientist and writer ) on Israelis and the 1987 and 2000 Fijian Coups (2017): “ Since Apartheid Israel gained nuclear weapons in 1967 with US and French assistance, it has been a dirty tricks surrogate for the US and has exerted disproportionate influence over US policy. Indeed in a 2001  Israeli cabinet meeting Shimon Peres had been pressuring Ariel Sharon to respect American calls for peace lest the Americans turn against Israel. According to the BBC, a furious Sharon turned toward Peres, saying: “Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that. I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it” [54]. There is only anecdotal evidence of Israeli involvement in the 1987 Fiji Coup through smuggling Israeli weapons into Fiji via Australia. However Apartheid Israel was definitely  involved in the 2000  Fiji Coup as revealed in courtroom testimony.  Thus, as reported by Radio New Zealand: “In the treason trial in Fiji, an army captain told the high court that rebel elite soldiers carried out the 2000 coup with weapons supplied by the Israeli ambassador. Politician Timoci Silatolu and journalist Josefa Nata are both on trial over the ousting and hostage-taking of the government headed by Mahendra Chaudhry. Captain Jotame Misivono said Israeli-made weapons were brought into the country and given to the army unit by an Israeli ambassador while he was still in Fiji. He said the weapons, which included Uzi sub-machine guns, gave the plotters an edge over the regular army and police” [55, 56]. Anti-Indian, Fiji nationalist  PM Laisenia Qarase (whose government was removed by the Fiji Army in the 2006 Coup because of Qarase Government corruption, racist anti-Indian policies and threats to release the 2000 Coup plotters) was  extremely  pro-Israel and was jailed in 2012 for corruption [57]” (Gideon Polya, “Anti-Indian subversion of Fiji by Apartheid Israel, pro-Apartheid Australia & pro-Apartheid America”, Countercurrents, 20 October 2017: https://countercurrents.org/2017/10/anti-indian-subversion-of-fiji-by-apartheid-israel-pro-apartheid-australia-pro-apartheid-america/ ).


Third World Traveller report: “The history of Israel's relations with Guatemala roughly parallels that of its ties with El Salvador except the Guatemalan military was so unswervingly bloody that Congress never permitted the ... Reagan Administration to undo the military aid cutoff implemented during the Carter years.

Weaponry for the Guatemalan military is the very least of what Israel has delivered. Israel not only provided the technology necessary for a reign of terror, it helped in the organization and commission of the horrors perpetrated by the Guatemalan military and police. And even beyond that: to ensure that the profitable relationship would continue, Israel and its agents worked actively to maintain Israeli influence in Guatemala.

Throughout the years of untrammeled slaughter that left at least 45,000 dead, and, by early 1983, one million in internal exile - mostly indigenous Mayan Indians, who comprise a majority of Guatemala's eight million people - and thousands more in exile abroad, Israel stood by the Guatemalan military. Three successive military governments and three brutal and sweeping campaigns against the Mayan population, described by a U.S. diplomat as Guatemala's "genocide against the Indians," had the benefit of Israeli techniques and experience, as well as hardware.

Israel began selling Guatemala weapons in 1974 and since then is known to have delivered 17 Arava aircraft. In 1977 at the annual industrial fair, Interfer, Israel's main attraction was the Arava. "An operative Arava is to be parked outside the IAI pavilion for public inspection, although its silhouette in flight is a common sight over the capital and countryside."'

Referring to the Aravas, Benedicto Lucas Garcia, chief of staff during the rule of his brother Romeo Lucas Garcia (1978-1982) said, "Israel helped us in regard to planes and transportation-which we desperately needed because we've had problems in transferring ground forces from one place to another. By 1982, at least nine of the Aravas had been mounted with gun pods.

Among the other weapons sold by Israel were 10 RBY armored personnel carriers, three Dabur class patrol boats armed with Gabriel missiles, light cannons, machine guns and at least 15,000 Galil assault rifles. The Galil became Guatemala's standard rifle and Uzis were widely seen as well.

According to Victor Perera, "Uzis and the larger Galil assault rifles used by Guatemala's special counterinsurgency forces accounted for at least half of the estimated 45,000 Guatemalan Indians killed by the military since 1978" (Third World Traveller, “Israel and Guatemala”: http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Middle_East/Israel_Guatemala.html ).

Robert Parry (2013): “At the height of Guatemala’s mass slaughters in the 1980s, including genocide against the Ixil Indians, the Reagan administration worked with Israeli officials to provide helicopters that the Guatemalan army used to hunt down fleeing villagers, according to documentary and eyewitness evidence. During testimony at the recent genocide trial of former Guatemalan dictator Efrain Rios Montt, one surprise was how often massacre survivors cited the Army’s use of helicopters in the scorched-earth offensives (see Robert Parry, “Israel’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide”, Consortium News.com, 14 January 2014: http://consortiumnews.com/2014/01/14/israels-hand-in-guatemalas-genocide-2/  ).


Wikipedia: “India is the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment and Israel is the second-largest defence supplier to India after Russia.[3] From 1999 to 2009, the military business between the two nations was worth around $9 billion.[4] Military and strategic ties between the two nations extend to intelligence sharing on terrorist groups and joint military training.[5][6] As of 2014, India is the third-largest Asian trade partner of Israel, and tenth-largest trade partner overall. In 2014, bilateral trade, excluding military sales, stood at US$4.52 billion.[7] Relations further expanded during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's administration, with India abstaining from voting against Israel in the United Nations in several resolutions.[8] As of 2015, the two nations are negotiating an extensive bilateral free trade agreement, focusing on areas such as information technology, biotechnology, and agriculture.[9][10]  According to an international poll conducted in 2009, 58% of Indians expressed sympathy with Israel, compared with 56% of Americans “ (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India%E2%80%93Israel_relations ).

 Under Congress in 2012 the Indian Defence Ministry banned for 10 years some defence contractors for corruption,  notably Israeli Military Industries which supplies weapons, ammunition and military technology to the Israeli military, including the Uzi submachine gun used by criminals and mercenaries around the world to kill people (see: https://www.countercurrents.org/polya070312.htm ).


However the ban was lifted under Modi and the bigoted Hindutva BJP (Hindutva and Zionism are ideological twins).


India under Congress led the world against Apartheid South Africa  and now under Modi is a major supporter of Apartheid Israel.

India is part of the China-encircling India-Australia-US-Japan Quad , noting that the US, Australia and Apartheid Israel (the latter through supplying advanced Israeli arms to the rebels via the Israeli embassy)   were variously involved in the 1987 and 2000 anti-Indian coups that overthrew democracy in Fiji  (see Dr Gideon Polya in Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, “Feasibility study on strengthening trade and investment with Israel: submissions”, April 2021: https://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/engage/feasibility-study-strengthening-trade-and-investment-israel-submissions#received ; Gideon Polya, "Australia must stop Zionist subversion and join the World in comprehensive Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Apartheid Israel and all its supporters", Subversion of Australia, 15 April 2021: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/2021-04-15 ; and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism: (A) individuals exposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, and (B) countries subject to Apartheid Israeli state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/apartheid-israeli-state-terrorism .


The respected UK Independent has reported sale of advanced Israeli-made gunboats and other weapons to Myanmar: “Investigations by several human rights watchdogs found more than 100 tanks, as well as boats and light weapons, have been sold to the Burmese government by Israeli arms companies in recent years. One Israeli company, TAR Ideal Concept, posted a picture on its website in August last year of its staff teaching combat tactics to Burmese special forces in northern Rakhine state, where much of the violence is taking place” [1].

According to Haaretz: “There’s a remote weapon station, made by Elbit Systems, which allows the firing of a heavy machine gun or cannon of up to 30 millimeters. The new patrol boats are only part of a larger transaction signed between Israel and Myanmar. The Ramta division of Israel Aerospace Industries, which manufactures the Super Dvora, is meant to transfer at least two more boats to the local military… The total value of the arms deal, according to sources in the Israeli weapons industry, is estimated at tens of millions of dollars... In the past, Myanmar purchased Israeli air-to-air missiles and cannons, while an Israeli company, TAR Ideal Concepts, has noted on its website that it has trained Myanmar military forces” [2]

Eitay Mack (an Israeli lawyer who submitted a petition to the Israeli High Court re arms sales to Myanmar and who has lodged other petitions against Israeli arms sales to Sri Lanka and South Sudan): “Images have confirmed what activists have been saying for a number of years. While Israel has a gag order against details on its arms deals with the Junta, Myanmar proudly showcases its purchases as it defies existing EU and US arms embargos on the country. This shows how a gag order means nothing in 2017 as the Myanmar government and Junta love to publish everything they have bought from the Israelis on Facebook, which is giving us more evidence and helping fuel a public campaign against Israeli arms sales to Burma. Just like in Myanmar, Sri Lanka bombed refugee camps and the villages on the coast using Israeli gunboats. This is history repeating itself" [3]

[1]. Samuel Osborne, “Israel accused of selling military equipment to Burma during “ethnic cleansing” of Rohingya Muslims. Burmese military show off two Israeli-made gunboats”, The Independent, 25 October 2017: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-burma-arms-sales-rohingya-muslims-ethnic-cleansing-myanmar-a8018591.html .


[2]. Gili Cohen, “Israel sold advanced weapons to Myanmar during anti-Rohingya ethnic cleansing campaign”, Haaretz, 24 October 2017: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.818550 .


[3]. Areeb Ullah, “Israel sold military gear to Myanmar at height of Rohingya crackdown”, Middle East Eye, 23 October 2017: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/more-proof-israel-had-sold-weapons-myanmar-during-rohingya-crackdown-613292003 .


The US and Apartheid Israel were involved in the Iran-Contra Affair involving the funding of violent subversion of Nicaragua.



Apartheid Israeli state terrorism was most recently manifest in the Gaza Concentration Camp in which the latest Gaza Massacre in 2014  resulted in  2,200 Palestinians killed, 10,000 wounded, 450,000 rendered homeless and 1.8 million people traumatized in response to zero (0) Israeli deaths from Gaza rockets in the previous year.

The racist Zionists have killed 2 million Palestinians through violence (0.1 million) or violently-imposed deprivation (1,9 million) since 1936 and 90% of the  the former Mandated Palestine has been ethnically cleansed by the genocidally neo-Nazi Apartheid Israelis (see “Palestinian  Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/  and “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”, edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html  ).

Apartheid Israel passively murders  4,200 Occupied Palestinian each year through imposed egregious deprivation, noting that the annual per capita income is a First World $31,537 for Apartheid Israel and a Third World $2,431 for the Occupied Palestinian Territories under the heel of genocidally racist Apartheid Israel (see Gideon Polya, “WW1 Start Centenary, Ongoing Palestinian Genocide, Latest Israeli Gaza Massacre & Western Lying”, Countercurrents, 5 August, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya050814.htm  ).


TV news viewers  may have been surprised  by the Apartheid Israeli flag being waved in the rampaging anti-Chinese  and arsonist mob in Honiara as seen on  ABC TV,  SBS TV and American ABC News (as seen on SBS).


I was not surprised -  I have big family connections through marriage in the South Pacific and my dear  late wife and I were members of the Movement for Democracy in Fiji formed after the US-, Australia- and Apartheid Israel-complicit racist Coups in Fiji in 1987 (Apartheid Israel smuggled in advanced weapons and provided advisors; 100,000 Indian Fijians fled to Australasia and North America in a US-, Australia- and Apartheid Israel-backed ethnic cleansing of Indo-Fijians) and the 2000 Coup led by Australian George Speight (revealed in the Suva Court and as reported by Radio New Zealand the Israeli Embassy supplied the rebels with advanced weapons and advisors) (for my summary published by  the Department of Foreign  Affairs and Trade (DFAT) on the ethical insistence  of some members of the DFAT hierarchy  see: https://www.dfat.gov.au/trade/engage/feasibility-study-strengthening-trade-and-investment-israel-submissions#received ).

Fiji today has a democratically elected multiracial government under PM Frank Bainimarama but the Zionist-subverted ABC has plugged the line that Fiji is authoritarian and dominated by China (for my rebuttal of this line put out by an Israeli ABC journalist in successive lengthy ABC RN programs see Gideon Polya, “Anti-Indian Subversion Of Fiji By Apartheid Israel, Pro-Apartheid Australia & Pro-Apartheid America”,   Countercurrents, 20 October 2019:  https://countercurrents.org/2017/10/anti-indian-subversion-of-fiji-by-apartheid-israel-pro-apartheid-australia-pro-apartheid-america/ .


The ABC is “authoritatively ” plugging the line that the Solomons riots (in fact, a US-, Taiwan- and Apartheid Israel-backed   attempted overthrow of the democratically-elected and PRC-recognizing Solomons government) are somehow the “fault” of China   because of its increased economic presence in the Solomons and the South Pacific.

The Zionist-subverted and US lackey ABC is lying to you (as usual) , but for an early account of the malignant role of the US and Apartheid Israel in Malaita and in the Malaita Revolt in the Solomons - see Patrick O’Connor , “Solomon Islands coup attempt triggered by US-backed, anti-China forces” , WSWS, 26 November 2021: https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2021/11/26/sols-n26.html .

Key quotes: Anti-Chinese political forces supported by the US in the Solomon Islands violently mobilised against the elected national government in an apparent coup plot on Wednesday and yesterday. Arsonists set alight at least 14 buildings in the capital, Honiara, including a hut adjacent to the national parliament, as well as a senior high school, police station, and multiple businesses owned by ethnic Chinese residents. Riot police reportedly blocked the rioters from entering the parliament by deploying tear gas… The anti-Chinese forces arrived in the capital on Wednesday waving Malaitan flags as well as one prominent national flag of Israel. The odd sight of the Zionist state’s banner being waved within an anti-government riot in an impoverished South Pacific state is explicable only within the context of the US-Australian drive to destabilise the Sogavare government as a means of countering Beijing’s influence in the South Pacific. Ever since the Solomons’ diplomatic turn away from Taiwan, Washington has promoted fundamentalist evangelical and pro-Zionist Christian and anti-communist layers in the country… Sogavare told ABC News today that the latest unrest was “influenced and encouraged by other powers… countries that don’t want ties with the People’s Republic of China.” He added: “I don’t want to name names, we’ll leave it there, we know who they are”… Unconfirmed rumours published at the time in the Solomon Star newspaper also hinted that [Malaita] pro-Suidani militia forces were preparing to forcibly overthrow the national government”.

Apartheid Israel has malignant role in genocide and  in violating human rights and democracy around the world (see: Apartheid Israeli state terrorism: (A) individuals exposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, and (B) countries subject to Apartheid Israeli state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/apartheid-israeli-state-terrorism .)


Apartheid South Africa was strongly supported by the pro-Apartheid states of Apartheid Israel, the US, the UK and Australia. Apartheid Israel helped Apartheid South Africa acquire nuclear weapons that were relinquished after  the fall of Apartheid in South Africa in 1993. 


Apartheid Israel has been heavily involved in the South Sudan civil war that has cost hundreds of thousands of lives (see Suraya Dadoo, “How Israelis sowing seeds of war in South Sudan”, Middle East Monitor, 6 September 2019: https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190906-how-israel-is-sowing-the-seeds-of-war-in-south-sudan/ ).


Electronic Intifada report (2013): “Israel has been a major arms supplier to Sri Lanka’s government, as well as providing it with strategic military advice. With permission from the United States, Israel has sold Sri Lanka consignments of Kfir jets and drones. Israel has also supplied the Dvora patrol boats to Sri Lanka, which have been used extensively against Tamils (“Sri Lanka learns to counter Sea Tigers’ swarm tactics,” Jane’s Navy International, March 2009 [PDF]).And Israel has also provided training to the Special Task Force, a brutal commando unit in the Sri Lanka police. The similarities don’t end there. Both Palestinians and Tamils have been subjected to a process of settler-based colonialism. In the 1980s, Israel offered advice to Sri Lanka as it built Sinhala-only armed settlements in the eastern province, which aimed to create buffer zones around Tamil-majority populations (the Sinhalese are the ethnic majority of Sri Lanka) (“Sinhala academic blames US-UK axis for genocide in Tamil homeland,” TamilNet, 15 April 2012). The strategy employed was the same as Israel’s in the West Bank: to destroy the local population’s claim to national existence and render invalid any political solution based on popular sovereignty” (see Krisna Saravanamutu, “Israel advises Sri Lanka on slow motion genocide”, Electronic Intifada, 30 July 2013: http://electronicintifada.net/content/israel-advises-sri-lanka-slow-motion-genocide/12644 ).


In 2021 the US- and Apartheid Israel-backed Sudan military that secured recognition of the State of  Israel by Sudan (in return for the US ceasing to regard Sudan as a "terrorism"-supporting state) Sudanese imprisoned  the democratically-elected Sudan Government  (that strongly opposes recognition of a genocidally  anti-Arab anti-Semitic Apartheid Israel). Mass protests  forced return of the non-military representatives as puppets of the military and the mass protests are continuing demanduig that the military should be totally removed from government of the Sudan.


Zionist-perverted and subverted USA is the world’s major backer of Apartheid Israel. The horrendous financial cost of Israel to Americans has now reached a gigantic $40 trillion in today's dollars. However the human cost involves the preventable deaths of millions of Americans – passive mass murder of Americans  in an American Holocaust inflicted by the fiscal perversion of traitorous Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters committing $8-10 trillion to ethnic cleansing and active and passive mass murder of Muslims abroad in support of Apartheid Israel instead of keeping Americans  alive at home.    Zionist-subverted American Government support for Apartheid Israel in circa 2008 dollars totals about $40 trillion, the breakdown being  (1) $3 trillion (1948-2003), (2) $4-6 trillion (Zionist-promoted Iraq and Afghan Wars), (3) $0.7 trillion (Value of a Statistical Life- or VSL-based cost of  88,000 US veteran suicides since September 2001) and (4) about $30 trillion (one quarter of the VSL-based cost of 15.6 million preventable American deaths since September 2001). This is an under-estimate because it does not consider the millions of preventable American deaths before 9-11 linked to Zionist subversion and perversion of America (see Gideon Polya, “American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans”,  Countercurrents, 27 August, 2013: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya270813.htm ).

Like the other Western democracies,  the United States is a Murdochcracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, policies, parties, public perception of reality, votes and political power. Lying Mainstream media simply won't report the 2 million Palestinian deaths since 1936 in the  Palestinian Genocide from violence (0.1 million) and violently-imposed derivation (1.9 million) (see “Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/  ) , the 12 million Muslims who have been killed through violence (3.5 million ) or war-imposed deprivation (8.9 million) in the post-1990, Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims  (see “Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/  ) , or the 10 million  Muslims who have died  from violence (3 million)  or from war-imposed deprivation (7 million) since the US Government (with likely Zionist and Israeli involvement) almost certainly committed the 9-11 atrocity against the American people (see “Experts: US did 9-11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/  ) -  indeed the larger the crime, the more assiduous the Mainstream media censorship and Mainstream media lying.

There is growing concern over the high rate of US veteran suicides that constitute about 20% of the 30,000 annual suicides in the US.  Over the last dozen years, there have been roughly 20 US veteran suicides every day .i.e. 365.25 x 20 = 7,305 per year and about 88,000 since the start of the Zionist-promoted War on Terror in September  2001 (see Gideon Polya, “One Percenter greed & war means over 1.5 million Americans die preventably each year”,  Countercurrents, 19 September, 2014: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya190914.htm ). This horrendous death toll of 88,000 dead US veterans linked to traitorous and racist Zionist-promoted  wars for the benefit of Apartheid Israel is about 3,000 times greater than the 34 US servicemen deliberately  murdered by Apartheid Israel in its1967 attack on the USS Liberty (see “USS Liberty incident”, Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/USS_Liberty_incident  ).

Related websites.

It is very powerful to quote expert opinion. Most of the following  websites alphabetically list expert opinions in 4 inter-connected key areas, namely “Free Palestine”, “End war and genocide”, “Reverse climate change” and “Stop lying and censorship”. Everyone is invited to make use of this substantial resource and to feel free to disseminate this list to everyone they can.


Apartheid Israeli state terrorism: (A) individuals exposing Apartheid Israeli state terrorism, and (B) countries subject to Apartheid Israeli state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/apartheid-israeli-state-terrorism .

“Gaza Concentration Camp”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/gaza-concentration .

“Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ .

“Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ .

“Palestinian Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ .

“Palestinian Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/palestinegenocideessays/ .

"Zionist quotes re racism and Palestinian Genocide": https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/zionist-quotes .

BDS – Boycott Apartheid Israel: https://sites.google.com/view/bdsopinions/home .

Secular, democratic, one state Palestine: https://sites.google.com/view/onestatepalestine/home .



“Aboriginal Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/aboriginalgenocide/ .

“Afghan Holocaust, Afghan Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanholocaustafghangenocide/ .

“Iraqi Holocaust, Iraqi Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqiholocaustiraqigenocide/ .

“Afghanistan Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/afghanistangenocideessays/ .

“Art for peace, planet, mother & child”: https://sites.google.com/site/artforpeaceplanetmotherchild/ .

“Bengali Holocaust (WW2 Bengal Famine) writings of Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/bengali-holocaust .

“Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/drgideonpolya/home .

“Gideon Polya writing”: https://sites.google.com/site/gideonpolyawriting/ .

“Iraq Genocide essays”: https://sites.google.com/site/iraqgenocideessays/ .

“Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide”: http://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/  .

“Poetry reviews by Gideon Polya”: https://sites.google.com/site/poetryreviewsbygideonpolya/ .

“Report genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/reportgenocide/ .

"State crime and non-state terrorism": https://sites.google.com/site/statecrimeandnonstateterrorism/ .

“Stop state terrorism”: https://sites.google.com/site/stopstateterrorism/ .



“1% on 1%: one percent annual wealth tax on One Percenters”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/1-on-1 .

“2 degrees C”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2-degrees-c .

“100% renewable energy by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/100renewableenergyby2020/ .

“300 ppm CO2 ASAP: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-ppm-co2-asap .

“2011 climate change course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course .

“300.org”: . https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org .

“300.org climate crisis glossary”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/300-org-climate-crisis

“300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm CO2”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org---return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm .

“Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed .

“Banyule Climate Action Now”: https://sites.google.com/site/banyuleclimateactionnow/ .

“Biofuel Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/biofuelgenocide/ .

“Carbon Debt Carbon Credit”: https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ .

“Climate crisis articles”: https://sites.google.com/site/climatecrisisarticles/home .

“Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .

“Climate Justice & Intergenerational Equity”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-justice .

"Climate Revolution Now": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-revolution .

“Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/cutcarbonemissions80by2020/ .

“Divest from fossil fuels”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/divest-from-fossil-fuels .

“Eco-socialism, green socialism”: https://sites.google.com/site/ecosocialismgreensocialism/

“Gas is not clean energy”: https://sites.google.com/site/gasisnotcleanenergy/ .

“Methane bomb threat”: https://sites.google.com/site/methanebombthreat/ .

“Nuclear weapons ban, end poverty & reverse climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/nuclear-weapons-ban  .

“Older people and climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/olderpeopleandclimatechange/home .

“Science and economics experts: carbon tax needed and not carbon trading”, 300.org: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/sciennce-economics-experts-carbon-tax-needed-not-carbon-trading  .

“Stop air pollution deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-air-pollution-deaths .

“Stop climate crime”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/stop-climate-crime .

"Too late to avoid global warming catastrophe": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/too-late-to-avoid-global-warming .

“Yarra Valley Climate Action Group”: https://sites.google.com/site/yarravalleyclimateactiongroup/Home .



“ABC censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/abccensorship/abc-censorship .


“ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit .


“Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ .


“Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ .


"Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat .


“Censorship by the ABC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbytheabc/ .


“Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey .


“Censorship by SBS (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-sbs-australia .


“Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age .


“Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ .


“Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by .


"Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a  .


"Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk .


“Educational apartheid”: https://sites.google.com/site/educationalapartheid/ .


“Experts: US did 9/11”: https://sites.google.com/site/expertsusdid911/ .


“Expose holocaust denial & ignoring”: https://sites.google.com/site/exposeholocaustdenialignoring/Home .


“Exposing Australia”: https://sites.google.com/site/exposingaustralia/home .


“Free university education” : https://sites.google.com/site/freeuniversityeducation/home


“Lying by omission”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/lying-by-omission .


“Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home .


“Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ .


“Questions Q&A won’t ask”: https://sites.google.com/site/questionsqawontask/home .


“Subversion of Australia”: https://sites.google.com/site/subversionofaustralia/home .