FRASER, Genevieve Cora. US writer and human rights activist: "Democrats Sponsorship of Palestinian Genocide beneath Contempt"

Genevieve Cora Fraser (born in Massachusetts in 1945) is a playwright, director, poet, historian, journalist and human rights activist, especially in relation to Occupied Palestine (see: ).

Genevieve Cora Fraser on the Palestinian Genocide (2006): “When I signed up to become a Democrat, I did not sign up to sponsor genocide. Yet, that is exactly what my elected federal officials Senators Kerry and Kennedy have done as well as Congressman John Olver. These men are personally responsible for sponsoring the Anti-Palestinian legislation that has blocked all funds from reaching the Palestinian Authority (150,000 civilian workers) as well as most Palestinians, creating a blockade that has resulted in starvation. They also back Israel unconditionally despite the utter brutality of their assault.

Shortly after the January elections where an overwhelming percentage of the Palestinians voted for Hamas, Israel declared war on Palestine – calling it an Axis of Evil. Hamas had upheld a truce with Israel for nearly 1 ½ years while Israel violated it continuously – strafing and bombing, bulldozing homes, torture, imprisoning and slaughtering Palestinian men, women and children. Our legislators followed suit – in essence declaring Palestinians terrorist and creating legislation aimed at collective punishment – which is a violation of the Geneva Conventions and a Crime against Humanity.

Gaza today is a killing field – with indiscriminate slaughter occurring day and night. Hundreds have died and over 1,200 wounded in the past 2 ½ months alone. The borders are sealed and it is rare that any food or medicine enters. The infrastructure for 1.5 million people has been destroyed and the Israeli military is destroying all means of agriculture – including beehives that produce pollination. Fishermen are prohibited from launching their boats and those who defy Israel pay with their lives. The United Nations, European media and human rights organizations are warning that the population is near starvation and the conditions are ripe for genocide. Yet, when you broach this subject to our legislators, their aides all but scoff at you. ” [1].

[1]. Genevieve Cora Fraser, “Democrats Sponsorship of Palestinian Genocide beneath Contempt”, Al-Jazeera, 12 September 2006: .