SHAKRA, Natalie Abu. Lebanese writer & activist: "erasing identities off the map, and this is what has been happening to the Palestinians for 61 years and on going now. What do you choose to do about it? Boycott Apartheid Israel."

Natalie Abu Shakra is from Lebanon and is affiliated with the International Solidarity Movement. She defied Israeli orders for Lebanese citizens not to go to Gaza and was able to get in with the Free Gaza movement, She supports the Boycotting of Apartheid Israel (see: ).

Natalie Abu Shakra on the 2008/2009 Gaza Massacre and the need to Boycott Apartheid Israel (2009): “The concept of civil resistance is not new at all. This non-violent, unarmed, citizen oriented strategy of resistance in modern history played a role in the struggles against colonialism, and neo-colonialism especially in British colonies of Africa, in Apartheid South Africa, India, and the Middle East, particularly Palestine. We live in a very imbalanced world, where language, dress, technology, education, food, media, and other aspects in post-modern life are dictated by a few and are imposed on the many, the rest of the world. This few decides the flow of politics, and dictates how the world will rotate around. This few, also, will accept no resistance, at any cost… How can I affect what is happening and how can the world respond? The truth is that we can defy oppression and the illusion of power that the oppressor creates in our minds. I was asked once, “are you not afraid to die?” I am only afraid of what I consider the evil of all evils, repression, oppression, colonialism, and occupation, anything that can wipe my existence off, just erasing identities off the map, and this is what has been happening to the Palestinians for 61 years and on going now. What do you choose to do about it? Boycott Apartheid Israel.” [1].

[1]. Natalie Abu Shakra, “Boycott Apartheid Israel”, The Palestine Chronicle, 25 March 2009: .