COOK, William. US English professor: "Nakba, was an intentional calculated campaign to force the Palestinian Arabs out of Palestine, a systematic genocide of a people as defined by the United Nations in its adoption of Raphael Lemkin’s term in 1948"

William A. Cook is Professor of English at the University of La Verne, Southern California, USA, senior editor at MWC News, Prout World Assembly and the Palestine Chronicle, and he writes extensively for major “alternative” media. He is the author of “Tracking Deception: Bush Mid-East Policy”, “The Rape of Palestine”, “The Chronicles of Nefaria”, and “Psalms for the 21st Century”, and “Hope Destroyed, Justice Denied: The Rape of Palestine”(see: ).

William Cook on the US-backed, ongoing Zionist Palestinian Genocide and ethnic cleansing (2010): “ Thus began in November 1947 what is euphemistically called the ethnic cleansing of Palestine by the combined d forces of the Jewish armies – the Haganah, the Stern and the Irgun – as they drove more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs from their homes, leaving them destitute, homeless, and abandoned without a country in what is now the largest refugee Diaspora in the world. More realistically, the evacuation of the Palestinians that began so ruthlessly in 1947,and is now called the Nakba, was an intentional calculated campaign to force the Palestinian Arabs out of Palestine, a systematic genocide of a people as defined by the United Nations in its adoption of Raphael Lemkin’s term in 1948.” [1].

William Cook on the US-backed, ongoing Zionist Palestinian Genocide (2010): “What is the true nature of this state of Israel that commands the allegiance of the American people? It is a state without mercy, a state without morals, a state promised on racism, a state built on deception and lies … a state that has defied more than 160 UNGA and 39 UNSC resolutions, demanding that it act as a civilized state abide by international law and protocol … a state that will not tolerate interference by the UN in its calculated genocide of the Palestinian people”. [2].

[1]. William Cook, “Introduction”, pp 1-26, “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”, edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010: .

[2]. William Cook, “Propaganda, perception and reality”, pp 98-101 in “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”, edited by William Cook, Palgrave Macmillan, London 2010: .