CENSORSHIP BY ABC SATURDAY EXTRA - the ABC (Australia's BBC) is variously sidelining, censoring, blocking and defaming anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish humanitarians

The taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) has an appalling record of sidelining, censoring, and blocking anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish opinion critical of horrendous human rights abuses by Apartheid Israel and the US Alliance, this being coupled with unretracted publication of egregiously false defamation of such critics.

The ABC Radio National Program Saturday Extra had in my experience a good track record of non-censorship but in March 2013 it commenced censoring all my comments to its website, presumably for containing facts and opinions that the ABC does not want its audience to read, know about or think about.

Of course Saturday Extra is not the only ABC program to censor comments from its audience (e.g. see “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ ).

The similarly taxpayer-funded, Australian academic-based web magazine The Conversation, that is funded by Australian universities and CSIRO ( and is accordingly taxpayer-funded like the ABC) also has an appalling record of censorship (see “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ).

Indeed the iconic UK BBC , like the Australian ABC and Western Mainstream media in general (see “Mainstream Media Lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ and “Mainstream media Censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/ ), has an appalling record of censorship (see :”Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ).

Of course the ABC is not alone in this perversion of the truth and deception of the public. For details of media-derived censorship by the global Murdoch media empire, Australian Fairfax media, the Australian ABC, the UK BBC, and the Australian universities-backed web magazine The Conversation in Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia and elsewhere in the West see: see “Boycott Murdoch media”: https://sites.google.com/site/boycottmurdochmedia/ ; “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ ; “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by ; “Mainstream media censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home ; “Mainstream media lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ; “Censorship by The Age”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-age ; “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ , "Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra": https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat and “ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia’s BBC)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/abc-fact-checking-unit , "Censorship by The Guardian UK": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-the-guardian-uk , "Censorship by The Guardian Australia": https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/home/censorship-by-the-guardian-a , “Censorship by Crikey (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-crikey and “Censorship by SBS (Australia)”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by-sbs-australia .

This web page provides a documented, chronologically-ordered record of what the ABC does not want its audience to read, know about or think about.

Note that in April 2013 I found that I was BLOCKED from posting on the Saturday Extra website under my actual professional name "Dr Gideon Polya" or "DrGideonPolya" but discovered that I could circumvent this BLOCKING by use of the pseudonym "spinoza"after the great Jewish Dutch philosopher Baruch Spinoza (24 November 1632 – 21 February 1677) who is regarded as a founder of the Enlightenment, whose works were banned by the Catholic Church, and who was also ostracized and excommunicated by Jewish society. I subsequently found that I could also post under "Gideon Polya".

However on 10 May 2013 I discovered that 3 carefully researched and edited posts under "Gideon Polya" were completely censored out by the ABC whereas a brief post under "spinoza" was rapidly published.

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “The PNG solution”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/png-solution/4832642 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

21 Jul 2013 11:34:26am

Australian Laboral Party PM Kevin Rudd has stolen the Coalition's extreme right wing thunder with an election-winning PNG-based "stop the boats" policy that will for ever endear him to the politically-correct racist (PC racist) Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) White Australian majority. In vain the Indonesians on Q&A recently tried to balance the discussion with reference to Source, Transit and Destination countries but racist White Australia is not listening. The endlessly decent Greens are right: this was a shameful abrogation of human rights and Australia's responsibilities - although there are the practical positives of the billions being spent each year on incarcerating asylum seekers in Australian concentration camps will now hopefully be spent in PNG and specifically on hospitals, clinics, schools, housing and training.

Labor hypocrites justified the PNG Solution in terms of "avoiding deaths at sea" (circa 1,000 so far) while ignoring the reality that annual avoidable deaths in Australia is essentially zero per cent (0%) whereas in PNG it is 0.54% (2003 data) i.e. of every 100,000 refugees shipped to PNG, each year about 540 will die avoidably from deprivation (see Chapter 8, Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). Indeed the "under-5 infant mortality" in deaths per 1,000 births is 5 for Australia but 58 (for PNG), 101 (for US- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan; a huge US Alliance and Australian war crime) and 25 for Iran (where 100,000 people die avoidably each year under US- and Australia-imposed sanctions). Australia has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation and about 20 million Muslim refugees alone). A proud Queenslander of course has presided over the political rebirth of White Australia (noting that it is very difficult for New Guineans or indeed any people other than Whites or "Honorary Whites" to get tourist visas to visit White Australia). Decent Australians will vote 1 Green.

On 25 July 2013 I attempted to post the additional following comment using my name “Dr Gideon Polya” and thence as “Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” but it was CENSORED out by the ABC (the comments under these 3 names failed to appear after 16 minutes, about 3 hours and 2 hours, respectively):

“In relation to the Rudd Labor PNG Solution, Professor Michelle Foster (Director of the International Refugee Law Research Program, Law School, University of Melbourne) has stated: "I think this policy is a clear violation of international law"”.

However at 2.49 pm on 25 July 2013 I posted the same comment under the name “GideonPolya” and this time it was PUBLISHED within about 2 minutes. Evidently the ABC censors out my comments made under “Dr Gideon Polya”, “Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” but will publish my comments under “GideonPolya” and “GMPolya" (subject to later censorship):

GideonPolya :

25 Jul 2013 2:51:56pm

In relation to the Rudd Labor PNG Solution, Professor Michelle Foster (Director of the International Refugee Law Research Program, Law School, University of Melbourne) has stated: "I think this policy is a clear violation of international law".

The ABC applies censorship at Saturday Extra by variously BLOCKING (and then variously UN-BLOCKING) postings under variants of my name. Thus so, far in 2014 (as of 6 January 2014) the ABC Censor accepts postings by "GidonPolya" and "GideonPolya" (perhaps the Censor is away on holidays at the beach.



After extensive CENSORSHIP over the years by the ABC, in April 2017 I tried to post a comment on Saturday Extra and - surprise, surprise - it was PUBLISHED:

2017-04-13 Dr Gideon Polya comment to Saturday Extra re “US attacks on Syria”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/us-attacks/8426518 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

“The Russian/Syrian denials are false if they are guilty and true if they are innocent of the suspected chemical attack in Syria. However Donald Trump, US, US Alliance and US lackey Australian certitude over Russian/Syrian guilt is clear, proven, warmongering lying in the absence of a report from expert, independent investigators (Google "Proven US Alliance lying over chemical weapons attack & Trump pretext for destruction of Syria" and "Mainstream media fake news through lying by omission")”.


In 2016, it being an election year in Australia, I attempted to post a comment on ABC RN Saturday Extra but it was CENSORED.

2016-03-12 ABC RN Saturday Extra re Apartheid Israeli journalist on Merkel and refugees: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/german-elections/7240898 . I made following comment in response to a truth-telling and humane comment by one Nick Lindsey, to whit “I am rather disappointed that GD didn't grill her Israeli correspondent about the elephant in the room. Ñamely Israel's own highly selective immigration policy which appears to be non partisan and makes Pauline Hanson mild in comparison. No chance of many desperate Syrians etc being shown the welcome mat. Or South Sudanese. Etc etc.”. My comment was of course was CENSORED by the ABC which has an appalling, cowardly, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and racist record of CENSORING humane, anti-racist Jewish opinion about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide (2 million Palestinians killed by violence , 0.1 million, or by violently-imposed deprivation, 1.9 million, since the middle 1930s; 90% of the land of Palestine ethnically cleansed of Indigenous Palestinians) and the ongoing Muslim Holocaust and Muslim Genocide (32 million Muslims killed by violence, 5 million, or through imposed deprivation, 27 million, in 20 significantly Muslim countries violated by the US Alliance since the US Government's 9-11 false flag atrocity in 2001) (see Gideon Polya,“Paris Atrocity Context: 27 Million Muslim Avoidable Deaths From Imposed Deprivation In 20 Countries Violated By US Alliance Since 9-11”, Countercurrents, 22 November, 2015: http://www.countercurrents.org/polya221115A.htm ):

Well said Nick Lindsley. Of 12.4 million Indigenous Palestinians, 6 million are refugees excluded on pain of death from entering Palestine and of 6.4 million Indigenous Palestinian subjects of a democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel (and who represent a majority of Israeli subjects), 4.7 million (73%) are not permitted to vote for the government ruling them and are highly abusively confined to the Gaza Concentration Camp or West Bank ghettoes without charge or trial but for the asserted “crime” of being Indigenous Palestinians living in the land of their forebears for millennia to the very dawn of agrarian civilization.


8 July 2014 saw the commencement of Apartheid Israel's latest Gaza Massacre. The Zionist-infested ABC did its bit for the Palestinian Genocide by censoring and lying for the genocidal apartheid rogue state.

On 19 July 2014, Saturday Extra re “Israel Palestinian update”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/israel-palestine-update/5607208 . My comment made under “Dr Gideon Polya” was CENSORED by the ABC, presumably as containing facts or ideas that the ABC does not want its audience to read, know about or think about.

“An extremely offending interview. In Apartheid Israel’s latest Gaza Massacre over 700 Palestinians have been killed, 4,000 wounded, 140,000 rendered homeless and 1.8 million traumatized in the Gaza Concentration Camp versus zero (0) Israelis killed by Gaza rockets in the year before the invasion and only 28 killed thus in the previous 14 years i.e. 2 per year as compared to 120 Israelis murdered by fellow Israelis each year. The Palestinian Genocide has involved 2 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) since 1936 and the ethnic cleansing of 90% of Mandatory Palestine versus 3,745 Zionist or Israeli deaths by the “enemy” since 1920 (Google “Palestinian Genocide”).

My further comment made under “GidonPolya” was CENSORED by the ABC, presumably as containing facts or ideas that the ABC does not want its audience to read, know about or think about:

“Assertion of a “Gaza War” by the ABC is incorrect reportage. Apartheid Israel’s latest Gaza Massacre involves the genocidally racist Apartheid state policing its 1.8 million Indigenous Palestinian subjects in the Gaza Concentration Camp by air force, navy and army shelling, rocketing and bombing , with, so far as of 29 July, over 1,000 killed, 5,000 wounded, 150,000 made homeless and 1.8 million Gazans, including 1 million children, variously traumatized (Google “Palestinian Genocide”, “Gaza Concentration Camp” and “Boycott Apartheid Israel”).


On 24 May 2014, Saturday Extra re "Modern Israel":


. My comments posted under "GidonPolya" to avoid ABC blocking were CENSORED presumably for containing facts and informed opinions that a Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist (NAZI)-perverted and subverted ABC does not want its audience to read, know nor think about:

"Disappointing interview requiring correction.

1. Alleged Palestinian extremism" was mentioned but there was no mention of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide or of other gross abuses of Palestinian human rights as perceived by by numerous anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers.

2. The race-based state of Israel IS an Apartheid state and a grossly human rights-abusing democracy by genocide as perceived by numerous anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish scholars and writers (of Arab subjects of Apartheid Israel 72% are excluded from voting for the government ruling all of historical Palestine; Google "Palestinian Genocide", "Boycott Apartheid Israel", "Jews Against Racist Zionism" and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism")."

On 8 March 2014, Saturday Extra re “Ocean management”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ocean-management/5305422 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were not published by the ABC for several days and then PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

08 Mar 2014 9:53:41am

Outrageously missing from this non-scientist discussion (but not from the webpage image) is (a) heat polution and (b) proton (H+) pollution and acidification of the one common ocean of all nations with climate criminal Australia a disproportionately high polluter. Thus (a) 90% of the extra heat from greenhouse gas (GHG)-driven global warming has gone into the oceans and (b) the pH of the oceans has dropped by 0.1pH unit. Australian coral experts Dr Selina Ward and Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg warn that coral cannot survive a more than 2C temperature rise and that "The action that Australia and world governments take on climate change in the next few years will determine the fate of the Great Barrier Reef" (for their expert report Google "Lights out for the reef"). No action is expected from the Abbott Coalition or Right-wing Shorten Labor - indeed Australia's Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution in 2020 will on present trends be two (2) times greater than that in 2000 (Google "20aa climate change course").

“Outrageously missing from this non-scientist discussion ((but not from the web page image) is (a) heat pollution and (b) proton (H+) pollution and acidification of the common ocean of all countries with climate criminal Australia a disproportionately high polluter. Thus (a) 90% of the extra heat from greenhouse gas (GHG)-driven global warming has gone into the oceans, and (b) the pH of the oceans has dropped by 0.1 pH unit. Australian coral experts Dr Selina Ward and Professor Ove Hoegh-Guldberg state that coral cannot survive a moré than 2C temperature rise and that “The action that Australia and world governments take on climate change in the next few years will determine the fate of the Great Barrier Reef.” No action is expected from the Abbott Coalition or the Right-wing Shorten Labor – indeed Australia’s Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution in 2020 on present trends is expected to be two (2) times greater than that in 2000 (Google “2011 climate change course”).”

On 8 March 2014, Saturday Extra re “Peters Care farm mediation”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/farm-mediation-group/5288694 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were evidently BLOCKED by the ABC, presumably because they contained things that the endlessly CENSORING and LYING ABC does not want its readers to read about, know about or think about.

“By “sustainable” the non-scientist interlocutors were concerned for the relatively trivial perspective of their financial profit and not for the crucially important perspective of the survival of Humanity and the Biopshere. Thus a recent Word Bank Report assiduously re-assessed the impact of methanogenic livestock production on annual global greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution, concluding that this is 64 Gt CO2-e per year (rather than the formerly estimated 42 Gt CO2-e per year) with livestock contributing over 51% of the higher figure (Google “2011 climate change course4” and “Livestock and climate change”). Their genocidal forebears wiped out Indigenous peoples and ecosystems and now they effectively want to wipe out much of the Biosphere and non-White Humanity ”

On 8 March 2014, Saturday Extra re “What Putin did next”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/what-putin-did-next/5306360 . My comments posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were evidently BLOCKED by the ABC, presumably because they contained things that the endlessly CENSORING and LYING ABC does not want its readers to read about, know about or think about.

“The term “ultranationalist” hides an horrendous neo-Nazi reality. The Ukrainian neo-Nazis under Stepan Bandera collaborated with the German Nazis in the murder of 3 million Ukrainians including about 1 million Ukrainian Jews. Outstanding. anti-racist Jewish Canadian scholar Professor Michel Chossudovsky has exposed the involvement of Israeli Special Forces under neo-Nazi command in the US-backed, Bandera-worshipping Svoboda and Right Sector neo-Nazis in the overthrow of the democratically-elected Ukrainian president (e.g. Google “West upholds neo-Nazi repression of Ukraine’s Jewish community”).

On 1 March 2014, Saturday Extra re “New newspaper”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/new-newspaper/5286068 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was eventually PUBLISHED after a 3 day delay:

GidonPolya :

08 Mar 2014 11:02:15am

Another non-science-informed, ignorantly opioniated magazine that sits somewhere between Murdoch and Fairfax - we don't need more of this rubbish that ignores the key threats of our time - war, poverty and climate change I vastly prefer Saturday Extra to the first offerings of The Saturday Paper. For good, informed, relevant Australian journalism see New Matilda and the Green Left Weekly.

“Another non-science-informed, ignorantly opinionated magazine that sits somewhere between Murdoch and Fairfax – we don’t need more of this rubbish that ignores the key risks of out rime – war, poverty and climate change. I vastly prefer Saturday Extra to the first offerings of The Saturday Paper. For good, informed , relevant Australian journalism see New Matilda and Green Left Weekly”.

On 1 March 2014, Saturday Extra re “Revising the Victorians”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-victorian-era/5290382 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were not PUBLISHED immediatelly by the ABC, presumably because they contained things that the endlessly CENSORING AND LYING ABC does not want its readers to read about, know about or think about. However they were PUBLISHED after several days:

GMPolya :

08 Mar 2014 11:10:45am

Outrageously deficient discussion that barely mentioned the word "Empire" and thus ignored 64 years under Queen Victoria of genocide on all inhabited continents plus the Pacific. Thus an estimated 500 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation under Queen Victoria (see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

“Outrageously deficient discussion that barely mentioned the word “Empire” and then ignored 64 years under Queen Victoria of genocide on all inhabited continents and the Pacific. Thus an estimated 500 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation under Queen Victoria (see Gideon Polya, “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History “, now available for free perusal on the web).”

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Lawrence Krauss”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/world-tipping-points3a-lawrence-krauss/5228026 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

23 Feb 2014 8:58:37am

At last a scientist to bring numbers-backed reason to the discussion about key tipping points. Professor Krauss' was spot on in listing (1) the agrarian revolution of 5000BC, (2) Galileo's discovery of Jupiter's moons, the disposal of Ptolemaic terra-centrism and the 17th century advent of science (the highly successful process involving the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses), and (3) the development of and war criminal use of atomic weapons in the 1940s - as Albert Einstein correctly observed, Mankind now had the capacity to destroy itself.

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “International profit sharing”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/international-profit-shifting/5276010 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Feb 2014 8:43:54am

The laws are written by and for the rich. In neoliberal Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia the major parties - the Liberal Party-National Party Coalition and Labor - aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals - have both been bought by Big Money and off-shore tax evasion will continue BAU as will terracidal environmental destruction. Of course the other side of the tax evasion coin is State subsidy of the rich that in Australia ranges from $5 billion pa for negative gearing to the $255 billion pa subsidy for Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution at a Carbon Price of $0 per tonne CO2-e rather than the requisite for climate change action of $150 per tonne CO2-e (Google "Australian Coalition Government sacrifices key industries while committing hundreds of billions of dollars to carbon pollution and war").

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Steering the NDIS”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/steering-the-ndis/5273020 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Feb 2014 9:25:19am

After decades of caring for several disabled children I would fervently hope that Reluctant Eugenicist is wrong but unfortunately 4 decades of living under post-Whitlam, neoliberal Lib-lab (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition-Labor) governments tells me that he/she is very likely to be correct. As that great Australian writer Frank Hardy put it, "They wouldn't show their blind granny the way to the dunny". The continuing Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide gives the lie to a genuine Lib-Lab altruism (Google "Aboriginal Genocide and Aboriginal Ethnocide by politically correct racist Apartheid Australia" ).

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Ukraine update": http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ukraine-story/5275768 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Feb 2014 9:42:56am

For an informed alternative to US-subverted Mainstream media (MSM) reportage Google "Robert Fisk: Ukraine's future is tied up with Syria's - and Vladimir Putin is crucial to both". People have short memories thanks to the US-perverted MSM - pro-fascists of the kind now supporting (together with non-Fascist others) the US- and EU (Germany)-backed revolution in the Ukraine, supported the German Nazis back in the 1940s and were criminally involved in the WW2 European Holocaust (30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies killed).

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Getting back to nature”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/getting-back-to-nature/5272066 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Feb 2014 10:06:51am

Love of nature is being severely blunted today by urban living and terracidal neoliberalism and corporatism that is most shocking in neoliberal, climate criminal Australia that is one of the world's worst offenders in relation to species extinction, ecocide, environmental vandalism and greenhouse gas pollution. The species extinction rate is now 100-1,000 times greater than normal and the world is very close to a tipping point for eventual massive human depopulation and massive ecocide (Google "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course"). Vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last.

On 22 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “The Limbang Rebellion”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/limbang-rebellion/5275920 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to evade ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Feb 2014 10:18:22am

Who are the good guys? The Indigenous inhabitants seeking self-determination or the foreign invaders backing neocolonialism and royal dictatorship? The Limbang Rebellion happened a mere 17 years after the end of the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons (see "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

15 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Economic overview”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/economic-overview/5260930 . My following comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED.

GMPolya :

18 Feb 2014 8:25:42am

Scandalously missing from public economic discussion in anti-science, neoliberal, look-the-other-way Australia is the concept of Carbon Debt (Google "Carbon debt, carbon credit"). In 2011 Australia exceeded its "fair share" of the world's Terminal Carbon Budget of 600 Gt CO2 that must not be exceeded if the world is to avoid a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. The cost of circa 10,000 annual Australian deaths from carbon burning translates to $150 per tonne CO2-e which is the same as the Carbon Price recommended for effective climate change action by top climate change economist Dr Chris Hope from 89-Nobel-Lauesreate Cambridge University. The annual Carbon Debt for Australia's huge Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas pollution of 1,708 Mt CO2-e (2010) @ $150 per tonne CO2-e is $256 billion - a huge annual subsidy for criminally polluting the one common atmosphere and ocean of all countries (Google "Australian Coalition Government sacrifices key industries while committing hundreds of billions of dollars to carbon pollution & war").

15 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Reforming the FoFA reforms””: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/reforming-the-fofa-reforms/5258230 . My following comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED.

GMPolya :

18 Feb 2014 8:43:06am

This abolition of the "client interest" protection in relation to commercical investment advice is yet another instance - and they are coming thick and fast - of an anti-science, anti-environment, anti-equity, neoliberal Coalition Government increasing the freedom of the rich and advantaged to make illegitimate profits at the expense of ordinary Australians in the asserted "land of the fair go". For a list of 120 other similar extremist neoliberal Coalition abuses Google "120 reasons why Australians must vote 1 Green & put the Coalition last".

15 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “New Zealanders in Australia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/nzs-in-australia/5260326 . My following comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED.

GMPolya :

18 Feb 2014 9:07:21am

Australia and New Zealand have common ethnic and cultural origins via genocidal British imperialism and similar histories in support of bloody British and thence American imperialism. However extremely guilty consciences and common cultures of Mainstream lying mean that the terms "Aboriginal Genocide" (see John Pilger's new film, "Utopia"), Maori Genocide, Moriori Genocide and Pacific Islands Genocide are scrubbed from our history books (Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides"). In view of these profound commonalities between Australia an its sister country New Zealand, it is churlish, non-sisterly and implicitly racist for White Australia to deny a fair go for the children of New Zealanders domiciled in Australia - and it certainly invites Kiwi Government countermeasures.

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “The Age of Entitlement”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-age-of-entitlement/5246108 . My comments made under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

11 Feb 2014 5:23:26pm

The loss of the Australian car industry and the refusal of the Abbott Coalition Federal Government to give $25 million to save the SPC-Ardmona fruit cannery (a key enterprise in Shepparton and the Goulburn Valley, "the fruit bowl of Australia( are in stark contrast to the huge Federal Government ANNUAL subsidies/commitments/costings for carbon pollution, environmental vandalism, inequity and war amounting to hundreds of billions per year from $1 billion pa for imprisoning refugees to the $500 billion pa subsidy through a Carbon Price of $0 per tonne CO2-e (Google "Australian Coalition Government sacrifices key industries while committing hundreds of billions of dollars to carbon pollution & war"). "

A correction to “$500 billion” (actually “$255 billion”) posted under “GidonPolya” was BLOCKED.

A further attempt at correction posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 1:38:02pm

Correction: the last sentence above should read "$255 billion pa subsidy through a Carbon Price of $0 per tonne CO2-e".

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Trouble in Turkey”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/trouble-in-turkey/5243168 . My comments made under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 2:37:42pm

PM Erdogan's policy of Turkey being the only Muslim country with friendly relations with genocidally racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel came to an abrupt end with the Israeli killing of 9 unarmed Turkish citizens on a Gaza flotilla ship (5 Australians were variously shot, tasered, robbed and kidnapped in the same incident but the pro-Zionist Lib-Labs secured a cravenly muted Rudd Labor Government response which nevertheless angered the Zionist Lobby and contributed to the pro-Zionist-led Coup against popularly elected PM Kevin Rudd on 24 June 2010 involving current pro-Zionist Labor leader Bill Shorten; Google "Pro-Zionist-led coup"). The Israelis responded after half a century of genocide and holocaust denial by giving official recognition to the Armenian Genocide (1.5 million Armenians murdered by Turkish nationalists in WW1). PM Ergogan responded with the manifestly correct statement "Just as with Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it has become necessary to view Islamophobia as a crime against humanity" (Google "Non-Jews Against racist Zionism" and scroll down to Erdogan). The US, Apartheid Israel and the racist Zionists howled in protest but now the US is trying to get Turkey and Apartheid Israel to patch things up - they are all, after all, variously involved on the same side in violently prosecuting the Syrian Genocide (0.1 million dead and 4 million refugees so far; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide").

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “World tipping points: Pankaj Mishra”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/world-tipping-points3a-pankaj-mishra/5228014 . My comments made under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 2:57:18pm

As pointed out by former President of the World Bank, Jewish Australian Sir James Wolfensohn, the rise of China and India has come after 2 centuries of Western suppression and they are now merely resuming the leading position they held in the world economy in the 18th century before European invasion. 1,800 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation under the British Raj and 20-100 million Chinese died in the 19th century Tai Ping rebellion. In WW2 35 million Chinese died under Japanese occupation and 6-7 million Indians were deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity (see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" and "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", both now available for free perusal on the web). While China has overcome endemic poverty, 80% of Indians live in dire poverty under a corrupt kleptocracy - 4 million Indians die avoidably from deprivation each year as compared to essentially zero (0) Chinese.

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Greece taxes and debts””: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/greece-taxes-and-debts/5245856 . My comments made under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 3:22:56pm

Australians who think we are safely removed from the Greek tragedy are living in a fool's paradise engendered by denialist oligopoly Mainstream media. Thus Australia in 2011 exceeded its "fair share" of the world's Terminal Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if it is to avoid a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (Google "2011 climate change course" and scroll down to section G "Australia"). Each year the anti-science Abbott Coalition Government engenders an additional Australian Carbon Debt of $255 billion due to its Carbon Price of $0 per tonne CO2-e as compared to the required Carbon Price for effective climate change action of $150 per tonne CO2-e (for details and documentation Google "Australian Coalition Government sacrifices key industries while committing hundreds of billions of dollars to carbon pollution & war"). Poor fellow my country.

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Birds and people”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/birds-and-people/5028304 . My comments made under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 3:34:36pm

Some important numbers for a hungry world in which 2 billion go hungry - conversion efficiency (in kg grain to produce 1 kg gain in live weight): fish e.g. carp, tilapia, catfish (less than 2), chicken (2), pork (4) and beef (7) (for details and documentation Google "Biofuel famine, biofuel genocide, meat & global food price crisis").

On 8 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Sochi and Russia’s changing regional relationships””:http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/sochi-and-russia27s-changing-regional-relationships/5244878 . My comments made under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

12 Feb 2014 4:00:24pm

Russia saved us from Nazism (20 million Soviet Union dead) but like most countries has its faults e.g. fossil fuel exploitation, corruption, alcohol, resurgent religion, authoritarianism, and homophobia . However Russia is a force for good in providing a sane counterbalance in a world in which a Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted US asserts its divine right to subvert every country on earth and to invade any relatively weak country it chooses to (Google "The US has invaded 70 nations since 1776 - make 4 July Independence from America Day"). Each year 18 million people die avoidably from deprivation on Space Ship Earth with the violent and merciless US Alliance in charge of the flight deck (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country since Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web).

1 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “World’s tipping points: James Woods” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/world-tipping-points3a-james-wood/5227474 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 8:21:15am

Adamantine ennui is spot on and it is shocking testament to the power of Murdochchracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia that millions of Australians are not out in the streets demanding effective climate change action now - indeed at the last election Australians voted overwhelmingly for climate change inaction and effective climate change denialism by the climate criminal Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laboraals, Coalition and Labor). For the Awful Truth about the vanishing Arctic summer sea ice (predicted to go by 2015) and looming loss of 50 Gt methane (=5,250 Gt CO2-e) from the East Siberian Arctic Sea bed in coming decades (9 times more than the world's terminal Carbon Budget of 600 Gt CO2) Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to Wadhams - Professor Peter Wadhams is Professor of Ocean Physics at 89-Nobel Laureate Cambridge University).

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 9:03:10am

Not surprisingly the tipping points advanced by non-scientist literary critic Professor James Wood were laughable (e.g. racist and genocidal British and Western Imperialism didn't stop with the death of Winston Churchill in 1965 - ask the grieving relatives of the 7 million Afghans killed by violence or war-imposed deprivation since 2001 (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

As a well-read, humane scientist I offer the following tipping points:

1. 1945. Development and thence mass murder use in 1945 of atomic weapons - Albert Einstein thence observed that Humanity had now achieved the capacity to completely destroy itself.

2. 1948. UN recognition of an invasion-, colonization-, genocide-, theft-, mendacity- and race-based state of Israel (Apartheid Israel) that backed Apartheid South Africa, now has 400 nuclear weapons, has invaded a dozen countries, has ethnically cleansed 90% of Palestine in the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, was involved in the Guatemala Indian Genocide and the Sri Lanka Tamil Genocide, and is intimately connected with egregious Zionist perversion and subversion of the Western democracies and the war criminal US War on Muslims (12 million deaths), the US War on Terror (10 million deaths), the ongoing Global Avoidable Mortality Holocaust (1.3 billion avoidable deaths since 1950) and the deadly and traitorous subversion of the US in particular and of public dialogue worldwide crucial for societal safety (Israel anagram: e-liars; Google "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

3. In about 1940 atmospheric CO2 exceeded 300 parts per million (ppm) for the first time in about 1 million years - it reached 400 ppm in 2013 at Mauna Loa and is remorselessly increasing at 2.5 ppm CO2 per year. In the absence of effective climate change action most of Humanity and most of the Biosphere are finished (*Google "Are we doomed" and "2011 climate change course").

1 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “The year ahead” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-year-ahead/5225616 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 9:41:00am

This was a highly irritating interview emanating from right-wing institutes that back the disastrous Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist line. America has invaded 70 nations since 1776 and, as revealed by Julian Assange, Edward Snowden and others, endlessly subverts and perverts every country on earth (Google "The US has invaded 70 nations since 1776 - make 4 July Independence from America Day").

In response to the Wikileaks revelation that PM Rudd had suggested the possibility of war with China to the Americans and that Ambassador Beazley had offered Australian soldiers in that eventuality, former PM Malcolm Fraser decried slavish adherence to US foreign policy (Google his article "Slavish devotion to the US a foreign policy folly for Australia" ), pointing out that in the 1950s arch-conservative PM Sir Robert Menzies had told the Americans that if they had a war with China over Taiwan then Australia would NOT be part of it.

Australia has been part of all post-1950 US Asian wars, racist and imperialist wars that have been associated with 40 million Asian deaths from violence or from war-imposed deprivation. Back in the 1960s my VW Beetle carried a bold humane message "NAZIS KILLED JEWS WE KILL ASIANS" - after over 2 centuries of killing Asians, Africans and Australasians for the British and thence the Americans and the genocidally racist Zionists (Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides"), racist White Australia (Apartheid Australia) should stop killing Asians and instead make love not war (with numerous Anglo-Asian descendants I have done my bit).

1 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “Rising income inequality” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/rising-income-inequality/5230520 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 10:17:56am

The glaringly obvious is that the possession of 50% of the world's wealth by the One Percenters arises because the One Percenters are in charge of the show. The Western democracies have become Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenter-perverted Murdochracies, Lobbyocracies and Corporatocracies (Google "Review Social Humanism") in which the Big Money of the One Percenters buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, political power - and hence evil and deadly Business As Usual (BAU).

However the writing is on the wall for the evil One Percenters because One Percenter-imposed inequity KILLS.

Thus One Percenter-driven obscene inequity and fiscal perversion means 66,000 Australians die preventably each year (9,000 being Indigenous Australians under Australian Apartheid);

1.3 million Americans die preventably each year;

nearly 16 million Americans have died preventably since 2001 linked to the fiscal perversion of committing $6 trillion to killing 10 million Muslims abroad rather than keeping Americans alive at home;

1.3 BILLION people have died avoidably from deprivation since 1950 (currently 18 million die thus annually) on Spaceship Earth with the One Percenters in charge of the flight deck;

and 10 BILLION are set to die this century due to unaddressed man-made global warming (currently 5 million die each year from carbon burning and climate change) (Google "Climate Genocide' and "Are we doomed" and read Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" that contains an avoidable mortality-linked history of every country since Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web).

Those Australians voting Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition or Labor) - rather than doing vote 1 Green or Socialist - are complicit in this obscene, greed-driven mass murder.

1 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “contagion discussion” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/contagion/5147508 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 10:57:11am

I was pleased that right at the end Dr Laurie Garrett pointed out the looming menace of multi-drug resistant bacteria that may return 7 billion people to the pre-antibiotic era with horrendous attendant mass mortality.

While the EU Parliament voted in 2011 to adopt Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) measures to help control dangerous use of antibiotics in agriculture, in the US it is estimated that 50% of antibiotic use is in food, this representing a major means of evolving and spreading deadly anti-biotic resistance and another example of uncontrolled capitalist greed threatening Humanity.

Look-the-other-way, greed-driven Australia imports about 700 tons of antibiotics annually of which 8% is for veterinary use, 33% for human use and nearly 60% for dangerous, anti-social use in agriculture to boost meat and protein yield.

Anti-social livestock production endangers the world through (1) antibiotic resistance evolution and dissemination, (2) food inequity, food price increase, and malnourishment of 2 billion people, and (3) making a massive over 51% contribution to global greenhouse gas pollution and hence man-made global warming warming (Google "Livestock and climate change What if the key actors in climate change are cows, pigs and chickens", "2011 climate change course" and "climate genocide").

1 February 2014, Saturday Extra re “A century of surfing” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/australia27s-century-of-surf/5125154 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

02 Feb 2014 11:17:32am

Unfortunately there is a downside to just about anything nice in our egregiously threatened, over-crowded world (e.g. the obvious "love" and "overpopulation"), and "surfing" and the "beach" are no exceptions.

Thus: (1) Australia has the highest incidence of melanoma in the world and 1 in 17 Australians will be diagnosed with melanoma before age 85 (Google "Melanoma facts and statistics") and

(2) Culling big sharks - peak marine ecosystem predators - off Western Australian surf beaches is largely ineffective, further endangers already endangered peak ecosystem predators and hence endangers the relevant ecosystems through homeostasis disruption. Already the species extinction rate is 100-1,000 times greater than normal, this being linked to overpopulation, land use and man-made global warming (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to Levin).

25 January 2014 Saturday Extra re Remembering WW2 and its impact on China’s foreign policy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/china3a-remembering-wwii-and-its-impact-on-china27s-foreign-p/5111116 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

28 Jan 2014 2:57:41pm

The suggestion that the postwar Chinese Governments and people downplayed the appalling Japanese Occupation is absurd. Thus the People's Daily on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of Japan's surrender to China on 9 September 1945 states: "Chinese casualties reached 35 million under the butcher knife of the Japanese aggressive army" (Google "The 60th anniversary of victory in the anti-Fascist war"). However the 1937-1945 Chinese Holocaust (35 million killed) is largely forgotten in the US-dominated West as is the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons (Google "Australia and Britain killed 6-7 million Indians in WW2 Bengal Famine").

25 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “International banking”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/international-banking/5111112 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

28 Jan 2014 3:59:40pm

As Calliope has adverted, the world economy is based on unsustainable carbon burning. Further, the top 1% owns as much as the remaining 99%, a situation that cannot be sustained with a worsening climate crisis. Of course capitalism thrives on debt but the banksters and their political lackeys (e.g. the neoliberal Lib-:Labs or Liberal-Laborals in Australia) ignore a burgeoning Carbon Debt (e.g. the Carbon Debt to reverse the consequences of Australian coal exports alone under Tony Abbott is about $300-$450 billion, to be paid by future generations) and a worsening global avoidable mortality (thus currently 18 million people die avoidably each year from deprivation; see Gideon Polya's "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the web).

25 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Tasmania into the future”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/tas-panel/5111118 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

28 Jan 2014 4:25:06pm

As a Tasmanian I offer the following key points.

1. Senator Christine Milne and the Greens are spot on in wanting a "clean, Green and smart" economy for Tasmania and indeed for Australia. Quality niche industries (wine, whiskey, cheese, medicinal opiates, furniture and other value-added wood products, catamarans etc) have shown the way (for ideas see my huge 860 page pharmacological reference text "Biochemical targets of plant bioactive compounds").

2. Like the Mainland Tasmania is a corrupt Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Established Big Money anti-science Luddites buy people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and political power. Thus the Derwent River amd Macquarie Harbour are highly polluted with heavy metals, priceless rainforests are being clear-felled, the Tarkine Wilderness is being violated with mine expansion, nearly 60% of Tasmanian children leave school immediately after completing year 10, Tasmania leads White Australia in unemployment and youth unemployment, the Tssmanian tiger has gone and now the devil is threatened with extinction....

3. A science-informed Tasmania should emulate Scotland (which is going 100% renewable energy by 2020; Google "100% renewable energy by 2020") and indeed should be a major supplier of wind-, wave- and hydro-power to the Mainland. Tasmania's old growth Eucalyptus forests are the best forest carbon sinks in the world and should be saved for that purpose, per se and for tourism.

25 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Great Southern Land ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/httpwwwyoutubecomvtf9lzz2f9um/5111130 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

28 Jan 2014 4:33:14pm

In the last week I have been commiserating with visitors from the UK who missed out on seeing the marvellous sights of Australia from Darwin to Melbourne because the plane window blinds must be closed to allow passengers to sleep or watch trashy Hollywood movies.

25 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “The women behind the astronauts”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/astronaut-wives/5111140 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

28 Jan 2014 4:44:48pm

Of course this was an exciting, courageous and inspiring venture. So many like me were inspired to become scientists because of Sputnik et al. However a humane intergalactic visitor to Terra might comment on the human fiscal priorities e.g. 27% of African Americans live in poverty, 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year (Google "One million Americans die") and 18 million people die avoidably from deprivation each year on Spaceship Earth with the First World in charge of the flight deck (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Clare Lockhart on primary education”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/clare-lockhart-primary-education/5091846 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 5:23:58pm

Clare Lockart makes a sensible and informed point about diversion to primary education of funds for secondary, university and vocational training in Developing countries. However Western-imposed war is a vastly greater diversion of indigenous and potential aid resources. Thus the Zionist-promoted War on Terror has had a longterm accrual cost to the US of $6 trillion ($125 billion for Australia), Apartheid Israel has received most of US overseas aid, and the longterm accrual cost of Apartheid Israel to the US is now $40 trillion (Google "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “The changing nature of special forces forces soldiers”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-changing-nature-of-special-forces-soldiers/5091826 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 5:43:41pm

Use of Special Forces for intra-national emergencies is fine. However invasion of non-belligerent foreign countries (e.g. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Laos etc , including the use of Special Forces in so doing, is a war crime under the UN Charter.

Re the alleged Special Forces killing of Osama bin Laden, (1) in an interview with David Frost in 2007, several months before her own murder, Benazir Bhutto referred to "Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden" (the BBC disgracefully edited out this part of the Al Jazeera interview), and (2) outstanding Pullitzer Prize-winning US journalist Seymour Hersh (who, for example, exposed the Mylai Massacre) stated of the alleged Navy Seals killing of Osama bin Laden: "It's one big lie, not one word of it is true" (also censored out by the BBC; for details Google "Censorship by the BBC")

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Photographing and saving the icy realm”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/adventures-in-the-icy-realm/5091888 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 5:53:30pm

In 2012 Professor Peter Wadhams (89-Nobel-Laureate Cambridge University) stated of the Arctic summer sea ice: "It is truly the case that it will be all gone by 2015" (Google "Are we doomed" and scroll down to Wadhams). As one of the world's worst per capita greenhouse gas polluters and exporters (Google "Climate genocide") Australia is making a disproportionately huge contribution to this disaster and downstream disasters in the Arctic and worldwide.

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Game on in Rio”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/game-on-in-rio/5091882 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 6:18:25pm

Aussies and Brits associate Rio with the Ronnie Biggs scandal. The current French concerns over "invasion of privacy" in relation to the President Hollande sex scandal eclipses the horrendous reality of French invasion of 80 countries (the Americans have invaded 70 countries since 1788 and the English have invaded 171 countries including Brazil) (Google "President Hollande and French invasion of privacy versus French invasion of 80 countries since 800 AD"). After the 1711 Siege and Battle of Rio de Janeiro, the French departed for France with an estimated 4 million pounds in loot including a shipment of African slaves, this understandably poisoning Franco-Portuguese relations for many years.

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Making music in Afghanistan ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/music-in-afghanistan/5091894 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 6:44:47pm

I am a great fan of Emma Ayres and ABC Classic FM. However one must make the following comments.

1. Muslim world tackling of modernity (see "Inside Muslim Minds" by Flinders University's Professor Riaz Hassan AM ; Google "Review Inside Muslim Minds") would be greatly assisted by trade, aid, dialogue and other peaceful interactions rather than the Western invasion and devastation from Mali to NW Pakistan that has killed 12 million Muslims since 1990 (Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide").

2. Since the US Alliance invasion in 2001, Afghan avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation have totalled 4.2 million, violent deaths may have been 1.3 million, refugees totalled 3-4 million and under-5 infant deaths totalled 3.0 million, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous US Alliance crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention. 5.5 million potential musicians gone.

3. Global opiate drug-related deaths due to US Alliance restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007 (UN ODC World Drug Reports) have totalled over 1 million, the breakdown including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 400 French (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). Another 1 million potential musicians gone.

On 18 January 2014 Saturday Extra re “Turn right at Machu Picchu ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/machu-picchu/5091904 . My comments posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

18 Jan 2014 6:58:03pm

The Western invasion of the Americas cost the lives of tens of millions of Indigenous Americans through disease, dispossession, deprivation and violence. For a science-based assessment of the various parts of this catastrophe see anti-racist Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond's books "Guns, Germs and Steel" and "Collapse". History ignored yields history repeated as shown by continuing US Alliance atrocities from Haiti and Mali through to Afghanistan and NW Pakistan (for an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since Neolithic times see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

11 January 2014, Saturday Extra re “Big History - an origin story for our time?”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/big-history--an-origin-story-for-our-time3f/5076098 , My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED (my comments posted under “GideonPolya” re the 11 January 2014 segment on China science was BLOCKED): .

GidonPolya :

11 Jan 2014 12:42:37pm

David Christian's "Maps of Time" deals with cosmological history from the Big Bang to maximum entropy and thermal death of the (this?) universe. However inclusion of human history and cultural evolution is absurd - we can potentially learn from human history to avoid genocides and a looming terminal climate catastrophe (though in practice we don't; Google "Are we doomed?") but there is nothing we can do about the accelerating dispersion of the universe. "Maps of Time" for all its pretensions ignores massive human atrocities (it even ignores the WW2 Jewish Holocaust and the even bigger WW2 European Holocaust, WW2 Bengali Holocaust and WW2 Chinese Holocaust; Google "Review Maps of Time, an introduction to Big History" by David Christian - ignoring genocides & holocausts").

11 January 2014, Saturday Extra re “Women in the Raj”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/women-in-the-raj/5076114 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED (my comments posted under “GideonPolya” re the 11 January 2014 segment on China science was BLOCKED):

GidonPolya :

11 Jan 2014 1:11:53pm

The assertions of the benefits of British colonialism to India (railways, administration, "democracy") were fatuous. India today is an impoverished, corrupt kleptocracy and avoidable Indian deaths from deprivation in the period 1757-1947 totalled 1.8 billion. The WW2 Bengali Holocaust (in which Australia was complicit) killed 6-7 million Indians. India was Britain's Auschwitz on a vastly greater scale. The most significant "husband hunter" was Jane Austen's paternal aunt Philadelphia who, as an orphan, went out to India and married surgeon Tysoe Saul Hancock in Madras in 1753. She was later seduced by Hancock's business partner Warren Hastings in Kasimbazaar, Bengal, and in 1761 gave birth to Jane Austen's lively cousin and later consanguinous sister-in-law Eliza who was a model for Mary Crawford in "Mansfield Park". "Sense and Sensibility" tells a disguised version of the story (see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

11 January 2014, Saturday Extra re “Chief Scientist Ian Chubb”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ian-chubb/5076096 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED (my comments posted under “GideonPolya” on this segment was BLOCKED):

GidonPolya :

11 Jan 2014 1:26:31pm

The following comment posted under my name "GideonPolya" was blocked. Like many other Australian scientists I was fortunate to have Chinese research collaborators in my laboratory from the 1970s onwards. Unfortunately the Coalition-Labor (Lib-Lab, Liberal-Laboral)- approved, US ties-inspired, Australian Defence Trade Controls Bill, as I understand it, makes it punishable by 10 years in prison for an Australian scientist to inform a non-Australian without permission about any of thousands of things set out in a Defence and Strategic Goods List (Google "Impact of the Defence Trade Controls Bill on academic freedom"). More anti-science, anti-academic , anti-Australian, US lackey Lib-Lab idiocy,

11 January 2014, Saturday Extra re “Sri Lanka: still counting the dead”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/sri-lanka3a-still-counting-the-dead/5076108 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED (my comments posted under “GideonPolya” re the 11 January 2014 segment on China science was BLOCKED):

GidonPolya :

11 Jan 2014 1:53:25pm

Excellent interview by Geraldine Doogue. The UK Channel 4 program broadcast by ABC Four Corners and entitled "Sri Lanka's killing fields" provides shocking visual evidence of torture, rape , murder and mass murder war crimes and exposes the key role of Apartheid Israel in the Sri Lanka Tamil Genocide through supply of warplanes and bombs. 100,000 Tamils killed and hundreds of thousands variously displaced and confined to concentration camps - eminent US International Law expert Professor Francis Boyle has condemned this ongoing atrocity in his book "The Tamil Genocide by Sri Lanka" (Professor Boyle has likewise condemned the ongoing Palestinian Genocide by Apartheid Israel; Google "Review The Plight of the Palestinians" and "Palestinian Genocide"). Coalition-Labor (Lib-Lab, Liberal-Laboral) Australian complicity in both atrocities - from financial and diplomatic support to highly abusive confinement of refugees in remote concentration camps and return of Tamil refugees for possible rape, torture and death - is a national disgrace.

11 January 2014, Saturday Extra re “New Eureka democracy museum”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/made-ballarat/5076116 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED (my comments posted under “GideonPolya” re the 11 January 2014 segment on China science was BLOCKED):

GidonPolya :

11 Jan 2014 2:22:30pm

Entertaining segment that nevertheless calls for critical comment. Thus basically the Eureka Stockade was about money. Chinese miners were variously subject to violence, pogroms, Chinaman hunts, murder, and deportation (see Humphrey McQueen's "A New Britannia"). Indigenous Australians weren't even able to vote until after the 1967 Referendum and the Whitlam Labor 1975 Racial Discrimination Act (grossly violated by the Coalition-Labor Lib-Labs in the disgraceful NT Intervention). Australia has become a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and political power. Thus the largely foreign-owned Mining Industry only had to spend a mere $23 million in advertising to secure the removal of the very popularly elected Labor PM Kevin Rudd in the 24 June 2010 US approved, Mining Company-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup (for the Awful Truth not reported by Mainstream media Google "pro-Zionist-led Coup" and read outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein's analysis "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia"?") .

Re-broadcast on 4 January 2014, 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra segment “Mining in space”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/mining-in-space/5060520 My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

06 Jan 2014 8:06:53am

The world has a carbon burning-based economy and at current and projected rates of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution may have as little as 4 years left before it exceeds the 2010-2050 carbon budget of 600 Gt CO2 that must not be exceeded if we are to avoid a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (Google "Doha climate change inaction only 5 years left to act", "are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course"). Large-scale mining in space currently means a suicidal increase in carbon-burning on earth and falsely implies unlimited growth.

Re-broadcast on 4 January 2014, 11 May 2013 Saturday Extra segment “Mining in space”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/mining-in-space/5060520 My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

06 Jan 2014 8:26:41am

The US lackey Polish Government has a short memory. 20 million Soviet citizens died in liberating Europe from genocidal Nazism that killed 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies including 6 million dead in the Polish Holocaust. Yet Poland is part of NATO nuclear terrorism against Russia right up to the Russian border and was shamefully involved in the US Alliance Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide (4.6 million dead from violence or violently-imposed deprivation since 1990) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1960", that includes an avoidable mortality-relayed history of every country since Neolithic times and is now available for free perusal on the web).

Re-broadcast on 4 January 2014, 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra segment “GOMA talks: Australia and Asia – is creative mateship possible”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/goma-talks/5060538 My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

06 Jan 2014 11:12:09am

The Arts are about seeing the truths of society in a deeper, right-side-of the-brain way. Unfortunately, Australian Mainstream politician, journalist and academic lying has ensured that Elephant in the Rooms Australian realities are kept well under wraps e.g. Australia's secret genocide history involving participation in 30 genocidal atrocities from Africa through Asia to Australasia and the Pacific (for the Awful Truth Google "Australia's secret genocide history" and "Review The Cambridge History if Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides" and see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

Re-broadcast on 4 January 2014, 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra segment “Too old to work, too young to die”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/too-old-to-work2c-too-young-to-die/5060554 . My comment under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

06 Jan 2014 11:32:27am

I and other academic professionals have been involved in post-retirement teaching as casual lecturers at our universities. We don't need the money but got great pleasure out of teaching undergraduate courses for 10% of the money and in 10% of the time as compared to full-time academics. However, faced with the $4 billion cuts by Labor PM Julia Gillard and no doubt worse to come from Coalition PM Tony Abbott, I understand that universities instead of employing more cheap, enthusiastic and highly skilled casuals have opted for the 18th century solution of doubling the workload of already over-worked existing full-time academics.

Re-broadcast on 4 January 2014, 15 June 2013 Saturday Extra segment “Changing Myanmar”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/images-of-burma/5060566 . My comment under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

06 Jan 2014 11:48:25am

There is a Mainstream myth of "Changing Myanmar" that is just about as phoney and for much the same US imperialism-related reasons as "the Palestine-Israel peace process". Thus, despite overwhelming popular support, Aung San Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy Party has only 7% of the seats in the Myanmar Parliament. Similarly, of 12 million Palestinians, 50% are prevented by democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel from even stepping foot in their own country, and only 7% (adult Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine (Google "Comparing Burma and Apartheid



28 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “Drugs, violence , and Colombia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/drugs2c-violence-and-colombia/5045674 . My comments under “GidonPolya” to avoifod ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

29 Dec 2013 8:55:37am

Not mentioned in the interview is the US and Apartheid Israeli involvement in the civil war in Colombia. The US has spent billions on bases, bombing and military aid in the so-called "War on Drugs" in Colombia and Colombia has bought planes, drones, weapons and intelligence systems from Apartheid Israel. US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry has killed over 1 million people worldwide including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). Colombia is involved in the US Afghan War and its role in US-backed drugs is set to soar with the end of the Afghan War.

28 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “Searching for plundered art”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/marc-masurovsky/5045688 . My comments under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

29 Dec 2013 8:30:48am

Hungary only permits partial restitution of property stolen from Jewish Hungarians (5-10% of market value with the money to be only spent within Hungary for shares in privatized companies or land at state auctions with ZERO compensation for assets such as securities, insurance policies, bank accounts or looted art work; Google "Holocaust restitution, compensation & restitution by country"). My family's Buda family photographs and paintings and our Pest summer house and estate remain state owned without compensation and a huge insurance policy outside Hungary was only paid at 10% of its value. As far as I know NONE of my family were involved in the genocidal racist Zionist invasion, devastation, dispossession and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people (Google "Palestinian Genocide" and "Review the plight of the Palestinians"). .

28 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “The workforce of the future”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/future-workforce/5045626 . My comments under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

29 Dec 2013 9:21:58am

Australia under the ignorant, anti-science and callous Abbott Coalition Government is facing decimation of manufacturing industry and the skilling for "new" industries is hampered by an extraordinary 46% functional illiteracy and 53% functional innumeracy in Australia (Google "37 ways of tackling Australian Educational Apartheid and social inequity" and see Josh Fear "Choice overload, Australians coping with financial decisions").

28 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “An interview with Helen Clark”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/helen-clark/5045668 . My comments under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

29 Dec 2013 9:38:08am

Helen Clark certainly has a job ahead of her. Thus 18 million people die avoidably each year (4 million in South Asia) from deprivation and deprivation-exacerbated disease on a Spaceship Earth with the First World in charge of the flight deck. 16 million died thus in 2004 (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", an avoidable mortality-related history of every country since neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web). Currently 5 million people die from carbon burning and climate change with a prediction of a total of 100 million such deaths predicted by 2030 (Google Are we Doomed" and scroll down to DARA). Indeed it is estimated that 10 billion will die this century if man-made climate change is not adequately addressed (Google "Climate Genocide").

28 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “Germany, the reluctant leader”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/germany/5045590 . My comments under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

29 Dec 2013 10:10:37am

An interesting and informative interview. A German scholar and business analyst friend confirms how loaded the term "fuhrer" is in post-war Germany. My engineering friends in Munich tell me how they window shop (to see not buy) German luxury goods destined for the very rich and the China market. A China expert tells me that 80% of top-end art sales now go to China. However while Australia's role as a primary producer for China may continue indefinitely, the Germans may be in

trouble when the Chinese do luxury goods in a big way. Of course Brobdingnagmeister is on the money as usual (he evidently eschews the dreadful Murdoch media) - the new German Luftwaffe bombed Serbia in the 1990s for first time since WW2 and the Angel of Death Angela Merkel involved Germany in the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide (5.5 million Afghan deaths, half of children, from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 2001) (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). Re inflation, a German friend Ella Blum published a must-read account of life in Germany between the wars from the perspective of an a-political young woman and entitled "A Billionaire's Daughter".

21 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “School exams and social change” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/school-exams/5150230 . My comment posted under “GidonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

23 Dec 2013 3:55:06pm

There are 2 key issues here: (1) what is taught and (2) assessment of learning. (1) Australian students are being malinstructed (e.g. Google "Review The Cambridge History if Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides" ). (2) Assessment standards are declining (e.g. 95% pass in a university course with 80% of marks from "take home" work and with 30% failure of the traditional theory exam assessment segment).

21 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “2013 in review” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/2013-in-review/5155134 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Dec 2013 4:08:39pm

The Coalition Government-sacked Climate Commission estimated that the world has only 16 year left before it s exceeds the terminal carbon budget of 600 Gt CO2 that must not be exceeded to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise. The effective climate change denialism of the Abbott Government has made Australia nearly the worst in the world for both per capita greenhouse gas pollution and climate change inaction (Google "120 reasons why Australians must vote 1 Green and put the Coalition last").

21 December 2013 , Saturday Extra re “A divided United States of America” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-divided-united-states-of-america/5156132 . My comment posted under Dr Gideon Polya was BLOCKED by the ABC.:

The 1% versus the 99%. 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year and 16 million have died thus since 9-11, yet this carnage is linked to the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters committing America to a longterm accrual cost of $6 trillion for the Zionist-promoted War On Terror in which 10 million Muslims (half of them children) have been killed abroad rather than saving American lives at home (Google "1 million Americans die" and "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

However the same comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Dec 2013 4:23:57pm

The 1% versus the 99%. 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year and 16 million have died thus since 9-11, yet this carnage is linked to the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters committing America to a longterm accrual cost of $6 trillion for the Zionist-promoted War On Terror in which 10 million Muslims (half of them children) have been killed abroad rather than saving American lives at home (Google "1 million Americans die" and "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

21 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “China’s new revolution” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/school-exams/5150230 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was BLOCKED:

“The creation off its populous coast by China of the East China Sea Air Defence Identification Zone is quite understandable given the US nuclear threat to China for 70 years, the presence of US and Japanese air and naval forces off the China coast, the appalling record of US imperialism in Asia (38 million dead from violence or from war-imposed deprivation in post-1950 US Asian wars, in all of which Australia participated), and the appalling record of Japan (35 million Chinese dead, 1937-1945)) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", an avoidable mortality-related history of all countries since Neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web).”

However re-posted under “GMPolya” the same comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Dec 2013 4:37:58pm

The creation off its populous coast by China of the East China Sea Air Defence Identification Zone is quite understandable given the US nuclear threat to China for 70 years, the presence of US and Japanese air and naval forces off the China coast, the appalling record of US imperialism in Asia (38 million dead from violence or from war-imposed deprivation in post-1950 US Asian wars, in all of which Australia participated), and the appalling record of Japan (35 million Chinese dead, 1937-1945)) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", an avoidable mortality-related history of all countries since Neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web).

21 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “School exams and social change” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/school-exams/5150230 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Dec 2013 4:55:22pm

A useful segment that addresses the tip (driver distraction) of a huge iceberg of massive preventable injury and death in Australia each year. Thus it is estimated that 66,000 Australians die preventably each year in Australia with, for example, 9,000 being avoidable deaths of Indigenous Australians, 10,000 being due to carbon burning pollutants and 1,400 being road deaths (Google "Why PM Julia Gillard must go: 66,000 preventable Australian deaths annually", "Endless War on Terror: huge cost for Australia and America" and "50 ways Australian Inteligence spies on Australia and the World for UK, Israeli and US state terrorism").

21 December 2013, Saturday Extra re “Festivals preview” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/arts-roundup/5147520 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” to avoid ABC BLOCKING, was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

23 Dec 2013 5:14:18pm

Setting aside music, these festivals of look-the-other-way Australia serve an evil Establishment purpose of keeping intelligent people safely off the main game (war, nuclear terrorism, climate change and poverty) and on safe ground (e.g. inexpert literary psychobabble) rather than dealing with the here-and-now of deadly racism, genocide, US Alliance violence, mass avoidable mortality (18 million such deaths annually), and endless Mainstream lying (e.g. Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides" ).

On 14 December 2013 re “North Korean execution”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/north-korea-execution/5156778 . My comment posted under “Gidon Polya” (to evade ABC censorship) was PUBLISHED:

Gidon Polya :

15 Dec 2013 3:43:39pm

The execution of a leading figure in North Korea after a rapid trial is shocking but the Western accusations of barbarity are grossly hypocritical. Thus the US (1) extrajudicially kills roughly 1 person per day by Australia-complicit, war criminal drone strikes, (2) has killed 38 million Asians through violence or imposed deprivation in Australia-complicit post-1950 US Asian wars, (3) kills about 1,000 children thus world-wide each day (Google "Hey hey USA how many kids did you kill today? Answer: 1,000"); and (4) according to Canadian Professor Michel Chossudovsky "North Korea lost close to 30% of its population as a result of US bombings in the 1950s".

On 14 December 2013 re “The art of strategy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-art-of-strategy/5154164 . My comment posted under “Gidon Polya” (to evade ABC censorship) was PUBLISHED:

Gidon Polya :

15 Dec 2013 4:45:26pm

Making war unless in defence against an invader is a war crime and Australia has been up to its arm pits in blood in illegal UK and US wars. No matter how clever the strategy, illegal wars are evil and criminal. Deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the 21st century Iraqi and Afghan Wars total 2.7 million and 5.5 million, respectively (Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide">

On 14 December 2013 re “After Holden”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/after-holden/5155284 . My comment posted under “Gidon Polya” (to evade ABC censorship) was PUBLISHED:

Gidon Polya :

15 Dec 2013 5:01:22pm

Australia needs large-scale sophisticated manufacturing capability and for this reason the Federal Government must keep the remaining car industry alive with appropriate subsidies and government purchases and in the face of a worsening climate emergency (Google "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course") use this leverage to humanely redirect industrial production into useful directions e.g. electric cars, renewable energy technology, public transport, energy efficiency, medical instrumentation etc (Google "100% renewable energy by 2020"). Unfortunately the mindlessly neoliberal, anti-worker, troglodyte Coalition Government won't.

On 14 December 2013 re “Reinvention”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/reinventing-yourself/5147322 . My comment posted under “Gidon Polya” (to evade ABC censorship) was evidently BLOCKED:

In short, I said that the World is running out of time to re-invent itself and cease greenhousee gas (GHG) pollution (16 years left according to the Abbott Coalition Government-sacked Australian Climate Commission but only 5 years left according to my direst estimate; Google “Doha climate change inaction only 5 years left” and “Are we doomed?”). Scotland, Tasmania and some Pacific island states are aiming for 100% renewable energy by 2020 (Google “100% renewable energy by 2020” ).

A second post under "Gideon Polya" was also BLOCKED:

"Australia has re-invented itself since the Reverend James Walker of North Parramatta stated in 1846: "I have the honour to sate that there are no Aborigines in my district". Today Australians are politicaly correct racist (PC racsist) and declare their love for Aborigines while the avoidable death rate in avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population per year is 18 for Aborigines, 13 for South Africa, 10 for non-Arab Africa, and 4 for South Asia as compared to zero (0) for Cuba and White Australia (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). "

I posted a further comment under “GideonPolya” (to evade ABC censorship) and this time –third time lucky – it was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

16 Dec 2013 9:27:25am

Re-invention has been the economic norm for employees for several decades and the worsening climate crisis means even more rapid re-invention e.g. rapid cessation of coal, oil and gas exploitation and greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution in general; installation of 100% renewable energy ASAP; rail not road etc (Google "Are we doomed?", "2011 climate change course", "100% renewable energy by 2020"). Someone should tell the Luddite, anti-sciece, effective climate change denialist Coalition Government.

On 14 December 2013 re “Wife and baggage to follow”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/diplomats-wives/5134544 . My comment posted under “Gidon Polya” (to evade ABC censorship) was PUBLISHED:

GidonPolya :

16 Dec 2013 9:14:31am

A notable book about the wife of a top Austtalian diplomat is Diane Langmore's "Glittering Surfaces". A life of Maie Casey". While the book insistently plugs a line on the unknowable and these days unremarkable (the depth of Maie Casey's friendship with Richard Casey's secretary), in the chapter 6 "Vicereine" about the Caseys in war-time Bengal, Langmore dismisses the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity) in a mere 7 words "it had just endured a devastating famine" (p110) (for details see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “Remembering Nelson Mandela: transforming the SABC”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/geoff-heriot/5141152 . My comment posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED by the ABC. This is what I tried to post and what the ABC evidently did not want its audience to read or know about:

“Nelson Mandela in an address at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, 4 December, 1997: “The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians”.

I tried posting the same message again under “Gideon Maxwell Polya” and this time it was PUBLISHED:

Gideon Maxwell Polya :

07 Dec 2013 11:44:51am

Nelson Mandela in an address at the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people, 4 December 1997: "The UN took a strong stand against apartheid; and over the years, an international consensus was built, which helped to bring an end to this iniquitous system. But we know too well that our freedom is incomplete without the freedom of the Palestinians."

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “Remembering Nelson Mandela: transforming the SABC”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/geoff-heriot/5141152 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship (a related post today under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED) was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

07 Dec 2013 10:31:12am

More appropriate in memory of the truly great Nelson Mandela would be "Remembering Mandela: transforming the ABC". Thus Searches of "ABC News" for the terms "Apartheid South Africa" and "Apartheid Israel" reveal 42 and 2 items, respectively, the latter being comments from indignant anti-racists opposed, like Nelson Mandela, to all forms of apartheid.

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “A new Soviet Union”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ukraine-story/5138222 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship (a related post today under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED) was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

07 Dec 2013 10:53:04am

The US has invaded 70 nations since 1776 and subverts every country on earth, including Australia (Google "US has invaded 70 nations" and "Edward Snowden")and the Ukraine is no exception. However, that said, Western Ukrainian ambivalence to Russia derives in part from Holodomor, the Ukrainian Genocide in which Stalin deliberately starved 7 million Ukrainians to death in 1930-1933 (see Chapter 4 , Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" a book that includes an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since Neolithic times and which is now available for free perusal on the web).

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “Is there ever a realistic map?”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/is-there-ever-a-realistic-map/5141292 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship (a related post today under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED) was PUBLISHED:

Gideon Maxwell Polya :

07 Dec 2013 11:33:09am

Mental maps are outcomes of behavioural geography (see "Mental Maps" by Peter Gould and Rodney White; Google "Mental maps"). Thus on this sad occasion of the death of anti-Apartheid world hero Nelson Mandela a map of world Apartheid states shows only 1 state (Apartheid Israel) and a map showing relative possession of nuclear weapons shows in descending order of size the US, UK, Apartheid Israel, China, France, India, Pakistan and North Korea (and Apartheid Israel-backed South Africa until the fall of Apartheid) whereas you need a magnifying glass to resolve Apartheid Israel on a Nercator projection of the world.

[correction: Mercator]

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “Perils of pre-industrialization”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/dani-rodrik-industrialisation/5107792 . My comment posted under “DrGideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship (a related post today under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED) was PUBLISHED:

DrGideonPolya :

07 Dec 2013 11:14:47am

Not mentioned is the reality that our present carbon burning-based economy is unsustainable. An optimistic estimate (from the now Coalition Government-sacked Climate Commission) is for 16 years left and a pessimistic estimate is for 5 years left (from me) before the world exceeds the 600 Gt CO2 terminal carbon budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (Google "Are we doomed?", "2001 climate change course" and "Doha climate change inaction only 5 years left to act").

On 7 December 2013 Saturday Extra re “Naples”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/geoff-heriot/5141152 . My comment posted under “Gideon Maxell Polya” to avoid ABC censorship (a related post today under “Dr Gideon Polya” was BLOCKED) was PUBLISHED:

Gideon Maxwell Polya :

07 Dec 2013 12:06:00pm

Naples was correctly described as one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world. The Greeks settled in the Naples area in the Bronze Age in the second millennium BC. The region of Naples' sister city of Jaffa was inhabited 7,500 years BCE, its harbor was used since the Bronze Age and it was conquered by the Egyptians in 1440 BC. However Jaffa (1945 population over 100,000) was 96% ethnically cleansed by the genocidal Zionists in 1948 with the circa 4,000 survivors confined to an urban concentration camp. Australia shamefully removed the Irgun perpetrators from Australia's list of terrorist organizations.

On 30 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Global agriculture” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/global-agriculture/5122984 . My informed, documented comment sent under “Gideon Polya” to avoid ABC censorship was BLOCKED.

[my CENSORED comments were about the need for ethical foreign superannuation and other investment in the context of the worsening climate emergency; how these days investment in roads rather than rail and in methanogenic livestock production is unethical; for details of city, college, religious and other organizational ethical investment Google “Divest from fossil fuels – from memory roughly: “Geraldine Doogue made the correct observation that the Clean Energy Finance Corporation was an example of "smart government". Conversely, in the context of a worsening climate emergency (Google "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course") the Abbott Coalition Government's adumbrated removal of this body is egregiously stupid and retrograde. Thus, for example tiny Scotland is committed to 100% renewable energy by 2020 from its wave, tide and off-shore wind resources (Google "100% renewable energy by 2020"). Any foreign, superannuation or other investment should be ethical and currently in the worsening climate crisis that means that investment in roads rather than rail, rice in a dry continent, methanogenic livestock and fossil fuels is unethical (for details of cities, colleges, religious and other bodies that have divested from fossil fuel corporations Google "Divest from fossil fuels").” ].

On 30 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “A forgotten genocide” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-forgotten-genocide/5122068 . My informed, documented comment sent under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED.

GideonPolya :

30 Nov 2013 3:07:15pm

A detailed account of US involvement in the the 1971 West Pakistan-inflicted Bangladeshi Genocide (3 million killed, 0.3 million women raped) has been given by Christopher Hitchens in his book "The Trial of Henry Kissinger". Unfortunately Hitchens then went on to support the illegal and war criminal US, UK and Australian invasion of Iraq (4.5 million Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation; Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide"). En passant, before the France, UK and US attack on Libya about 1,000 Libyans had died; after the US Alliance intervention 0.1 million died and over 1 million refugees fled Libya; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide").

A further comment made under “GideonPolya” and referring to the 1769-1770 Great Bengal Famine (10 million deaths) the Australia-complicit 1942-1945 Bengal Famine (6-7 million deaths), the US nuclear threat to India in 1971 and the worsening Climate Genocide (300 million Bangkdeshis and 500 million Bengalis to die) was CENSORED by the ABC.

On 30 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Education funding furore” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/education-funding/5124794 . My informed, documented comment sent under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED.

GideonPolya :

30 Nov 2013 3:27:33pm

There are 2 dire issues associated with Educational Apartheid in Australia (Google "Educational Apartheid"): (1) the disproportionate exclusion of the majority Australian kids who attend state schools from good education, university, top universities and top courses, and (2) the intellectual child abuse involved in false instruction of private school children, variously re sexism, homophobia, safe sex, sexual guilt, misogyny, creationism, Biblical literalism, intelligent design, anti-science miracle stories, and the "right" of some to invade, devastate and ethnically cleanse other countries. The Abbott Coalition Government is manifestly anti-child in intensifying both these evils by trashing Gonski and opting for greater inequality and more intellectual child abuse.

On 30 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Profit with purpose discussion” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/profit-with-a-purpose/5123090 . My informed, documented comment sent under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED.

GideonPolya :

30 Nov 2013 3:45:46pm

Charitable non-profit NGOs ultimately need to remain in the black, this raising the questions: (1) how much profit is acceptable for "Profit with Purpose"? (2) how much government subsidy should there be? and (3) shouldn't government be doing social welfare, education , poverty alleviation etc? Who said that the Salvation Army stopped a British Revolution that would have saved millions of British deaths from poverty and war? GB Shaw, Bertrand Russell? Already successive Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) Australian Governments have privatised domestic prisons (notably for Aborigines) and on-shore and off-shore concentration camps for refugees - that all "profit with purpose" (inhumanity).

On 30 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Global agriculture” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/global-agriculture/5122984 . My informed, documented comment sent under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship was PUBLISHED.

GideonPolya :

30 Nov 2013 4:03:14pm

Geraldine Doogue made the correct observation that the Clean Energy Finance Corporation was an example of "smart government". Conversely, in the context of a worsening climate emergency (Google "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course") the Abbott Coalition Government's adumbrated removal of this body is egregiously stupid and retrograde. Thus, for example tiny Scotland is committed to 100% renewable energy by 2020 from its wave, tide and off-shore wind resources (Google "100% renewable energy by 2020"). Any foreign, superannuation or other investment should be ethical and currently in the worsening climate crisis that means that investment in roads rather than rail, rice in a dry continent, methanogenic livestock and fossil fuels is unethical (for details of cities, colleges, religious and other bodies that have divested from fossil fuel corporations Google "Divest from fossil fuels").


On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Global greenhouse gas emissions” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/global-greenhouse-gas-emisssions/5110796 . My detailed comments posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” were BLOCKED (although they got through last week under “Dr Gideon Polya”). The following comments posted under “DrGideonPolya” were PUBLISHED.

DrGideonPolya :

24 Nov 2013 8:51:55am

My informed, credentialled and carefully researched, composed, documented and edited comments under "Dr Gideon Polya" were evidently censored by the ABC. In short, decent, science-informed people can divest from fossil fuel corporations. Many colleges, towns, cities, investment funds, and churches (notably the UK Quakers) have already divested from fossil fuel corporations (Google "Divest from fossil fuels").

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Japan’s climate shift” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/japan-climate/5111710 . My detailed comments posted under “DrGideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

DrGideonPolya :

24 Nov 2013 9:19:57am

The highly-respected UK Guardian reported that "Japan, the world's fifth largest greenhouse gas emitter, slashed its plans to reduce emissions from 25% to just 2.8% on 2005 figures" and that this had been condemned by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) and by the UK Government (Google "Japan under fire for scaling back plans to cut greenhouse gases"). The World is rapidly running out of time to deal with the worsening climate emergency (Google "Doha climate change inaction", "2011 climate change course" and "Are we doomed?"). While governments (notably the Australian Government) are not acting, decent, soience-informed people can act in the marketplace by following the example of numerous colleges, towns, cities, investment funds and churches (notably the UK Quakers) who have divested from fossil fuel corporations (Google "Divest from fossil fuels"). Indeed there is a strong case for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) to be applied world-wide against climate criminal Japan for its evident commitment to the worsening climate genocide in which 5 million people die each year from climate change (0.5 million) and carbon burning pollutants (4.5 million). Japan under war-crimes -denier Shinzo Abe is not just committed to killing whales (Google "Climate genocide" and Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "DARA").

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Indonesia Australia relations” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/indon-aust-relations/5108798 . My detailed comments posted under “DrGideonPolya” were BLOCKED:

My further abbreviated comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

24 Nov 2013 10:59:43am

My detailed and documented comments under "DrGideonPolya" were evidently censored by the ABC. In short, Australia spies not just on President SBY and his wife but on EVERYONE and thence gives the intelligence to the US and to Apartheid Israel (for the Sydney Morning Herald report Google "US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel"). Australian spying also informs war criminal US drone strikes (for the SMH report Google "Pine Gap drives US drone kills"). Australia should offer an immediate abject apology and assurances of "never agsin" to President and Mrs Y and stop spying on, threatening and killing Muslims and Asians.

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “William Dalrymple on the future of Afghanistan” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/william-dalrymple-on-the-future-of-afghanistan/5110924 . My detailed comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

24 Nov 2013 10:43:42am

William Dalrymple's brilliant book "From the Holy Mountain" is a testament to the wonderful cultural diversity in the Middle East and the horrible disasters than happen when war criminal Western foreigners stomp over countries inhabited by people with languages, religions and cultures utterly different from those of the stompers. Post-invasion Afghan deaths from war-imposed deprivation total 4.2 million, violenr deaths may be 1.2 million (from Iraq War comparisons) and under-5 infant deaths total 2.0 million, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous US Alliance and Australian war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention. In addition 1 million people have died worldwide from US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007 , this carnage including 200,000 Americans, 18,000 Brits, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). Decent, sane Australians will vote 1 Green and put the Lib-Labs last.

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Gettysburg Address 150” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/gettysburg-address-150/5108816 . My detailed comments posted under “Gideon Polya” were PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

24 Nov 2013 11:10:17am

To what end? Today African -Americans have 8 times less wealth than White Americans; 80% of African-American male adults in Chicago, for example, are forbidden to vote under felony laws; 26% of Americans live under the poverty line (CDC data); and African-American children are segregated by MONET in an appalling Educational Apartheid system (Google "Educational Apartheid" and see Dr Michele Alexander's book "The New Jim Crow - Mass Incarceration in an Age of Color-blindness" ).

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Dating Kimberley rock art:http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/dating-kimberley-rock-art/5107922 . My detailed comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

24 Nov 2013 11:23:31am

A wonderful enterprise. Would that Australians in general were equally concerned about LIVING Aborigines. Of the 66,000 Australians who die preventably each year, 9,000 are Indigenous Australians from an Aboriginal community representing in total a mere 2.5% of the population (Google "Aboriginal Genocide" and "Why PM Julia Gillard must go: 66,000 preventable Australian deaths annually"). "

On 23 November 2013, Saturday Extra re “Profit with a purpose: Buffing up investment”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/profit-with-a-purpose/5111246 .. My detailed comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

24 Nov 2013 11:32:45am

The ethical investment coin has 2 sides: ethical investment for good social ends (e.g. good education) and ethical dis-investment to help stop bad ends (e.g. the remarkable, widespread and growing disinvestment in fossil fuel companies that are destroying planet; Google "Divest from fossil fuels"). The worsening climate emergency suggests that divestment from fossil fuels is an extremely important option (Google "Are we doomed?").

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Directions in China”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/china-post-3rd-plenum/5092482 . My detailed, documented, science-informed comments posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were BLOCKED but the following comments under “GMPolya” and other variants plus some comments by a sensible person posting under variants of "crank" got through only to be sneakily censored out later by thre ABC (CENSORED COMMENTS in bold) :

GMPolya :

17 Nov 2013 8:46:25am

My carefully researched and documented comments re changes to the China One Child Policy sent to the Saturday Extra website under "GideonPolya" were evidently BLOCKED.

Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 8:54:48am

Saturday Extra has evidently started BLOCKING comments I make under "GideonPolya".

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 8:57:45am

Testing for ABC blockage of reader comments.

cranky :

17 Nov 2013 9:10:02am

Let's see. I agree, most whole-heartedly, Gideon. The censorship at Saturday Extra, of opinions that contest the hard Right dogma that spews out every Saturday morning (the incessant criticism of China, as if it were governed by incompetent idiots, from representatives of a Western neo-capitalism that lies in ruins, is particularly nauseating in its condescension and arrogance)is, in my opinion, despicable. So much for the alleged 'freedom of expression' that makes the West so 'superior'(or should that be 'supreme'?.

DrGideonPolya :

17 Nov 2013 8:59:02am

Testing for ABC blockage of reader comments.

crackpot :

19 Nov 2013 4:51:01pm

Mike, my comments have been 'disappeared', as they often are at LNL, for example, for a simple reason. The ABC Thought Police do not like my ideological position, end of story. The dedication to 'freedom of opinion' is exemplary.

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 9:18:07am

The softening of the successful China One Child Policy is a worry and one hopes that it does not presage a corporatist-driven softening of China action on the worsening climate emergency as well as on the attendant population problem. Professor Jorge Randers (co-author of the seminal 1972 "Limits to Growth" and author of "2052 - a global forecast for the next forty years) is a "climate pessimist" predicting a catastrophic plus 2C in mid-century due to capitalist democracy "short-termism" but finding a last hope in top-down action by China (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to Randers).

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Ginkgo: the tree that tome forgot”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ginkgo/4985304 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC censorship were BLOCKED but an amended version under “Dr Gideon Polya was PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 9:43:20am

My carefully researched comments under "GideonPolya" were evidently blocked by the ABC. In short, setting aside aesthetics and the fundamental conservationist dictum "We must not destroy what we cannot replace", a utilitarian argument for ecosystem and species protection is the potential value of these resources. I made this argument flesh in publishing in New York and London a huge, 860 page, 4-Index pharmacological book entitled " Biochemical Targets of Plant Bioactive Compounds. A pharmacological reference guide to sites of action and biological effects" dealing with tens of thousands of plant-derived bioactive compounds that are potential "lead compounds" for pharmaceutical development. For example, my book reports that the terpenoid ginkgolides from Ginkgo biloba are Platelet Activating Factor )PAF) Receptor antagonists and anti-inflammatory (pages 39, 163, 164). Decent people must resolutely oppose ecosystem and species destruction by Gadarene corporatists (Google "Divest from fossil fuels 300.org").

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Michael Ignatieff on success and failure in politics”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/michael-ignatieff3a-success-and-failure-in-politics/5094126 . My comments posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 2:53:45pm

I am all for having more intellectuals and especially scientists in Parliament but take issue with Professor Ignatieff's argument for "politeness" and "respect" and controlling the passage between "brain and mouth" in political debate that amounts to self-censorship to the point of genocide ignoring and genocide denial (as with the craven attendees at the Colombo CHOGM).

Thus,for example, former Liberal Party national president John Valder very politely stated that Bush, Blair and Howard should face war crimes trials before the International Court over the illegal and war criminal invasion of Iraq ( 1.5 million post-invasion violent deaths, 1.2 million post-invasion avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, and 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the US Alliance including Australia; Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide").

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Profit with a purpose –social benefit bonds and super”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/profit-with-purpose3a-social-benefit-bonds-and-super/5092148 . My comments posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 3:21:27pm

Kathrin Danly and crank's regret correctly suspect that something fishy is going on here. The currently dominant neoliberalism is about maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to exploit Nature and Bumanity with an asserted benefit of "trickle down" to the disadvantaged.

"Impact investing" and "social benefit bonds" are evidently a tiny part of that uncertain "trickle down". It is far more realistic to start at the other end and constrain the massive neoliberalism benefit to war criminals and climate criminals. Thus, for example, the long term accrual cost of the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-promoted War on Terror has been about $6 trillion for the US and $125 billion for Australia, with this extraordinarily anti-social and huge fiscal commitment to killing 10 million Muslims abroad (so far) being associated since 2001 with preventable deaths of about 16 million Americans and 0.8 million Australians at home (Google "Endless War on Terror. Huge cost for Australia & America").

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “A deflated Europe”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/global-warning-lights-over-deflation/5094706 . My comments posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 3:45:00pm

Well said crankenstein's monster.

The terminal Carbon Budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise is 600 Gt CO2. However the fossil fuel reserves of the World are such that their exploitation will exceed this terminal Carbon Budget by a factor of FIVE (5). Climate criminal Australia has already exceeded its "fair share" of this terminal Carbon Budget and the common unlimited coal, gas and iron ore export policy of the climate criminal Lib-Labs(Liberal-Laborals) will see Australia exceed the whole world's terminal Carbon Budget by a factor of THREE (3) (Google "coal, gas & iron ore exports threaten planet") .

It gets even worse. Professor Peter Wadhams and colleagues from the 89-Nobel-Laureate University of Cambridge say that 50 Gt methane (CH4) will be released from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf in coming decades (or indeed "suddenly") , this corresponding to 5,250 Gt CO2-e i.e. 9 times greater than the whole world's terminal Carbon Budget of 600 Gt CO2 (see "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to Hope).

On 16 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Fig by Eleni Hale”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/2013-11-16/5024226 . My comments posted under “Dr Gideon Polya” to avoid ABC censorship were PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

17 Nov 2013 4:10:25pm

For decent people life is substantially about the basic pleasures of growing food and enjoying food. Iraq fig production steadily climbed and reached a 1990 peak - but then rapidly declined to less than half that after the war criminal West successively started Sanctions and Bombing in 1990 (Google "Iraq figs") with subsequent invasion, occupation and mass murder. Since 1990 in Iraq, violent deaths have totalled 1.7 million, non-violent deaths from war-imposed deprivation have totalled 2.9 million and under-5 infant deaths have totalled 2.0 million, 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the war criminal US Alliance including Australia (Google "Iraq Holocaust Iraqi Genocide").

On 9 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Transition to government”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/transition-to-government/5078342 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

09 Nov 2013 2:55:28pm

The effective climate change denialist, pro-war and human rights-violating Abbott Coalition Government has already shown its spots by exercising and threatening censorship:

1. It has deliberately hidden from the media, most shockingly over its continuing horrendous, international convention-violating abuse of asylum seekers.

2. It has hidden behind the mantra "we do not comment on intelligence matters" over the revelations by Edward Snowden and others that Australia through its joint facilities with the US is intimately involved in giving vast amounts of data on Australians and others to the US and thence to Apartheid Israel; that the same facilities are involved in informing war criminal US drone strikes from Africa and the Yemen to Pakistan; and that Australian embassies are heavily involved in spying on Asian people and Governments, and that Zionist Australians are spying and committing war crimes for Apartheid Israel.

3. It has defamed and promised to cut off funds from anti-racist Jewish and other academics who rightly support Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel (Google "New pro-Zionist Australian Coalition Government threatens anti-racist Jewish academics").

However the Awful Truth won't go away (Google "120 reasons why Australians must vote 1 Green & put the Coalition last").

On 9 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Middle class morale in the U.S”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-haves-and-the-have-nots/5078830 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

09 Nov 2013 6:21:01pm

America transitioned from an agrarian society to an urban industrial society with very few people involved in industrialized agriculture. The rise of East Asia and China thence moved swathes of America into a post-industrial era.

Eminent economist Professor Jeffrey Sachs of 100-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University ("The Price of Civilization") has described the US as a Corporatocracy in which corporate wealth means a positive feedback loop of effective corporate lobbying and then enhanced corporate wealth: "Wealth begets power and power begets wealth"> The 4 main groups dominating this system are the Military-Industrial Complex, Wall Street-Washington, the Big Oil-Transport-Military Complex and Health-Medical Insurance. The ordinary guys and dolls and the unions have been disempowered by the corporatist One Percenters in an America that has become a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy.

For all the patriotic rhetoric post-9-11 (an atrocity that many science, engineering, architecture, aviation, military and intelligence experts says was almost certainly done by the US Government and possibly with help from Apartheid Israel; Google "Experts: US did 9-11"), the horrible reality is that about 1.3 million Americans die preventably each year (6,000 of them US veterans from suicide) and nearly 16 million Americans have died thus since the murder of 3,000 people on 9-11.

This carnage is associated with a ruling Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenter policy of committing to a $6 trillion long term accrual cost of a War on Terror that has killed 10 million Muslims abroad (through violence or war-imposed deprivation) instead of saving American lives at home (Google "One million Americans die" and "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans".)

On 9 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “New housing market trends”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/new-housing-market-trends/5076878 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

10 Nov 2013 8:29:34am

Excellent interviews and lively discussion that are testament to Geraldine Doogue's skilled commitment to relevance - keep up the good work! Some important matters not raised:

1. At least the new foreign investors are actually paying for what they get rather than invading and unilaterally seizing the property with genocidal violence or paying for it with beads or arsenic-laced flour (Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides", "Aboriginal Genocide", "Palestinian Genocide").

2. From science-based agricultural, environmental, sustainability, climate change action, biodiversity, energy efficiency, extreme weather, bushfire risk, health and social health perspectives, Australian cities should be growing upwards not outwards. Foreign and local investment in central high-rise housing should be greatly encouraged.

3. Individual health and social health means that individuals, families, and children need decent basic housing. Yet hundreds of thousands sleep rough or in unacceptable housing and even many of the lucky half of property owners suffer mortgage stress - while the corporatist, neoliberal Lib-Labs try to outcompete each other with tax benefits for the rich including foreign mining corporations subverting Australian politics.

4. The dominant neoliberal Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and right wing Shorten Labor) are greedily committed to maximizing the wealth of the smart and advantaged at the expense of everyone else and the environment. What is needed is a dominant evolving social humanism directed to maximizing human happiness, opportunity and dignity (Google "Review Social Humanism A New Metaphysics by Brian Ellis"). Decent Australians who care for Australia, their fellow Australians and Australian CHILDREN will vote 1 Green and put the Lib-Labs last.

On 9 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Profit with a purpose – Goodstart early learning”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/profit-with-a-purpose3a-part-2/5076340 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

10 Nov 2013 9:01:22am

Not for profit Impact Investing in general and Impact Investing in early childhood development in particular are obviously better than corporate exploitation of a major public need for maximum private profit.

One notes that the schemes discussed involve large Government investment, this raising the matters of (a) validity of claims of "return on investment" etc and (b) whether the Government should be doing this itself in a highly efficient way.

The corrupt and anti-social neoliberals will scoff at the notion of Government providing key services efficiently but the example of Cuba is germane. With annual per capita income 10 times less than that of America, Cuba has a lower infant mortality than the US (Google WHO) and offers emergency medical aid to other Latin American countries. No early childhood learning for dead children.

Every child care facility should ideally have an expertly trained person in charge but I am sure they can be far cheaper than they are. Further, given the generous fringe benefits tax arrangements etc for rich corporatists, equity and decency suggest much better Government support for parents needing child care services.

A true story relevant to low cost early childhood learning - a severely disabled child learned to read at the age of 3 through watching Sesame Street. A baby sitter discovered this and demonstrated it to the mother by getting the child to read the newspaper.

On 9 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “The reporter and the Chinese warlords””: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/bill-donald-story/5078594 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” to avoid ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

10 Nov 2013 9:43:12am

Interesting comments by William Donald's relative that William Donald "disagreed strongly with Australian government policies towards China before WW2". Former Australian PM Robert Menzies was called "Pig Iron" Bob over the pre-war policy of Fascist and imperialist sympathizer Menzies and his colleagues of selling iron ore to Japan as it was raping China (35 million Chinese were to perish in the Japanese invasion, 1937-1945; see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). Australia today is ruled by "Pig Iron" Bob's ideological successors, the Coalition.

The program referred to Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-Shek having to decide whether to continue killing fellow Chinese (the Communists) or to concentrate on defeating the Japanese invader. After his defeat by the Chinese Communists and withdrawal to US-protected Taiwan, Chiang Kai-Shek resumed persecuting and killing fellow Chinese in the "White Terror".

Outstanding American journalist I.F. Stone in his must-read "The Secret History of the Korean War" commences with the Congress-investigated Chicago scandal in which Chiang Kai-Shek and his cronies made a killing in Manchurian soybean futures because they were privy to US plans to commence the Korean War with conventional and nuclear devastation of China and even Russia as strategic options. According to former PM Malcolm Fraser, PM Menzies in the 1950s unequivocally told the Americans that Australia would not participate in a US war with China over Taiwan (for former PM Malcolm Fraser's expert views Google "Slavish devotion to the US a foreign policy folly for Australia").

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Future investment in Australia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/investing-in-australia/5061512 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 8:23:45pm

The German WBGU (which advises the German Government on global change issues) and the Australian Climate Commission) (scrapped by the anti-science, anti-environment neoliberal Coalition Government) both say that the world can emit no more than 600 Gt (billion tonnes) CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050 if we are to have a 75 per cent chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise.

Unfortunately Australia's "fair share" of this terminal "carbon budget" is about 2 billion tonnes CO2 which is approximately the same as Australia's annual Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (1.7 Gt CO2-e in 2010 of which 0.6 Gt CO2-e was Domestic GHG pollution; Google "2011 climate change course" and see

section G). Relative to 2010 Australia has already used up its fair share of the "carbon budget" in terms of Domestic GHG pollution and in terms of Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution had used up its fair share in 2011. Climate criminal Australia is now stealing the "carbon budget" entitlement of all other countries and under the Lib-Lab (Liberal -Laboral, Coalition-Labor) policy of unlimited fossil fuel and GHG exports is set to exceed the whole world's "carbon budget" by a factor of THREE (Google "Australia's huge coal, gas & iron ore exports threaten planet").

Accordingly, any new non-mining investment in Australia's overwhelmingly carbon burning-based economy should be in the area of renewable energy. Unfortunately the pro-coal pro-gas, pro-oil, anti-science, anti-environment Coalition Government is opposing investment in renewable energy to the extent of breaking the law by trying to stop the Clean Energy Finance Corporation doing its statutory job (Google "Green bank stops cash before talks on its axing").

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Future investment in Australia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/investing-in-australia/5061512 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 9:24:52pm

While armies of the colonial masters variously left in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, neocolonialism, backing of militarism and re-invasion has exacted a huge toll on Africa. Thus 1950-2005 African avoidable deaths from deprivation and deprivation-0exacerbated disease totalled 190 million, a White Death about 10 times greater than the medieval European Black Death, about 20 times greater than collateral deaths from slavery of Africans and about 20 times grater than the Congolese deaths by the Force Publique of the Belgians under King Leopold (see Chapters 2, 3, 7 and 8 of Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the web).

Whereas the Chinese are investing peacefully in Africa, the West are backed by guns. According to outstanding Australian-born journalist John Pilger "With minimal media interest, the US African Command (Africom) has deployed troops to 35 African countries" (Google "John Pilger: West's cynical "great game" in Africa backfiring"). Libya has been destroyed, with 0.1 million dead and 1 million refugees including 30,000 Chinese oil industry workers. Somalia gained peace under the Islamic Courts only to be invaded by the US and by Ethiopia, Kenya and other war criminal US lackeys. France occupies Mali. The US-backed military has overthrown democracy in Egypt, African nations have been invaded by the US, UK, France and Apartheid Israel over the last 60 years, and Western-backed militarism in the Congo has been associa6ed with about 30 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation. Australia has been involved in this criminal Western military re-invasion but successive war criminal Labor and Coalition Governments have hidden behind "no comment about intelligence matters". What a disgrace.

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Civilising China”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/civilising-china/5061724 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 10:18:49pm

The term "Civilising China" (noting that China is one of the world's oldest advanced civilizations) is surely highly offensive to the 1.3 billion citizens of Australia's biggest trading partner and to all those with a rudimentary awareness of history.

A good measure of "civilization" is not invading other countries. Former PM Kevin Rudd has pointed out that apart from brief border wars with India and Vietnam, and its invasion of Tibet in the 13th century at the same time that England was invading Scotland and Wales, China has an extraordinary history of not invading countries remote from it and deliberately choosing not to exert power over remote countries through deadly naval power.

In contrast, the US has invaded 70 nations (Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776"), Apartheid Israel has invaded 12 nations and Britain has invaded nearly every country in the world. Indeed White Australia has a secret genocide history and has been involved in 30 genocidal atrocities, mostly as a lackey of the UK or the US. However Australia's secret genocide history has been almost completely whitewashed by the recently launched "The Cambridge History of Australia" (for what Australian mainstream media and academics won't report Google "Review: "The Cambridge History of Australia" ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides").

Australian involvement in 30 genocides and then comprehensively lying about it is hardly "civilisation". Indeed Australia invaded China during the Boxer Rebellion and our racist first PM and Australia's first of many racist PMs Edmund Barton proclaimed (1901) that "The doctrine of the equality of man was never intended to apply to the equality of an Englishman and the Chinaman" (see page 179, Chapter 17, Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web). Genocidal, mendacious, war criminal and climate criminal, Lib-Lab Australia certainly needs "civilising".

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Who pays for solar”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/who-pays-for-solar/5057654 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 10:55:33pm

For consumers of Australia's appalling, US citizen Murdoch-dominated, anti-science Mainstream media it might seem reasonable to charge solar PV home owners to connect to the grid. Science says no.

1. For home owners with modest solar PV all of their solar energy overall is used on site.

2. Fossil fuel burning for transport and elctricity is highly subsidized through direct subsidies of circa $10 bilion annually and huge funding of highways, roads, transport regulation and the car manufacturing industry and it is estimated that about 10,000 Australian die each year from the effects of pollutants from carbon burning - indeed these matters alone indicate an actual true carbon price of $150 per tonne CO2-e (Google "Australian carbon burning -related deaths"). Labor wants to terminate the carbon tax as does the Coalition, with Labor wanting a fraudulent and ineffective ETS and the Coalition proposing an unwise Direct Action scheme of rewarding polluters who pollute a bit less.

3. Australia has already used up its "fair share" of the world's terminal "carbon budget" that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (we have seen the Sydney fires at +0.8C - just imagine them at +2C). Renewables must be encouraged not discouraged (Google "100% renewable energy by 2020", "2011 climate change course", "Why we must divest from fossil fuel corporations to help save the Biosphere and Humanity", "Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020").

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Profot with purpose: caffeine and hope”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/profit-with-purpose3a-caffeine-and-hope/5045870 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 11:21:16pm

This appears to be a nice idea - training young disadvantaged people to serve fancy coffee in the CBD. However one recognizes that this coffee is being served at high prices to "suits" who are intimately involved in exacerbating inequity and indeed destroying the planet in our remorselessly carbon burning-based economy. No jobs on a dead planet.

Society is currently dominated by thoughtless, greedy neoliberals who want maximum freedom for the smart and advantaged to exploit the world's natural resources (and in particular our one common atmosphere and ocean) with a "trickle down" benefit to the disadvantaged. However the worsening climate crisis shows that neoliberalism has failed.

What is urgently needed is an evolving social humanism dedicated to maximizing human happiness, opportunity and dignity with insistence on environmental sustainability as argued by Melbourne philosopher Professor Brian Ellis (for details Google "Review Social Humanism A New Metaphysics by Brian Ellis").

Decent people can contribute directly to a better world if they vote 1 Green and put the neoliberal Lib-Labs last (60% of Labor Party members have acted thus by overwhelmingly rejecting neoliberal, pro-war, pro-Zionist, right-winger Bill Shorten but they were over-ruled by a big najority of neoliberal, quasi-Liberal Labor MPs).

On 2 November 2013 Saturday Extra re “Cricket in the Pacific”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/cricket-in-the-pacific/5061334 . My comments under “GideonPolya” to evade ABC blocking were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

02 Nov 2013 11:47:59pm

Well that is just a dandy idea for improving health and well-being in the Pacific. However a much more useful idea than sport and bread-and-circuses has been that of the unfortunately un-elected PM of Fiji, Frank Bainimarama, who has insisted that Fiji media be owned by Fijians. This meant that the climate change denialist Murdoch media had to sell the Fiji Times to Fiji citizen Mr Patel, and that climate change-threatened Fiji Islands will now get science-based assessments of the worsening climate crisis.

Of course Australia is part of the Pacific, albeit as a US lackey Deputy Sheriff Big Bully. Thanks substantially to US citizen Murdoch who owns 14 out of 21 major Australian newspapers, a whopping 48% of Australian voters now support the climate criminal Coalition and over 50% give the climate criminal Coalition their 2-party-preferred support - the ignorant and greedy being led by corrupt, anti-social, anti-environment, anti-science effective climate change denialist climate criminals.

While coastal cricket pitches in Pacific Islands are threatened by climate change-exacerbated storm surges and sea level rise, in Australia the major dangers, in addition to high intensity storms, are from climate change-exacerbated floods and catastrophic bush fires.

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Obamacare”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/obamacare/5046454 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 12:04:05am

Scientist Dr Lesley Russell very sensibly raised the key issue of American preventable deaths. It is estimated that 1 million Americans die preventably each year (1.3 million if one includes adverse events in hospitals) and of these, according to a Harvard Medical School report, 45,000 die preventably each year due to lack of medical insurance (Google "New study finds 45,000 deaths annually linked to lack of health coverage"). In opposing Obamacare the racist religious right Republicans (R4s) are advocating policies that kill 45,000 Americans each year.

Other R4 policies have a deadly impact on Americans. Thus the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenters achieved a fiscal perversion of committing $6 trillion long term to killing 10 million Muslims abroad in the War on Terror rather than keeping millions of Americans alive at home. This fiscal and moral perversion is linked to 15.6 million preventable American deaths since 9-11 but, in comparison, only about 3,000 people died in the 9-11 atrocity in which the US Government was clearly complicit (Google "Experts: US did 9-11", "One million Americans die" and "American Holocaust, millions of untimely deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

A further correction was also PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 12:11:12am

To access to last quoted analysis Google "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans".

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Year zero”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/year-zero/5037838 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 8:55:52am

The summary statement "The Dutch historian,Ian Buruma, says his generation has a lot to thank the people of 1945 for, as they provided the Western world and Japan in particular with a safer place to live" is roughly correct if one ignores the millions of German POWs and civilians who perished from deprivation in the years immediately after 1945 on either side of the Iron Curtain.

However the lot of the rest of the world outside Western Europe, North America and Australasia was appalling as detailed in my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since Neolithic times and now available for free perusal on the web. Post-1950 avoidable deaths from deprivation totalled 1.3 billion for the World, 1.2 billion for the Third World and 0.6 billion for the Muslim World, a Muslim Holocaust 100 times greater than the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million deaths, 1 in 6 from deprivation) or the "forgotten" 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with Australian complicity starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons.

Indeed 1945-1951 UK PM Attlee begged Australian PM Ben Chifley to help stop catastrophic famine in India in 1946 by sending wheat to India rather than feeding it to "poultry and pigs" for "bacon and eggs" (see p163, Chapter 15, Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web). The passive mass murder continues with 18 million people (half of them children) dying avoidably each year on Spaceship Earth with the US in charge of the flight deck.

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Dairy takeover”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/dairy-takeover/5046718 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 9:28:16am

Sensible concerns by Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians about "who owns Australia" are shouted down by the blanket assertion that "Australia needs foreign investment" if we are to preserve our "way of life".

However the concerns go further than land and company ownership and extend to foreign ownership of the major political parties aka the Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals) who have common pro-war, pro-Zionist and slavish US lackey policies. Indeed there is foreign ownership of the very hearts and minds of Australians who live in a country that has become a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, polices, public perception of reality and political power.

Thus for example, a foreigner Rupert Murdoch, owns 14 out of 21 major Australian newspapers whereas the unfortunately un-elected PM of Fiji has sensibly demanded that in the interests of national sovereignty and democracy all Fiji media should be owned by Fiji citizens (Murdoch's "Fiji Times" had to be sold to local Mr Patel).

Another example is given by ostenibly sensible pro-Zionist Lib-Lab ocncerns about hundreds of Australians fighting with war criminal foreign-backed terrorists in Syria and coming and going from Australia as they please - while totalling ignoring the reality that scores of thousands of Zionist Australians "come and go" from Apartheid Israel, with thousands (?) serving the Israeli military and Israeli state state terrorism involved in horrendous human rights abuses of the ongoing Palestinian Genocide, war crimes, forging Australians passports, kidnapping Australians in international waters, subverting Australian politicians and institutions (notably the universities and the ABC) (for a detailed and documented Open Letter sent to the AFP, media and MPs Google "Racist Zionism and Israeli state terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity").

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “The great underinsured”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-great-underinsured/5046046 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 10:11:28am

The worsening climate emergency means massive underinsuring made worse by neoliberal governments denying that there is a problem. Thus "hogwash" declaimed non-scientist PM "One Term Tony" Abbott in response to scientists' expert concerns that while weather variability means that no single adverse weather event can be attributed to climate change, worsening man-made climate change was increasing the risk of extreme weather events.

Indeed while rational risk management successively involves (a) accurate data, (b) scientific analysis and (c) informed systemic change to minimize risk, the neoliiberals reject this and assert that the increasing fire and flood risk should not even be publicly discussed within the now already greatly extended fire and flood season of October to May for reasons of "good taste" and "respect for the victims".

Professor John Holdren (from 151-Nobel-Laureate Harvard University and President Obama's chief science adviser) has quoted US research showing that linked to climate change the incidence of extreme flood events had increased markedly world wide in recent decades and that and the area of the Western US burned in forest fires had increased 5-9-fold over that in the 1960s (Google "The science of climatic disruption", "Warming and earlier spring increase Western US forest wildfire activity" and "Forest biomass-derived biochar can profitably reduce global warming and bushfire risk").

The biggest risk to Australians in flood- and fire-prone areas comes from effective climate change denial of neoliberal Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) politicians who assert the "right" of climate criminal corporations to use the one common atmosphere of all countries as a sewer for greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (until recently the atmospheric CO2 had been no more than 300 ppm for 1 million years but is now 400 ppm and increasing above the science-determined safe limit of circa 300 ppm CO2 at about 2.5 ppm CO2 per year; Google "300 ppm CO2" "300.org" and "350.org" ).

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Arts roundup”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/arts-roundup/5042720 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 10:49:16am

The Sydney Opera House is indeed a beautiful and iconic building but I thought at the time that it could have been built much more cheaply if a central, highly functional, acoustically-perfect concert hall complex had been built of fire retardant-impregnated timber surrounded by the white Utzon sails made of, say, corrugated iron on a steel framework, this paying homage to the farm shed and a major source of the money for the project.

The Sydney Opera House cost $102 million that corresponds to about $550 million in 2013 dollars and ruined the lives of goodness knows how many thousands introduced to gambling via the Sydney Opera House lottery.

One hopes that some enterprising Australian city (e.g. Geelong, Newcastle, Hobart) will take up the Polya Plan for a highly-functional Sydney Opera look-alike for a mere $50 million in 2013 dollars and located dramatically e.g. on the Derwent River.

En passant, I wrote to the authorities some years ago suggesting projection of my huge painting "Sydney Madonna" on the Opera House (Google "Sydney Madonna by Gideon Polya"). My idea was of course rejected but the sails are now routinely used for projections e.g. as recently in the projection of a highly-edited Australian naval history. A decent society would have left the "NO WAR" in blood-red on the Sydney Opera House but it was removed and the courageous, humane painters jailed (Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars that have been associated, so far, with 38 million Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation; Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776").

On 26 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “A memoir from the margins in Singapore”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-memoir-from-the-margins-in-singapore/5009630 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

28 Oct 2013 11:30:45am

Constance Singam has an outstanding record as an individual and a leader of AWARE (Association of Women for Action and Research) of campaigning for gender equality and women's rights in Singapore (a place with which my family has links through marriage).

Perhaps the most fundamental right of women apart from their own Right to Life itself, is the Right to Life of their Born infants. Consult the World Health Organization (WHO) and you will find under "Countries" that the under-5 year old infant mortality in deaths per 1,000 live births is 3 for Singapore as compared to 5 (Australia and the UK), 6 (Cuba under US sanctions), 7 (the US), 34 (US- and Australia-devastated Iraq), 37 (Nauru), 63 (Papua New Guinea), and 99 (US and Australia-occupied Afghanistan).

It is estimated that 20,000 under-5 year old American infants die preventably each year due to the pro-war policies of successive Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist One Percenter-dominated US Administrations (Google "One million Americans die")and that under-5 infant deaths totaled 2.0 million (Iraq, 1990-2011) and 3.0 million (Afghanistan, 2001-present), 90% avoidable and due to war crimes by the US Alliance and Australia in gross contravention of the Geneva Convention). Australia sentences refugee infants to death by now imprisoning them all in concentration camps in Nauru and PNG.

Hopefully thanks to Constance Singam and her associates there is vastly less child sexual abuse in Singapore than in Australia where 34% of women and 16% of men(4.4 million in total) have been subject to sexual abuse as children (Google "Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse"), an atrocity almost totally ignored by the Gillard Labor-established Royal Commission that is confined to institutionally-linked child sexual abuse.

On 19 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Egypt and the decline of the Muslim Brotherhood”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/egypt-and-the-decline-of-the-muslim-brotherhood/5031200 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Oct 2013 3:29:29pm

A very disappointing interview. If you want to find out about the future of the pro-democracy Muslim Brotherhood or of "political Islam" (is Tony Abbott the face of "political Catholicism" or "political Christianity" ?) then it would make sense to ask a member of the Muslim Brotherhood who is not imprisoned by an anti-democracy Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-backed military dictatorship like Egypt or Jordan.

Indeed why ask the opinion of non-Arab, non-Muslim, Zionist extremist David Shenker who in the words of outstanding anti-racist Jewish American humanitarian Philip Weiss "hails from the Israel lobby think tank, Washington Institute for Near East Policy" (Google "C-SPAN is ravished by neocons")?

While no criticism was offered of the anti-democracy, human rights-violating Egyptian, Saudi and Jordanian dictatorships or of nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel, Shenker asserts that the Morsi Government, the first ever democratically elected Egyptian government, was "undemocratic".

On 19 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “The politics of indignation”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-politics-of-indignation/5028172 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Oct 2013 4:14:05pm

Politeness in discussion should be a given but that should not mean (1) lying, (2) lying by omission, (3) lying by euphemism, (4) self-censorship, (5) censorship or (6) criminalizing or otherwise punishing free speech, abuses of which ALL are rampant in look-the-other-way Murdochcracy. Lobbyocracy, Corporatocracy Australia. Examples below.

(1). Many examples could but won't be given because of the constraints on free speech in Australia. Labor's claim that "we are tackling climate change for a clean energy future" is at variance with the reality of Australia increasing Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas pollution under Labor (Google "2011 climate change course").

(2). The recently launched "The Cambridge History of Australia" ignores 30 genocides with which Australia has been complicit (Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides" ).

(3). Lying by euphemism is widespread. Thus numerous Australian MPs are described as "right wing' or "conservative" rather than as climate criminals or war criminals.

(4). Australian academic scientists in particular necessarily mostly self-censor to avoid research and career termination (Google "Current academic censorship and self-censorship in Australian universities").

(5) Mainstream media censor journalist and audience views. The taxpayer-funded ABC Late Night Live and the universities-backed The Conversation have an appalling record of censorship and blocking of credentialled audience views (Google "Censorship by the BBC", "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live" and "Censorship by The Conversation").

(6) The Coalition has adumbrated cutting federal funding from academics (e.g. anti-racist Jewish academics) who support Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against nuclear terrorist, racist Zionist-run, democracy-by-genocide, serial war criminal Apartheid Israel - such academics won't be able to do their job and will be sacked (cf Third Reich) (Google "Abbott puts a gag on Australia").

On 19 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Journalism and the media in Asia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/storyology-asia/4874436 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Oct 2013 5:07:41pm

An esteemed former colleague Professor Yoshio Sugimoto has described in his book "An Introduction to Japanese Society" (Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp211-215) how press censorship works in Japan via corporate- and government-linked "reporter's clubs": "Japan's mass media tend to be docile because of the way in which information-gathering units are based on government and business-establishments... By constantly feeding information to reporters in this environment, representatives of the institutions which provide club facilities can obliquely control the way it is reported to the public. Reporters cannot risk being excluded from their club because they would then lose access to this regular flow of information".

Our own great writer Peter Carey has stated on ABC Q&A: "If you really want to know what is happening in the world, you go out and get drunk with journalists and they will tell you what isn't in the papers."

The wonderful Arundhati Roy has put it succinctly thus in "The Chequebook and the Cruise Missile": "The ultimate privilege of the slite is not just their deluxe lifestyles but deluxe lifetstyles with a good conscience".

Our own outstanding journalist John Pilger quotes UK PM Lloyd George telling Manchester Guardian editor C.P. Scott during World War 1: "If the people really knew the war would be stopped tomorrow. But of course they don't know and can't know" (Google Dr Gideon Polya's article "Rare ethical writers expose mainstream media lying").

If you are fed up with Mainstream media lying and want the truth read humane Alternative media such as Bellaciao, Democracy Now, Counterpunch, Information Clearing House, Countercurrents, State of Nature, MWC News, Green Left Weekly, and New Matilda (Google "Mainstream media lying" and "Mainstream media censorship").

On 19 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Adan Liaw on Japan”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/masterchef-adam/5028358 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Oct 2013 5:36:41pm

Respect for culture is crucial for maintaining cultural diversity and hence the social evolution of memes (societally selected ideas) (see Professor Richard Dawkins, "The Selfish Gene").

Professor Jared Diamond in his must-read book "Collapse" devotes a chapter to how several centuries ago the Japanese Government made a top-down decision to save Japan's forests because of the key role of wood in Japanese culture.

Of course there is a downside to overweening respect for culture and nation. Thus Japanese PM Shinzo Abe has an offensively revisionist attitude to Japanese militarism that killed 35 million Chinese in 1937-1945. Abe has also offensively declared that 200,000 "comfort women" were "not coerced".

However, Australia "the fairest and best" is also in denial. Thus the recently launched 2-volume "The Cambridge History of Australia" ignores Australian participation in 30 genocides including the WW2 Bengali Holocaust in which the British with intimate Australian complicity deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death for strategic reasons, rejecting a Japanese offer of food. This atrocity was associated with massive civilian and official military sexual abuse of circa 300,000 starving women and girls (Google "Review The Cambridge History of Australia ignores Australian involvement in 30 genocides").

On 19 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Funding Australian film and TV ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/funding-australian-film-and-tv/5031380 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Oct 2013 6:20:35pm

It certainly makes sense to fund more Australian movie content on TV. I am a great sucker for Australian movies because I am sold on the authenticity of the accents, mannerisms and attitudes and naively even get a big kick out of identifying Melbourne locations in the otherwise rather wooden "Miss Fisher" and latterday Gen X versions of "Homicide".

That said, it is a great pity that the ABC (or whoever) doesn't put on more opera, more live concerts, and doesn't put on Australian and other plays. The exact realism of movies often hides intellectual vacuity (horribly so in commercial TV and Hollywood blockbusters) . I go to the local as well as Big City theatre and to live concerts. With live theatre the set is obviously very much secondary to the play. Why not put on even good suburban performances of the "The Doll" and David Williamson's acutely accurate plays? I regularly go to the NY Metropolitan Opera in High Definition movies - it is absolutely fabulous, $25 to see what otherwise would cost $5,000 to see in the flesh economy.

And what about the ABC showing great movies that are already made such as "Wake in Fright", one of the best ever Australian movies but which disappeared for 40 years?

On 12 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “FOFA”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/fofa-update/5016786 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

12 Oct 2013 2:42:37pm

The currently dominant economic neoliberalism is about maximizing the freedom of the smart and advantaged to make personal profit from the finite resources of this world with the asserted possible "trickle down" benefits for the disempowered and disadvanteged. Accordingly the neoliberal Coalition Governmen will no doubt put the interests of the rich and powerful before those of ordinary Australians in relation to financial services as well as other areas.

Thus while Professor Sir Nicholas Stern and Oxford University economists have seriously queried the wisdom of investing in fossil fuels and numerous churches, colleges and cities have disinvested in fossil fuel corporations because of the worsening climate crisis, the Coalition's September 2013 pre-election policy document "The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy" failed to mention climate change or renewable energy per se, the Coalition demanded that fossil fuel companies extract fossil fuels to the maximum, and the Coalition has already suggested legislation to criminalize advocacy of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against anti-social companies i.e. financial advisers ethically offering expert divestment advice could go to jail in a new corporatist Australia (Google "Why we must divest from fossil fuel corporations to help save the Biosphere and Humanity"). .

On 12 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “FOFA”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/fofa-update/5016786 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

12 Oct 2013 3:07:02pm

Indian-Australian cooperation to ensure maritime safety in the Indian Ocean to Western Pacific Ocean area is a sensible suggestion and should include other countries, most notably Indonesia.

Unfortunately Australia is compromised in this by its slavish devotion to the US, a nation that has invaded some 70 countries since 1776 (Google "The US has invaded 70 nations since 1776"). US state terrorism is a huge threat to humanity and Australia is part of the threat through permitting nuclear-armed US ships to use Australian ports, hosting 2,500 US Marines in Darwin, and collaborating in nuclear terrorism and spying on everyone in the world (including Australians) via joint communications facilities.

En passant, one notes that the disgraceful 2 volume work "The Cambridge History of Australia" (launched recently at the State Library of Victoria by Her Excellency the Governor General) ignores Australia's intimate, racist and deadly complicity in the 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust (in which Britain deliberately starved 6-7 million Indians to death) and indeed many other like atrocities (Google "Australia's secret genocide history" and "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

On 12 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Wayne Swan’s reflections on 2008”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/wayne-swan3a-surviving-the-gfc/5009150 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

12 Oct 2013 3:41:26pm

Missing in this exercise in self-glorification were a veritable HERD of Elephants in the Room.

1. The guaranteeing of only the major banks meant damage to self-funded retirees who had sensibly and assiduously saved in managed funds.

2. The "good" side of the GFC was a huge drop in global food prices in 2008, thereby saving millions from starvation as in the Australia-complicit UK-imposed 1942-1945 Bengali Holocaust in which 6-7 million Indians were starved to death (see "FAO food price index" and "Bengal Famine. How Australia & UK killed 6-7 million Indians in WW2").

3. The huge debt Labor ran up on school halls etc could have been spent rapidly on assets with a useful return e.g. on wind farms (circa $200 billion would have made wind 80% of Australia's projected 325,000 GWh of electricity in 2020; Google "2011 climate change course" and scroll down to section H).

4. Despite its utterly dishonest "We are tackling climate change" rhetoric, neoliberal, pro-coal, pro-gas, pro-iron ore Labor permitted about 6,000 Mt CO2-e implicit in coal, gas and iron ore exports, this creating a Carbon Debt for reversing this pollution by future generations of about $600 billion in today's dollars (Google "Carbon Debt, Carbon Credit" and "Massive European Carbon Debt versus South Asian Carbon Credit").

On 12 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Greece reparations ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/greece-reparations/5016098 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

12 Oct 2013 4:09:50pm

Excellent interview. The war didn't end in 1945 for the Greeks - the British and Americans then backed former Nazi sympathizers against the socialist heroes of the Greek resistance in the Greek civil war.

The Greeks are not the only people deserving of proper reparations. Thus for example, Hungarian entry into the EU involved the EU retrospectively approving discriminatory Hungarian seizure of formerly Jewish-owned property.

The West Germans provided reparations for Jewish survivors of the Jewish Holocaust but also funneled billions of dollars in support of the Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine in a (continuing) Palestinian Genocide involving 2 million Palestinian deaths from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million ) since 1936 and currently 7 million Palestinian refugees (Google "Palestinian Genocide").

All genocidal war criminals must be held personally and financially accountable. Thus the US Alliance including US lackey Australia are responsible for deaths from violence and war-imposed deprivation totalling 38 million (post-1950 US Asian Wars), 12 million (Zionist-promoted post-1990 US War on Muslims) and 10 million (Zionsit-promoted post-2001 US War on Terror) (Google "American Holocaust, millions of untimely American deaths and $40 trillion cost of Israel to Americans").

On 5 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Update in live cattle export”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/update-on-live-cattle-export/4996940 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

05 Oct 2013 10:25:28am

According to the FAO (Google "Chapter 7: Slaughter of livestock"): "At the time of slaughter, animals should be healthy and physiologically normal ... It is desirable to render an animal unconscious before it sis slaughtered in order to eliminate, pain, discomfort and stress from the procedure ... Most developed and many developing countries have legislation that requires pre-slaughter stunning with the exception of authorized ritual slaughter like Kosher or Halal... Fortunately, many Muslim authorities accept some forms of pre-slaughter stunning ... Any kind of prestunning for livestock to be slaughtered according to the Jewish Kosher method has not yet been accepted."

This segment largely confined itself to Australia's immediate neighbour, the largely Muslim country of Indonesia, that accepts pre-slaughter stunning, and made no mention of (a) live exports to Apartheid Israel and (b) prohibition of prestunning in Kosher slaughter in both Apartheid Israel and Australia.

Yet while the live export trade to Indonesia was arbitrarily banned under Gillard Labor (installed by a Bill Shorten-complicit pro-Zionist-led Coup in June 2010) the beastly trade continued as usual to democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel and slaughter without prestunniug continues in Apartheid Israel and Australia - more evidence of Zionist perversion and subversion of public discussion, public life, democracy, politics and governance in Australia.

On 5 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Revitalising the silk route”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/revitalising-the-silk-route/4876984 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

05 Oct 2013 12:24:41pm

I was always fascinated by Central Asia after seeing images of the great mosques and reading Jule Verne, the accounts of Austro-Hungarian adventurers and the Rubayat of Omar Khayam. Indeed I was sufficiently inspired by the great Persian and Turkish mosques to paint huge cross-cultural paintings (Google "Isfahan Matisse").

In the context of a worsening climate emergency it should be noted that shipping is 2.5 times energy efficient as rail transport which in turn can be 3-20 times more efficient than road transport (Google "Energy efficiency of shipping methods"), a message lost on the climate criminal, anti-science, effective climate change denialist State and Federal Coalition Governments in Australian that are disastrously committed to building highways rather than railways. It should be noted that a Chinese cargo ship has now opened an East West Passage to Europe that is expected to carry 15% of Chinese exports by 2020.

Unfortunate comment by Geraldine about "Borat" and Kazakhstan. The highly offensive, unfunny, racist, Islamophobic, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Muslim-bashing comments of "Borat" are contradicted by reality especially in relation to Kazakhstan which has had the advantage of 70 years of secularism and indeed atheism under Soviet rule. Thus Muslim Kazakh attitudes on a wide range of matters are similar to Western attitudes and vastly more liberal than in other Muslim countries as revealed in "Inside Muslim Minds" by Flinders University sociologist Professor Riaz Hassan AM FASSA (Google "Review Inside Muslim Minds").

On 5 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “China game changer”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/china-game-changer/4996956 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

06 Oct 2013 10:58:36am

The new Shanghai free trade zone is likely to be a limited trial for a wider economic liberalization in China as a whole down the track. But the big question is for how long?

Thus the World has a terminal CO2 pollution budget of 600 Gt (billion tonne) CO2 that must not be exceeded between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050 if we are to have a 75 per cent chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "WBGU").

The US, Canada and Australia have effectively used up their "fair share" of this terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution budget and are now stealing the entitlement of all other countries on the traditional but now unspoken basis that "White is Right". In contrast, China has about 15.5 years left (for years currently left for all countries on earth Google "US to default on carbon debt").

Now the world cannot do much about the serial invader, nuclear terrorist, climate criminal, "White is Right" US but America's climate criminal lackey Australia is vulnerable to world action via Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS), Green Tariffs, sporting boycotts, exclusion from the Olympic Games and the World Cup, litigation before the International Court of Justice and arraignment before the International Criminal Court.

While the future prospects seem extremely bleak due to climate criminal US, Australian and Canadian greed and intransigence, intransigence, leading climate economics expert Professor Jorgen Randers (Oslo) argues that the last chance for the world lies in China taking "top down" action to stop and reverse man-made climate change (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "Randers").

On 5 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “A decentralized Indonesia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-decentralised-indonesia/4996324 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

06 Oct 2013 11:44:41am

Newly elected PM Tony Abbott's visit to Indonesia was a "success" in that he was forced by the 250 million to 23 million reality to eat humble pie and promise that he would not violate Indonesia's territorial integrity or sovereignty by his "stop the boats". "buy the boats" and "spy on the boats" policies that have now quietly transmuted into a realistic post-election "stop the boasts" policy.

However climate change-threatened, largely Muslim, democratic Indonesia is also threatened by the other key policies of the extreme right wing, pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, anti-science, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, effective climate change denialist and effectively anti-Arab anti-Semitic and Islamophobic Coalition Government.

Thus the disastrously anti-environment Coalition policies of (a) build highways not railways, (b) scrap the carbon tax and (c) unlimited coal, gas and iron exports (adding circa $100 billion each year to Australia's carbon debt) pose a worsening threat not just to Java but to the other 18,000 sea level-, global warming- and and intense storm-threatened islands of Indonesia.

Of course Indonesia through oil and coal production and deforestation is a significant greenhouse gas (GHG) polluter. Indeed Indonesia has only about 2 years left before it exceeds its "fair share" the world's terminal CO2 pollution budget that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (according to the Coalition-sacked Australian Climate Commission and its non-sacked German equivalent the WBGU). However "White is Right" Australia has ALREADY used up its "fair share" of the terminal GHG pollution budget and is now stealing the entitlement of other countries including Indonesia (Google "US to default on carbon debt").

On 5 October 2013 Saturday Extra re “Leadership: gender diversity”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/leadership3a-gender-diversity/4996476 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

06 Oct 2013 12:17:47pm

For detailed responses to PM Julia Gillard's speech see the New Matilda article by Amy Ripley entitled "Gillard speaks out on sexism at Sydney Opera House". While it was welcome and notable that Australia finally got a first female PM, it is vastly more important to analyze how PM Gillard hid behind the "gender wars card" and failed women. A short list of failures below.

1. PM Gillard's speeches and media publicity gave oxygen to sexist, misogynist yahoos whose extremely primitive and offensive views should not have been part of the national discussion period.

2. 2 million under-5 year old Afghan infants have died and their mothers bereaved under US Alliance occupation including occupation by Australia under pro-war Gillard (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

3. Thousands of refugee women and children were highly abusively incarcerated without trial in remote concentration camps under PM Gillard.

4. 66,000 Australians (9,000 Indigenous) died preventably each year under PM Gillard while the cost of the Zionist-promoted War on Terror to Australia reached $125 billion under pro-Zionist, slavishly pro-US Administration PM Gillard (Google "Endless War on Terror").

5. NT Aboriginal women continued to be excluded from the protection of the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act under PM Gillard.

6. PM Gillard's Royal Commission into institutional child sexual abuse (up to 40,000 cases due to the Catholic Church) ignored the 34 per cent of Australian women and 16 per cent of Australian men (4.4 million) sexually abused as children (Google "Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse").

7. Impoverishing the single mothers (Google "100 reasons why Australians must reject Gillard Labor").

GideonPolya :

06 Oct 2013 6:26:27pm

Correction: point #2 above should read "Three (3) million under-5 year old Afghan infants and their mothers bereaved under US Alliance occupation including occupation by Australia under under pro-war Gillard (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

On 28 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “China: Australian Studies Centre”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/china3a-australian-studies-centre/4982858 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

01 Oct 2013 3:12:21pm

One hopes that these 37 Australian Studies Centres in China will be giving an honest account of Australian history and especially in relation to the Chinese and China. However Australian historiography and history teaching has an entrenched culture of looking the other way and of genocide ignoring and holocaust ignoring that are far, far worse than repugnant genocide denial and holocaust denial that at least admit the possibility of public discussion. Likely omissions:

1. Australian settlement was strategically linked to war with France and the lucrative British Indian business of Bengali opium forced on China in return for tea and silver.

2. Google "Australia's secret genocide history" for 22 genocidal involvements including Australian participation in the Boxer Rebellion.

3. Australian Chinaman Hunts, mass deportations of Chinese in the mid-19th century, anti-Chinese laws, White Australia Policy etc (see Humphrey McQueen's "A New Britannia" and Chapter 17 of Gideon Polya's "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History" now available for free perusal the web).

4. Robert "Pig Iron Bob" Menzies' approval of pig iron sales to Japan as it was raping China (35 million Chinese dead, 1937-1945).

5. Australia's participation in all post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation; versus Chinese forces in Korea).

En passant, killing time before a recent Hayden concert on Melbourne's Southbank I spotted the popularly-dubbed "Yellow Peril" sculpture lurking well away from the main strip.

On 28 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “Getting better value for public service dollar”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/public-services/4985064 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

01 Oct 2013 4:04:26pm

The neoliberal cause of maximizing freedom to create vast private wealth at the expense of public benefit is now firmly entrenched in Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) Australia and most obscenely so in Queensland.

About 50% of undergraduate university teaching is now done by part-time academics who do the undergraduate teaching of full-time academics but in 10 percent of the time and for 10 per cent of the money. Now that is great for semi-retired academic or industry experts who love doing it and don't need the money, but spare a thought for young academics with spouses, children and mortgages and for the students who are paying 10 times too much for their undergraduate tuition. What happened to the "living wage"? Where are the "see no evil" ACCC and ASIC? That said, education should be free (Google "Accredited Remote Learning").

Australia has an Educational Apartheid system and immense associated social inequity that grossly violates the anti-neoliberalism Social Humanist ideal of maximizing human happiness, dignity and opportunity (Google "Educational Apartheid" and "Review Social Humanism"). However, that said, there are numerous things that can be done at very little cost to improve educational outcomes (see "37 ways of tackling Educational Apartheid and social inequity").

Pro bono publico advice represents another kind of extremely low cost "public service" as shown by the following examples with detailed, documented free advice in parentheses:

(1) $50,000 for expert witness testimony (for free advice Google "Expert witness testimony to stop gas-fired power plant installation");

(2) $90,000 for 6 months' pro-environment campaigning (for free advice Google "100 ideas for climate change activist trying to save the biosphere and humanity");

(3) circa $2 million pa (?) for an "ABC fact checking unit" ( for a huge free public resource Google "ABC fact checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC");

(4) circa $2 million pa (?) for the academic web magazine The Conversation (for what it censors and blocks Google "Censorship by The Conversation").

On 28 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “AFL: The Game”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/afl3a-the-game/4983462 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

01 Oct 2013 4:40:04pm

It must be recognized that many Australians (me included) get a great kick out of various football codes and sport in general. However it could be that the health benefits of participation are significantly reduced by attendant post-match participant drinking and spectator and viewer drinking (as reflected in the obesity epidemic).

There should be some balance here in relation to these children's ball games turned adult gladiatorial contests. Thus under the effective climate change denialist Abbott Coalition Government (zero mention of climate change or renewable energy in "The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy" dated September 2013) there is a Minister for Sport but no more Ministries for Science, Aged Care, Disabilities, Climate Change, Families, Youth, Mental Health, Early Childhood and Child Care, Community Services, Mental Health, International Development, Housing and Homelessness. Indeed the Minister for Women (PM Tony Abbott) determined that there was only only ONE (1) woman in the Coalition Cabinet (as one cartoonist had it, Mother Nature was one of the all but one of the women excluded from the Abbott Ministry).

On 21 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “German elections” (presented this day by Dr Norman Swan in the absence of Geraldine Doogue) :http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/german-elections/4965998 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

21 Sep 2013 3:47:07pm

I was astonished to hear the presenter say that in some respects Germany had an electoral system "like Israel". The reality is utterly otherwise and this incorrect reportage has been added to the website "ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)" (Google this title and scroll down to section (A) Incorrect Reportage and thence to "Germany has an electoral system... like Israel" .

German is a democracy with one-man-one-vote whereas democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel ensures that of 12 million Palestinians only about 7$ (the adults of 1.7 million Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling of the former Mandated Palestine plus a largely ethnically cleansed part of Syria, 6 million Palestinians are forbidden to even step foot in their own country and 4.3 million Occupied Palestinians are highly abusively confined with zero human rights in either West Bank ghettos (Bantustans) or in what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp (for details Google "Palestinian Genocide" and "Boycott Apartheid Israel").

On 21 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Stockmarket update” (presented this day by Dr Norman Swan in the absence of Geraldine Doogue) :http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/stockmarket-update/4970656 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

21 Sep 2013 4:28:04pm

Robert Gottliebsen was almost tripping over his tongue in lashing Labor for "chaos in Canberra" praising the Abbott Government for "boosting the stock market" and asserting that "the Abbott Government has really improved things". Depending upon whether you have a social humanist or neoliberal perspective, the reality is quite different. Thus despite its continuing and electorally disastrous leadership battles initiated by Bill Shorten and his "mates" in the 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup against democraticallty elected PM Kevin Rudd and followed up by Bill Shorten and others in the 2013 Coup against democratically elected PM Julia Gillard, Labor kept us safe from the GFC and has numerous positive achievements from Kyoto and "Sorry" to a Carbon Price (albeit vastly too low) and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

In contrast, even before Tony Abbott was sworn in as PM, the Coalition has demonstrably failed in its policies of (1) "stop the boats" (Indonesia opposes violation of international law and its sovereignty) (2)"scrap the Carbon Tax" (the Coalition's Direct Action plan has an inherent maximal Carbon Tax 5 times bigger than that of Rudd Labor), (3) "build the roads" (climate criminal troglodytism - rail transport is 20 times more energy efficient than road transport) , and (4) "Budget back into black" (Coalition-backed coal exports alone in a Coalition first term would leave a Carbon Debt for future generations of $300 billion - $450 billion in today's dollars) (for science-based reality Google "New Abbott Coalition Australian Government"). Indeed before the election the September 2013 document "The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy" made ZERO (0) mention of climate change - intellectual vacuity that endangers Australia but which was not reported by the ABC (Google "ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC").

On 21 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Connecting to the future workforce”” (presented this day by Dr Norman Swan in the absence of Geraldine Doogue) :http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/connecting-to-the-future-workforce/4969052 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

22 Sep 2013 10:02:12am

Unfortunately, for Australians to work in this way and be able to rapidly upload huge amounts of technical, video or medical imaging data they will have to do so via the second rate National Broadband Network of an ignorant, troglodyte, Luddite, climate change denialist, anti-science Coalition Government that is more interested in giving tax breaks to its climate criminal Australian and foreign corporation "mates" that it is in providing the modern communications, rail transport, energy efficiency and renewable energy infrastructure required for an advanced 21st century economy functioning in a sustainable environment (no jobs on a dead planet).

A further post was also PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

22 Sep 2013 10:35:43am

The Presenter, driven by whatever pro-US agenda, made a gratuitous attack on Russians in relation to this web-based expert finding to the effect "They won't go to Russia because they may steal our IP". Setting aside the reality that Russia saved us from German Nazism (20 million Soviet dead) and recently singlehandedly and peacefully stopped another war criminal, Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-led conflagratrion in the Middle East, one notes that the US has been spying on all our internet, telecomunications and e-mail by ECHELON and as revealed by American and world hero Edward Snowden, by PRISM and other NSA devices.

Indeed the French had to set up their so-called FRENCHELON data acquisition (spying) system) in response to the US stealing French commercial secrets and thence commercial tenders via ECHELON.

Of course traitorous US lackey Australians with traitorous Lib-Lab complicity have been involved in this US spying on Australians and the world via Pine Gap etc. Indeed the Sydney Morning Herald recently reported that the US NSA shares its intelligence from this comprehensive spying on Australians with the nuclear terrorist, chemical weapons-using, democracy-by-genocide, serial war criminal, mass child abusing, racist Zionist-run rogue state Apartheid Israel (Google "US shares raw intelligence on Australians with Israel"). All the IP in these Internet-based jobs of the future will be stolen by the US and Apartheid Israel unless protected by top nation st

On 21 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Science and weather” (presented this day by Dr Norman Swan in the absence of Geraldine Doogue) :http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/science-and-weather/4971006 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

22 Sep 2013 11:12:04am

Unfortunate that the presenter confused an otherwise useful discussion about "climate" and "weather" ("weather" being the relatively localized day-to-day atmospheric patterns and events and "climate" being the Big Picture of the average long-term weather pattern in a place by commenting "If not this Christmas then Christmas in 25 years time". Because the day-t-day weather is highly variable, one cannot conclude that Black Saturday or the huge Queensland flood disaster were due to man-made climate change, but one can say that global warming (plus about 1 degree since 1900) increases the probability of such horrendous events occurring because of the increase in the average background temperature. For a cogent account of global warming-linked processes that are already underway see "The Science of Climatic Disruption" by Professor John Holdren, President Obama's chief science adviser and also Google "2011 climate change course" and "Are wee doomed?".

Now that the de facto climate change denialist, anti-science, neoliberal Abbott Coalition Government has scrapped the Australian Climate Commission and the Climate Change Authority, ordered cessation of Government-based lending for renewable energy via the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, and indeed removed any mention of climate change from the pre-election September 2013 policy document "The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy", a Gadarene, BAU, neoliberal greed-driven Australia is heading full-steam (coal, oil, wood and gas burning-based) towards a disastrous situation in which thousands of deaths from heat stress on a Christmas Day in the future will be scientifically and statistically directly attributable to man-made global warming. A vote for the Coalition is a vote against intergenerational equity, intergenerational justice, your children, your grandchildren and indeed all future generations. One of the all-but-one women left out of the Abbott Ministry was Mother Nature.

On 21 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “The Red Nile” (presented this day by Dr Norman Swan in the absence of Geraldine Doogue) : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-red-nile/4968676 . My comment posted under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

22 Sep 2013 1:27:55pm

Re the Red Nile and the Exodus story, Professor Shlomo Sand (professor of History, Tel Aviv University, Apartheid Israel) in his best-selling book "The Invention of the Jewish People" makes it clear that other than in the Bible there is no historical record of the Exodus. Indeed Professor Sand goes on to assert that there is no evidence for a huge Kingdom of David and Solomon (it was merely a small kingdom of blood-thirsty and genocidal tribal chiefs based around a captured and ethnically cleansed Jerusalem) nor for the Exile (the Romans didn't have trains or cattle trucks and merely enslaved thousands of Zealot fanatics, leaving the remaining bulk of Jewish and non-Jewish Palestinians to continue to do business and pay taxes). Professor Sand observes that the present-day cultural and genetic descendants of the Palestinians at the time of Christ are the Zionist-oppressed Palestinians and that the Jewish Israelis are largely descended from Berber, Yemeni and Khazar converts to a more universalist form of Judaism in the first millennium of the Christian Era.

The Nahr Ibrahim river in Lebanon also turns red with flushed out iron oxide in the spring, this being connected with the stories of the most beautiful Adonis being released transiently from the Land of the Dead, the resurrection of Christ and the "water into wine" of Cana (Qana). Indeed I have painted a huge painting called "Qana" based on Pablo Picasso's huge anti-war and anti-fascist painting "Guernica" that encompasses these traditions and is about the resurrection of the South Lebanon town of Qana after twice being destroyed by US- and Australia-backed Israeli bombing (for discussion and an image of the painting Google "Qana painting").

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Kurt Campbell on disarming Syria”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/disarming-syria/4954256 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

Missing from this extraordinarily biased and flawed discussion (a post-election sign of things to come?) were the following Elephant in the Room realities:

1. To invade another country not in self-defence or without UN Security Council sanction (as proposed and urged by serial war criminal Obama and his lackeys) is a war crime (Article 51 of the UN Charter) and indeed the most serious of war crimes. The Russians have hopefully stopped another horrendous war crime by the US (Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776").

2. There is as yet no hard evidence that the Syrian Government was responsible for the gas attack. Conversely there is clear evidence that the rebels have used poison gas, that the UK has supplied Syria with poison gas precursors, that the US, Qatar and Saudi Arabia have plotted a "false flag" gas attack as an excuse for US invasion (a la US-complicit 9-11; Google "US backed plan to launch chemical attack on Syria" and "Experts: US did 9-11").

3. US-, UK= and Lib-Lab Australia-backed, democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel has repeatedly bombed Syria (war crimes), has occupied and largely ethnically cleansed part of Syria (another war crime), has chemical and biological weapons as well as an estimated 200 nuclear bombs, has targeted Gaza civilians and burned them alive using phosphorous bombs (war crimes involving chemical weapons) and has criminally attacked 12 other countries (13 if you include repeated kidnapping of Australians in international waters using deadly violence). Yet pro-Zionists Abbott (Liberal) and Shorten (Laboral)continue to support US-backed Apartheid Israel (indeed Shorten wants to invest our superannuation in the war criminal rogue state; Google "Palestinian Genocide" and scroll down to "Open Letter by Dr Gideon Polya to Australian MPs and media").

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Economy update”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/economy-update/4955946 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

14 Sep 2013 10:42:00am

It is a great pity that economic discussions are largely confined to non-scientist politicians, corporatists, economists and journalists (who, with some notable exceptions, like Manuel in Fawlty Towers, should plead "I know nothing"). Some Elephant in the Room matters from a science-based perspective.

1. Housing. From a biological, agricultural, chemistry and physics perspective, urban housing can and should be cheap, centralized, significantly socialized and growing vertically for cogent reasons based on biodiversity preservation, energy efficiency, meeting human needs and preserving what is left of our richest agricultural land.

2. Debt. Much of ter political debate of recent times has revolved around gross debt, net debt and relative national debt. Totally ignored by the non-scientists is that for every $1 from coal exports, future generations will have to spend about $2-3 in today's dollars returning the consequent atmospheric CO2 from the current damaging 400 ppm CO2 to a safe and sustainable, pre-Industrial Revolution level of about 300 ppm CO2 (multiply that by 4 for the UK; Google "300 ppm CO2", "300.org" and see Dr Gideon Polya, "Expert witness testimony to stop gas-fired power plant installation").

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Refugees and Australian business”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/refugess-and-australian-business/4954456 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

14 Sep 2013 11:16:15am

Excellent segment. Some key points re refugees:

1. The heartless, human rights-abusing Coalition policy of punishing refugees by preventing them from working is socially, medically and economically damaging.

2. There is a huge banner draped from the Anglican St Paul's Cathedral in the heart of Melbourne opposite Flinders Street Station saying in effect "Be nice to refugees".

3. Loved 1956 Hungarian refugee and top football (soccer) commentator. Les Murray, in pleading for decent treatment of refugees, describing how after he crossed a field to escape into Austria he was greeted with the words "Welcome. You are free".

4. The immigrant phenomenon of dedicated hard work is well illustrated by the following - sitting though a very long medical graduation ceremony 2 decades ago at a top university, there was plenty of time to go through the huge list of names and discover that about half were Asian names.

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “The Great Reform Bill of 1832”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/antonia-fraser/4877058 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

14 Sep 2013 11:46:57am

Great interview with a great person, Antonia Fraser, the widow of outstanding anti-racist Jewish British Literature Nobel Laureate Harold Pinter who before his untimely death demanded war crimes trials for Bush and Blair over their illegal invasion of Iraq (I would say ditto for most Lib-Lab, Liberal-Laboral, Coalition-Labor Australian MPs - 2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation; Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide" and Google "Art, truth and politics" for Harold Pinter's Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech).

While British women over the age of 21 got the vote in 1928, some Australian women got the vote in the late 19th century and all (except for Indigenous and slavery-derived South Sea Islander women) got the vote in 1901 with Federation (see Dr Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web). However the continuing Federation Gerrymander means that Tasmania (population 0.5 million) has the same number of senators as Victoria or NSW (population of each about 10 times greater).

Unfortunately first-past-the post UK elections means that a small minority of British voters determine which party (or parties) rule the UK. Further, the UK, like the US and Australia, is a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality , votes and political power (see David Williamson's great play "Rupert" and Google "Boycott Murdoch Media").

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “The food of the Philippines”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-food-of-the-philippines/4884362 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

14 Sep 2013 12:16:45pm

What a terrible episode in history is hidden by the 3 innocuous words uttered on this program: "America took over" after the Spanish-American War of the mid-1890s. It is estimated that 1 million Filipinos died in the war of national liberation against the Americans in 1899-1913. Unfortunately Australia has been complicit in all of the post-1950 US Asian wars that have been associated so far with 38 million Asian deaths from violence or from war-imposed deprivation (see Chapter 6, Dr Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web; also Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776").

It is an interesting reflection on Australia as "part of Asia" that my own wider family that encompasses 19th century first settler Anglo-Scottish immigrants to 20th century Jewish Hungarian refugees and thence Indians and Anglo-Indians linked to the 1879-1921 indentured labor (5 year slavery) to Fiji, now includes a latest generation of some very gifted Filipino Australians in addition to other connections with the Philippines.

On 14 September 2013 Saturday Extra re “Looking behind the boom”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/malcolm-knox-boom/4905354 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

14 Sep 2013 12:48:57pm

Geraldine asked the very pertinent question of the Mining Industry "What will it leave behind?" . Several key legacies are given below.

1. Environmental vandalism. Obvious legacies are the despoilation of rivers and forests (e.g. the bare hills of Queenstown, and the polluting of the King River and indeed the Derwent River in Tasmania), the destruction of wilderness (as in the Labor-approved extended iron mining in the Tarkine in Tasmania), and the despoilation of prime agricultural land and aquifers (e.g. coal mining in the Hunter, CSG and fracking in MSW, Queensland and now Victoria).

2. Political vandalism. The mining Industry spent a mere $23 million to successfully dispose of a tough Mining Tax and a very popularly elected Labor PM Kevin Rudd in the US-approved, Mining Company-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup on June 2010 (see outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Lowenstein's "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?"). Labor is left with a dreadful legacy as does pro-Zionist right winger Bill Shorten who played a key role in the removal of TWO (2) elected Labor Prime Ministers (PM Kevin Rudd in 2010 and PM Julia Gillard in 2013).

3. Global warming, massive intergenerational inequity and horrendous Carbon Debt. For every $1 from coal future generations will have to spend at least $2-3 to remove the consequent extra CO2 in the atmosphere as biochar (carbon from anaerobic pyrolysis of cellulosic waste) (see Dr Gideon Polya "Gigantic cost of requisite climate change action threatens massive intergenerational inequity and intergenerational injustice" and Google "300 ppm CO2" and "Are we doomed?").

On 7 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: polls and latest analysis”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-polls/4937954 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

08 Sep 2013 11:53:24pm

You may be right, MH. I was recently up in Queensland offering my expert scientific opinion in support of citizens of a small Queensland town threatened with imposition of a gigantic fossil fuel-burning power plant (unfortunately the 70 citizens who had engaged my expert witness testimony were unsuccessful, my expert testimony based on the latest science having been rejected as contrary to received wisdom). Wherever I go I wear a badge saying "300 ppm CO2" and am frequently asked what this means by all kinds of strangers - I explain that the atmospheric CO2 has been no higher than 300 parts per million for the last million years until recently and has relentlessly climbed over the last century to about 400 ppm CO2, this making survival of the Great Barrier Reef extremely problematical and demanding a rapid return to about 300 ppm CO2. However in a week of business in the busy Brisbane CBD from the Law Courts to the Brisbane Club not one person (except for my associates) asked me about the badge until I got to the top of the Jetstar stairs on the flight back to Melbourne (the air hostess who asked was probably not a Queenslander)

On 7 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: meet the local editors”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-meet-the-local-editors/4937366 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

09 Sep 2013 12:15:13am

The key Election issues in this part of NSW (and elsewhere in the Eastern states) should be:

1. Human morbidity and mortality from fine carbon particulates from coal mining, coal trains and fossil fuel burning (the WHO says that there is no safe threshhold).

2. The despoilation of prime agricultural land, aquifers and visual amenity by coal mining, coal seam gas (CSG) and fracking.

3.Massive evasion of billions of dollars worth of the Carbon Tax on fugitive emissions from coal and gas extraction - evasion that makes the recent ICAC revelations appear as mere peccadilloes (Google "Australia's Carbon Tax Scandal").

4. An estimated 10,000 Australian preventable deaths each year from carbon burning pollutants (Google "Australian carbon burning-related deaths") - yet the Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals, Coalition and Labor) are resolutely committed to coal, gas and oil burning, cars and ever-expanding highways.

A similar post made under "Gideon Polya" was CENSORED (BLOCKED?) by the ABC.

On 7 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “If I were PM: Richard Gill”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-meet-the-local-editors/4937366 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

09 Sep 2013 12:38:41am

I have long greatly admired Richard Gill for his passionate, thoughtful and humane advocacy for music education for children from an early age. Indeed this was item #4 in a list I compiled of things that should be urgently instituted in Australian education (Google "37 ways of tackling Australian Educational Apartheid and social inequity").

On 7 September 2013, Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: final thoughts”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-wrap/4937612 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

09 Sep 2013 12:32:45am

Missing from the Election public discussion in the Mainstream media is the reality that Tony Abbott and most of his colleagues were part of the Howard Coalition Government that illegally invaded Iraq in 2003. The Iraq War was associated with 1.5 million violent deaths (Google "Just Foreign Policy"), 1.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees, and 0.8 million under-5 year old Iraqi infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to horrendous war crimes by the US Alliance and Australia in gross contravention of the Geneva Convention (Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide").

A similar post made under “Gideon Polya” was CENSORED (BLOCKED?) by the ABC .

On 7 September 2013 (Election Day) Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: young voters”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-young-voters/4937518 . My comments made under GideonPolya were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

08 Sep 2013 8:35:09am

If accurate, the estimate that 25% of young Australians had not enrolled to vote in the 2013 Federal Election is a shocking statistic if one considers the following matters critically affecting young people.

1. Bipartisan refusal to tackle climate change means that future generations will pay the price. Thus for every $1 for coal today, future generations will have to spend $2-$3 in today's dollars returning the generated CO2 back underground as biochar (charcoal, carbon) - massive intergenerational inequity (Google "Expert witness testimony to stop gas-fired power").

2. The world has only 16 years left before it exceeds the 600 Gt terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution budget that must not be exceeded it we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2c temperature rise - a direr estimate is that we have only 5 years left (Google "Doha climate change inaction").

3. The atmospheric CO2 is now 400 ppm, 100 ppm above the prior maximum level of 300 ppm CO2 that obtained for the previous 800,000 years and increasing at 2.5ppm CO2 per year. At this rate it will reach 450 ppm CO2 in 20 years at which point world coral and the Great Barrier Reef in particular are doomed - according to the top coral experts, already "most reefs world-wide are committed to an irreversible decline" (Google "Are we doomed" and scroll down to "Veron").

Wake up young (and old) Australia before it is too late (if it isn't already).

A further comment made under “Gideon Polya” was PUBLISHED!!

Gideon Polya :

08 Sep 2013 8:42:45am

Young people should all enrol and all vote for urgent climate change action.

On 7 September 2013 (Election Day) Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: National issues”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-special3a-national-panel-discussion/4934974 . My comments made under GideonPolya were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

08 Sep 2013 8:52:23am

The most shocking event of the Election Campaign came at the end - "The Coalition's Policy for Resources and Energy" issued in September 2013 made absolutely zero (0) mention of man-made climate change from fossil fuel burning.

The new Abbott Coalition Government will be thrown out at the next election unless it recognizes and seriously and urgently tackles man-made climate change from fossil fuel burning, noting that Australia is a world leader in annual per capita Domestic plus Exported greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution (Google "2011 climate change course" ans see section G; Google "climate genocide").

On 7 September 2013 (Election Day) Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: What the papers say”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-what-the-papers-say/4941292 . My comments made under Gideon Polya were PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

08 Sep 2013 9:17:42am

Well said, MH. 14 out of 21 major newspapers in Australia are owned by the Murdoch Empire that has an appalling record of malreportage and support for war, gross human rights abuse and remorseless fossil fuel burning that is killing the Biosphere (Google "Boycott Murdoch media").

Of course other Mainstream media, notably Fairfax and the taxpayer-funded ABC in Australia are not that much better (Google "Censorship by The Age", "Censorship by the BBC", "Mainstream media lying", "Mainstream media censorship", "Censorship by The Conversation", "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live", and "ABC Fact-checking unit & malreportage by the ABC").

I would like to see the anti-war, pro-environment, pro-science, pro-human rights, science-informed Greens quickly set up a very cheap, decent electronic newspaper that would be supported by all sensible, humane, science-informed people and driven by the free contributions of credentialed experts presently sidelined from the lying Mainstream media.

A further comment made under “Gideon Polya” was PUBLISHED!!

Gideon Polya :

08 Sep 2013 9:21:19am

Correction: Google "ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC".

On 7 September 2013 (Election Day) Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: meet the local editors”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/election-20133a-meet-the-local-editors/4937366 . My comments made under “Gideon Polya” were CENSORED.

The censored comments related to coal exploitation, coal seam gas (CSG) exploitation, deaths from fine carbon particulates associated with coal transport, and 10,000 annual preventable Australian deaths from pollutants from carbon burning (see “Australian carbon burning-related deaths”: https://sites.google.com/site/yarravalleyclimateactiongroup/2011-carbon-burning. CENSORING serious concerns about such Australian deaths makes the ABC as complicit as the coal, gas and oil companies and lobbyists involved in the mass murder of Australians for corporate profit.

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: Foreign policy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/foreign-policy/4923122 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

31 Aug 2013 11:46:03pm

The UK Parliament is not convinced, the UN investigators have not made their report, and there is no hard evidence for Assad regime complicity in the gas attack. Indeed to the contrary, hard right-wing Israeli journalist Aaron Klein links the gas attack to Turkey-backed rebels (Google "Aaron Klein: Turkey behind Syria gas attack"). The rapidly censored January 2013 report by UK Daily Mail journalist Louise Boyle documented a US-backed Qatari plan for a false flag gas attack on Syrians to provide an excuse for US intervention (Google "Mainstream media censorship "disappears" US-backed war plan to gas Syrians and blame Assad regime").

However the Rudd Labor Government has slavishly fallen in step with the US Government's "story" and plans to attack already war-devastated Syria just as did the Howard Coalition Government in 2003 over the fictional "Iraqi WMD" excuse for the illegal and genocidal invasion of Iraq (2.7 million Iraqi deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation, 0.8 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to US Alliance war crimes in gross contravention of the Geneva Convention; Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide"). Decent pro-peace, pro-Humanity Labor voters will never again vote for this pro-war, war-mongering, US lackey Australian Labor Party (ALP = the American Lackey Party) which has utterly betrayed decent Labor voters and values.

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “South Australia and the Northern Territory”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/sa-26-nt-election/4922824 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

01 Sep 2013 4:51:01pm

Some key matters not mentioned.

1. SA and the NT are major uranium producers yet the overall nuclear cycle from building the plant and mining, transporting and enriching the uranium to ultimate disposal of the waste and decommissioning the plant is very dirty in terms of CO2 emissions in the context of a Carbon economy. Indeed, according to Dr Mark Diesendorf, UNSW, a modern nuclear power station based on low grade uranium oxide ore precursor can be as dirty greenhouse gas (GHG)-wise as a modern gas-fired power station (Google "Nuclear power: not green, clean or cheap").

2. Enforced storage of nuclear waste on Aboriginal land in the NT is another violation of Aboriginal rights in addition to the racist exclusion of NT Aborigines from the 1975 Racial Discrimination Act.

3. The involvement of Pine Gap in US state terrorism - US nuclear terrorism and war criminal US drone-based terrorism - and in comprehensive spying on Australians and indeed everyone in the world are utterly unacceptable as is the stationing of war criminal US Marines in Darwin (Google "US has invaded 70 nations").

4. The annual avoidable death rate of NT Aborigines (2.0% per year) is the highest in the world and the annual death rate (2.4% per year) is similar to the annual death rate for sheep in Australian paddocks (see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

4 cogent reasons for decent people to vote 1 Green and put the pro-war, anti-environment, US lackey, human rights-abusing Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals) last.

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re :Election 2013: Environment”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-environment-and-the-election/4922764 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

01 Sep 2013 5:33:23pm

Some key Elephant in the Room matters not canvassed here.

1. The Coalition (the Libs) and Labor(the Labs) have essentially the same overall climate criminal objectives of a derisory "5% off 2000 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 2020" and unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports that will see Australia exceed the whole world's terminal GHG pollution budget of 600 Gt CO2 (German WBGU and the Australian Climate Commission) by a factor of THREE (3) (Google "2011 climate change course".

2. Increasing the Carbon Price means a decrease in GHG pollution. PM Kevin "I love coal" Rudd recently announced a REDUCTION of the 2014 Carbon Price from $25 per tonne CO2-e to $6 per tonne CO2-e, coincidentally stating "I am a Queenslander ... I love coal". Dr Chris Hope (Cambridge ) estimates that $150 per tonne CO2-e is required for effective action. The ETS approach is empirically unsuccessful, accordingly counterproductive and is inherently fraudulent - it involves the Australian Government selling licenses to pollute the one common atmosphere of ALL countries (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "ETS incorrect assertions" and "Less means more").

3. The World is badly running out of time to deal with man-made climate change - according to the Australian Climate Commission it will exceed the terminal GHG pollution budget in 16 years' time (more stringent estimations give us only 5 years; Google "Doha climate change inaction").

Sensible, science-informed Australians who care for their children and grandchildren are morally compelled to vote 1 Green and put the climate criminal Lib-Labs last.

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “If I were Prime Minister: Julie Novak”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/if-i-were-prime--minister3a-julie-novak/4923042 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

01 Sep 2013 6:30:12pm

In his recent book "Social Humanism. A new metaphysics", Melbourne philosopher Professor Brian Ellis contrasts (A) the currently dominant neoliberalism that demands maximum freedom for the smart and advantaged to exploit the world's resources with the disadvantaged supposedly benefitting by a "trickle down" effect, versus (B) an evolving social humanism (welfare state if you like) directed at maximizing human happiness, dignity and opportunity (Google "Review social humanism").

The worsening climate crisis means that (A) has in effect failed and that (B) must be seriously and urgently advanced (no jobs on a dead planet). Unfortunately, as perceived by Professor Ellis, our democracy has become a Corporatocracy (others describe it as a Murdochracy or Lobbyocracy) in which Big Money is overwhelmingly politically dominant and the crisis will simply not be addressed in a timely or humane fashion (for what we are up against Google "Are we doomed?").

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Election 2013: Environment”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-environment-and-the-election/4922764 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

01 Sep 2013 5:33:23pm

Some key Elephant in the Room matters not canvassed here.

1. The Coalition (the Libs) and Labor(the Labs) have essentially the same overall climate criminal objectives of a derisory "5% off 2000 greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution by 2020" and unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports that will see Australia exceed the whole world's terminal GHG pollution budget of 600 Gt CO2 (German WBGU and the Australian Climate Commission) by a factor of THREE (3) (Google "2011 climate change course".

2. Increasing the Carbon Price means a decrease in GHG pollution. PM Kevin "I love coal" Rudd recently announced a REDUCTION of the 2014 Carbon Price from $25 per tonne CO2-e to $6 per tonne CO2-e, coincidentally stating "I am a Queenslander ... I love coal". Dr Chris Hope (Cambridge ) estimates that $150 per tonne CO2-e is required for effective action. The ETS approach is empirically unsuccessful, accordingly counterproductive and is inherently fraudulent - it involves the Australian Government selling licenses to pollute the one common atmosphere of ALL countries (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "ETS incorrect assertions" and "Less means more").

3. The World is badly running out of time to deal with man-made climate change - according to the Australian Climate Commission it will exceed the terminal GHG pollution budget in 16 years' time (more stringent estimations give us only 5 years; Google "Doha climate change inaction").

Sensible, science-informed Australians who care for their children and grandchildren are morally compelled to vote 1 Green and put the climate criminal Lib-Labs last.

GideonPolya :

02 Sep 2013 7:22:16am

Reference correction: the reference given in point #2 above should be: Google "ABC Fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC" and scroll down to "ETS incorrect assertions" and "Less means more".

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Arts round-up”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/arts-roundup/4924284 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

02 Sep 2013 8:26:52am

I am certainly looking forward to seeing David Williamson's "Rupert".

One hopes that the laughs of the audiences will translate into resolute, determined action to urge and apply Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against US-owned Murdoch media which have perverted and subverted public life in Australia through egregious malreportage (Google "Boycott Murdoch Media").

Most unfortunately unelected Fijian ruler Frank Bainimarama has given Murdochracy Australia a lesson in democracy by insisting that Fiji media must be Fiji-owned (thus the Murdoch-owned Fiji Times had to be sold off to a local, one Mr Patel). Australia must break the Murdoch political patronage model by insisting that Australian Mainstream media (e.g. major newspapers, radio and TV) and are largely Australian owned.

As amply demonstrated by the latest Australian election campaign dominated by the presently Murdoch -backed, neoliberal Coalition and the formerly Murdoch-backed, neoliberal Labor (aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals), Australia is a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, presstitutes, politicians, policies, parties, public perception of reality, votes and political power.

On 31 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “African leader Festus Morgae”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-environment-and-the-election/4922764 . My comment made under “GideonPolya” was PUBLISHED :

GideonPolya :

02 Sep 2013 9:11:10am

The glowing ABC report on conditions in Botswana must be countered with the facts (for the facts Google "UN Population Division", and "WHO" and see my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

Thus under-5 year old infant mortality is 26 deaths per 1,000 live births in Botswana (as compared to 5 in Australia and 6 in Cuba) and the avoidable death rate is 1.3% per year or 13 per 1,000 of population per year in Botswana (as compared to about zero (0) for Australia and Cuba but an appalling 1.8% per year or 18 avoidable deaths per 1,000 of population per year for Australia's sorely oppressed Indigenous Australian population; Google "Aboriginal Genocide").

This is a good candidate for addition to the burgeoning website "ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC".

24 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Syria and Egypt update”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/syria-update/4908788 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

25 Aug 2013 8:28:05am

The Western Mainstream media including the ABC have fallen into line with the US line in claiming use of poison gas by the Syrian Government that the serial war criminal, serial invader Americans have said is a red line causus belli.

The Syria Government denies the claim, initially from dodgy Saudi mouthpiece Al Arabiya, and the Russians and others doubt it, including William Engdahl, an award winning geopolitical analyst whose best-selling books have been translated into 13 languages, (Google "Syria gas attack story has a whiff of Saudi war propaganda" and "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776"). Another "9-11", "Iraqi WMD" or "Gulf of Tonkin Incident" (Google "US did 9-11")?

Saturday Extra takes the Saudi-US line asserting "the use by the Assad Government of chemical weapons on their own people" while contradicting this in the picture sub-heading "Image: children who survived what activists say was a nerve-gas attack by Syrian military forces".

Facts re Egypt: the democratically-elected Morsi Government was overthrown by US-funded military after mass demonstrations by US-funded anti-democracy demonstrators.

My further comment under "GideonPolya" was also PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

30 Aug 2013 12:08:50pm

Further to my comment above, on 29 January 2013 UK Daily Mail journalist Louise Boyle published an article in the Mail On-line entitled "U.S."backed plan to launch chemical attack on Syria and blame it on Assad's regime"". The Mail pulled the story but it survives on Internet archive. The BBC, the ABC and the ABC-spruiked universities-backed website The Conversation have also "disappeared" the story (Google "Mainstream media lying", "Mainstream media censorship". "Censorship by the BBC", "ABC Fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC" and "Study: Bush, aides made 935 false statements in run-up to war").

24 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “South-west Sydney: Cabramatta”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/cabramatta/4905988 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

25 Aug 2013 9:25:33am

My partner and I had interesting experiences staying with dear Muslim friends near "battler" Liverpool while daily commuting by bus and thence train to attend Jewish coming-of-age celebrations in a world-away, extremely affluent Rose Bay, Watson's Bay, Woollahra, Bellevue Hill etc. where we were politely but firmly interrogated before entry to several events by young men in black suits (ex-Apartheid Israeli army? Apartheid Israeli Army on holidays?) - what would they have done if in addition to saying that we were coming from Liverpool we had told them that we were staying with Muslims in Hinchinbrook?

On the train from Liverpool (half a dozen sari shops) to Central and thence Edgecliff each day, the carriage was glum and silent until we reached Cabramatta at which point it exploded joyfully with excited conversation (Vietnamese? Cantonese?) like a flowering gum full of lorikeets.

Going home late at night on the Liverpool-Hinchinbrook bus a youmg Indian security guard masterfully kept an uneasy peace between 2 noisy and abusive youthful gangs - when we got off a young woman passenger asked if we were visitors and commented that we were going to the "good" (brick) rather than the "bad" (timber) side of the Liverpool-Hinchinbrook highway.

24 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Western Sydney: Penrith”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/western-suburbs---penrith/4905196 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

25 Aug 2013 8:52:02am

Another side of the Western suburbs of Sydney is provided in a cogent and humane book by a marvellous young Christian who with his wife and family follow the humane, the poor-oriented ethos of Jesus in working among the poor and disadvantaged of Sydney's West (Google "Review: "Muddy Spirituality" by Jon Owen. Indian Australian ministering to Australia's poor").

24 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Western Sydney: Paramatta”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/western-suburbs---parramatta/4908812 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

25 Aug 2013 10:10:30am

The shifting vote from Labor to Liberal in Western Sydney is an extraordinary testament to the power of the US-owned Murdoch media, notably The Telegraph that is so malevolently biased as to make it unfit even for traditional use in the smallest room.

Many of the inhabitants of the Western suburbs or their immediate forebears have been refugees from post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation), including the post-1990 Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims (12 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation with a current total of over 20 million Muslim refugees; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide" and see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

However the horrendous human realities of these appalling Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral)-complicit atrocities (Whitlam Labor the only exception) are resolutely ignored by the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted Mainstream media, including the ABC, with the result that 80% of the Western and South-western suburban victims will vote for the war criminal perpetrators. Better informed, they would vote 1 Green or Socialist Alliance for anti-war, pro-Humanity candidates and put the Lib-Lab warmongers and war criminals last.

24 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “If I were Prime Minister: Hugh Mackay”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/if-i-were-prime-minister3a/4902752 . My comments under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

25 Aug 2013 10:27:25am

Hugh Mackay's "feel good", motherhood recommendations need to be re-stated more rigorously and vigorously as in parentheses below.

1. Greater respect for others ( but not for pro-war, pro-Zionist, pro-coal pro-gas, anti-environment, anti-science, US lackey, human rights-abusing Lib-Labs).

2. Better tone, more compassion (see #1).

3. Economy with vision (100% renewable energy by 2020; zero emissions ASAP; no jobs on a dead planet; neoliberalism and capitalism have failed; Google "Review: Social Humanism", "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course").

4. Values and Big Picture narrative (zero tolerance for Mainstream media, politician and academic lying; boycott Murdoch media; 100% Australian ownership of Australian media).

5. Tolerant and egalitarian spirit (see #3).

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Ian Chubb”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ian-chubb/4892414 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 4:35:00pm

Not mentioned was the Elephant in the Room that unfortunately Labor's Defence Trade Control Bill (2011) makes it illegal and punishable by 10 years in prison for an academic scientist in Australia to inform any non-citizen (e.g. a Chinese undergraduate or postgraduate student, a Chinese colleague etc) about any of thousands of chemicals, organisms or techniques in a huge Defence and Strategic Goods List without permission from the ADF or the APS - a massive attack on Australian academic freedom and scientific integrity by the anti-science, human rights-abusing Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals) and a compelling reason for decent Australians to vote 1 Green and put Labor last (the Coalition are just as bad but unlike Labor have not actually betrayed decent Labor voters and values).

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “If I were Prime Minister: Catherine Deveny”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ian-chubb/4892414 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 5:08:49pm

Catherine Deveny for PM! 7 great ideas from Catherine Deveny (with my comments in parentheses):

1. Find $30 billion for health etc by cutting $30 billion for religion subsidies ( religious brainwashing of children is anti-social and evil intellectual child abuse).

2. Abolish titles (Catherine Deveny makes vastly more sense than all the pro-war, pro-Zionist, neoliberal, US lackey, anti-environment, war criminal, climate criminal, huamn righs-abusing Right Honorable Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) MPs combined; however I do value my PhD although the ABC prevents me from posting comments under "Dr Gideon Polya" - see "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live").

3. MPs on benefits, on public health and in public housing (see if they can live on $35 per day; their post-parliament perks, pensions, and sinecures will make up for it).

4. "Investment in the arts" (rather than in fossil fuels and terracide).

5. Trucks off roads and expand rail as far as possible (a no-brainer for sensible, pro-Biosphere, science-informed people who care for theo children and grandchildren).

6. Institute for other than heterosexual monogamy relationships (those who believe in the primitive tenets of genocidal Bronze Age barbarians are guess what?).

7. Get good ideas into education ( and get the Bronze Age barbarian intellectual child abusers out).

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “India in focus”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/india-in-focus/4889644 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 5:19:36pm

"Pick any seven days in India" and you will discover that 2.3 million/52 = 44,230 under-5 year old infants will have died, 90% avoidably, and that 3.7 million/52 = 71,154 people would have died avoidably from deprivation due to Indian political corruption (rule by the corrupt rich for the corrupt rich, India's sad and deadly inheritance from the genocidally racist British under whom 1,800 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation in 2 centuries of the British Raj)(2003 data; see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" and Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now both available for free perusal on the web).

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Victoria and election 2013”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/victoria-and-election-2013/4889604 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 5:45:34pm

The Victorian Coalition Government has an appalling anti-science, anti-environment record, doing just about everything wrong (cattle into the National Parks, highway expansion, gas and coal use expansion, hampering wind energy). The Federal Coalition is just as bad, refuses to fund pro-environment rail, will pour billions into another toll highway for Melbourne's rich, and will spend billions encouraging population growth.

The Australian Climate Commission estimates that the world has only 16 years left before it exceeds the terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) budget of 600 Gt CO2 that must not be exceeded if we are to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catastrophic 2C temperature rise (my estimation based on tougher assumptions is that we have only 5 years left; Google "Doha climate change inaction. Only 5 years left to act").

Sensible, informed Victorians who love their children and grandchildren will vote 1 Green and put the anti-science, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, terracidal, climate criminal Lib-Labs last.

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Clare Lockhart on primary education”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/clare-lockhart-primary-education/4828448 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 6:11:53pm

Clare Lockhart's call for a "balanced approach" to funding primary, secondary and tertiary education in Developing Countries is sensible but it must be stressed that (1) high female literacy is required for low infant mortality, low birth rate, good preventive medicine, good primary health care and low avoidable mortality (see "Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web)) and (2) rich Developed Nations are stealing Developing Country investments in higher education.

Sadly, even in a rich country like Australia, Educational Apartheid ensures that 47% of the population is functionally illiterate (e.g. cannot understand instructions on a prescription medicine bottle) and 53% are functionally innumerate (Google "37 ways of tackling Educational Apartheid and social inequity" and "Choice overload, Australians coping with financial decisions").

On 17 August 2013, Saturday Extra re “Paola Totaro”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/paola-totaro/4889008 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

19 Aug 2013 6:31:01pm

Good news that Paola Totaro is to take out Australian citizenship. As evidenced by the current woeful, largely ideas-free Federal election campaign, Australia is a look-the-other-way country, a Land of Flies and Slies (spin-based untruths) and we desperately need Mainstream media journalists with the benefit of immersion and experience in serious, mature civilizations with a culture of informed, sophisticated public discussion (e.g. in Western Europe).

Thus for example, PM Kevin "I love coal" Rudd boasts that he will REDUCE the Carbon Tax by 75% and simultaneously "tackle climate change" and "save the Great Barrier Reef" - yet nobody, except for the sidelined Greens, questions this drivel, and points out the obvious that the higher the Carbon Price, the greater the incentive not to burn fossil fuels (Google "ABC fact-checking unit & incorrect ABC reportage" and see section (A) and "Less means more").

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “Kim Williams leaves News Corp”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/kim-williams-leaves-news-corp/4876832 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 9:53:53am

Australia is a neoliberal Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and political power. The bias, censorship and malrepoortage of the US-owned, pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, climate change denialist Murdoch media is so appalling that people are well advised to boycott such perversions of journalism (Google "Boycott Murdoch Media"). The appallingly censoring, malreporting, taxpayer-funded, universities-backed web magazine The Conversation has correctly corrected PM Kevin "I love coal" Rudd for incorrectly saying that Murdoch "owns 70% of the newspapers in this country" stating that "News Corp Australia titles account for 59% of all sales of all daily newspapers" (Google "FactCheck: does Murdoch own 70% of newspapers in Australia?"). 70% or 59%, the Dirty Digger, a US citizen, is the king-maker in Australia. Australians evidence the aphorism that we are what we eat - we are a nation of sheep.

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “If I were Prime Minster: Nick Earls”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/nick-earls---if-i-were-prime-minister/4874454 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 1:48:47pm

Well said, Nick Earls, especially on public transport. The bottom line is that government should take evidence-based, science-based advice from scientists and other science-informed experts for the public good instead of adopting Corporate spin for the benefit of a greedy, traitorous and mendacious few.

Look-the-other-way Australia, the Land of flies and slies (spin-based untruths) is a Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys people, politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes and political power. The Whigs, Tories and rotten boroughs of 18th century England were not a patch on Lib-Lab Lobbyocracy Australia.

If I were PM I would expose and punish the censorship, lying by commission and lying by omission of Mainstream media, politicians and academia - the stocks and rotten tomatoes would be tempting punishments but I'd settle simply for the ignominy of public exposure. I have made a start: Google "ABC Fact-checking unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC".

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “Australia’s leadership paradox”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-australian-leadership-paradox/4871108 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 2:18:14pm

Fundamentally Australian governments should rule for the benefit of the Australian people rather than for the benefit of foreign powers (e.g. the serial war criminal, nuclear terrorist states of the US, UK and Apartheid Israel) and their traitorous Australian supporters. Gough Whitlam attempted to do just that but was removed in 1975 in a US-backed Coup (read William Blum's best-selling book "Rogue State"). Since 1975 Labor has cravenly accepted that the only way to gain power is to go "all the way with the USA".

When Mark Latham deviated from script and wanted to bring Australian troops home from the Iraqi Genocide by Christmas he was publicly vetoed in the 2004 election by US Ambassador Schieffer ("Schiefferbrains" in "The Mark Latham Diaries").

Kevin Rudd raised US ire when he suggested wiping out the US-protected Afghan opium industry (1.1 million people including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 Brits, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians have died from US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry; Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). Our Kev raised the ire of the Zionists when he oh so politely protested the large-scale forging of Australian passports and the violent kidnapping of Australians by Israeli state terrorists - he was removed in a US-approved, mining company-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup (see outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein's "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?" and Google "Pro-Zionist-led coup").

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “Arthur Phillip”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/arthur-phillip/4876764 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 2:49:13pm

No matter how noble his personal sentiments and sensibilities, Arthur Phillip led the genocidal invasion of Australia that resulted in 2 million untimely Indigenous Australian deaths from disease, deprivation and violence since 1788, an Aboriginal Genocide and the first and most prolonged of 24 genocidal atrocities with which Australia has been associated. 9.000 Indigenous Australians still die avoidably every year (Google "Australia's secret genocide history" for what is by and large not taught in Australian schools an universities).

Phillip would have been familiar with the horrendous devastation of Indigenous populations by introduced disease in North America, Central America, the Caribbean and South America. People were aware of infectivity in the pre-Christian era and thence Bible readers like Phillip. In the Middle Ages the bodies of plague victims were catapulted into besieged cities. In 1875 paramount chief Ratu Cakobau returned to Fiji from visiting Phillips' successor in Sydney - the measles inadvertently borne by his party killed 40,000 Fijians out of a population of 150,000, this enabling expansion of British and Australian sugar cane plantations with indentured Indian labour (5 year slaves; a dear elderly friend remembers seeing the whip marks from Australian overseers on her mother's back).

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “Queensland and the election”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/queensland-and-the-election/4874416 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 3:31:05pm

I saw PM Kevin Rudd announce the "termination" of the Carbon Tax and the 75% reduction of the Carbon Price in 2014 from $25 per tonne CO2-e to the EU's $6 per tonne CO2-e. No matter that the higher the Carbon Price the less the pollution, that Dr Chris Hope (University of Cambridge , UK) demands a $150 per tonne CO2-e and that the calculated Carbon Cost in Australia from carbon subsidies and 10,000 per annum carbon burning-related deaths is also $150 per tonne CO2-e (Google "Gigantic cost of requisite climate change action threatens massive intergenerational inequity").

However Kevin "I love coal" Rudd knows his fellow Queenslanders and his termination of the Carbon Tax was a great political success. He then boldly declared how Labor would save the Great Barrier Reef so that Queensland kids wouldn't just "read about it in books" and then quite unfazed even more boldy declared "I'm a Queenslander ... and I love coal".

I was up in Queensland recently at my own expense, engaged professionally by 70 Queenslanders to help stop imposition of a hugely polluting fossil fuel-powered power station on their rural community. I nearly always wear a badge stating "300 ppm CO2" and frequently have to explain to strangers (in lifts, banks,in the street etc) what it means (top scientists say that for a safe planet for all peoples and all species we must urgently return the atmospheric CO2 from the current 400 ppm CO2 to the pre-industrial 300 ppm CO2). Apart from my friends, I was not queried about "300 ppm CO2" for a whole week in Brisbane until I met the (Melbourne?) hostess at the top of the stairs of the Jetstar flight back to Melbourne). If you really care for your kids and grandchildren vote 1 Green.

10 August 2013, Saturday Extra , “Tasmania into the future”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/tas-panel/4842902 . My comments posted under “GideonPolya” were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 4:12:30pm

I was raised in Tasmania (my forebears worked for the 19th century Van Dieman's Land artist Louisa Meredith and I ended up working for her descendants), left to do a PhD on the Mainland and thus joined the Tasmanian Diaspora.

Not mentioned in the otherwise excellent discussion was the political and consequent patronage reality that Tasmania gets the same number of senators (12) as NSW which has 10 times the population.

I was alarmed to hear that substantial proportion of Tasmanian children finish schooling after year 10. That must be urgently addressed. Tasmania has excellent prospects (albeit based on a huge, entrenched gerrymander) of leading Australia in primary education, secondary education, TAFE and university education, research, niche agriculture, fish farming, retirement, retirement services (a huge growth industry), tourism and eco-tourism, sport-related services, , wind power, wave power, and health services. Instead we have patronage, deforestation and ... iron ore mining in the precious Tarkine forest (!!!) when a huge part of the Western Australian desert is iron ore-rich. Pick up the phone Premier Lara Giddings - good, free advice from the Diaspora is only a few clicks away.

11 August 2013, Background Briefing , “The family trap: how the Royal Commission is missing many abuse cases”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/backgroundbriefing/2013-08-11/4870366 . My comments posted under :Dr Gideon Polya” were PUBLISHED:

Dr Gideon Polya :

11 Aug 2013 9:32:34am

I have repeatedly raised this matter after reading the "Little Children are Sacred" Report that quoted scholarly research indicating that 34% of Australian women and 16% of Australian men have been sexually abused as children, this amounting to 4.4 million Australians. By way of comparison, the Catholic Church estimates 3,000 cases of child abuse by Catholic clergy and activists estimate 40,000 (Google "Australia 2020 summit ideas of Dr Gideon Polya" and "Horrendous Australian child sexual abuse"). The Lib-Labs (Liberal-Laborals) and Mainstream media have betrayed Australia's children.

On 3 August 2013 Saturday Extra re “Tasmania into the future”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/tas-panel/4842902 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

11 Aug 2013 4:12:30pm

I was raised in Tasmania (my forebears worked for the 19th century Van Dieman's Land artist Louisa Meredith and I ended up working for her descendants), left to do a PhD on the Mainland and thus joined the Tasmanian Diaspora.

Not mentioned in the otherwise excellent discussion was the political and consequent patronage reality that Tasmania gets the same number of senators (12) as NSW which has 10 times the population.

I was alarmed to hear that substantial proportion of Tasmanian children finish schooling after year 10. That must be urgently addressed. Tasmania has excellent prospects (albeit based on a huge, entrenched gerrymander) of leading Australia in primary education, secondary education, TAFE and university education, research, niche agriculture, fish farming, retirement, retirement services (a huge growth industry), tourism and eco-tourism, sport-related services, , wind power, wave power, and health services. Instead we have patronage, deforestation and ... iron ore mining in the precious Tarkine forest (!!!) when a huge part of the Western Australian desert is iron ore-rich. Pick up the phone Premier Lara Giddings - good, free advice from the Diaspora is only a few clicks away.

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “The struggle for political decency”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-struggle-for-political-decency/4844098 . My detailed comments made under “Gideon Polya” were CENSORED by related comments typed out again from memory under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

27 Jul 2013 1:19:10pm

The word "polis" means city in Greek and "civis" means a citizen in Latin, and accordingly this etymology of the quasi-synonymous words "polite" and "civil" suggests that public discussion was expected to be calm and reasoned, a reasonable strategy if one considers that for several millennia the Western "gentlemen" with a monopoly on public discussion typically went around armed with daggers or swords.

I agree with the need for polite free expression as argued by David and his wonderfully civilized Existentialists (who have kindly invited me to publicly expound my science-informed views on our horribly perverted world) but an excess of politeness leads to self-censorship, linguistic softening and semantic perversion amounting to untruth (lying). We must call a spade a spade (or at least a bloody shovel in Oz).

Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity. A child of the Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation), I endlessly meet my obligation to speak out around the world about gross human rights abuse (e.g. the 12 million Muslims killed since 1990 from violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Muslims; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide" ) but am egregiously censored by the taxpayer-funded ABC and by the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed web magazine The Conversation (Google "ABC Fact-checking Unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)", "ABC censorship & malreportage", "Censorship by ABC Late Night Live" and "Censorship by The Conversation") (indeed my attempt to post these views here under my name "Gideon Polya" was rejected).

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “MOOCS in Australia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/moocs-in-australia/4846304 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

27 Jul 2013 2:03:22pm

I loved the story by Professor Peter Hoj (a highly esteemed former colleague of mine) about a top MOOCS course rapidly losing over 90% of participants but uncovering an outstanding young student in Mongolia.

I have been teaching in the tertiary sector for over 40 years and have always argued for maximum and free access to all education - education should be free. My experience in the last 20 years in particular is that most on-campus students fail to turn up to lectures after the first week of semester and rely on downloadable lecture notes and other teaching materials. There is no reason why such teaching materials and very cheap accrediting examination should not be made available at minimal cost (e.g. circa $100 per semester course) to any potential student in Australia or indeed anywhere (Google "Accredited Remote Learning", "ARL for ALL and ALL for ARL").

Universities exist to research, teach and inform the public but philistine government and societal parsimony and censorship has perverted this ideal (Google "Crisis in our universities", "Whackademia", "Australian universities a portrait of decline" and "Current academic censorship and self-censorship"). Indeed about 50% of undergraduate tuition is now provided by cheap casual academics to students who are paying 10 times too much for their undergraduate tuition. I recommend that all teaching materials for all lecture courses at all Australian universities be put on the web for free access for all and that expert, ethical accrediting examinations be provided at minimal, actual cost (e.g. circa $100 for each semester course) for all such Australian courses and indeed, even better, for all courses put on the web by top institutions like 144-Nobel-Laureate Harvard and 80-Nobel-Laureate MIT.

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Vietnamese refugees”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/vietnamese-refugees/4846786 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

27 Jul 2013 3:51:51pm

I was pleased to hear Father Kelly's rejection of unelected Senator Bob Carr's incorrect, unsubstantiated assertions about so-called "economic refugees". Before the unprincipled, neoliberal, human rights-abusing Australian Labor Government put a stop to assessment of asylum seeker claims in an effort to bully and threaten other refugees with egregious maltreatment, the experts doing refugee assessments found that 90% were definitely genuine refugees.

Back in the 1930s and 1940s, the world responded badly to Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi and Fascist Europe. While Australia took in 9,000 Jewish refugees between 1933 and 1945, in the same period Jewish refugees were totally forbidden to enter New Zealand, British India, British East Africa, various Latin American countries and South Africa (1936-1945) (see Professor Martin Gilbert, "The search for safety 1933-1935", Jewish History Atlas, p90). One notes that the Rudd Labor Government will now automatically send all refugees coming here by boat to a remote camp in a disease-ridden, impoverished Third World country, PNG. I must note that a similar detailed, documented comment in response to an article by a Monash University professor entitled "Asylum seekers: effective policy is based on evidence, not emotion" was COMPLETELY CENSORED OUT by the taxpayer-funded, universities-backed, academic-based web magazine The Conversation which has an appalling record of sidelining, censoring and blocking humane, informed opinion, censorship that is anathema to academic scholars (Google "Censorship by The Conversation").

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Cambodian elections”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/cambodian-election/4845538 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

27 Jul 2013 4:21:29pm

The "tight control of news and information from government-dominated media" in Cambodia must be deplored. However one can objectively make a similar complaint about "tight control of news and information" from foreign-, corporate- and government-dominated media in Australia. Those without sin cast the first stone...

Thus 70% of newspaper readership in Australia gets its view of "reality" from the presstitute minions of US media mogul Rupert Murdoch, aka the Dirty Digger. While unfortunately unelected, the government of Fiji took a huge step towards democracy by demanding that Fiji media must be owned by Fiji nationals (Murdoch's "Fiji Times" had to be sold to Fiji citizen Mr Patel). However in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia most newspaper readers are told by anti-science Murdoch media of an impending new Ice Age (Google "Boycott Murdoch Media") whereas the expert Australian Climate Commission warns that we are running out of time to tackle man-made climate change (Google "Are we doomed/").

The "balanced" ABC situates itself somewhere between Murdoch and Fairfax but is now spending about $1 million pa on an "ABC Fact-checking Unit". In the public interest and for nothing (except my valuable time), I have set up an Alternative to the nascent ABC Fact-checking Unit that currently alphabetically lists numerous examples of (A) incorrect reportage and (B) egregious lying by omission by the ABC (i.e. what the ABC and its masters don't want Australians to hear, see, know about or think about) (for the Awful Truth Google "ABC Fact-checking Unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)" and "ABC Censorship & Malreportage").

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “ASIC Senate Inquiry”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/asic-senate-inquiry/4843972 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

GideonPolya :

27 Jul 2013 4:59:43pm

Excellent segment exposing the disgraceful regulator tardiness in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia in which Big Money buys parties, policies, politicians, public perception of reality, votes and political power.

One notes that Australia's best-known white collar criminal escaped justice except for a $36 million fine that was peanuts for this multi-billionaire who, before his death-bed relief through withdrawal of criminal charges, used his proceeds from crime to fund the Labor Party and the Palestinian Genocide (2 million Palestinian deaths from violence, 0.1 million, or violently-imposed deprivation, 1.9 million, since 1936, 7 million refugees, horrendous human rights abuses; Google "Palestinian Genocide").

The Australian regulators are sitting on the top of a mountain of insider trading, international bribery, tax avoidance, fringe benefits, anti-science lying, environmental vandalism, and corporate corruption that we get to hear about from shameless public corporate hubris, insider anecdote and occasionally from excellent reportage as in this case.

For those who believe in democracy, the biggest business scandal is that it cost the mostly foreign-owned mining companies a mere $22 million to get rid of very popularly elected PM Kevin Rudd, removed by a US-approved, mining company-backed, pro-Zionist-led Coup on 24 June 2010 (see outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian writer Antony Loewenstein's "Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?". One presumes that the $22 million spent getting rid of a very popularly elected PM was a tax-deductible expense.

On 27 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “MOOCS in Australia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/moocs-in-australia/4846304 . My comments made under “GideonPolya” (no spaces) were PUBLISHED:

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “The PNG solution”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/png-solution/4832642 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

21 Jul 2013 11:34:26am

Australian Laboral Party PM Kevin Rudd has stolen the Coalition's extreme right wing thunder with an election-winning PNG-based "stop the boats" policy that will for ever endear him to the politically-correct racist (PC racist) Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) White Australian majority. In vain the Indonesians on Q&A recently tried to balance the discussion with reference to Source, Transit and Destination countries but racist White Australia is not listening. The endlessly decent Greens are right: this was a shameful abrogation of human rights and Australia's responsibilities - although there are the practical positives of the billions being spent each year on incarcerating asylum seekers in Australian concentration camps will now hopefully be spent in PNG and specifically on hospitals, clinics, schools, housing and training.

Labor hypocrites justified the PNG Solution in terms of "avoiding deaths at sea" (circa 1,000 so far) while ignoring the reality that annual avoidable deaths in Australia is essentially zero per cent (0%) whereas in PNG it is 0.54% (2003 data) i.e. of every 100,000 refugees shipped to PNG, each year about 540 will die avoidably from deprivation (see Chapter 8, Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). Indeed the "under-5 infant mortality" in deaths per 1,000 births is 5 for Australia but 58 (for PNG), 101 (for US- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan; a huge US Alliance and Australian war crime) and 25 for Iran (where 100,000 people die avoidably each year under US- and Australia-imposed sanctions). Australia has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation and about 20 million Muslim refugees alone). A proud Queenslander of course has presided over the political rebirth of White Australia (noting that it is very difficult for New Guineans or indeed any people other than Whites or "Honorary Whites" to get tourist visas to visit White Australia). Decent Australians will vote 1 Green.

On 25 July 2013 I attempted to post the additional following comment using my name “Dr Gideon Polya” and thence as “Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” but it was CENSORED out by the ABC (the comments under these 3 names failed to appear after 16 minutes, about 3 hours and 2 hours, respectively):

“In relation to the Rudd Labor PNG Solution, Professor Michelle Foster (Director of the International Refugee Law Research Program, Law School, University of Melbourne) has stated: "I think this policy is a clear violation of international law"”.

However at 2.49 pm on 25 July 2013 I posted the same comment under the name “GideonPolya” and this time it was PUBLISHED before within about 2 minutes. Evidently the ABC censors out my comments made under “Dr Gideon Polya”, “Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” but will publish my comments under “GideonPolya” and “GMPolya (subject” to later censorship):

GideonPolya :

25 Jul 2013 2:51:56pm

In relation to the Rudd Labor PNG Solution, Professor Michelle Foster (Director of the International Refugee Law Research Program, Law School, University of Melbourne) has stated: "I think this policy is a clear violation of international law".

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Happy birthday Mandela”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/remembering-mandela/4830900 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

20 Jul 2013 5:03:31pm

Nelson Mandela is a world hero for his extraordinary fight against Apartheid. Until its demise, Apartheid in South Africa was backed by the US, the UK Establishment and by Apartheid Israel (which helped the Apartheiders develop the "White" atomic bomb). Today there is just one Apartheid state left and that is the US-, UK-, EU and Australia-backed democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. Notable anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish heroes in the fight against Apartheid in South Africa are unequivocal in their condemnation of Israeli Apartheid - e.g. Nelson Mandela, Winnie Mandela, Desmond Tutu, William Madisha, Sidumo Dladimi, John Dugard and Ronnie Kasrils (Google "Hypocrisy of pro-Apartheid Israel Obama visiting post-Apartheid South Africa", "Jews Against Racist Zionism" and "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism").

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Competing alliances in the Middle East”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/competing-alliances-in-the-middle-east/4830560 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

21 Jul 2013 10:48:51am

Missing from this highly flawed discussion was, of course, the obvious proposition that the distant US that continues to bring devastation and mass murder to the region from Mali to Pakistan should have nothing more to do with it. Shades of "overweight, oversexed and over here". Thus the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Muslims has been associated, so far, since 1990 with 12 million Muslim deaths from violence or from violently-imposed deprivation, the breakdown being 4.6 million (post-1990 Iraqi Genocide), 5.5 million (post-2001 Afghan Genocide), 2.2 million (post-1992 Somali Genocide), 0.1 million (post-2011 Libyan Genocide), 0.1 million (post-2012 Syrian Genocide), 0.1 million (Palestinian Genocide since 1990; 2 million Palestinian deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation since 1936)(Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide"; for what the ABC won't report Google "ABC censorship & malreportage"). Indeed the most promising development was Egyptian democracy after decades of US-backed military dictatorship but this has been overthrown by a Coup by US-backed military with the help of US-funded anti-democracy activists and with the usual mass arrests, mass seizure of assets, torture and mass killings associated with US-backed coups (Google Al Jazeera's "Exclusive: US bankrolled anti-Morsi activists" and also Google "Anti-democracy Obama, anti-democracy neoliberals and US-backed Egyptian military coup against democratically-elected Morsi Government"). And, of course, virtually nothing in the interview about the continuing Palestinian Genocide by US- and White Australia-backed democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel or about US state terrorism, or US-backed Israeli state terrorism, Qatari state terrorism, Saudi state terrorism or indeed Australian state terrorism (see The Age today "Pine gap drives US drone kills").


On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “The PNG solution”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/png-solution/4832642 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

21 Jul 2013 11:34:26am

Australian Laboral Party PM Kevin Rudd has stolen the Coalition's extreme right wing thunder with an election-winning PNG-based "stop the boats" policy that will for ever endear him to the politically-correct racist (PC racist) Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral) White Australian majority. In vain the Indonesians on Q&A recently tried to balance the discussion with reference to Source, Transit and Destination countries but racist White Australia is not listening. The endlessly decent Greens are right: this was a shameful abrogation of human rights and Australia's responsibilities - although there are the practical positives of the billions being spent each year on incarcerating asylum seekers in Australian concentration camps will now hopefully be spent in PNG and specifically on hospitals, clinics, schools, housing and training.

Labor hypocrites justified the PNG Solution in terms of "avoiding deaths at sea" (circa 1,000 so far) while ignoring the reality that annual avoidable deaths in Australia is essentially zero per cent (0%) whereas in PNG it is 0.54% (2003 data) i.e. of every 100,000 refugees shipped to PNG, each year about 540 will die avoidably from deprivation (see Chapter 8, Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). Indeed the "under-5 infant mortality" in deaths per 1,000 births is 5 for Australia but 58 (for PNG), 101 (for US- and Australia-occupied Afghanistan; a huge US Alliance and Australian war crime) and 25 for Iran (where 100,000 people die avoidably each year under US- and Australia-imposed sanctions). Australia has participated in all post-1950 US Asian wars (38 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation and about 20 million Muslim refugees alone). A proud Queenslander of course has presided over the political rebirth of White Australia (noting that it is very difficult for New Guineans or indeed any people other than Whites or "Honorary Whites" to get tourist visas to visit White Australia). Decent Australians will vote 1 Green.

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Malaysian refugee policy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/malaysian-refugee-policy/4830502 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

22 Jul 2013 10:20:31am

Malaysia is not a signatory to the UN Refugee Convention and although it generously provides haven for circa 0.1 million refugees, it keeps them confined, does not permit employment , does not provide health or education and applies caning to keep them in line. It is a shocking testimony to the bottom of the barrel immoral dimension of pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, human rights abusing, neoliberal Labor that it was so committed to the Malaysia Solution that shocked even the salivatingly neoliberal Libs.

Good to see the Malaysians lifting their act to permit training and jobs for refugees. No such good fortune for the refugees to be dumped in PNG by Rudd Labor in a PNG Solution that the Coalition's Malcolm Turnbull described as "cruel", albeit while supporting it. Compare the following mortality-related parameters for Australia, Malaysia & PNG: avoidable deaths per year per 100 of population: 0, 0 & 0.54, respectively (2003); gross national income per capita: $38,110, $15,650 & $2,570; total expenditure on health per capita: $3,692, $559 & $115; under-5 year old deaths per 1,000 births: 5, 7 & 58; over 15 literacy: 98%, 84% & 67% (2000) (see WHO and Gideon Polya, "Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “A history of the lamington”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-history-of-the-lamington/4830538 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

22 Jul 2013 9:28:15am

Like so much of Australian and British history the humble lamington doesn't withstand the most cursory scrutiny. Anecdotally invented by the chef of Lord Lamington (British imperialist in relation to South East Asia, China and India and Governor of the genocide-based and genocidist-named state of Queensland), the lamington resembles the Old British Empire by being dark brown with white flecks on the outside but white (or yellow white) on the inside. Conversely, the anti-war, pro-environment, pro-human rights Greens are decried as "watermelons" (green on the outside, red on the inside) by the pro-war, anti-environment, human rights-abusing Lib-Labs. Lamington was part of a British scheme to counter the French by annexing Yunnan (China) and became Governor of Bombay in 1903 after the disastrous Indian famines of 1890-1902. The Indian population was reported as about 292 million in 1860 and the same in 1934 i.e. the annual death was the same as the annual birth rate, which taken as 43.8 per thousand of population in 1950 (UN) means an horrendous avoidable death rate of about 40 per thousand per year or 11.7 million per year this yielding 876 million avoidable deaths from deprivation in India, Britain's Auschwitz, between 1860 and 1934. It is estimated that 500 million Indians died avoidably from deprivation under Queen Victoria who gave her name to Queensland and Victoria, and whose White subjects dominated the opium trade and practised genocide on 5 continents plus Australia (see Gideon Polya, "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", now available for free perusal on the web).

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “NYC political comebacks”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/nyc-political-comebacks/4830330 . My comments were published:

GMPolya :

22 Jul 2013 10:57:20am

These 2 ultra-rightwing supporters of demcoracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel evidently have vigorous sexual appetites as reflected in intercourse of one with high-class prostitutes and of transmitting genitalia images by the other.

Now they are both men, the biological function of males is to (1) engender children and (2) support mother and child (typically monogamously), and hence having vigorous sexual appetites is good from a biological perspective and should not preclude them from office.

What should most definitely preclude these far-right Zionists from office in one-man-one-vote elections is their vile and fanatical rejection of one-man-one-vote and human rights for the 12 million Indigenous inhabitants of Palestine, the Palestinians, 50% of whom are forbidden to even step foot in their own country and only 6.7% of whom (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis) are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine (the land of which having now been 90% ethnically cleansed by the US-., UN- and Australia-backed racist Zionist invaders). Indeed most Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition and Labor) Australian politicians are totally unfit for democratically-elected public office for the same reason of fanatical support for democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel. Zionism is genocidal racism and the racist Zionists and their supporters (e.g. most of the Oz Lib-Labs) should be sidelined from public life as have been like racists such as the Nazis, neo-Nazis, Apartheiders and KKK (for eminent anti-racist Jewish opinion about the ongoing Palestinian Genocide Google "Jews Against Racist Zionism").

On 20 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Photographing and saving the icy realm”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/adventures-in-the-icy-realm/4829140: My comments:

GMPolya :

22 Jul 2013 12:16:59pm

For numerous remarkable Arctic photographs simply Google "Paul Nicklen" and click "Images".

According to Professor Peter Wadhams (Professor of Oceans Physics, Cambridge University, UK) in relation to Arctic summer sea ice (2012): "It is truly the case that it will be all gone by 2015. The consequences are enormous and represent a huge boost to global warming" (Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to Wadhams).

Climate criminal Australia is a disproportionate contributor to this disaster as a world leader in annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution with 25 tonnes CO2-e per person per year (Domestic GHG pollution) and 74 tonnes CO2-e per person per year (Domestic plus Exported GHG pollution) (see section G, "2011 climate change course").

Both the Australian Climate Commission and the WBGU that advises the German Government estimate that the world can emit no more than 600 billion tonnes of CO2 between 2010 and zero emissions in 2050 if it is to have a 75% chance of avoiding a catstrophic 2C temperature rise. Indeed the Australian Climate Commission recently estimated that at current rates of GHG pollution we have only 16 years left (using bleaker primary estimates I estimate only 5 years left to act; Google "Doha climate change inaction. Only 5 years left to act"). Indeed the climate criminal Lib-Labs have the same policy of a derisory "5% off 2000 GHG pollution by 2020" coupled with unlimited coal, gas and iron ore exports that will see Australia exceed the whole world's terminal GHG pollution budget by a factor of three (3) (Google "ABC censorship % malreportage" and scroll down to Climate Commission). Sensible, informed people who care for their children will vote 1 Green.

On 13 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Leadership in crises”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/leadership3a-how-australians-lead-in-crises/4814730 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 Jul 2013 9:57:13am

Not explored in this segment was the scientific aspect of dealing with crises, and specifically the crucial importance of rational risk management that successively involves (a) accurate information, (b) scientific analysis (the critical testing of potentially falsifiable hypotheses) and (c) systemic change to minimize risk. Unfortunately this science-based protocol is all too often perverted to (a) lying and censorship, (b) anti-science spin (the selective use of asserted facts to support a partisan position), and (c) blame and shame (with war the worst outcome). Whitlam exemplified the science-based approach and Howard the spin-based yet a majority of Australians kicked out Whitlam as leader after 3 years yet supported Howard for 11. However Whitlam's major reforms endure whereas Howard's legacy has been entrenched Australian denial and Australian complicity in 2.5 million Iraqi deaths. For good leadership and good management read "The One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard. Truth is crucial - for carefully documented exposure of ABC censorship, lying by commission and lying by omission see the newly-created Alternative website entitled "ABC Fact-checking Unit - incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)" (also Google "Western Mainstream media lying, ABC Fact-checking Unit and incorrect reportage by the ABC (Australia's BBC)).

On 13 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Books on China”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/books-on-china/4812072 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 Jul 2013 10:19:48am

In relation to the book and discussion about the Chinese Famine of 1958-1962 (30-36 million deaths from deprivation) it should be noted that China was subject to Soviet hostility as well as comprehensive sanctions and threat from the US and its allies. Not mentioned in the catalogue of tragedies were the 35 million Chinese who died under Japanese occupation (1937-1945) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web). The 1998 Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Amartya Sen (Harvard, formerly Cambridge) has commented that lack of free media permitted the China Famine whereas free media meant that post-Independence India avoided a calamity of that dimension. In contrast, Sen observes that political corruption in "democratic" India determines that millions die avoidably each year in India where 80% live in extreme poverty whereas endemic poverty has been eliminated from China. Annual avoidable deaths from deprivation are zero (0) in China but total 3.7 million in India (see Chapter 8, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950").

On 13 July 2013 Saturday Extra re “Travellers tale: Tunisia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/three-months-in-tunisia/4811268 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 Jul 2013 10:47:58am

The so-called Arab Spring has been largely terminated by pro-war, pro-Zionist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, anti-democracy Obama under whom a large number of Arab or Muslim countries have been invaded and/or occupied by US Alliance forces (West to East, Mali, Libya, Somalia, Palestine, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain, Afghanistan, Pakistan). The US-funded, US-backed Egyotian military have thrown out and imprisoned Egypt's first democratically-elected president, President Morsi and Egypt's first democratically elected government and coupled this with mass arrests of Muslim Brotherhood officials and mass murder of Muslim Brotherhood protesters in what Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-beholden Obama refuses to call a military Coup.

Now the Independent On-line reports that secular Tunisians are hoping for a similar military ousting of the democratically-elected Muslim Brotherhood-like Tunisian Ennahda Party Government (Google "Tunisia may copy Egypt Islamist ouster"; "Anti-democracy Obama, anti-democracy neoliberals and US-backed Egyptian military coup against democratically-elected Morsi Government"; "The US has invaded 70 nations since 1776 - make 4 July Independence from America Day").

On 13 July 2913 Saturday Extra re “Politically motivated sexual violence in Egypt”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/sexual-violence-in-egypt/4814340 My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

13 Jul 2013 3:31:53pm

Sexual abuse and violence is of course utterly intolerable. However this interview involved outrageous, unsubstantiated defamation of the democratically-elected Muslim Brotherhood Government of democratically-elected President Mursi. No mention that this first ever democratically-elected Egyptian Government and first ever democratically-elected Egyptian resident were violently overthrown by US-backed Egyptian military who have proceeded to arrest the president, arrest hundreds of Muslim Brotherhood MPs and officials and gun down 50 unarmed Muslim Brotherhood protesters. This outrageous reportage will be analyzed and publicly reported by the Alternative "ABC Fact-checking unit" set up at no cost as a cogent and expert alternative to the $10 million Gillard Labor-funded "ABC Fact-chacking Unit" (Google "ABC Fact-checking Unit & incorrect reportage by the ABC".

On 13 July 2913 Saturday Extra re “Unions and the ALP”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/unions/4814764 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

13 Jul 2013 3:57:20pm

I have been a union member for over 40 years and was a local branch executive member and office bearer. Unions have played a vital role per se and through support for the Australian Labor Party (ALP) to get decent working and social conditions for ordinary Australians. Unfortunately the ALP has shifted to the Right and we now have an ALP that under a succession of pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, anti-equity, pro-coal pro-gas, anti-environment, anti-science Labor Governments has transmuted into an Alternative Liberal Party, Another Liberal Party, an American Lackey Party, an Apartheid Labor Party, an Apartheid Israel-supporting Labor Party and an Anti-environment Labor Party that doesn't understand that there will be no jobs on a dead planet. Sidelining the unions from Labor simply confirms this trend. Decent Labor voters and unionists will vote 1 Green because the pro-peace, pro-justice, pro-equity, international, social, industrial, economic, education and environmental policies of the Greens are vastly better than those of neoliberal Labor. Democratizing Labor is fine but the downside is that this is happening in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia in which Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes and political power.

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Egypt and military might”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/egypt-and-military-might/4801706 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 2:44:11pm

No amount of hypocritical American One Percenter spin (echoed by its puppets throughout the world including the Lackey Country Australia) can hide the realities that (1) this was a military coup by massively US-backed military that removed Egypt's first democratically elected President and its first democratically-elected government , (2) the major beneficiaries will be the deeply racist US and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel, and (3) this is the second successful coup under Obama by US-backed military against a democratically-elected government, the other being that in Honduras. The US has invaded 70 countries since 4 July 1776 (50 since 1945) and endlessly subverts democracy around the world, including Australia (remember Gough Whitlam's removal in the US-backed 1975 Coup; the US veto of Mark Latham in the 2004 election; and the US-approved , foreign corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led Coup that removed PM Kevin Rudd on 24 June 2010). For the Awful Truth hidden by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted Mainstream media, Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776" and "Independence from America Day".

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Casino wars”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/casino-wars/4801352 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 3:25:08pm

The Gambling Industry must be condemned for the following reasons: (1) it obscenely exploits a human behavioural trait that has been selected evolutionarily (via genes and memes) because it enhanced the survival of our forebears, specifically the need to take risks (thus our cave-dwelling forebears would have perished if they had not ventured outside the warmth and protection of the cave to find food); (2) it destroys the lives of both rich and poor gambling addicts and carries a huge social cost that is ultimately paid for by society as a whole ; (3) it enables the laundering of huge amounts of illicit income which can then be used to bribe public officials and MPs; (4) as a multi-billion dollar industry it has immense political power in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia in which Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes and political power (e.g. after the Mining Companies successfully spent a mere $23 million to sack PM Kevin Rudd in the lead-up to the 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup, the Gambling Industry successfully spent a mere $20 million to emasculate humane anti-pokies legislation developed by decent Australians like Andrew Wilkie and Senator Xenophon ; (5) it is simply tacky and this latest huge obscenity simply tells the world that Australia is dominated by tacky values and tacky culture.

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Modern Indonesia, 1965-1998””: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/modern-indoneisa3a1965-1998/4755410 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 3:46:53pm

It was not just "Communists" who made up the circa 1 million people butchered the US-backed military Coup in 1965 - the victims included a large number of ethnic Chinese Indonesians and all kinds of progressive, educated people from school teachers to lawyers, doctors and engineers. Further, the victims included an estimated 33 million Indonesians who died avoidably from imposed deprivation under the corrupt, US-backed, mass murdering Suharto regime (1965-1999). And of course there were the 200,000 East Timorese butchered by US-backed Suharto while the world looked on (see Chapter 6 of my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" that is now available for free perusal on the web and contains an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since neolithic times).

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Australian Indonesian foreign policy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/australian-indonesian-foreign-policy/4801396 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 4:35:25pm

Politically correct rhetoric aside, the Coalition (the Libs) and Labor (the Labs) are pro-war, anti-Asian, pro-Zionist, anti-Arab anti-Semitic, Islamophobic US lackeys and in these positions are radically different from the pro-peace, anti-racist, national independence positions of Indonesia, the world's biggest Muslim nation.

However while Indonesia and Australia have common ground in being, rhetoric aside, pro-fossil fuels, pro-deforestation and anti-environment, wretched poverty provides Indonesia with formal excuses that rich, climate criminal Australia does not have. Indeed Australia's Domestic annual per capita greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution is 25 tonnes per person per year as compared to about 15 for Indonesia. Because it is tropical and made up of thousands of islands, Indonesia is far more threatened by man-made global warming than continental Australia (Google "List of countries by greenhouse gas emissions per capita").

As for refugees, while Indonesia is a transit country, Australia is a destination country. While the "turn back the boats" of the Libs offends the Indonesians so too no doubt does the malignant, racist role of the war-making US, Apartheid Israel and US Alliance countries (including Australia) in the generation of over 20 million Muslim refugees in the Zionist-promoted US War on Muslims (12 million deaths since 1990 from violence or violently-imposed deprivation; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide"). However massive Mainstream media lying leaves most Australians unaware of the Awful Truths from Palestine to the Philippines.

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Mary Livingstone”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/mary-livingstone/4801762 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

07 Jul 2013 10:57:27am

Explorers like Henry Stanley, John Speke and the Livingstones were undoubtedly heroes but the horrendous downside was the brutal and genocidal colonization of Africa. Thus several decades after Mary Livingstone coressed the Lakahari Desert in Namibia, the Germans committed the Namibian Genocide, the mass murder of 0.1 million Nama and Herero people in South West Africa that constituted the first major genocide of the 20th century. The Turks used the same techniques (driving people into the desert to die of thirst and starvation) in the WW1 Armenian Genocide (1.5 million Armenians murdered), the Stalin deliberately starved 5 million Ukrainians to death in the early 1930s and in WW2 the Germans killed 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies in the WW2 Holocaust (the Jewish Holocaust part of which killed 6 million people, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) and the British deliberately starved 6-7 million India to death in the 1941-1945 Bengal Famine aka Bengali Holocaust (Australia was complicit by withholding grain from starving India).

Apart from the WW2 Jewish Holocaust, these atrocities have been largely deleted from general perception by generations of lying politicians, journalists (presstitutes) and academics who similarly refuse to report the horrendous dimensions of the Zionist-backed US War on Muslims (12 million deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation since 1990; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide). Indeed Irish patriot and world hero Sir Roger Casement who exposed the post-Sranley and Livingstone Congo atrocities of King Leopold and the Belgians (10 million Congolese brutally killed for rubber and ivory) was hanged by the British in 1916 (see my books "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" and "Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History", both now available for free perusal on the web).

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Politics: leader of the gang”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/gang-leadership/4801608 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

07 Jul 2013 11:33:03am

Smart academic comparisons between the Coalition (the Libs) and Labor (the Labs) (collectively aka the Lib-Labs or Liberal-Laborals) should not be permitted to hide the common moral and intellectual failures of these pro-war, pro-Zionist, anti-science, anti-education, pro-coal, pro-gas, anti-environment, US lackey, human rights-violating, war criminal, climate criminal, neoliberal "gangs" and "sub-gangs".

Thus Rudd's return has transformed the political scene from Labor annihilation to a neck-and-neck race between the Libs and the Labs, but while sensible people from the almost non-existent Left to the dominant, salivating Right vastly prefer Rudd's clear, fluid articulation of ideas over Gillard's horribly robotic, elocutionally-challenged and abusive style, many of the criticisms of Gillard policies also apply to the same Rudd policies (Google "100 reasons why Australians must reject Gillard Labor"). That said, Kevin Rudd will run rational and rhetorical rings around Tony "stop the boats" Abbott in any public debates.

There urgently needs to be rational public discussion of policies and ideas rather than mindless expressions of tribal or "gang" loyalty. Unfortunately there is appalling censorship within formerly ideas-based universities and by the 18-universities-backed web magazine The Conversation (Google "Censorship by The Conversation", "Academic censorship: why you should NOT study at the University of Melbourne", "Book review: Whackademia reveals parlous state of Australia's censored, under-funded & dumbing-down universities" and "Book review: Australian universities a portrait of decline").

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Egypt and military might”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/egypt-and-military-might/4801706 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 2:44:11pm

No amount of hypocritical American One Percenter spin (echoed by its puppets throughout the world including the Lackey Country Australia) can hide the realities that (1) this was a military coup by massively US-backed military that removed Egypt's first democratically elected President and its first democratically-elected government , (2) the major beneficiaries will be the deeply racist US and democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel, and (3) this is the second successful coup under Obama by US-backed military against a democratically-elected government, the other being that in Honduras. The US has invaded 70 countries since 4 July 1776 (50 since 1945) and endlessly subverts democracy around the world, including Australia (remember Gough Whitlam's removal in the US-backed 1975 Coup; the US veto of Mark Latham in the 2004 election; and the US-approved , foreign corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led Coup that removed PM Kevin Rudd on 24 June 2010). For the Awful Truth hidden by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted Mainstream media, Google "US has invaded 70 nations since 1776" and "Independence from America Day".

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Casino wars”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/casino-wars/4801352 . M comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 3:25:08pm

The Gambling Industry must be condemned for the following reasons: (1) it obscenely exploits a human behavioural trait that has been selected evolutionarily (via genes and memes) because it enhanced the survival of our forebears, specifically the need to take risks (thus our cave-dwelling forebears would have perished if they had not ventured outside the warmth and protection of the cave to find food); (2) it destroys the lives of both rich and poor gambling addicts and carries a huge social cost that is ultimately paid for by society as a whole ; (3) it enables the laundering of huge amounts of illicit income which can then be used to bribe public officials and MPs; (4) as a multi-billion dollar industry it has immense political power in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia in which Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality, votes and political power (e.g. after the Mining Companies successfully spent a mere $23 million to sack PM Kevin Rudd in the lead-up to the 2010 pro-Zionist-led Coup, the Gambling Industry successfully spent a mere $20 million to emasculate humane anti-pokies legislation developed by decent Australians like Andrew Wilkie and Senator Xenophon ; (5) it is simply tacky and this latest huge obscenity simply tells the world that Australia is dominated by tacky values and tacky culture.

On 6 July 2013, Saturday Extra re “Modern Indonesia, 1965-1998””: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/modern-indoneisa3a1965-1998/4755410 . M comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

06 Jul 2013 3:46:53pm

It was not just "Communists" who made up the circa 1 million people butchered the US-backed military Coup in 1965 - the victims included a large number of ethnic Chinese Indonesians and all kinds of progressive, educated people from school teachers to lawyers, doctors and engineers. Further, the victims included an estimated 33 million Indonesians who died avoidably from imposed deprivation under the corrupt, US-backed, mass murdering Suharto regime (1965-1999). And of course there were the 200,000 East Timorese butchered by US-backed Suharto while the world looked on (see Chapter 6 of my book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" that is now available for free perusal on the web and contains an avoidable mortality-related history of every country in the world since neolithic times).

On 29 June 2013, Saturday Extra re “Indonesia: the fuel subsidy and the middle classes”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/indonesia---the-fuel-subsidy-and-the-middle-classes/4787184 . My comments were PUBLISHED under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

29 Jun 2013 9:24:54am

An excellent move by the Indonesian Government to stop $20 billion per annum fuel subsidies that have disproportionately benefited the better off in an obscenely impoverished country. Australia should learn from this example - thus, according to the Australian Conservation Foundation, under neoliberal, anti-science, anti-environment Labor (which, contrary to its dishonest rhetoric, has absolutely no intention of seriously tackling climate change) fossil fuel subsidies reached $12 billion per annum (Google "Australi sepnds $11 billion more encouraging pollution than cleaning it up"). Carbon burning kills an estimated 10,000 Australians each year (Google "Australian carbon burning-related deaths").

On 29 June 2013, Saturday Extra re “How travel has changed”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/how-travel-has-changed/4746836 . My comments were PUBLISHED under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

29 Jun 2013 9:41:48am

The extra towels and water are the least of it. Air travel and luxury accommodation carry an enormous carbon footprint that adds hugely to the 25 tonnes CO2-e per person per year average for Australians before they get on that jumbo jet - indeed the world average is about 7 and if you add Australia's huge coal, gas and iron ore exports into the equation then Australia's per capita reaches a climate criminal 74 tonnes per person per year (Google "2011 carbon change course"). I understand from one of Australia's leading climate change activists that he eschews air travel for that very reason. In 1988 I was privileged to attend a packed public lecture at which Australian Nobel Laureate Patrick White (shortly before he died) decried the pointless peripatesis of "kiddult" Australians at the time of the Bicentenary, declaring (from memory) "They are doing the City to Surf and the Surf to City and are flogging camels across Australia from East to West and from West to East. Why don't they just stay home, cook themselves a nice meal and then curl up with a good book?"

On 29 June 2013, Saturday Extra re “Big ideas for Australia: riding on the back of WA”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/riding-on-the-back-of-wa/4749628 . My comments were PUBLISHED under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

29 Jun 2013 10:09:49am

The segment title is blatantly incorrect from a scientific perspective - WA is actually riding on OUR backs. Thus for every $1 paid to foreign corporations for gas it is estimated that $0.6-$1 will have to be paid by future generations to return atmospheric CO2 back to the pre-industrial 300 ppm from the current 400 ppm by sequestering the subsequent CO2 pollution as biochar (carbon, charcoal from anaerobic pyrolysis of cellulosic materials). That estimate is for the cost of biochar in the US mid-West - multiply this by 4 to get the cost for the UK (for details Google "Expert witness testimony to stop gas-fired power plant installation" and "300 ppm CO2"). WA is prospering at the expense of Humanity, the Biosphere and future generations (intergenerational inequity).

I posted the following additional comment which was also PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

29 Jun 2013 12:27:57pm

Another Elephant in the Room fallacy assumed and/or asserted by the non-scientist WA premier Colin Barnett, the excellent compere but non-scientist Geraldine Doogue and the non-scientist panel is that gas burning is cleaner than coal burning greenhouse gas (GHG)-wise - it isn't. Natural gas (circa 85% methane, CH4) leaks (2-8% in the US depending upon the conventional or unconventional CSG or fracking source) and CH4 has a global warming potential (GWP) 105 times greater than that of carbon dioxide (CO2) on a 20 year time frame with aerosol impacts considered. First year high school algebra readily determines that at 2.6% leakage the GHG effect of the leaked CH4 is the same as that from burning the remaining gas and that burning gas is as dirty GHG-wise as burning coal, noting that the average gas leakage in the US is about 3.3% (at which level gas burning is DIRTIER GHG-wise than coal burning) (Google "2011 climate change course", "Australia's carbon tax scandal", "Expert witness testimony to stop gas-fired power plant installation", "Gas is dirty energy" and "Gas is not clean energy").

On 29 June 2013, Saturday Extra re “Cyber security”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/cyber-security/4782690 . My comments were PUBLISHED under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

29 Jun 2013 10:32:38am

World hero Edward Snowden has ensured that a mountain of material will be eventually published about US spying on all of Humanity. One assume that the Russians and Chinese have already got an advanced read. Indeed if US state terrorists do anything to him the process will be fast-tracked (Google "Greenwald: Swowden's files are out there if "anything happens" to him"). It is clear that Australians have been complicit in the massive US spying on Australians via PRISM as well as by ECHELON (Google "Snowden leaks may embarrass Canberra"). It is a sad reflection on how far towards the bottom of the barrel we have gone when pro-war, pro-Zionist, US lackey, Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and -subverted MPs and public servants put the interests of US state terrorism, UK state terrorism and Apartheid Israeli state terrorism above the human rights of Australians.

On 22 June 2013, Saturday Extra re “Investing in agriculture”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ag-capital/4768518 . My comment was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

27 Jun 2013 4:56:08pm

About 75% of Australia's water use is devoted to agriculture. Exporting food from dry Australia to the well-watered population centres of East Asia, South East Asia and South Asia effectively means exporting water from the driest inhabited continent to some of the the wettest regions of the world. Idiocy from a scientific and economic perspective.

On 22 June 2013 Saturday Extra re “Future of tertiary education”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/future-of-vocational-education/4754140 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

24 Jun 2013 4:42:48pm

For over 2 decades Australian academics have been complaining about the so-called "Dawkinization" of our universities whereby teaching-only vocational Colleges of Advanced Education were disastrously fused with high quality teaching and research universities. It appears that John Dawkins has now been emplaced to Dawkinize the already significantly threatened TAFE sector e.g. the NSW Coalition Government has robbed the TAFE sector to pay for Gonski "reforms" just as the Federal Labor Government has ripped $4 billion from the universities and university students to help pay for Gonski "reform" offeringd. It should be noted that there are dozens of cheap or no-cost things that can be done to radically improve pre-tertiary education before we start chucking billions of dollars at the problem and in the process robbing tertiary sector Peter to pay pre-tertiary Paul (Google "37 ways of tackling Australian Educational Apartheid and social inequity").

On 15 June 2013 Saturday Extra re “Germany, the reluctant leader”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/germany/4751336 . My comments were published under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

16 Jun 2013 8:39:19am

China has become a major destination for high quality, German manufactured, luxury goods. At the other end of German business, according to the German web magazine The Local "Germany exposed as "Europe's biggest brothel"".

On 15 June 2013 Saturday Extra re “Changing Myanmar”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/images-of-burma/4748770 . My comments were published under “GMPolya”:

GMPolya :

16 Jun 2013 9:11:58am

The current American One Percent-sourced "narrative" in perverted and subverted Australian and other Western Mainstream media is that Myanmar has now rejoined the international community but some nasty realities spoil the US propaganda view e.g.

(1) the under-5 infant mortality rate in infant deaths per 1,000 births is 62 for Myanmar (as compared to 5 for Australia, 6 for Cuba and an appalling 101 for Australia-occupied Afghanistan; see WHO);

(2) the overwhelmingly popular National League for Democracy party of Aung Sang Suu Kyi has a mere 6.7% of the seats in parliament (this being precisely the same as the percentage of 12 million Palestinians permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine under US- and Australian Lib-Lab-backed democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel; Google "Comparing Burma and Apartheid Israel");

(3) the Rohingya Genocide in Myanmar continues unabated (as does the Palestinian Genocide and the Zionist-promoted US Alliance Muslim Genocide in which 12 million Muslims have perished from violence or war-imposed deprivation since 1990; Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide"); and

(4) the historically US-linked Burmese opium industry is set to get a big boost with the US Alliance withdrawal from Afghanistan ( UN ODC and EU data indicate that over 1 million people have died since 2001 due to the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, this carnage including 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians; Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

On 18 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Presidential election in Iran”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/presidential-election-in-iran/4697032 . My comments made under GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

20 May 2013 11:04:12pm

The assertion of "Iran's "notorious nuclear program" is Neocon Amercian and Zionist Imperialist propaganda that turns reality on its head. Iran (1) does not have any nuclear weapons, (2) avowedly does not want them, (3) supports a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, (4) does not occupy the territory of any other country, (5) has not attacked another country for centuries and (6) has one-man-one-vote. In contrast, genocidally racist Apartheid Israel (1) has 200 nuclear bombs, (2) obviously wants them, (3) opposes a nuclear weapons-free Middle East, (4) occupies the territory of 3 other countries, (5) has attacked at least 12 other countries and (6) as a democracy-by-genocide denies the vote for the government of Palestine to all but 13% of Palestinians and forbids 6 million Palestinian to even step foot in Palestine. And as for the US, (1) it has 10,000 nuclear weapons ....

On 18 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Urban rail”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/urban-rail/4694742 . My comments made under GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

20 May 2013 11:16:49pm

A luxury 4WD carries 5 people but takes the same energy to run as a tram that carries 150 i.e. public transport is 30 times more efficient energy-wise. The world is running out of time to deal with the rapidly worsening climate crisis (Google "Are we domed?", "Doha climate change inaction. Only 5 years left to act" and "2011 climate change course") yet in climate criminal Australia, one of the world's worst greenhouse gas emitters per capita, pro-fossil fuels Gillard Labor backs highways at the expense of rail in Sydney and the pro-fossil fuels Coalition does the same in Victoria. Sensible Australians will vote 1 Green and put Labor last (the Coalition is just as bad but unlike neoliberal Gillard Labor has not betrayed Labor voters and Labor values).

On 18 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Winning at innovation”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/winning-at-innovation/4691552 . My comments made under GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

20 May 2013 11:33:22pm

There are no jobs on a dead planet. The crucial innovation the world needs now is how to urgently reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) from the current circa 400 parts per million (ppm) to circa 300 ppm CO2 as recommended by top climate scientists and biologists (Google "300 ppm CO2", "300.org", "350.org", "Are we doomed?" and "2011 climate change course"). Conversion of current agricultural and forestry cellulosic waste to biochar (carbon, charcoal, C) through anaerobic pyrolysis in solar-energy-driven microwave furnaces can sequester 9 Gt carbon annually (roughly equivalent to annual industrial carbon pollution). Large-scale solar energy-driven alkalinization to fix CO2 as carbonate?

On 18 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “International banking”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/international-banking/4693668 . My comments made under GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

20 May 2013 11:48:12pm

In 2007 distinguished US economist, writer and conservative Father of Reaganomics, Dr Paul Craig Roberts, argued for countries to dump the US dollar to stop the Iraqi Genocide (Google "The Iraqi Genocide"). This remains an excellent proposal as the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Muslims has now moved on to Syria (90,000 killed so far, 41,000 of them minority Alawites according to the Washington Post; Google "Syrian rebel atrocity highlights" ) having already killed 12 million Muslims since 1990 (half of them children) through violence or war-imposed deprivation (Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide").

On 18 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Contemporary social class”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/contemporary-social-class/4693814 . My comments made under GMPolya were initally PUBLISHED and then CENSORED OUT, presumably for containing things that the ABC does not want its audience to read, know about or think about:

GMPolya :

20 May 2013 11:59:59pm

The horrible reality of the British class system is an Educational Apartheid system in which most British children are excluded from a decent education, university, top universities and top professional courses. The same kind of wealth-based Educational Apartheid system ensures that the majority of Australian children attending state schools are disproportionately excluded from a decent education and opportunities in the same way (for the Awful Truth Google "Educational Apartheid"). Decent Australians will vote 1 Green and put Labor last (the Coalition also supports Educational Apartheid but unlike neoliberal Gillard Labor has not actually betrayed decent Labor voters and values).

On 11 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Poland’s success story”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/positioning-poland/4680244 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 May 2013 3:49:45pm

The present neoliberal, pro-war, US nuclear terroriswm-complicit, US lackeys running Poland have besmirched Poland's heroic history in defence of national independence by participating in the US Coalition war crimes in Iraq, an Iraqi Holocaust and Iraqi Genocide associated with 1.7 million violent deaths, 2.9 million avoidable deaths from violently-imposed deprivation, 5-6 million refugees, and 2.0 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to US Coalition war crimes in gross violation of the Geneva Convention - an atrocity commensurate with the WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million dead, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation), the "forgotten" WW2 Polish Holocaust (6 million Poles killed by the Nazis) and the "forgotten" WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity) (Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide" and read Gideon Polya's book "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the web).

On 11 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Drugs, violence and Colombia”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/drugs2c-violence-and-colombia/4680156 . My comment posted under “GMPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 May 2013 4:13:29pm

A major part of the problem is the military involvement in Colombia of the US and its war criminal dirty tricks surrogate Apartheid Israel which is supplying the Colombian regime with drones and other military hardware (Google "Israel, Colombia offsetting Iranian influence").

While US-backed Apartheid Israel is a world leader in the Ecstasy trade (according to the US State Department), also unreported by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-subverted Mainstream media is that the US is number 1 for promoting opiates. Thus it is estimated that over 1 million people have died avoidably since 2001 due ti the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, the breakdown being 200,000 Americans, 50,000 Iranians (Iran is number 1 in the world for combating opiates), 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 AUSTRALIANS (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

For cowardly and corrupt Mainstream media cover-up of the CIA backing of Latin American cocaine trade to the US see the movie "Shadows of Liberty" recently broadcast on SBS.

On 11 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Searching for plundered art”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/marc-masurovsky/4663344 . My comments under my name GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 May 2013 4:35:44pm

Not just Big Art was stolen and not just the Nazis did the stealing. Several decades ago family members visited our city home in the Pest part of Budapest. It had been converted into 4 apartments for strangers (except for a former employee) and decorated with paintings and photographs of our family. Our family summer property in Buda was also seized by the Hungarian state. In permitting Hungarian entry into the EU, the EU agreed retrospectively to the seizure of Jewish property.

Chickens are coming home to roost now with growing anti-Jewish anti-Semitism and anti-Gypsy racism in a Hungary ruled by an increasingly repressive right-wing Fidesz regime. The right-wing nationalist, anti-Jewish anti-Semitic and anti-Gypsy Jobbik party (currently 17% support) is expected to hold the balance of power between Fidesz and the Leftist opposition after the 2014 elections.

On 11 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “An interview with Helen Clark”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/helen-clark/4679846 . My comments under my name GMPolya were PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

14 May 2013 4:58:47pm

Helen Clark served 3 consecutive terms as New Zealand's PM between 1999 and 2008, during which time 145 NZ military were stationed in Occupied Afghanistan, and 27 will stay on after the withdrawal of most this year. NZ and Helen Clark are thus intimately connected with the Afghan Holocaust and Afghan Genocide that has been associated so far with 4.2 million avoidable deaths from war-imposed deprivation, possibly 1.4 million violent deaths, 3-4 million refugees and 2.9 million under-5 infant deaths, 90% avoidable and due to gross violation of the Geneva Convention by the war criminal US Alliance (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide"). This horrendous complicity sits poorly with Helen Clark's present role as the head of the United Nations Development Program.

On 10 May 2013 I discovered that 3 carefully researched and edited posts under "Gideon Polya" were completely censored out by the ABC whereas a brief post under "spinoza" was rapidly published.

On 4 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Geoffrey Robertson on human rights abuses in Sri Lanka ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/sri-lanka-and--human-rights-abuses/4667530 . My detailed comment posted under “Gideon Polya” and detailing horrendous abuses in the Tamil Genocide was CENSORED.

My further post under “GMPolya” was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

10 May 2013 11:54:00am

Professor Suvendrini Pereira (Professor in cultural studies at Curtin University) has published an article in New Matilda on human rights abuses in Sri Lanka and entitled "Let compassion define us now" in which she concludes "In throwing the weight of its support behind the compromised regime in Colombo, both the Gillard Government and the Opposition put Australia's own national credibility on the line". For shocking details of horrendous human rights abuse by the Sri Lankan regime Google "Let compassion define us now" and read the article and the comment thread.

On 4 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Musharref’s plight in Pakistan”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/pakistan/4668730 . My detailed comment posted under “Gideon Polya” and detailing BBC censorship of the 2007 Benazir Bhutto assertion about "Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden" was CENSORED.

My further posts under “spinoza” and “GMPolya” were PUBLISHED:

spinoza :

10 May 2013 12:24:45pm

Dictator Musharraf trampled democracy and was involved in the murder of Benazir Bhutto on 27 December 2007. On 27 November 2007 Benazir Bhutto was interviews by Sir David Frost on Al Jazeera and referred to "Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Osama Bin Laden" (!!!). However this segment of the interview was extraordinarily censored out in the subsequent BBC interview (Google "Censorship by the BBC").

GMPolya :

10 May 2013 12:43:11pm

The outrageous BBC censorship of Benazir Bhutto's informed, insider comment "Omar Sheik, the man who murdered Osama bin Laden" and the subsequent alleged murder on 2 May 2011 of Osama bin Laden by the Americans (with the convenient immediate disposal of the body at sea) simply tells us that we are being egregiously lied to by US-beholden Mainstream media (Google "Mainstream media lying").

On 4 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “New Mitchell Institute for health and education policy”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/harold-mitchell/4662386 . My detailed comment posted under “Gideon Polya” about Education Apartheid realities was CENSORED

However further posts under “spinoza”and “GMPolya” were PUBLISHED.

spinoza :

10 May 2013 10:12:51am

Well said, Martin. In a rat race only a rat comes first.

GMPolya :

10 May 2013 1:04:52pm

We don;t need a new institution to tell us what's wrong with Health and Education. The following Elephant in the Room points are ABSENT from current public discussion in Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy Australia.

1. 66,000 Australians die preventably each year (9,000 being Indigenous Australians), this being linked the the moral and fiscal perversion of an accrual cost for the Zionist-promoted War on Terror totalling $125 billion (Google "Endless War on Terror, Huge cost for Australia & America").

2. 47% of Australian s are functionally illiterate, 80% of Indigenous Australian children in the Northern Territory fail to reach basic literacy and numeracy standards, the majority of Australian children who attend state schools are disproportionately excluded from good education, university, top universities and top courses. Solutions at negligible cost include zero tolerance for truancy, classroom disruption, child abuse and the teaching of religious clap trap (intellectual child abuse)plus catch up classes, English As a Second Language training and teaching, streaming, mentoring, increased family involvement, and all kinds of well-established, inventive, enjoyable and rewarding ways of educating our children properly.

On 4 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “The new suburban homeless in the US”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-new-suburbian-homeless-in-the-us/4664948 . My detailed comment posted under “GMPolya” was PUBLISHED.

GMPolya :

10 May 2013 3:15:52pm

The horrible reality is that over 46 million Americans live in poverty in the US (population 314 million). Poverty kills - thus 1 million Americans die preventably each year this being associated with the horrendous fiscal and moral perversion of an accrual cost of $6 trillion for the Neocon American- and Zionist Imperialist-promoted US War on Terror that has killed 9 million Muslims abroad (half of them children) instead of keeping Americans alive at home (Google "One million Americans die").

On 4 May 2013 Saturday Extra re “Implication so f the NSW racing inquiry”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/implications-of-the-nsw-racing-soap-opera/4668736 . My detailed comment posted under “GMPolya” was PUBLISHED.

GMPolya :

10 May 2013 3:39:10pm

Racing is corrupt. Once I took an eminent overseas politician to the races who sent one of his sons off to the other side of the course to say hallo to a bookmaker friend from his uni days in Australia. The son returned with 6 tips for the 6 races - and they all came in first.

However the real scandal is that the horse racing industry "generates more than $6.2 billion in revenue for the Australian economy each year and provides jobs for 250,000 people" (Google "horseracing.com.au") and this perversion in the context of 66,000 Australians dying preventably each year (9,000 of them Indigenous Australians) (Google "Endless war on terror huge cost" and "Why PM Julia Gillard must go: 66,000 preventable Australian deaths annually").

On 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “The changing nature of special forces soldiers”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/the-changing-nature-of-special-forces-soldiers/4637488 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

30 Apr 2013 8:00:47am

Very well said, Willy Bach.

There is only one reason to go to war with an enemy country - and then only when good faith negotiations have been exhausted - and that is if it has invaded and occupied part of your country or another country. To invade other countries otherwise is a war crime and US Alliance special forces have spearheaded such war crimes in war criminal US invasions of over 30 countries since 1945 (read William Blum's best-selling book "Rogue State"). For details of over 80 million avoidable deaths from violently imposed deprivation in countries occupied by the US in the post-1945 era read Gideon Polya's "Body Count. Global avoidable morality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

Now the US Alliance intends to "manage" African and Asian countries by war criminal drone attacks and even deadlier sanctions ( an estimated 100,000 Iranians die annually from deprivation under Australia-complicit US sanctions).

On 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Vietnam medical volunteers”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/vietnam-volunteers/4640056 . My comments were PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

30 Apr 2013 8:15:24am

Well said, G Hilbert. Unfortunately Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian wars, war crimes associated with Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation totalling 38 million. Those US Alliance politicians responsible for these war crimes need to be arraigned before the International Criminal Court.

On the other hand, those Australian service people ordered to serve and volunteers altruistically involved in these wars should be treated properly and with respect.

Importantly, about 20% of the 30,000 annual suicides in the US are by US veterans and while 6,600 US servicemen have died in the Iraq and Afghan Wars, about 50,000 US veterans have suicided since 2001. The war criminal Lib-Lab (Liberal-Laboral, Coalition or Labor) politicians must be forced to urgently act to properly protect trauma-impacted Australian veterans and volunteers.

On 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Mining in space”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/mining-in-space/4653644 . My comments were published:

Gideon Polya :

30 Apr 2013 8:41:47am

The harsh reality is that 18 million people presently die avoidably from deprivation or deprivation-exacerbated disease on Spaceship Earth with Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted and subverted neoliberal Corporatocracy the US (including companies like Bechtel) in charge of the flight deck (for details see "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web).

Of course the basic precise rocket technology required for space mining is precisely that involved in nuclear state terrorism that together with poverty and man-made climate change represents a huge threat to Humanity.

It is worth noting that after the war criminal, civilian-targetting destruction of most of Iraq's infrastructure by war criminal Sanctions, war and UK, US and Israeli bombing (Google "Genocide in Iraq") and the associated killing of now 4.6 million Iraqis through violence or violently-imposed deprivation (Google "Iraqi Holocaust Iraqi Genocide"), guess who got the US contracts to "re-build" a bit of Iraq back from US-imposed Stone Age conditions? US companies like Haliburton and Bechtel.

On 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Game on in Rio”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/game-on-in-rio/4636696 . My comments were published:

Gideon Polya :

30 Apr 2013 8:55:24am

One hopes that the puerile broo-haha over the Rio Olympics will focus world attention on (1) the suffering of the Brazilian poor and continuing genocide and ethnocide of Amazonian Indians and (2) the climate genocide and terracide implicit in Brazil's continuing destruction of the Amazon rain forest, the "lungs of the world".

While climate criminal Australia used up its fair share of the world's 600 Gt CO2 terminal greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution budget in 2011, climate criminal Brazil is not far behind and has about 5 years to go before it should achieve zero GHG emissions (pigs may fly; for the shocking details Google "Are we doomed?" and scroll down to "WBGU").

On 27 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Malaysian elections”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/malaysian-elections/4652778 . My comments were published:

Gideon Polya :

30 Apr 2013 10:57:32am

Those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones and that certainly applies to politically correct racist (PC racist) White Australia criticizing Malaysia in the Asian century. Some key points:

1. Political corruption exists in Malaysia as evidenced by the persecution of Anwar Ibtrahim but is entrenched in Australia where tiny Tasmania (population about 0.5 million) has as many senators (12) as either NSW (population 7.3 million) or Victoria (population 5.6 million).

2. Refugees are incarcerated and denied basic human rights in Malaysia but Australia does likewise, confining mostly Muslim refugees, including mothers and children, to traumatizing concentration camps on remote Pacific islands.

3. Malaysia has the death penalty for serious drug crimes but Australia is intimately linked to the US restoration of the Taliban-destroyed Afghan opium industry from 6% of world market share in 2001 to 93% in 2007, a crime associated with over 1 million opiate drug-related deaths worldwide, this including 200,000 Americans, 18,000 British, 10,000 Canadians, 8,000 Germans and 4,000 Australians (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide").

4. While Malyasia has an infant mortality (under-5 deaths per 1,000 births) of 7 as compared to Australia's 5, in grossly violating the Geneva Convention with its war criminal US Alliance allies, war criminal Australia has been complicit in the passive mass murder of currently 190,000 under-5 year old Afghan infants each year and the deaths of about 3 million under-5 Afghan infants under war criminal US Alliance occupation.

On 20 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Domestic terrorism and hate groups in the US” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/us-hate-groups/4639324 . My comments (posted under “spinoza” to avoid blockage of “Dr Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” ) was PUBLISHED

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 9:44:06am

The horrendous Boston Bombing (3 killed) must be seen in the context of 13 million preventable American deaths since 2001 (0.4 million alone being gun-related deaths) linked to the moral and fiscal perversion of the accrual cost of $6 trillion for killing 9 million Muslims abroad in the Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist War on Terror rather than keeping Americans alive at home (Google "One million Americans die").

Stephen Coates :

20 Apr 2013 1:08:24pm

As the site found by googling the phrase "Spinoza" suggests is a blog by none other than Gideon Polyanna, with his usual anti-American, anti-Jewish, anti-Israeli, anti-capitalist diatribe, I must wonder if "Spinoza" isn't another pseudonym of Gideon himself, or perhaps his fan "crank".

My following comment in response to the above defamation was initially published and then CENSORED by the ABC which has repeatedly shown itself to be evidently quite happy to publish defamation of anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians but CENSORS attempts at self-defence against such egregious defamation - bottom-of-the-barrel, gutter behaviour by the ABC. .

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 3:34:59pm

Highly obnoxious, egregiously false, defamatory ad hominem abuse that is de rigeur for pro-Zionists and no substitute for polite interlocution.

Hurrah! A further post (just testing) posted under "Gideon Polya" was PUBLISHED:

Gideon Polya :

20 Apr 2013 5:45:38pm

No mention of US state terrorism that has killed 12 million Muslims through violence or violently-imposed deprivation (half of them CHILDREN) in the Zionist-backed post-1990 US War on Muslims (Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide").

On 20 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “969 anti-Muslim campaign and violence in Myanmar” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/969-anti-muslim-campaign-and-violence-in-myanmar/4637028 . My comments (posted under “spinoza” to avoid blockage of “Dr Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” ) was PUBLISHED.

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 9:53:08am

The Nazi Germany kristallnacht analogy may well be appropriate. Aung Sang Suu Kyi's overwhelmingly popular party has only 6.7% of the seats in Parliament and one suspects that the present military-based government may well perceive that a "democratic" retention of power could be achieved via populist xenophobia and Buddhist fundamentalism.

Hurrah! A further post (just testing) posted under "GMPolya" was PUBLISHED:

GMPolya :

20 Apr 2013 5:52:40pm

This worsening persecution must be seen in the context of global US state terrorism that has killed 12 million Muslims through violence or violently-imposed deprivation (half of them CHILDREN) in the Zionist-backed post-1990 US War on Muslims (Google "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide") and that has also generated over 20 million refugees.

On 20 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “The Boston bombings and beyond” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/jmes-fallows/4640980 . My comments (posted under “spinoza” to avoid blockage of “Dr Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” ) was PUBLISHED.

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 10:06:31am

Racism is as American as apple pie so now stand prepared for a huge wave of Zionist-backed Islamophobia as a background to US-backed Israeli devastation of Iran - just as the 9-11 atrocity (almost certainly committed by the US Government) was used as an excuse to devastate Iraq and Afghanistan (countries that had no involvement in 9-11 according to the "official" lying Bush version of 9-11) (Google "Experts: US did 9-11").

A further comment posted under "Gideon Polya" got through:

Gideon Polya :

21 Apr 2013 7:45:52am

It is useful to put the awful Boston Bombing (3 killed) into context. 9 million Muslims (half of them children) have been killed through violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the post-2001 Zionist-promoted US War on Terror. In addition, 13 million Americans have died preventably since 2001, this being linked to the $6 trillion accrual cost of killing 9 million Muslims abroad since 2001 rather than keeping 13 million Americans alive at home. The Zionist-backed War on Terror has killed about 5,000 Muslims and Americans EVERY DAY since 2001 (Google "One million Americans die" and Endless war on terror. Huge cost for Australia & America" ).

On 20 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Bretton Woods and the making of a New World Order” : http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/bretton-woods-and-the-making-of-a-new-world-order/4639314 . My comments (posted under “spinoza” to avoid blockage of “Dr Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” ) was PUBLISHED.

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 10:43:39am

The post-war dismantling of the bankrupted British Empire and its replacement with violent US global hegemony was obvious to all, most clearly after the Anglo-French-Israeli Suez war crime in 1956. As for gold and the current huge drop in the gold price , read eminent conservative economist Dr Paul Craig Roberts (the Father of Reaganomics) in his article "The Attack on Gold" on the US Fed driving down the price of "paper gold" to protect the US dollar in the context of massive quantitative easing (printing money). Dr Roberts concludes "Americans live in a rigged system in which propaganda determines the public's awareness and consciousness. Americans, or most of them, live in the Matrix. Since the end of WWII most foreign governments have been in the habit of going along with Washington. Only in the aftermath of Washington's phony wars based on lies phony economy based on rigged statistics is the rest of the world beginning to realize that Washington is a destabilizing force."

A further comment posted under "Gideon Polya" got through:

Gideon Polya :

21 Apr 2013 8:18:31am

While the post-WW2 Bretton Woods arrangements established US hegemony, neocolonialism assured major Western influence in general in the post-colonial era. A measure of the impact of this hegemony is avoidable death (avoidable mortality, excess death, excess mortality, deaths from deprivation that did not have to happen) in countries occupied by Western powers in the post-WW2 era, and that for 1950-2005 totalled 727 million (UK-occupied), 142 million (French-occupied), 82 million (US-occupied), 24 million (Israeli-occupied), 1,300 million (the whole World), and 600 million (the Muslim world) (see Chapter 3, Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" now available for free perusal on the web).

On 20 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “New Israel”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/new-israel/4622936 . My comments (posted under “spinoza” to avoid blockage of “Dr Gideon Polya” and “DrGideonPolya” ) was CENSORED, presumably for quoting the truth as perceived by anti-racist Jews Diana Pinto and Peter Beinart.

A further edited comment under “spinoza” was submitted and this time was PUBLISHED:

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 11:50:13am

Well said by outstanding, pro-democracy humanitarian Dr Vacy Vlazna. My previous comment having been "disappeared", let me re-state the Elephant in the Room reality as perceived by heroes such as Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu- Israeli Apartheid. Anti-racist Jewish Italian writer Diana Pinto has commented on "Apartheid" and the egregious Israeli failure to address "one man one vote" and "equal rights for all". Similarly, South Africa-connected anti-racist Jewish American writer Peter Beinart in his book "The Crisis of Zionism" also refers to Israeli "Apartheid" and comments (page 191): "What we should call the West Bank is "nondemocratic Israel." The phrase suggests that there are two Israels: a flawed but genuine democracy within the green line and an ethnically based nondemocracy beyond it."

A further comment was partially submitted and accidentally sent and was PUBLISHED:

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 1:55:59pm

Asia begins east of the Bosphorus and the Israelis have variously attacked and/or occupied 6 Asian countries (Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Joirdan, Iraq its "neighbourhood"

The completed edited post was PUBLISHED:

spinoza :

20 Apr 2013 2:30:46pm

Asia begins east of the Bosphorus and the Israelis have variously attacked and/or occupied 7 Asian countries (Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran) plus 5 further countries in its "neighbourhood" (Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Uganda, and the US). Further afield they supplied arms to the Indians (who have banned a major Israeli arms company for 10 years for corruption) and the Sri Lankans (Israeli aircraft being the tipping point in the Tamil Genocide). 1950-2005 avoidable deaths in countries occupied by the Israelis total 24 million (read "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950" , now available for free perusal on the web).

The founder of Zionism, Theodor Herzl, regarded Asians as "barbarians". Thus in "Palestine or Argentine?", Chapter 2 of "Der Judenstaat" (1896) he offensively proclaimed that "If His Majesty the Sultan were to give us Palestine, we could in return undertake to regulate the whole finances of Turkey. We could there form a portion of a rampart of Europe against Asia, an outpost of civilization as opposed to barbarism". Lucky Argentinians.

More recently in 2006 the Israeli Ambassador to Australia spoke just as offensively in similar vein in an interview with Israeli newspaper Haaretz: "Israel and Australia are like sisters in Asia. We are in Asia without the characteristics of Asians. We don't have yellow skin and slanted eyes. Asia is basically the yellow race. Australia and Israel are not - we are basically the white race." Hardly the way to do business with Asians or indeed with anybody and indeed further argument for Boycott,Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against what outstanding anti-racist Jewish Israeli Professor Avi Shlaim (Oxford University) has called the Israeli "rogue state".

A further comment posted under "Gideon Polya" got through:

Gideon Polya :

21 Apr 2013 8:04:41am

Dina Pinto briefly alluded to "apartheid", "one man-one vote" and "equal rights for all". The Awful Truth hidden by pro-Zionist Mainstream media is that of about 12 million Palestinians, 7 million are refugees, 6 million are forbidden to even step foot in their own country, and of nearly 6 million living in Israeli-ruled former Mandated Palestine, only 6.7% can vote for the government ruling all of Palestine (the adults of 1.6 million Palestinian Israelis; the same percentage as the seats held by Aung Sang Suu Kyi's overwhelmingly popular party in the Myanmar parliament), 4.2 million Occupied Palestinians have zero human rights under Israeli guns and 1.7 million (more than half children of whom 10% are stunted from Israeli blockade) live in what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp. Australians voting for pro-Zionist Gillard Labor are complicit in this ongoing atrocity.

The following OPEN LETTER to the ABC (Australia's BBC) about horrendous censorship and defamation by the ABC and the SBS- and universities-backed academic web magazine The Conversation was sent to the ABC, other media and MPs in mid-April 2013:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Open Letter to the taxpayer-funded Australian ABC re ABC betrayal, censoring, lying by omission , lying by commission, genocide-ignoring, anti-Arab anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish anti-Semitism.

Anti-Semitism means physical or verbal offence to Semites for being culturally and/or ethnically Semites per se and occurs in 2 equally repugnant forms, anti-Jewish anti-Semitism against 15 million largely culturally Semitic Jews and anti-Arab anti-Semitism against 300 million culturally and ethnically Semitic Arabs and 1,500 million largely culturally Semitic Muslims (Islamophobia). 12 million Muslims have been killed through violence or violently-imposed deprivation in the post-1990 Zionist-backed US War on Muslims, including the ongoing, Western-imposed Palestinian Genocide, Iraqi Genocide, Afghan Genocide and Somali Genocide (see "Muslim Holocaust Muslim Genocide": https://sites.google.com/site/muslimholocaustmuslimgenocide/ ). The worst anti-Jewish anti-Semitism today – and exhibited by the ABC - involves Zionist and pro-Zionist conflation of decent, anti-racist Jews with the horrendous human rights abuses of Apartheid Israel and false defamation of anti-racist Jews critical of Apartheid Israel’s horrendous crimes as “racists” or like false abuse (see "Palestinian Genocide": https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ and "Jews Against Racist Zionism": . https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ ).

In a process of continuing, Zionist-inspired holocaust denial, ABC ignores the reality that WW2 Jewish Holocaust (5-6 million killed, 1 in 6 dying from deprivation) was part of a wider WW2 European Holocaust in which 30 million Slavs, Jews and Gypsies were killed. There were also 2 other major WW2 holocausts – both largely ignored by the ABC - specifically, the Chinese Holocaust (35 million Chinese killed under the Japanese, 1937-1945) .and the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians deliberately starved to death by the British with Australian complicity) (see Gideon Polya, "Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950", now available for free perusal on the web: http://globalbodycount.blogspot.com.au/ ; Gideon Polya, "Bengal Famine. How Australia & UK killed 6-7 million Indians in WW2", MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/editorial/13742-bengal-famine.html ).

The ongoing US-, US Alliance- and Australia-complicit Apartheid Israeli Palestinian Genocide has been associated with 2 million deaths from violence (0.1 million) or from violently-imposed deprivation (1.9 million) since 1936, 7 million Palestinian refugees, the ethnic cleansing of 90% of Palestine, and Apartheid Israeli democracy-by-genocide whereby of 12 million Palestinians, 6 million are forbidden to even step foot in their own country, only 13% are permitted to vote for the government ruling all of Palestine (albeit as Third Class citizens under race-based Apartheid laws), 35% live under illegal, war criminal and highly abusive Israeli Occupation with zero human rights, and 14% are confined to what the Catholic Church has described as the Gaza Concentration Camp (half of them 850,000 children, of whom 10% are stunted due to war criminal Israeli blockade) – horrendous realities nears-completely ignored by the ABC (see "Palestinian Genocide": https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/ and the recent book with numerous eminent co-authors edited by Professor William Cook, “The Plight of the Palestinians. A long history of destruction”: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/4047-the-plight-of-the-palestinians.html ).

The ABC variously largely or completely ignores the crimes of Apartheid Israel against Australians that are traitorously abetted by Australian Ben Zygier-style traitorous Zionists and morally complicit Australian pro-Zionists, notably the shooting, tasering, kidnapping, robbing and false imprisonment of Australians on several Gaza flotilla boats; the bombing of 25,000 Australian citizens in Lebanon in 2006 by the Apartheid Israeli Luftwaffe; the horrendous war crimes (theft, civilian targeting, mass murder and other gross human rights abuses ) committed against the families of Arab Australians; the most likely continuing mass forging of Australian passports for terrorist purposes; the subversion of Australian politicians, parties, journalists and institutions by Zionist traitors; the reality that the 2010 Coup against Australian PM Kevin Rudd was a US-approved, foreign corporation-backed and pro-Zionist-led Coup (see Antony Loewenstein, “Does the Zionist Lobby have blood on its hands in Australia?": http://antonyloewenstein.com/2010/07/02/does-the-zionist-lobby-have-blood-on-its-hands-in-australia/ ; Gideon Polya, “Pro-Zionist-led coup ousts Australian PM Rudd”, MWC News: http://mwcnews.net/focus/politics/3488-pro-zionist-led-coup.html ; and “I've been to Israel too”, Middle East Reality Check: http://middleeastrealitycheck.blogspot.com.au/2009/03/ive-been-to-israel-too.html ); and the likelihood of many other criminal abuses being committed against Australia (for a comprehensive list sent to media, MPs and the Australia Federal Police see Gideon Polya, “50 ways racist Zionists (RZs) and Israeli state terrorism (IST) threaten Australia and your country too”, Bellaciao: http://bellaciao.org/en/spip.php?article19618 and Gideon Polya, “Racist Zionism and Israeli State Terrorism threats to Australia and Humanity”, Palestinian Genocide: https://sites.google.com/site/palestiniangenocide/racist-zionism-and-israeli ).

There is a further horrendous dimension to this Zionist perversion of Australia. The 21st century Zionist-backed US War on Terror has been associated with violent deaths and deaths from war-imposed deprivation in Iraq and Afghanistan totaling 2.7 million and 5.6 million, respectively, deaths that are overwhelmingly ignored by Neocon American and Zionist Imperialist-perverted Mainstream media, including the ABC. Economics Nobel Laureate Professor Joseph Stiglitz (82-Nobel-Laureate Columbia University) and Professor Linda Bilmes (75-Nobel-Laureate Harvard University), co-authors of "The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict." , have estimated an accrual cost of up to $6 trillion for the US War on Terror (see “The true cost of the Iraq war: 3 trillion and beyond”, Washington Post, 5 September 2010: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/09/03/AR2010090302200.html and “Linda Bilmes on U.S. engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan: "The most expensive wars in US history", Harvard Kennedy School, 28 March 2013: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/news-events/news/articles/bilmes-iraq-afghan-war-cost-wp : ”: http://www.hks.harvard.edu/news-events/news/articles/bilmes-iraq-afghan-war-cost-wp ) and the accrual cost of the War on Terror for Australia has been $125 billion - immoral, profligate and deadly financial commitments that are linked to annual preventable deaths totaling 1 million (the US) and 66,000 (Australia) i.e. American and Australian preventable deaths since 2001 totalling 12 million and 0.8 million, respectively (see Gideon Polya, “Endless War on Terror. Huge cost for Australia & America ”, MWC News, 14 October 2012: http://mwcnews.net/focus/analysis/22149-endless-war-on-terror.html ).

A Zionist-perverted and Zionist-subverted ABC resolutely looks the other way, lying by omission while simultaneously applying egregious censorship and defamation against anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish Australians speaking out on such matters. And this cowardly and dishonest denial occurs despite the words of outstanding Jewish American scholar Professor Jared Diamond who in his best-selling book "Collapse” (Prologue, p10, Penguin edition) enunciated the "moral principle, namely that it is morally wrong for one people to dispossess, subjugate, or exterminate another people", and the words of Australia’s first Australian-born Governor General, anti-racist Jewish Australian Sir Isaac Isaacs (1946): “The honour of Jews throughout the world demands the renunciation of political Zionism” (see “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ ).

Much-loved and highly respected writer and ABC journalist Terry Lane made the following acutely relevant observations: “I have said publicly that I will never write or speak on the subject of Israel or Palestine ever again. Here is why: The Zionist lobby in this country is malicious, implacable, mendacious and dangerous. They have caused me a great deal of lost sleep – and in the end my insomnia has not contributed anything to the resolution of the conflict over Palestine. I might as well keep my mouth shut and get some sleep. What’s more, once the expression “anti-Semite” hits the air, or, heaven forfend, the sacred formula “six million” is uttered, then I know from bitter experience that there is not one manager or editor in the country who will defend an underling. We are thrown to the jackals. In the end the truly tolerant have no defence against intolerance. I surrender. To the Zionists I say: you win. To the Palestinians: forgive my cowardice” (Terry Lane quoted in “Zionism and the press in Australia: two views”, Journal of Historical Review: http://vho.org/GB/Journals/JHR/13/3/LaneAdams15.html and “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ ).

The following letter re egregious censorship and defamation of anti-racist critics of democracy-by-genocide Apartheid Israel by the pro-Zionist ABC and by the SBS-backed, universities-funded, academic-based, pro-Zionist Australian web magazine The Conversation has been sent to Australian media and MPs and is being sent to numerous ABC sections. There is evidently within the ABC a spectrum of people ranging from those actively involved in censorship, lying by omission and lying by commission that damage the Australian national interest (while advancing the interests of Apartheid Israel and the US) to those too cowardly to do anything about this entrenched, pro-Zionist, Ben Zygier-style betrayal of Australia and Humanity. Silence is complicity. Evil happens when good men do nothing.

START LETTER. Dear Sir/Madam,

For all anti-racist humanitarians, and anti-racist Jews in particular, the core moral message from holocaust and genocide atrocities is to speak out against all human rights abuse.

However the taxpayer-funded ABC and the SBS-linked, universities-funded web magazine The Conversation have appalling records of sidelining, blocking, and censoring such anti-racist humanitarian reportage critical of Israeli and US Alliance human rights abuses.

In contrast, the ABC and The Conversation have been very active in supporting the false defamation by Labor of the Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott, as revealed by searches for the terms “mad monk” (102 and 21 results, respectively) and “misogynist’ (378 and 100 results, respectively), while searches for the key humanitarian parameters “under-5 deaths” and “under-5 infant deaths” reveal zero (0) reportage by both media except for comments by Dr Gideon Polya.

Apprised of outrageous censorship and false defamation applied to anti-racist Jewish opinion in particular, the pro-Zionist Gillard Labor Government has been silent. Informed by humanitarians like outstanding anti-racist Jewish Australian and resolute anti-Zionist Sir Isaac Isaacs, decent Australians will demand judicial inquiries and targeted budget cuts for the ABC and backers of The Conversation, and will put Labor last until it reverts to decent values.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya (contact details).

PS. For details of this egregious censorship see “Censorship by ABC Saturday Extra”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/censorship-by-abc-sat , “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbyabclatenightlive/ and “Censorship by The Conversation”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/censorship-by . Below are examples of outstanding anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers and leaders whose quoted views in support of Palestinian human rights have been censored out by the pro-Zionist ABC and by the pro-Zionist The Conversation.

Professor Peter Singer, Miriam Margolyes, Professor Eva Cox, Professor Dennis Altman, Professor Andrew Benjamin, Sara Dowse, Professor GJ Lindell, Susan Varga, Antony Loewenstein, Professor David SG Goodman, Professor John Docker, Jean McClean, Dr Peter Slezak, Dr Tony Balint, Dr Ron Witton, Dr Ned Curthoys, Dr Rick Kuhn, Dr. Tamas Pataki, Russell Bancroft, Alice Beauchamp, Toni Beauchamp, Wendy Crew, Bronwyn Dahlstrom, Nicole Erlich, Marshall Harris, David Hermolin, Sylvie Leber, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Stefan Moore, Martin Munz, Dr Gideon Polya, Vivienne Porzsolt, Joe Rich, Margot Salom, Rene Tsukasov, and Nic Witton (anti-racist Jewish Australians);

Helen Bamber OBE, Prof Zygmunt Bauman, Sir Geoffrey Bindman, Rex Bloomstein, Sir Anthony Caro, Prof Stan Cohen, Jenny Diski, Moris Farhi MBE, Bella Freud, Stephen Fry, Prof Eric Hobsbawm, Dr Julian Huppert MP, Prof Mary Kaldor, Nicolas Kent, Beeban Kidron, Baroness Oona King, Prof Francesca Klug OBE, Mike Leigh, Miriam Margolyes OBE, Mike Marqusee, Dr Jonathan Miller, Rabbi Jeffrey Newman, Sophie Okonedo OBE, Prof Susie Orbach, Prof Jacqueline Rose FBA, Mike Rosen, Rabbi Elizabeth Tikvah Sarah, Alexei Sayle, Prof Lynne Segal, Will Self, Sir Antony Sher, Prof Avi Shlaim FBA, Gillian Slovo, Sir Tom Stoppard, Dame Janet Suzman and Zoë Wanamaker CBE (eminent anti-racist Jewish Britons);

Uri Avnery, John Berger, William Blum, Noam Chomsky, Richard Falk, Jeff Halper, Naomi Klein, Stephen Lendman, Ilan Pappe, Harold Pinter, Adi Ophir, Tanya Reinhart, and Howard Zinn (more famous anti-racist Jews); and

Tariq Ali , Rev. Allan Boesak, Professor Francis Boyle, Pat Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, Kathleen Christison, Bill Christison, Jonathan Cook, Ed Corrigan, Brian Eno, PM Tayyip Erdogan, Sophie Fiennes, Eduardo Galeano, George Galloway MP, Mahatma Gandhi, Allan Hart, Julia Irwin MP, Sonja Karkar, Conor Kelly, Terry Lane, Martin Linton MP, Mairead Maguire, Gabran Majdalany, Nelson Mandela. Cardinal Renato Martino, Cynthia McKinney, Vanessa Redgrave, Senator Lee Rhiannon, Arundhati Roy, Rabee Sahyoun, Jose Saramago, Ahdad Soueif, Elia Suleiman, Baroness Jennifer Tonge, Rev Desmond Tutu, Gore Vidal, Alice Walker, David Ward MP and Dr Vacy Vlazna (variously famous anti-racist non-Jewish writers and leaders) (for details and more see “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/nonjewsagainstracistzionism/ and “Jews Against Racist Zionism”: https://sites.google.com/site/jewsagainstracistzionism/ ). END LETTER.


This Open Letter to the taxpayer-funded ABC (Australia’s equivalent of the UK BBC) sets out the appalling human cost of the Palestinian Genocide, the Zionist-backed post-1990 US War on Muslims and the post-2001 Zionist-backed US War on Terror. L:ike other Australian and Western Mainstream media, the taxpayer-funded pro-Zionist ABC and the SBS-backed, universities-funded, academic-based, pro-Zionist Australian web magazine The Conversation have resolutely censored anti-racist Jews and non-Jews protesting such human rights abuses and have coupled such censorship and self-censorship with egregious, unretracted defamation. The ABC, SBS and The Conversation are not alone in such conduct (e.g. see “Censorship by the BBC”: https://sites.google.com/site/censorshipbythebbc/ , “Mainstream Media Censorship”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammediacensorship/ and “Mainstream Media Lying”: https://sites.google.com/site/mainstreammedialying/ ) but must be particularly condemned for betrayal of their taxpayer funders as well as of truth. Australia, and Humanity. Decent people should (a) inform everyone they can and (b) urge peaceful boycotting and sanctions against all of those associated with commission and censorship of horrendous human rights abuses. Peace is the only way but silence kills and silence is complicity.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Gideon Polya, Melbourne, Australia.

On 13 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Asia-Pacific Financial Forum”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/apec-financial-forum/4626164 . My comments were CENSORED:

Direct conversion between Australian dollars and Chinese yuan is welcome news – perhaps the beginning of the end for the US dollar and murderous US hegemony in Asia from Palestine to Korea (38 million Asian deaths from violence or war-imposed deprivation in post-1950 US Asian wars, in all of which US lackey Australia participated (Google “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” now available for free perusal on the web).

On 13 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “A new way of thinking about economics”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-new-way-of-thinking-about-economics/4626040 . My comments were CENSORED:

Excellent interview with Robert Johnson with powerful , correct assertions e.g. “gluttonous use fo energy in the United States” , “[Big Banks[ too big to prosecute”, Big Banks spending $600 million annually on lobbying protection of e.g. the $35 billion of annual hedge-fund profits. Rational governance for general societal benefit is precluded by replacement of Democracy in the West by Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money purchases politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and political power. For a humane alternative to the current corrupt, inhumane and Gadarene neoliberalism see Professor Brain Ellis’ book “Social Humanism” (Google “Review Social Humanism”).


On 13 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “A new way of thinking about economics”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/a-new-way-of-thinking-about-economics/4626040 . My comments were CENSORED:

Humane, honest, educated Australians are well aware of the Japanese rape of China in 1937-1945 involving 40 million killed, 100 million refugees, devastation of infrastructure and all with the help of Australian pig iron courtesy of pro-fascist , and pro-militarist Robert “Pig-iron Bob” Menzies. Indeed Australian workers tried to block pig-iron exports to Japan. Read outstanding, anti-racist Jewish American writer I.F. Stone’s “The Secret History of the Korean War” for how Chiang Kai-Shek (“Cash my check”) profited from the Korean war and betrayed China to the genocidal US (30% of the North Korean population was killed by US bombing and huge numbers of Chinese soldiers died)). 30 million Chinese died in the Great leap Forward under US-led sanctions. Japanese PM Abe denies the comfort women abuses and the Rape of Nanjing (see “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950”, now available for free perusal on the web).

On 13 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “The workforce of the future”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/future-workforce/4597680 . My comments were CENSORED:

The Awful Truth is the huge lack of numeracy and functional literacy in look-the-other–way Australia. Thus it is estimated that 47% of Australians are functionally illiterate. Dr Donald Meyers in his book “Australian Universities. A portrait of decline” (Google “Review Australian Universities. A portrait of decline”) says that about half of first year university science entrants for a Queensland university cannot add fractions or solve simple equations with one unknown (e.g. 2x = 20). 80% of Northern Territory Indigenous children fail to reach basic numeracy and literacy and are massively excluded from basic employment (Google “Educational Apartheid”).

On 13 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Arts round-up”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/arts-roundup/4620578 . My comments were CENSORED:

On-line Art is dandy but not mentioned is PM Julia Gillard’s devastation of the art market by changes t the superannuation laws (see ABC TV The Business, “Super investors abandon art. Changes to superannuation laws have led to art investors selling up, leading to plunging sales for galleries and artists”).

On 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Superannuation”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/superannuation/4611476 . My following comments were CENSORED:

“The Gillard Labor proposal (1) violates another Gillard promise, specifically that to not interfere with superannuation, (2) has a significant element of retrospective taxation and the Cyprus solution about it, (3) unfairly ignores other retirement savings schemes (e.g. principal abode, negative gearing, the Cayman Islands etc9, and , of cours3, (4) pro-Zionist Labor enthusiasm for investing our $1.4 trillion in super in a democracy-by-genocide, nuclear terrorist, theft, ethnic cleansing- and mendacity-based Apartheid rogue state (Google “Threat to Australian superannuation funds from pro-Zionist Labor”).”

On 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Indonesia series: social cohesion”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/indonesia-series/4597564 . My following comments were CENSORED:

“Horrible, religiously-motivated violence now seem under control in democratic Indonesia whereas the US- and Australia-backed Suharto dictatorship was associated with the killing of 1 million progressive and Chinese Indonesians in 1965, the killing of 10,000 Indonesian Christians by religious fanatics and the avoidable death of 33 million Indonesians from corruption-imposed deprivation (Google “Mass murderer Suharto dead. US-backed dictator killed millions”).”

On 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Political postcard from Queensland”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/political-postcard/4609392 . My following comments were CENSORED:

“From a global rather than a parochial perspective, extreme right wing, anti-science, greed-driven Gadarene Queensland – named after a genocidal , opium-pushing monarch who presided over genocide on 5 continents and the avoidable deaths of 500 million Indians in the period 1837-1901 – is hell-bent on the destruction of the Great Barrier Reef via coal and gas exports, the destruction of aquifers, forests and prime agricultural land via Coal Seam Gas, and a worsening climate genocide in which 10 billion people are set to perish this century due to unaddressed, man-made climate change (Google “2011 climate change course” and see my book “Body Count. Global avoidable mortality since 1950” and “Jane Austen and the Black Hole of British History”, both now available for free perusal on the web).”

On 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Goma talks: Australia and Asia – is creative mateship possible?” ”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/goma-talks/4595380 . My following comments were CENSORED:

“Our largest Asian neighbour is Muslim Indonesia yet Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian Wars (38 million deaths from violence and violently-imposed deprivation), in the post-1990, Zionist-backed War on Muslims (12 million such deaths since 1990, with half being of CHILDREN), in the arbitrary cessation of centuries old Indonesian-Aboriginal family and trading links in 1901, the genocidal Suharto regime (33 million Indonesian avoidable deaths from corruption-imposed deprivation plus horrendous slaughter of Indonesian progressives, Indonesian Chinese, Indonesian Christians and East Timorese) , and , of course, in the racist White Australia Policy and its appalling successor that now discriminates against Indonesians, South Asians indeed most Asians wishing to visit Australia. Australia should day sorry and stop doing it.”

A further comment was also CENSORED:

"Some Central Europeans held that "Asia begins" East of Vienna" , arguably true until the late 17th century/ Now East of the Bosphorus" is appropriate today. Australia kicked off the Palestinian Genocide (2 million Palestinian deaths from violence or violently-imposed deprivation since 1936, 7 million refugees) with the horrendous Surafend Massacre in 1918. At the other end of Asia, Australia participated in the WW2 Bengali Holocaust (6-7 million Indians killed) and the Korean War in which US bombing killed 30% of the North Korean population. Australia has been destroying Asian lives on a huge scale. The Afghan Genocide (5.6 million dead, over 50% infants) continues under childless, warmonger PM Julia Gillard (Google "Afghan Holocaust Afghan Genocide" and "Australia's secret genocide history" and read William Blum's best-selling book "Rogue State").

This further comment was also CENSORED by the politically correct racist (PC racist), pro-Zionist, Neocon American- and Zioist- Imperialist-subverted ABC which is evidently locked into the worst censorship of anti-racist Jewish opinion since the Nazi Germany in the 1930s:

How is creative matesahip possible for Australia and the Asians it has been killing - and continues to kill via war, sanctions, and support for US Alliance mass murderers - from Palestine to Koreas. Australia has been involved in all post-1950 US Asian Wars (38 million deaths from violence or from war-imposed deprivation . However some decent, anti-racist Jewish Australians have spoken out, denouncing and renouncjng the genocidal racism of the Apartheid Israeli "Law of Return"("We are Jews from Australia,,, We renounce this "right' to "return" offered to us by Israeli law"), specifically Professor Peter Singer, Miriam Margolyes, Professor Eva Cox, Professor Dennis Altman, Professor Andrew Benjamin, Sara Dowse, Professor GJ Lindell, Susan Varga, Antony Loewenstein, Professor David SG Goodman, Professor John Docker, Jean McClean, Dr Peter Slezak, Dr Tony Balint, Dr Ron Witton, Dr Ned Curthoys, Dr Rick Kuhn, Dr. Tamas Pataki, Russell Bancroft, Alice Beauchamp, Toni Beauchamp,Wendy Crew, Bronwyn Dahlstrom, Nicole Erlich, Marshall Harris, David Hermolin, Sylvie Leber, Jeffrey Loewenstein, Stefan Moore, Martin Munz, Vivienne Porzsolt, Joe Rich, Margot Salom, Rene Tsukasov, and Nic Witton.

This further post was also CENSORED by the pro-Zionist and flagrantly anti-Semitic ABC that is evidently locked in to censoring anti-racist Jews:

:3 carefully researched posts re Australian crimes in Asia from Palestine to Korea were censored by an evidently pro-Zionist and pro-US ABC.

In addition to numerous anti-racist Jews speaking out about horrendous, Australia-ignored Apartheid Israeli crimes against the Palestinians (Google "Jews Against Racist Zionist") , a large number of non-Jewish writers and leaders around the world have also spoken out for the human rights of Palestinian (Google "Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism") e.g.

Tariq Ali , Rev. Allan Boesak, Professor Francis Boyle, Pat Buchanan, Jimmy Carter, Kathleen Christison, Bill Christison, Jonathan Cook, Ed Corrigan, Brian Eno, PM Tayyip Erdogan, Sophie Fiennes, Eduardo Galeano, George Galloway MP, Mahatma Gandhi, Allan Hart, Julia Irwin MP, Sonja Karkar, Conor Kelly, Terry Lane, Martin Linton MP, Mairead Maguire, Gabran Majdalany, Nelson Mandela. Cardinal Renato Martino, Cynthia McKinney, Vanessa Redgrave, Senator Lee Rhiannon, Arundhati Roy, Rabee Sahyoun, Jose Saramago, Ahdad Soueif, Elia Suleiman, Baroness Jennifer Tonge, Rev Desmond Tutu, Gore Vidal, Alice Walker, David Ward MP and Dr Vacy Vlazna.

On 6 April 2013 Saturday Extra re “Kangaroo”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/ . My following comments were CENSORED:

“Utterly ignored are the Elephant in the Room realities that unlike Humanity- and Biosphere-threatening cattle, kangaroos emit very little of the greenhouse gas (GHG) methane (CH4), lean kangaroo meat is preferred to fatty beef, and kangaroos don’t damage Australian ecosystems (Google “2011 climate change course”). Ban beef and eat lead-free Skippy if you must.”

On 31 March 2013 Saturday Extra re “New Eureka democracy museum”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/made-ballarat/4584626 . My following comments were CENSORED by the ABC:

“Democracy in Australia has been subverted to Murdochracy, Lobbyocracy and Corporatocracy in which Big Money buys politicians, parties, policies, public perception of reality and hence political power. Corporatism is achieved by Mainstream media censorship as exhibited here on Saturday Extra by the ABC (for details Google “Censorship by ABC Late Night Live”). According to outstanding , anti-racist Jewish American commentator Stephen Lendman: “Readers, viewers and listeners are systematically betrayed. They’re lied to” (Google Mainstream Media Lying”).

On 30 March 2013 Saturday Extra re “Mark Carnegie speaks out”: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/saturdayextra/mark-carnegie-speaks/4599022 . My following comments were CENSORED by the ABC:

“Mark Carnegie may well be right that Labor will not be in office “for the next two terms”. Of the 42 members of PM Julia Gillard’s latest Ministry, only ONE, Melissa Parke, Freemantle, WA, has publicly supported recognition of Palestinian statehood i.e. support for one-man-one-vote and self-determination that should be the sine qua non for ANY decent MP in a democracy i.e. they are morally unfit to rule (Google :Easter, betrayal & Palestinian Genocide”). Similarly, under pro-Zionist Labor, Woodside, (of which Gillard supporter and Minister Gary Gray was a former executive) has taken a $0.7 billion 30% stake in the L:eviathan gasfield off the Palestinian, Israeli and Lebanese coasts. No doubt that war criminal and climate criminal Apartheid Israel will ignore Palestinian rights referred to as the ongoing “Palestinian Genocide”: by outstanding, anti-racist Jewish writers and scholars Ilan Pappe, Richard Falk, Jeff Halper, Adi Ophir, Stephen Lendman, Tanya Reinhart and Uri Avnery (Google "The Plight of the Palestinians").”

My further comments in response to another poster were also CENSORED;

“The assertion that ”The Carbon Crap is a hoax” is an ignorant, intemperate, abusive and incorrect assertion at variance with the overwhelming global scientific consensus (for education on the climate crisis Googl;e “2011 climate change course”).

Australian foreign investment in Woodside’s $0.7 billion 30% stake in the Eastern Mediterranean gas field development makes Australia and ther Gillard Labor Government in particular complicit in Apartheid Israel’s ongoing Palestinian Genocide.

Thus in 2006 the following anti-racist Jewish and non-Jewish writers signed an Open Letter protesting Apartheid Israel’s ““long-term long-term military, economic and geographic practice whose political aim is nothing less than the liquidation of the Palestinian nation”:: Tariq Ali , Eduardo Galeano, Arundhati Roy, Joes Saramogo, (anti-racist non-Jews) and John Berger, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, Harold Pinter, and Howard Zinn (anti-racist Jews) (Google “Jews Against Racist Zionism” and “Non-Jews Against Racist Zionism”).

Investment in racism, bigotry, theft, mendacity, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and genocide is utterly unethical.

War is the penultimate in racism and genocide the ultimate in racism. It is very powerful to quote expert opinion. Thus eminent physicist Stephen Hawking on the key existential threats facing Humanity (2018): “We see great peril if governments and societies do not take action now to render nuclear weapons obsolete and to prevent further climate change” (Stephen Hawking, “Brief Answers to the Big Questions”, John Murray, 2018, Chapter 7). Most of the following websites alphabetically list expert opinions in 4 inter-connected key areas, namely “Reverse climate change”, “Stop lying and censorship”, “End war and genocide”, and “Free Palestine”, Everyone is invited to make use of this substantial resource and to feel free to disseminate this list to everyone they can.


“1% on 1%: one percent annual wealth tax on One Percenters”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/1-on-1 .

“2 degrees C”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2-degrees-c .

“100% renewable energy by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/100renewableenergyby2020/ .

“300 ppm CO2 ASAP: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-ppm-co2-asap .

“2011 climate change course”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/2011-climate-change-course .

“300.org”: . https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org .

“300.org climate crisis glossary”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/300-org-climate-crisis

“300.org – return atmosphere CO2 to 300 ppm CO2”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/300-org---return-atmosphere-co2-to-300-ppm .

“Are we doomed?”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/are-we-doomed .

“Banyule Climate Action Now”: https://sites.google.com/site/banyuleclimateactionnow/ .

“Biofuel Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/biofuelgenocide/ .

“Carbon Debt Carbon Credit”: https://sites.google.com/site/carbondebtcarboncredit/ .

“Climate crisis articles”: https://sites.google.com/site/climatecrisisarticles/home .

“Climate Genocide”: https://sites.google.com/site/climategenocide/ .

“Climate Justice & Intergenerational Equity”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-justice .

"Climate Revolution Now": https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/climate-revolution .

“Cut carbon emissions 80% by 2020”: https://sites.google.com/site/cutcarbonemissions80by2020/ .

“Divest from fossil fuels”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/divest-from-fossil-fuels .

“Eco-socialism, green socialism”: https://sites.google.com/site/ecosocialismgreensocialism/

“Gas is not clean energy”: https://sites.google.com/site/gasisnotcleanenergy/ .

“Methane bomb threat”: https://sites.google.com/site/methanebombthreat/ .

“Nuclear weapons ban, end poverty & reverse climate change”: https://sites.google.com/site/300orgsite/nuclear-weapons-ban .

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