Korg NTS-1 mk II

First version of a Korg nts-1 mk2 synth editor librarian. Tested only for 1.2 firmware.

Ctrlr Editor (mac os Ctrlr v5.3.0 on a M1 mac) tested on CtrlrX v5.6.30.2 but some bugs due to float <->double<->int conversions for modulators limits ...

Not tested on Windows, sorry

1st rough version (code is awfull but works ...) full use of cc (double bytes) and nrpn of the NTS-1 mkII, full sysex use for Programs, user Units, ...

As I do not know how to package a panel for CTRTL here are : the panel and the resource for buttons (taken from OB-Xd virtual synth by discoDSP I think)


At launch

Screen at start : show ALL possible modulators đŸ˜€

Set MIDI in & out as shown, channel is not important

Need to make some config -> PARAMS


Set "MIDI channel used" to the Channel of your NTS then "LOAD" then set at least:

Back to MAIN


Now sync the Panel with your device with:

The panel is now in sync with the synth.

You can adjust at will all modulators in real time on the panel or the NTS-1

Load a Program by double-click on right filelist

SAVE save the current program in a file 


The sequencer is not modified in real time :

PUT can be used to save the Program name in the NTS-1


Self explanatory ...

You can manage units (Delete, Infos) on the disk (right filelist) or the NTS-1 (middle)

Load to NTS-1 by double-click on filelist or SAVE to NTS (and choose file)


Some tools to get some infos on unit or program (from the right filelist)

SH-101 like oscillator

PWM only modulated MANually or LFO, ENV not working (API limitation)

OscUnit Source code 

When Filter is thru, the signal is distorted ... I do not know why ...