Congratulations To Keelhaul Steckman and Team Renaissance!

Post date: Jan 31, 2010 11:59:2 PM

The sweet victory of Toby's Run #2 belongs to them! Swift and skillful sailing is surely to blame.

Bottle 'O Rum Thomas was close at his heels in the foot race. We are grateful no ambulance was necessary following his sprint (barely). It was to no avail, as Dave coolly finished his Dr. Pepper as Bottle O' Rum burst through the door of Toby's.

Although the Dread Pirate Buys, his Rock Stars, Capt' Mitch, and his Short Bus Sailors didn't engage in the foot race, we congratulate them for a well-fought race. Had the BMW-Oracle trimaran team accepted our challenge, they would have been observing the sterns of Magic Juan and Genny for sure.

A hearty welcome is extended to our newest Viking members, Ben Sabin and Darci McKinley.