Becoming A Viking

Becoming a Viking is a simple manner: be actively engaged in the club by racing as either skipper or crew and be listed on our membership roster (email All types of sailing vessels are welcome, as truly the more the merrier. We do reserve the right to refuse club membership or vessel participation in a race, but do not anticipate this ever happening, as sailors tend to be among the most responsible, brilliant, charming, and good-looking people on earth. They also tend to be vast contributors to society. Ask any of us. We value the experience of being a Viking as priceless, and as such, there are no monetary fees.

Our membership dues consist of:

  • paying respect to each other, as well as respecting the Captain's authority on his or her boat

  • investing time and effort to become better sailors

  • contributing of yourself, in the way of your unique skills and wonderful personality

  • gaining experience, namely by participating in Viking races

*Good deeds, like bringing a tasty beverage, bottle of rum, or plate of cookies to the boat will not be overlooked.