Julius Caesar Timeline

Quintillis 13, 100 BC -- The birth of Julius Caesar (interestingly enough, Quintillis' was change to "July" in honor of Caesar)

84 BC -- Gets hitched (Cornelia)

80-78 BC -- Goes to Asia Minor (Turkey)

75 BC -- Captured by Pirates

73 BC -- Hits the big time, being elected Pontifex Maximus of the Church of Rome

69 BC -- Cornelia kicks bucket

67 BC -- Gets hitched again (Pompela)

65 BC -- Elected Aedile

62 BC -- Bona Dea Scandal (divorces Pompela)

61 BC -- Becomes Governor of Spain (conquers it's northwest region)

60 BC -- Becomes Consul and forms the Triumvirate

59 BC -- Gets hitched... again (Calpurnia)

58-49 BC -- Becomes a war hero as he cracks sculls throughout Europe (is incredibly brutal)

49 BC -- Crosses the Rubicon River, instigating the Roman Civil War (it was punishable by death for any Roman officer to march into Rome with his army... it was taken as a threat to those who were in power)

49-45 BC -- Roman Civil War

48 BC -- While pursuing Civil War enemies through Egypt, Caesar begins an affair with Egyptian Queen Cleopatra.

45 BC -- Becomes Roman Dictator (prior to this, officials were elected democratically)

March 15, 44 BC -- Assassinated by members of his own Senate (Et tu, Brute?)

Adapted from: 

"A Timeline of the Life of Julius Caesar" San Jose State University.  Accessed: http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/caesarjulius.htm on 8/31/2012.