Values regarding Childbirth, Maternity Care, and Women's Rights [A1]

119. Overall, how satisfied are you with the health care, including other than maternity health care and public health care service, you have received?(C)


120. Do you agree that women should use epidurals for labor pain? Or, do you think that a woman should go through labor and delivery without pain medication? (A)


121. Do you think that giving birth is a process that should not be interfered with by utilizing medical tests or interventions unless medically necessary? (D)


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Giving birth is a process that should not be interfered with unless medically necessary.

122. If you were pregnant in the future, had no medical indications, and could decide for yourself, how likely would you be to want to have an epidural for labor? (B)


123. If you were pregnant in the future, had no medical indication, and could decide for yourself, how likely would you be to want to have a cesarean section? (C)

If you were pregnant in the future, had no medical reasons for a cesarean, and could decide for yourself, how likely would you be to want to have your next baby by cesarean section?

124. How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement? If a woman who had a previous cesarean wants to have a vaginal birth, she should have the opportunity to do so.(D)

帝王切開を受けたことのある女性が 、次の妊娠・出産では普通分娩を希望する場合、やってみるチャンスが与えられるべきだと思いますか?(D)

If a woman who had a previous cesarean wants to have a vaginal birth, she should have the opportunity to do so

125. Do you think that medical labor induction is always able to bring on labor?(A)


How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements concerning medical induction of labor, that is, using drugs or other methods to try to cause labor to begin? About one induction in four fails to bring on labor

126. Do you think that drugs used to induce labor increase the chance of the woman and baby's distress?(B)

陣痛誘発・促進剤を使うと 赤ちゃんにストレスがかかる確率が高くなると思いますか?(B)

How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements concerning medical induction of labor, that is, using drugs or other methods to try to cause labor to begin? Drugs used to induce labor increase the chance of the baby's distress

127. Do you believe bed-sharing, nursing in bed, and co-sleeping are dangerous?(C)
