First Month After Birth [5]

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109. Do you and your husband or partner share the daily care for your child equally, or does one of you provide more of your child's daily care?(B)


110. Since the birth of your baby, how often are the following types of support available from your husband or partner?


a. Emotional, such as listening to my concerns and giving good advice

a. 情緒面でのサポート(心配事を聴く、良いアドバイスなど)

b. Practical, such as helping me get things done or get needed information

b. 実用面でのサポート(家事や用事を済ませる、必要な情報を得るなど)

c. Affectionate, such as showing me affection and helping me feel wanted

c. 愛情面でのサポート(愛情を示す、求められているという実感をくれるなど)

d. Enjoyment, such as having fun or relaxing together

d. 楽しみの面でのサポート(一緒に楽しむ、リラックスするなど)

111. Since the birth of your baby, how often are the following types of support available from other people you know (not your husband or partner)?


a. Emotional, such as listening to my concerns and giving good advice

a. 情緒面でのサポート(心配事を聴く、良いアドバイスなど)

Note: The U.S. sample included support from husband/partner if they had, while Japanese sample excluded them.

b. Practical, such as helping me get things done or get needed information

b. 実用面でのサポート(家事や用事を済ませる、必要な情報を得るなど)

Note: The U.S. sample included support from husband/partner if they had, while Japanese sample excluded them.

c. Affectionate, such as showing me affection and helping me feel wanted

c. 愛情面でのサポート(愛情を示す、求められているという実感をくれるなど)

Note: The U.S. sample included support from husband/partner if they had, while Japanese sample excluded them.

d. Enjoyment, such as having fun or relaxing together

d. 楽しみの面でのサポート(一緒に楽しむ、リラックスするなど)

Note: The U.S. sample included support from husband/partner if they had, while Japanese sample excluded them.

112. Do you have any women you feel close with around you who listen to you and support you?


If yes, who is/are she/they? Please select all that apply.


113. Do you have people/institutions that are likely to take care of your baby whenever you or your partner wishes it? Please select all that apply.
