Preliminary Reports


Mothers’ Voices Japan ~ A Japanese version of “Listening to MothersR” surveys ~


This survey questionnaire is a Japanese translation of the U.S. "Listening to MothersR" by Childbirth Connection ( No additional reproduction may be made, whether in whole or in part, without prior written authorization.

Pretesting Survey A: From Pregnancy & Childbirth, Through One Month Postpartum

Link to Research Methodology

Pretesting Survey B: Postpartum, Child Care, and Employment

Link to Research Methodology

Japan-U.S. Comparisons

What do the A~D at the end of some questions stand for??

Some of the questions were asked of only 1/4 of the participants in order to decrease response burden. The four groups (A-D) were randomly assigned to each 1/4 of the participants, and correspondent questionnaires were distributed at recruitment.