During Pregnancy [1]


BMI categorization


b. …just before giving birth?

b. 出産をする直前


c. …now (after birth)?



BMI categorization


18. Did your provider recommend a specific amount of weight increase? (B)


19. Did you drink alcohol during this pregnancy?(A)


20. Did you smoke during this pregnancy? (D)


21. Did someone often smoke around you during this pregnancy, such as at your home or work place? (passive smoking) (D)

今回の妊娠中、家庭や職場など、日常的にあなたの近くでたばこを吸う人がいましたか?(受動喫煙とよばるものです) (D)

22. Thinking about this pregnancy, did you receive infertility treatment to be able to become pregnant?


Thinking about this pregnancy, did you receive special medical help from a doctor or clinic to be able to become pregnant?

23. As best as you can recall, how many weeks pregnant were you when you learned that you were pregnant?


24. As best as you can recall, how many weeks pregnant were you when you had your first prenatal visit?


25. How did you choose your maternity hospital/clinic for prenatal care? Please select up to 3 of the factors that were most important when deciding on your choice of care.


26. Did you meet with one or more possible maternity hospitals/clinics (OB/GY or nurse-midwife) to learn about them before settling on your final choice?(B)


27. If you gave birth at a different institution than the one you visited for prenatal care, how did you choose your birth place (maternity care provider)? Please select up to 3 of the most important factors in making your choice.


28. Were you able to make a quick decision when choosing where to give birth?(D)


29. When did you register to give birth at your hospital/clinic?(A)


30. Who was most directly involved with providing your prenatal care?


Once you became pregnant, which type of caregiver was most directly involved with providing your prenatal care?

31. Did you have prenatal visit(s) by a nurse-midwife in the hospital/clinic instead of an obstetrician?(C)


32. During your pregnancy, did…? (If you did satogaeri (return to your mother's town to give birth), please answer about the time you were having prenatal visits before leaving for satogaeri.)


During your pregnancy, did…? You always or almost always see the same person for your prenatal care? Two or more different people take the lead in providing your prenatal care?

33. How many prenatal check-ups did you have? Please count the record in the handbook (Mother & Child Health Handbook record that each pregnant woman receives). Please recollect the number of your visits that are not written in the handbook. Please count regular visits only. If not sure, please give us your best estimate.


# of visits that are written in the handbook


# of visits that are not written in the handbook


34. How far did you have to travel (one way) to your prenatal visits? Please give your best estimate.


a. Transportation

a. 交通手段

b. Time

b. 時間

c. Distance

c. 道のり

35. On average, how long was the…?(A)


a. …waiting time at  your prenatal visits?

a. 待ち時間

b. …length of time you saw your health care providers? 

b. 実際に診療を受けた時間の長さ

36. During your prenatal visits, did your caregivers provide an atmosphere in which you felt they would listen to your feelings and concerns when needed?


37. During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers ask you if you experienced physical or verbal abuse during pregnancy?(C)


During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers ask you if you ..? Experienced physical or verbal abuse during pregnancy

38. During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers ask you if you were experiencing feelings of depression?(D)


During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers ask you if you ..? Were experiencing feelings of depression

39. During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers talk with you about the signs and symptoms of premature labor (such as persistent contractions or vaginal bleeding)?(A)


During your prenatal visits, did any of your caregivers talk with you about the signs and symptoms of premature labor?

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