After Childbirth [1]

Note*: The Japanese sample (N=130) included both vaginal and CS, while the U.S. sample included vaginal only.

b. Numbness at cesarean incision site

b. 帝王切開の傷の麻痺

Note: The Japanese sample (N=130) included both vaginal and CS, while the U.S. sample included CS only.

c. Itching at cesarean incision

c. 帝王切開の傷のかゆみ

Note: The Japanese sample (N=130) included both vaginal and CS, while the U.S. sample included CS only.

d. Sore nipples/Breast tenderness

d. 乳首・乳房の痛み

e. Other breastfeeding problems (such as latching or milk supply)

e. 母乳育児上の他の問題(吸いつき、母乳の出など)

f. Heavy bleeding

f. 出血(悪露)が異常に多い

g. Urinary problems (such as loss of bladder control or difficulty urinating)

g. おしっこの問題 (尿もれ、おしっこが出にくいなど)

h. Bowel problem

h. 便秘などお通じの問題


i. 痔

j. Physical exhaustion

j. 体の疲れ

k. Feelings of depression

k. 気分が沈んだ

l. Feeling stressed

l. ストレスを感じた

m. Backache

m. 腰痛

n. Frequent headache

n. 頻繁な頭痛

o. Lack of sexual desire

o. 性欲がなくなった

p. Painful intercourse

p. セックスの時の痛み

q. Weight control

q. 体重のコントロール

r. High blood pressure

r. 高血圧

s. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

s. 腱鞘炎(けんしょうえん)

16.  In the first one month after birth, how much did pain interfere with your routine activities?
