After Childbirth [4]

b. Had something that you cannot remember about your childbirth

b. 自分のお産について思い出せない部分がある

24. During the past two weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following?


a. Little interest or pleasure in doing things

a. 物事に対してほとんど興味がない、または楽しめない

b. Feeling down, depressed or hopeless

b. 気分が落ち込む、憂うつになる、または絶望的な気持ちになる

25.  Results of short version of Postpartum Depression Screening Scale (PDSS) by Cheryl Beck, which was licensed and used in this survey; contact Western Psychological Services for exact language of this proprietary screening tool.

a. Experienced sleep disturbance

b. Felt anxious about baby

c. Had sifting emotions/Emotional lability

d. Had mental confusion

e. Experienced loss of sense of self

f. Felt guilty about mothering behavior

g. Had suicidal thoughts

26.  Thinking about the past two weeks, how well do you think you are doing with each of the following?


a. Getting enough exercise

a. 十分な運動をしていますか?

b. Eating a healthy diet

b. 健康的な食生活を送っていますか?

c. Managing stress

c. ストレスに対処できていますか?

d. Getting enough sleep

d. 十分な睡眠をとっていますか?

27.  Since giving birth, have you consulted a health care or mental health professional (for example, either your maternity or primary caregivers, a social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist) with concerns about your emotional or mental well-being?


28.  In the firt six months after your baby was born, how many home visits or phone calls from a health care worker did you or your baby receive?


a. Medical provider (community health nurses, registered nurses, nurse-midwives, doctors)

a. 医療者(保健師・助産師・看護師・医師など)による家庭訪問

b. Maternal and child health officers and nursery staff

b. 母子保健推進員や保育士による訪問

c. Phone call by medical provider or other workers

c. 医療者、母子保健推進員、保育士などによる電話

d. Other home visitors

d. その他

29.  Which are your sources for information about children and parenting? Please select all that apply.


Which is your most important source of information about children and parenting?


First-time mothers

Experienced Mothers

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