Cesarean Delivery

77. Was the cesarean planned, that is, was the decision made before you went into labor, or was it unplanned?


Was the cesarean planned, that is, was the decision made before you went into labor, or was it unplanned?

78. What was the main reason for the cesarean? Choose the reason that best applies to your situation.


What was the main reason for the cesarean? Choose the reason that best applies to your situation.

79. Whose idea was it for you to have a cesarean? Please select the choice that best describes whose idea it was.


Whose idea was it for you to have a cesarean? Please select the choice that best describes whose idea it was.

Note: There were no Japanese women who had a primary CS without a medical reason. There were three U.S. women who had a primary CS without a medical reason, including one woman who chose entirely on her own volition.

80. Did you go through an informed consent process before you had a cesarean section?


If yes, please tell us about the informed consent process.


a. When was the process done?

a. いつおこなわれましたか?

b. For whom was the informed consent process provided?

b. 誰におこなわれましたか?

c. Was the information provided clear?

c. 説明はわかりやすかったですか?

d. Was the amount of the information provided sufficient?

d. 説明の量は十分でしたか?

e. After provided with the explanation, how did you feel? 

e. 説明を聞いて、あなたはどう感じましたか?

f. When you signed the form, how did you feel?

f. 同意書にサインをした場合、あなたはどう感じましたか?

81. Were you allowed to have an accompanying person, such as your husband/partner, in the OR?


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