cosplay - Makimachi Misao


- Rurouni Kenshin / 浪客剑心 - 



但是我却Cos了卷丁 操姑娘,一半是因为当时我不敢Cos男性角色。 对自己也没什么信心,而且是我的第一次,没钱找裁缝,唯有自己动手缝制。

第一次自己裁衣服,脑袋里只有几年前上KH课时所学到的基本裁缝学识, 唯有自己慢慢的碰订,慢慢的学习,慢慢的一改再改,直到自己满意为止。


但是她看到我如此认真,也开始帮我缝制了一小部分 ^^ , 第一天的装束还不完整,当天晚上就再接再厉把它完成~

My FIRST Cosplay!!

During that time I was into Rurouni Kenshin series, I was really in love with Kenshin, but I choosed to Cosplay Makimachi Misao instead due to I was not confident in Cross-playing a character of opposite gender. And I just graduated from secondary school and newly stepped into working world, my financial was very limited, hence did not have the budget to go to tailor.

I used all my knowledge had Iearnt in KH (Kemahiran Hidup) class during school days, trial and error until the costume shaped into what I want and fit my size.

Eventho couldn't complete the costume for Day 1 event, I did not giva up, continue to complete the costumer after Day 1 event.

I'm glad my mother, who did not really support my choice on school subject, my life direction etc, showed a strong support in my Cosplay debut, she even attended the event with me on Day 1, I LOVE YOU MOM!!

第一次出席Cosplay大会,完全什么都不会,根本像个傻子在发呆 =.=;;

摆Pose时竟然乱动,破坏了整体效果 *被k扁*

当时很开心认识了一班新朋友,开始跟他们打起交道,第一天结识,第二天就疯在一起 ^___^

当时我母亲还陪我一起去出席大会,让她看看我在干什么也是应该的吧~~ ^^

第二天我的男朋友陪同出席,用传统相机拍了些照片,哪知却被洗相的把整卷相底曝光掉!! *哭都没有眼泪*

卷丁 操,很多我的人生第一次都是从"她"开始呀~ ^^



会有翻新这个角色也是因为大家都很开心要庆祝COMIC FIESTA十周年纪念。

Revised costumer on the 10th years.

Finnally got a wig for Misao, re-made the whole costume. Decided to re-make this cosplay due to all oldies were excited to celebrate the 10th annivesary of COMIC FIESTA.



After N years, Japan came out with the live action moive in 2015, we were so excited about it and decided to make a cosplay to the movie premiere, also had planned multiple photoshoot on it