event COMIC FIESTA 2006


- Sri Sedaya, Subang -


Had cosplaying as Rukia in day 1, Purple Yukata & her Shinigami

This year we gather a big group for this cosplay, & the 2 guys we aim so long had finally debuted their cosplay too - Ichigo & Renji *hugs*

And we also have a Yoruichi, actually had requested Urahara to stand by for more photo with Yoruichi, but due to Urahara was extremely busy and Yoruichi was so shy...I can't find their couple photo anywhere '___'

when we first arrived Yoruichi hasn't ready with her tattoo, and my friend Kitty drives her to another place for the tattoo touch up, and the Zabimaru IS in Kitty's car...poor Renji end up roaming randomly in the hall without his Zanpakutou during the opening XD

and we were so hungry until can faint in anytime soon, when we see Kitty was back we like see God!! XD then I changed into Shinigami then we went out for lunch together and had a short photoshoot session outside


Day 2 had debuted my long-wanted-to-cosplay character, Duo Maxwell & Himura Kenshin

In the morning I was preparing my stuff and get ready with my costume, make-up everything had done, only Kitty called up said need to go somewhere to get something =.=;;

Have no choice, I went with them in my full costume, luckily Duo's outfit not really attracts attention XD but still have people staring when we walk pass them =.=;;

and out of my expectation a lot people recognized this cosplay, kena catched for photo taking ^^;;

And the costume also feel better than the day I trying at tailors house, just I don't really sit down except during eating time. My friend was kind enough to lend me his gun last minute *hugs Fallen*

around 5PM I changed into Himura Kenshin (manga version), then went out with Kitty for a break, coz she was so tired and exhausted. While we were outside there was a cosplay chess competition going on in the event hall. When we back from the break I met my Singapore friend and we had accompany each other in chit-chatting for quite some time, until another friend came and disturb me ~.~

And I, still consider as a Comm member, I stayed until they cleared everything from the hall, then Kitty fetched me back to rest...

Now, Comic Fiesta 2006 officially over.