cosplay - Edward Elric

EDWARD ELRIC / 爱德华・艾力克

- Fullmetal Alchemist / 钢之炼金术师 -

This Cosplay has a long long story, I'd planned for few years but couldn't find proper material for the Automail, so I put this Cosplay aside since year 2005.

I bought a Cosmode from Kinokuniya and there is Automail tutorial inside, but before I have the chance to use that tutorial I lent it to my friend and it never come back...I mean the book.

The whole costume were made by 2 tailors, I'm not satisfied with the 1st costume because the material used was not suitable, the most accurate was the red coat. I bought the clock from an Anime retail shop.



2005年在Kinokuniya购买了一本Cosmode,里面有Automail的制作教学,但是还来不及用就被朋友"拐"走了,到现在都还没有归还 O.o


炼金术师的怀表是在1U的漫画店购买的.鞋子是大会一个星期前在Petaling Street购买的


Here are some self-take photo of his casual black shirt version, I didn't do the bandage part coz I was lazy...Orz

I debut this Cosplay in Singapore Cosfest and some of my friend thought I'm not yet ready...another Orz...


这个版本,必须是还有追看漫画的读者才知道...已经有很多人在大会问我"干吗还不换衣服?" =A=

袖子方面...会尽量想办法... =.=;;


现在是担心裤子有问题...因为布料的问题 *昏~~*

接下来是一个额外外景 / This is an extra photoshoot on (30/11/2008)


I had this idea from a doujin by [IDEA]

For whoever familiar with Doujin world they should know the Artist, I love her drawing and how she brings out the whole story and her own creation of the 'characteristic'.

(::P/S:: I'm NOT BL or Yaoi hardcore fans, I just like her drawings)



(在此先声明我不是BL @ YAOI hardcore/ fans,我只是纯粹喜欢他们的画 =.=)


Photo together with 1 of the Photographer

这是我跟其中一位摄影师的合照,也因为我们都有cosplay =)


一张我是喜欢风吹的感觉,一张是close up,另外一张可以看到整体效果而且pose也比较难男生

咬着项链的设定是我自己要求的,也因为cos了那么多年也没有尝试过...所以,决定尝试,唯一的一张,却是整组照片里大家最喜爱的一张 XD;;

冒牌小红帽...开玩笑的 =.=

一些heavy edited的照片

**以上外景根本就是完全OOC ( Out of Character)的


Photoshoot on 23rd May 2010

This Cosplay was inspired by IDEA aka Houseki Hime Doujin circle.

I love their art an d stories.

Below photo set was taken by Clow, Hani Suraya and Nightcat82

Mogi for video recording


9gems as Alphonse Elric

MisaoHoh as Edward Elric

Original series : Fullmetal Alchemist

Concept / inspired by IDEA

在槟城的外拍 (19th July 2009)

Roy Mustang : Lastwaltz - Edward Elric : MisaoHoh

森巴拉的征服者 (Conqueror of Shambala)

Briggs 冬装


最终没有办法之下选择了这橘红色,很离谱的偏差 *哭死*


Sleeveless verssion

This version has issue on the zip, where the zip is much stiff than the fabric, it will cause the black shirt kinda of puff up, indirectly I have boobs again after I wore chest binder, HAHAHAHAHHAA *Edward has boobs, Oops!*

接下来的是深色大衣版本 (Debuted : Comic Fiesta 2009)


Short photoshoot done at an event

Finally I have my brother! Alphonse!!

Some of my photo have been taken and put into video by the fans of the character

Click here to Youtube Link