event COMIC FIESTA 2019



This was the year before Covid-19 Pandemic started. Long before we stucked in it.

This year I rented a hotel room and had it all for myself, hence I had plenty of ME TIME in the hotel room.

Maybe due to my busy work life I don't even have time for TV or any new ACG series, I enjoyed my stay in hotel room marathon MOVIES while I still rushing for my costume and props.

The day before Day 1, Tenkawa aka Vance and I had a high class yumcha session at Starbucks, and bump into Mat Sabu, and a quite funny scene occured for us. We were sitting at table that facing the entrance, and Mat Sabu and his bodyguard were walking toward us, we were like "omg, what should we do? We have to shake his hand?? Oh wait I want to sip my coffee" XDD

After yumcha, we had a tour in the event hall and witnessed the setup. Seriously, that was long long long time ago when I was involved in event setting up, missed those days.

This shot looks like an official photo, haha!! But I forgot to take 1 for myself =(

Day 1 was still alright as I re-used my old costume.

Day 2 I was planning to stay longer in hotel room and take my own sweet time to prepare my props, but Mandy was looking for us as she also very busy due to her family, so, I sped up and left the room asap (ok, with my prop put on up-side-down lol). But in the end still missed the timing to meet her. But managed to take photo with Tenkawa and Meow.

Around evening rush back to hotel and changed for dinner, grabbed the opportunity to had dinner with the oldies at Avenue K, DM Jewelle, Jin, Shereen, Sring Angel (OK, my memory is getting bad in remembering names), and the table next to us was Sizer and Masako gang, ahahha.

I'm glad Comic Fiesta had expended so much within these years, although I no longer involve in the committee, still, bravo!

Day , re-use old costume.